CASS 5940 DODGE '36 De Lux* Trk Mdao Radio

CASS 5940 DODGE '36 De Lux* Trk Mdao Radio

PART 2. PAGE 12 DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY 8800) Sunday, February 16, 1941 Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale jlzi ¦>; -' j"v ' Hi Dawson’s WHILE FRED FORD’S WTW79 810 SALE W« 11. Deyo Trade-In Bargains THEY BARGAINS V three floors of cars Coupe These are not rough cars Headquarters Chsvrolst Sod. $147 roE D E lXE SALE LAST used as leader* but ’37 Town 1935 $149 h ?o ur£ thoroughly '37 Dodgo Do Luxs Sodan 193 Bl*«*h mohair; rebuilt motor; heater, de- W Drastic price reduc- $7 Down reconditioned frueter. license; only down; trade '4l automobile*. ’37 Buiek Do Lnxo Sodan 267 1910 Jr tions for quick sale of f 1937 SJ99 j Drives It Away Mercurys *37 Plym’th Town Sodan 223 Jet hlach, mohair trim; heater, defroster; j Nothing Left Undone PONTIACS \ reconditioned. Just your old car d »wn ail our Better /BUICKS selection | PONTIAC—I94I De I nxe i mipe. 8- | ’37 Pontiacs. big 239 Cars '35 Pontiac Coape $ 87 Paaa. Radio, heater, w.s. Save 1.180 1938 $329 Used on thta one. small down payment, ’39 Pontiao Sodan 349 on. owner; gun metal srar; h*au'>; lika I balance sf.bws SEDAAS I new; extraa. $39 down or '34 Ford Fordor 57 1940 24 month*. I I ’39 Ford Sodan 249 I trade. Coupe $739 '37 Graham 4-Door 157 MIRd mV—l94l De l.uxa 2D nor '4O Bvick Club Radio, heater, w.s. tlrea: never been 1939 $489 T All body styles Sodan pats, one owner car: radio, heater • w. * '36 Ford udor 57 licensed or titled. Mil Small '39 Oodgo Do Luxo 397 8 mile*. tlr***;your old car '37 Buck 4 Dr. Sedan.... 239 down pa>ntent, balance 21 months. down '35 Ford Tudor 57 Radio, heaters ’3B Buiok Sodan 349 ™“, ,PE 77 FORD—I94O De Luxe Tudor. Radio, \*527/ 1939 $299 ; Pontiac Coach 229 '36 Tord Tudor heater, w.s. Urea; low mileage; very \r." '37 V569/ '4O Zephyr 4*Dr. Sodan. 749 Original hlach fsetory finish: rln»i» mm. St *4l fUI»> clean. S4O down, balance . ? aqc your KICK—HA '33 2-Door .. 47 Slashed reconditioned. Juat car down Dod?r 24 montha . '37 Packard small '6' 219 '34 Pontiac 2-Door Trk... 57 FORD DF. LUXE M to uve Coupt Torpedo ’4l D« Soto Custom Ssdan 1939 $379 BV IC K—lo4o De I 4-Dr. Trunk '4l Chsvrolst 5-Pass. ’4l Pontiac Je* w w Chevrolet 4-Dr. Trk . 177 Super Torpedo body. ft-PA«S. COCPE FLUID DRIVE black radio bra'*r. teal '36 Serle*. 6.400 HPeriAL nr i.uxe Only down, trade '39 Buick, a bargain 395 actual mllea; heater and defroaters. SAVE ENOHMOt SLY SAVE ENORMOI SLY RAVE ENORMOISLY snappy. 149 2-Door .... 127 '35 Chevrolet SMH down, balance C*7QC 1940 'SSySSSS 1 '3B Hudson Club Coupe.... 243 '34 Coupe 47 24 montha ...... .. V* vO ’4l Oldsmobilo Sodan $459 Ford Convt. Dodgt Coups Washlßftoa Blue, mohair trim heater de- '4l Mercury Coupe NAVE ENORMOUSLY ’4l 5-Pass. Buick Coach, guaranteed 329 '36 Terraplane 137 ‘745 C HFVROI.FT—I94O 5-Door Trunk. SAVE ENOEMOI ALT RAVE ENORMOUSLY froster; 12.164 mile*. Your old car d*»wTi '3B Heatrr. very clean; one owner; low '36 Plymouth 2-Door .... 