Index I CONTENTS AQuick Reference Parts Guide vi-vii Trailing Arms, Springs, Shock Absorbers 50 Bushes, Buffers & Fittings 50 POWER UNIT Externai Engine 1-2 Prop Shaft 50 Internal Engine 3-4 Cyiinder Head 5-6 TR4A (Soiid Rear Axle model) 51 Oil Filtration 6 Springs, Shock Absorbers, Rubber Components etc. 51 Bushes, Buffers & Fittings, Prop Shaft 51 MANIFOLDS Inlet & Exhaust Manifolds 7-8 BRAKES Master Cyiinders & Fittings 52 COOLING SYSTEM Thermostats, Water Pumps, Fan Belts, etc. 9 Front Brakes; Drums, Cyiinders, Discs, Caiipers, etc. 53 Radiators, Ducts, Fans, etc. 10 Rear Brakes; Drums, Cylinders, adjusters, Springs 54 TR2/3/3A, TR4 Handbrake Components 55 EXHAUST SYSTEMS TR2/3/3A, TR4 Exhaust & Fittings 11,12 TR4A Handbrake Components 56 Stainless Steel Systems 12 TR2/3/3A, TR4 Brake Pipes & Fittings 57 TR4A Exhaust & Fittings 13 TR4A, Brake Pipes & Fittings, Fluids 58 FUEL SYSTEM Emission Control 14 ELECTRICAL Dynamo & Fittings 59 Accelerator Pedals 14 Starter Motors & Fittings 60 TR2/3/3A Petrol System, Tanks, Pumps, Pipes, etc. 15 Ignition Components 61,62 TR4/4A Petrol System, Tanks, Pumps, Pipes, etc. 16 Wiper; Motors, Blades, Arms, Washers, etc. 63,64 TR2 Carburetter, H4 type SU 17,18 TR2/3/3A Misce.i!aneous Electrics 65 TR3/3A, TR4 Carburetter, H6 type SU 19,20 T~4/4A Miscellaneous Electrics 66 TR4/4A Carburetter, Zenith Stromberg 21,22 Electrical Fittings 67 TR4A Carburetter, HS6 type SU 23, 24 Battery, Fittings & Cables 67 Carburetter Technical. Tips 25 Wiring Looms 68 Heaters & Fittings, Hoses, Switches, 69 CLUTCH Ciutch Covers, Piates & Bearings 26 Master Cyiinder, Mountings & Pedals 26 INSTRUMENTS TR2/3/3A Instruments, Cables, Switches & Knobs 69,70 Clutch Hydrauiics 27,28 & SWITCHES TR4/4A Instruments, Cables, Switches & Knobs 71,72 GEARBOX External Components 29, 30 LAMPS Headlamps & Fittings 73 & OVERDRIVE Internai Components; 3 Synchromesh 31 TR2/3/3A Front, Side & Flasher Lamps 74 Internal Components; 4 Synchromesh 32 TR2/3/3A Tail Lamps 74 Overdrive & Overdrive Electrical Components 33,34 TR3/3A Rear Flasher Lamps 74 TR2/3/3A Stop & Number Piate Lamps '15 FRONT SUSPENSION TR2/3/3A, TR4 35-37 TR4/4A Side Lamps, Side Flasher Lamps 75 Fuicrum Pins, Ball Joints, Bushes, etc. 35 TR4/4A Front Flasher Lamps 76 Stub Axle, Hubs, Springs, Shock Absorber, Trunnions 36 TR4/4A Stop & Tail Lamp, Number Plate Lamps 76 Anti Roll Bar, Suspension Improvements 37 CHASSIS TR2/3/3A Chassis & Body Mounting Sets 77 ROAD WHEELS Wheels, Wheel Tools, Wheel Trim 38 TR4 Chassis & Body Mounting Sets 78 TR4A Chassis & Body Mounting Sets 79 FRONT SUSPENSION TR4A 39,40 Fulcrum Pin, Ball Joints, Hubs, Bushes, etc. 39 WIRE WHEELS Tech Tips on Condition & Balancing 80 Trunnions, Springs, Shock Absorbers 40 Anti Roll Bar, Suspension Improvements 40 TR2/3/3A BODY Front Body Panels 81,82 Rear Body Paneis 83,84 STEERING TR2/3/3A 41,42 Front Body Fittings 85,86 Steering Wheels 41 Rear Body Fittings 87,88 Steering Column & Cams, Steering Worms 41 Doors 89 Steering Linkages 42 SIdescreens & Windscreen 90 Tie Rods 42 Hardtop 91 Fascia Panel 92 TR4/4A 43,44 