THE YPBILANTI DAILY PRESS. YPBILANTI. MICH., MONDAY, APRIL 28. 1941 PAGE FOUR THE BIRD WHO MADE TWO KILLED IN ACCIDENTS HUNDRED PLANES IN PLIGHT The YpsilantiDaily Press Observations Your Health THE SUN COME UP! Saginaw, Mich., Apr. 28—In Sag- Lansing, Apr. 28—AP— Ken inaw County, two men were killed Morey, Adrian, leader of Michigan’s matter be Patients Better Off Entered a* second-claas mall Italy Seems to to accidents late Saturday. The "Dawn Patrol,” said anew attend- Office. Ypallanti. Mich. at Post as Much Conquered Not to Know if Blood victims were William Strelt, 65. record was act here today GEORGE C. HANDY. Publlahar. ance bv Nazis as France Pressure is High Mt. Clemens, driver of a car In- when 100 planes from 23 citlea terms subscription volved In the first accident on the or Clelidening M D. landed at Capital City Airport In per week. In city.... 15c By Charles P. Stewart Bv 1-niran Dixie Highway, and Joseph Turner, Dally, the of the sea- Daily, one year In Ypallantl with high (0, St. Charles, killed when hla car patrol's first flight con- Very few patients trading zone, comprizing ITALY Is about aa much any collided near Swan Creek, with one son. The previous high was 74 dur- as Is, blood pressure have sytap- Washtenaw County, and quered by Germany Francs acci- driven by Lester Isom. 23, Owosso. ing a 1940 atop at Ann Arbor. reports torns. It is usually discovered western portion ot Wayne according to confidential life insurance receives from the Fas- dentally, either on a County |3.00 Washington examination a routine exam- Maybe more so, some or Six Months 11.75 cist realm. ination of some kind and. in most Three Months |I.UO accounts say. Dally, per year, outside Y'psi- That Is, Mar- Dr. Clendening will answer lantl trading zone $5.00 shal retain questions of general interest Independent of politics, and t is only, and then only through published dally except Sunday, 8 "" e f ' 1 '' his column. with an aim toward serving the Important Facts About Y'psilanti and best Interests of Fuehrer Hitler instances it would be kinder to the Y'psilanti Trading Territory. wants to Telephones' the pstit.it if the doctor said noth- dO, anil k 8 a 470, 471 ing about it. Knowledge that Business Office i , away with It—- high pressure Editorial Rooms 59 U person has blood is The Board of Commerce at lie has simply a cause of worry about MEMBER OF K thus far. Dure which there is very little to be (Series t) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS M done. The Associated Press is entitled HL pears, is 100 per use of nil ¦ however, which to the for republlcatlon Ah cent bosaed One symptom, news dispatches credited to It or JH is likely to occur in high blood not otherwise credited In this paper Heinrich from Berlin. pressure headache. This hyper- and also, the local news published Italy, to be is right! of republlcatlon of Himmler headache is of peculiar herein All sure, Isn't occu- tensive a special dispatches herein are also kind. In the first place, it occur* reserved. by German troops, as a large pied when the blood pressure is the Do you know that: Is. is to MEMBER MICHIGAN part of France Italy said lowest, which at night. Patient* league however, is ok home dailies be occupied, by Adolf's are frequently wakened with the National Advertising Representative This secret police aggre- Schaerer and Cos. Gestapo. headache and spend a restlesa Lexington Ave., New York gation, under Herr Himmler's di- night morning when they Your Board of Commerce is an organization 415 Chicago until ii E. Wacker Drive. rection, isn't as obvious as uni- begin to get up and move around formed troops are, in Paris and of citizens and clvld leaden who by their MONDAY. APRIL 28. 1941 and the headache disappears. It thereabouts, but apparently It’s of observation that is a matter planning accomplish GOOD MEMORY just as effecUve. and perhaps Its blood pressure is lowest in the careful and hard work (mixed an No longer need you fear those snooping with occa- middle of the night, during sleep. sional rumored quiet assassination) many worthwhile things in the community when you try These headaches puzzled doc- distressing moments is even more aggravating than an tors for some time and a group of which most people think juat happen. to remember the name of - a vainly above board domination by some you them have recently found in- acquaintance or explain why frankly military outfit. Don’t take for Is to teresting facts about them. They just us granted. Let