137 down, mileage. 860 down, balance ’4O Oldtmobilos 1940 $629 Buick Sedan 187 U bal. 18 months / O '4l Pontiac Sodanotto NEVER LICENSED OR TITLED ’4l Mareury Sodan '36 24 montha * SA\E ENORMOUSLY Como blue: custom bmadetoth trim; radio, RADIO and heater SAVE ENORMOUSLY SAVE ENORMOUSLY heater; 9 SAti milea; $'J9 down, trade WE TRADE MERC FRY-1930 Club Coupe. ft.Paaa. romn L - M CPK Radio, heater, w.a. tlrea, two spot - IQdfi v CAOO First Pay’t. 60 Days We Our OPERA BEAT ' lighta. $65 down, balance 10 Days’ Driving Trial—Optional Exchange Recommend GMQC Jet Mach; mohair; ia« beater. 12.260 ’4l Plates Figured onl 18 montha miles; perfect; your old car down. Every Deal. 17600 Livernois 150 MORE TO CHOOHE FROM Demonstrate, FORD Big Trad* Allowanca Reconditioned —Guaranteed We j LARGE TRADE AI.MIWAME MOTOR SALES CO. On Your Old Car NO FINANCE COST PLAN—4) VF-THIRD DOWN—It PAVMENTB ON BALANCE—PAYABLE SEMI-MONTHLY W E CARRY NOTES OURSELVES I'l l Mill TH—l94b De l.uxe 2-Door. W. 11. HE VO Tudor, $169 DODGES w.a. very '37 Ford clean Heater, tlrea; clean. SAO 2 YEARS OR MORE OX VXPAID RALAXCE IF DESiRED FORD—MERCIRY—LINCOLN 1939 and 1940 14570 down, balance 24 4*4QC 7111 Woodward '4O Ford De Lue 489 . % t HEVROI.ET—I94O Special De Luxe '3B Pontiac Sedan ..$349 ’37 Ford Tudor 50d..5129 ’39 Chryslar Sodans .$477 '443 Mercury Convertible ... 679 Opera Coupes, 2-Door Trunk. Radio, heatrr. Really radio and heater Woodward a clean one. >65 down, 4*CdC '39 Buick Sedan 389 ’35 Hudson Sodan ... 49 ’4O Chryslors on salo. 597 SPECIAL Sedans, Coaches balance 24 month^^^^^^.. FULL FRIC* i 379 ’39 Do Luxo Sod. ’4O Dodgos on 527 For.p I '36 Chevrolet Coach 129 ai <oi.ok*. f.vf.rv fah —19.H8 Trunk. '39 Chav. Town Sedan Ford 379 salo.. •33 DR ’ X* TUPOI $ owe< (.1 my DODGE De l.uxe 2-Door RI M# FI.KIH T ARANTFED PERFECT DODGE -1938. must sell 2-door trunk Radio, heater; unuaually clean. SSO •33 CHEVROLET I». L. 2 HOOR TR A# • heater, DoSotos 597 See I Before 4on Ru>. *edan. has low mileage. radi<\ down, balance 18 ro jr '39 Olds Opera Coups 469 ’39 Plym. Do L. Sodan 379 ’4O on salo.. •32 70RD R 4 . 49 slip cover* uphol. as car spotless entire is. month* . •36 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR TOURING.. 09 '35 Pontiac Coach 89 .... $345. rail t'N 1-7764 17184 Washburn '35 Pontiac Sedan .. 87 ’4O Plymouth! 437 ’36 Nash Sedan 116 •32 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR 3* Olds, TAYLOR’S, Inc. DODGE 35. good condition Inside and CURS SI.ER—I93B Royal 2-Dr. Trunk, •37 dodge 4 door touring. 179 '36 clean 195 out. lota of g M»d miles you can apprec- t-ully equipped. A ateal. $49 fl*olQ SAVE MOXEY ’39 DoSotos, big soloc. 