Steering Wheels 43 TR4/4A BODY Front Body Panels 93, 94 Column Cowl, Labels & Fittings 43 Rear Body Panels 95,96 Steering Column, Tie Rods, etc. 44 Front Body Fittings 97,98 Horn Push Assembly 44 Rear Body Fittings 99, 100 Rack Mounting Kit 44 Doors 101,102 Rack & Pinion Assembiies 44 Windscreen 103 Hard Top & Surrey Top Conversion 104 DIFFERENTIAL TR2/3/3A, TR4/4A Soiid Rear Axle 45, 46 Fascia Panel 105,106 & REAR AXLE Lockheed type, Crown Wheel & Pinion, 45,46 Gears, Bearings, Seais, etc. 46 HARDWARE Nuts, Bolts, Screws & General Fittings 108 Giriing Type, Crown Wheel & Pinion, Bearings etc. 46 PAINTS Aerosol & TOUch-Up Paints 108 TR4A IRS Rear Axle 47, 48 Crown Wheel & Pinion, Covers etc. 47 HOODS & TONNEAU TR2/3/3A Hood, Frame, Tonneau & Fittings 107 Axle Shaft, Gears, Bearings, Seals, U.Js, Hubs etc. 48 TR4 Hood, Frame, Tonneau & Fittings 108 TR4A Hood, Frame, Tonneau & Fittings 109 TOOLS Starting Handles, Jacks, Spanners, Tool Rolls, etc. 48 INTERIOR TRIM TR2/3/3A Interior Trim 112-115 REAR SUSPENSION TR2/3/3A, TR4 49 TR4/4A Interior Trim 116-119 & PROPELLER SHAFT Prop Shaft, Springs, Shock Absorbers 49 Bushes, Buffers & Fittings 49 ACCESSORIES Parts, Tools, Books, Extras 120-130 TR4A (IRS model) 50 v IContents Boot Floor 84 Clutch Master Cylinder. Girling 28 Exhaust Fitting Kits 12 Contents Pages I Boot Lid 84 Repair Kit. Girling 28 Exhaust Fiftlng Kits 12.13 Notes on Use Boot lining Panel 84 Clutch Slave Cylinder, Lockheed 27 Exhaust Systems. TR2I3/3A. TR4 11,12,126 I I Boot Lock 88 Repair KIt. Lockheed 27 Exl1aust Systems. stainless steel 12,126 These contents pages list only tile major Boot Stay Rod 88 Clutch Slave Cylinder, Glrling 28 Exhaust Systems, TR4/4A 13.126 Items In each area. such as bodywork. Boot. TR4/4A Repair Kit. Glrling 28 Export Ouotations iii electrical and brake components. In many Boot Floor 96 Clutch Pedals 26 F cases minor fittings. clamps. and Imkages Boot Handle Assembly 100 Clutch Pedat Mountlllgs 26 Fan Belts 9 etc .. are not listed. Boot Lid. 96,100 Clutch Pipes. Lockheed 27,28 Fan Blades 4,10 Boot Lock 100 Clutch Plates 26 To include every item would make tile FaSCia Panel TR2I3/3A 92 Boot Trim 116 Clutch Release Bearings 26 contents section almost as long as the Fascia Panel TR4/4A 106 Boot Racks 121 Clutch Replacement 26 catalogue itself. and more difficult for you Filler Plug, gearbox 30 to use. Brake Adjusters. tront. TR2/3 53 Clutch Fluid Supply Tank. Girling 27 Filler Plug, rear axle 46.47 Brake Adjusters re"r 54 Cockpit Cappings 115 Flame Traps 14 Items shown In Italic style relate to Brake Calipers 129 53 Coffee Mugs Flasher Unit. TR2I313A 65 order'lng parts. export and exchange Brake Caliper Pistons 53 Coil Sprlllgs TR2I3i3A 36,37 Information as welt as useful Information Flasher Unit. TR4/4A 66 Brake Caliper Repair Kits 53 CUll Springs. TR4/4A 36. 37. 40. 