us forgot to mail a letter. Pretty authoritative dope out by wondering whether Italians generally started Howard B. Smith, Chicago ele- the effect that aleep had anything to do with it—- have your active support fully realize what the real situa- principal, has a cure sleep itself. There was some idea mentary school tion Is and don’t like It a bit In- memories—a cure that that poisons accumulate in the for faulty deed, reliable-looking reporta Indi- body during sleep and this may with a for an anyone can master, he says, cate that they're aa ripe have operated to produce the head- if little practice. anti-German revolt, they thought ache, but there was no very tan- would ’em any as the "Most people use only 10 per cent it do good, gible evidence of this nothing vanquished Poles undoubtedly are, of their memory capacities,” he that anybody could work out to or the Scandinavians or the Low help it. explained, "because they fail to ob- Countries or, probably, the French. Use of Pillows The Board of Commerce serve the laws of psychology. How Benito feels can only be Association, the sillier the better, guessed at. The guessing, though, Then one day a patient, who be- “You’ll like Ypsilanti, Where Commerce Is the greatest feature in recalling Is that he's as sore as anybody longed to this group, told her doc- names end facta. Silliness makes else. But what can he do? tor that she found if she slept on and Education Meet” more vivid, and vivid- associations Puppet? three or four pillows, with her ness Is the first essential of a good Mussolini a head elevated, she did not have her memory.” It seems he's well aware that he nightly headache and this, for Asks Perkins Ouster Smith has developed his theory holds his duce - ship only upon some reason or other, has been Today aa a hobby and often amazes as Adolf's sufferance, that Adolf’s ex- found to work. It was the posture Pick of the Air many as 125 ot .bis pupils at Dale tremely tired of his bungling, that and not the condition of aleep Carnegie Institute, where he teach- leaves him on the job be- he only which induced the headache. Just St. es at night, by remembering their it be poor Axis psy- National Broadcasting Company B:oo—Basin Swing*; cause would exactly the explanation is network, - what —Red WLW 700. WWJ Sen. names after hearing them once. chology to supplant him just now, it 9:30 —Radio Forum. H. F. psychology of has not yet been worked out, but 950, WTAM 1100, WMAQ 670; Blue "The association and that he’d go Into the discard probably has something to do with Byrd on "The Tax Problem". can be applied to the dullest thlngß at that, unless network, WXYZ 1270, WLW 700: flpMßUjgf iKgg In short order, even the shifting of the entire mass of MBS—6:ls —Here's Morgan; in the world,” Smith says. "A list he's strictly good, from Adolf's WGN 720. catalogued blood when a change is made from Broadcasting Company 7:oo—Amazing Mr. Smith; of jobs may be In your standpoint Columbia mind, 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6 with associating the erect to the recumbent poii- —WJR 7*o. WBBM 780, WCKY 9:3')—Melody Pageant. Webbt- ~”s||§ Besides, Benito has his home •' will you tion. Perhaps some engorgement 1530. WFBM 12*0, WGAR 1480, ..e-ear- ideas that help remember. folk to reckon with. — example, today 1 have to of the veins inside the skull also WBNS 1460, WDOD 1310; Blue Tueaday 'Tor evidently knows that, de- Chicago board. He has something to do with it network, WOWO 1190. THE WAR—CBS 7, 8 a. m., 2:55, A f \ a ¦write to speakera spite censorship, Italy's widely vs Give your home I’ll 'pore' over the letter. Pore his Whatever the explanation, it re- Mutual Broadcaating Company 5:45 p. m.; NBC 7 am., 12:45 Informed as to the hash he made i.etwork, WLW 700; Blue p. m.; NBC-Blue 7:55. 9 a. m, rhyme* with four, so I'll let the let- mains as a matter of practical —Red « we of African and Albanian-Greek 800; p. m Red 4 his network. WLW 700, CKLW 3:55. 5:45 ; NBC 8 s. : ter be No. treatment that the procedure 7% W -. "Five for hive. I must remind x campaigns, so long as he was run- works and people with nocturnal WGN 720. m., 5:25 p. m.; MBS 9, 10 a. m.. I friend that -he is to judge a contest ning ’em Independently. Lately, hypertensive headaches are made 1. 4 p. m. at 9:30 In the morning This friend with Germans helping him, the more comfortable and grateful by Tonight NBC-Red—l2:3o—Frankie Master later.) likes to sleep late.
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