467 SAVE MOXEY 34 FORD FOR DOR 2D RADIO AND HF. ATIR Dodge-Plymouth Dealers iate flap terms 1524 CjMilff down, *32 OLDS 2 DOOR 3.V halanc^^^nonttui CHEVROLET LUXE 4 DOOR. 1940 opera spare coupe ( •3.6 DE W Plymouth 15800 DODGE radio. WILMS—I944I De l ove pe. Heater, 4 36] ’39 Sedan 349 Livernois UN. 1-9851 heater, high maroon finish; very gallon. '3l BUICK DOOR luster low mileage; .35 mile* to a JOE MAY low mileage, onlv $499. $49 dn , trade $49 down, balance tf'OQQ - - '37 Plymouth Sedan 229 24 m«mtha .. .. 890,% W OO L W AR D Dodge '37 De Luxe 4-Dr. Trunk 4100 WOODWARD 5940 CASS 5940 DODGE '36 de lux* trk MdAO radio. heater spotless; 96-day guar hurrv. 1936 TUDOR Sama Lecatien 10 Yaara FROM .. DRIVE MX. ~FORD We Carry Your Notes Ourselves $265 onlv $145. trade. S2O cash. Maxwell Gratiot | THREE FLOORS OF CARS TO CHOOSE flew, Co . *214 Gratiot. Original finish and upholstery like NASH—I93B Luxe 4-Door Trunk. We luxe trunk, one I>e OCRS ELYES AXD SAVE YOC MOXEY. $135 ij as Down guar. 30 da\s in writing sell for le*f. DODGE —*34 de 4-door 6 ryl. Radio, heatrr, overdrive, WE CARRY XOTES As Low 10% job. price, >SO owner; very clean $149 full down, balance 18 Finish snd uphci**ery very dean good tires $29 dowm; 90-day guarantee C9QC and mr*tr>r We #ei» for less Immediate Delivery HALL-DODDS months .. NASH—I939 De Luxe 4-Door Trunk. IOE3QC=3 9550 LIVERNOIS 7777 Woodward Heater; unuaually clean. >SO tf* FEBRUARY SPECIALS g=3ot3ol HALL-DODDS down, FULL PRICE jjiiiHiHoiuiiiiiimoiiiiiiiniiiaiiiiiiimiicv •3* , radio, 9550 LIVERNOIS heater, beautiful condition; SB3 dn; Cheap Packard 4-dr sed htr 1179 E Dodge 1939 2-Dr. Tour. Sedan OLDS—I937 Dflera Seat C nape. 6 ryl. '35 Chev do luxe 2-dr, black 73 i 4 l Q heated show room 6115 Mack jewel. down, Terraplane 139 2 Just the rar you've been looking for. 2 Heater. A >ls 4JOQC 36 4-door sedan all colors, all have radio# hea’er* ss 3520 DODOES'B 1936 two to rhooee from 4 balance 18 ’36 Chevrolet do luxe town sedan 164 SPECIALS! low aa $75 down. 21 months on balance bargain Transportation Radio, heater; a at 2 doors. 2-doors. In good running condition; monlh^^^^^^.. '34 Pontiac 4-door sedan, heater .... 49 6**. finance ? . Opera ’35 Ford Four-Door . $45 radio, heater, tax. '4l plates, full price PLY MOCTH—I94O l>e Luxe IF CASH ’34 Ford tudor . .. 39 Dunlavy A Lawrence 9900 Livernois 73 dowm seat ( oupe. Heater, really clean. >75 SOLD FOR 37 Graham 4-door trunk 163 *34 50 $191.75. s3l Ft LL PRICE Coach.. manv extra* W $465 —$65 down, balance 24 ’34 Bulck 4-door trunk 6.3 FORD ‘4f» tudor $442 WOODWARD Down I Plymouth ... VAN-KEMP, RtCOC 1935 KURD TCOOR >50.00 O '35 Coach 90 $42 V) a , | INC. 29 Ford tudor . 20 down trade-in wines. months FORI) 45.00 nri_ed OLDS DEALER 7999 MICHIGAN : 1934 SLOAN are shape '36 Ford Coupe 120 _ 16 o’hers to choo#e from.

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