50 which helps you getthe best out of us. In Floor Mats. TR2I3/3A 112.115,120 Brake Caliper Tip 53 Colortune 25 fact this mformationls confmed to the first Floor Mats. TR4/4A 115,120 Brake Drum, front. TR2/3 53 COlllmlsslon Plates. TR2I3/3A 86.128 few pages of the catalogue and tits In Floor Panels. TR2I3/3A 84 nicely with a tea break l 98.128 (Drum braked models) Commission Plates TR4/4A Floor Panels, TR4/4A 96 Brake Drum, rear 54 Condenser 61 Flywheel 4 Items shown in bold style refer to helpful Brake FlUid Supply Tank. Girling 52 Connecting Rods 4 Fog Lamps 122 hints and technicat tips which may save Brake FlUids 58 Connecting Rod Bearing Set 4 considerable time and expense. Now Forward Deck Sections, TR414A 96 Brake Master Cylmders & Kits Connectors, electncal 67 Read on I 52 Fulcrum Pm. TR2I3/3A. TR4 35 Contact Breakers: Spare Assembly 67 Brake Pad Sets 53 Fulcrum Pin, TR4A 39 Contact Breakers 61 A Brake Pipe Sets. copper 58 Fuse Box. TR2I3/3A 65 Brake Pipes & Fittings. TR2I3/3A. TR4 57 Control Box. TR2I3/3A 65 APost, TR2I3/3A 84 Fuse Box, TR4/4A 66 Brake Pipes & Fittings, TR4A 58 Control Box, TR4/4A 66 APost. TR4/4A 96 Fuse Holder. line fuses 67 Brake Shoes 53,54 Cooling Fans 4,10 Accelerator Pedal & Fittings 14 Fuses, TR2I3/3A 65 Britsl) Motor Heritage III Cooling Fan Kits 125 Accessories 120-130 Fuses. TR4/4A 66 Bulb Sockets 67 Core Plugs, cytinder head 5 Aeroscreen, TR2I3/3A 90,121 Bulbs, see application Crankshaft 4 G Aeroscreen Fittings, TR2I313A 90,121 Bulkhead Assembly, TR2I3/3A 82 Crankshaft Bearings 4 Gasket Sets. engille 1 Aeroscmen Shaving Mirror 129 Bulkhead Assembly, TR4/4A 94 Crash Pads. TR4/4A 106 Gasket. cylinder llead 5 Air Filters. TR2 18 126 Bumper, front, TR2I3/3A 86 Cubby Box. TR2I3/3A 92 Gaskets. gearbox 30 Air Filters, TR3 20,126 Bumper Fittings, front. TR2I3/3A 86 Cubby Box, TR4/4A 106 Gear Knobs 29,128 Air Filters, TR4/4A 22.126 Bumper. front. TR4/4A 98 Cubby Box Fittings, TR2I3/3A 92 Gear Lever 29 Air Vent Lid, TR4/4A 94 Bumper Fittings, front, TR4/4A 98 CUbby Box Fittings, TR4/4A 106 Gear Lever Grommets 29.88 Ammeter, TR2I3/3A 70 Bumper, rear. TR4/4A 100 Cubby Box Lock, TR2I3/3A 92 Gearbox Cover 96 Ammeter, TR4/4A 72 Bumper Fittings, rear, TR4/4A 100 Cylinder Block 1 Gearbox Cover Extension 30 Anti-Roll Bar, TR2I3/3A, TR4 37 Bushes, front suspension. TR2I3/3A, TR435, 36 Cylinder Head 5 Gearbox Cover Fitting Kit. TR4/4A 96 Anti-Roil Bar, TR4A 40 Bushes, front suspension. TR4A 39 Cylinder Head Studs 2 Gearbox External Components 29.30 Apron Assembly, front. TR2I313A 82 Bushes, rear suspension. TR2I3/3A. TR4 49 Cylinder Head, excnange 5 Gearbox Gaskets 30 Apron Assembly, rear. TR2I3/3A 84 Bushes, rear suspension TR4A IRS 50 Gearbox Internal Components 3 Synchro 31 Ash Tray, TR414A 106 Bushes. rear suspension. TR4A solid axle 51 o Gearbox Internal Components 4 Synchro 32 Axle Shafts, Lockheed Dash Knob Set. TR2I3/3A 70 46 Gearbox Mounting Hardware 30 Axle Shafts. Glrling solid C Dash Knob Set, TR4/4A 72 46 Gearbox Selector Shafts 30 Axle Shafts IRS . 48 Cam Followers Dashpot Covers 125 5 Gearbox Tech Tips 30 Camshaft 3 Dashboard. TR2I3/3A 92 B Grilles & Fittings, TR2I313A 85 Camshaft Bearings 3 Dashboard. TR4/4A 105 BPost. TR2J313A 84 Grilles & Fittings TR4/4A 98 Car Dust Covers 120 Dashboard Fittings.
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