GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 235 SODIUM CARBONATE BRINE AND TRONA DEPOSITS IN SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYOMING UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 235 SODIUM CARBONATE BRINE AND TRONA DEPOSITS IN SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYOMING By H. B. Lindeman Washington, D. C., 1954 Free on application to the Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. 0 Heleno I I 0 Butte Billings 0 I I I ,--------------------~ I' I -~~ 'i \ I I I I w y 0 M N G Cosper 0 r-- I I I I I --~ I I Cheyenne I 0 salt 0 Lak~ ~--- -r ---------------- -·- 100 0 100 Miles I I I I Denver 0 Figure 1. --Index map showing location of area of sodium carbonate brine and trona deposits, Sweetwater County, Wyo. SODIUM CARBONATE BRINE AND TRONA DEPOSITS IN SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYOMING By H. B. Lindeman CONTENTS Page Page Introduction•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Brine--Continued Acknowledgments....................... 3 Westvaco area •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Brine............... 3 Trona deposits ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Green River area. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Economic factors••••••••••••••••••••• 8 Eden area. • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Literature cited..................... 10 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1. Index map showing location of area••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Facing 1 2. General map showing relationship of prospected or developed sodium carbonate brine wells and trona deposits............................... 2 3. Sodium carbonate brine wells, Grea~ River area........................... 4 4. Sodium carbonate brine wells, Eden area•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 5. Sodium carbonate brine wells and trona deposits, Westvaco area........... 7 6. Generalized sections from well-log data•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 INTRODUCTION This report presents a short review of and thick beds of the mineral trona the historical background, the more irnpor-· (Na2C03•NaHC03•2H20) occur northwest of tant physical and chemical aspects, and some Green River. of the factors which may affect development of the sodium carbonate brines and trona Deposits of sodium salts, whose exis­ deposits known to exist underground in tence in 't-~Jyoming was known in pioneer times, Sweetwater County, Wyo. The area (fig. 1) have been described by Chatard ( 1890), r1hose lies in the southwestern part of the State bulletin also contains an excerpt from a and extends westward from the town of Green paper (vleeks, 1886) on glass-making mater­ River for a distance of 20 miles and north­ ials and related soda deposits. The depos­ \>.'ard for 35 miles. By higm1ay, the area is its discussed are dr,y or partly dr.y surface about 175 miles northeast of Salt Lake City, lakes and can, for the most part, be con­ 'C'tah; about 310 miles 1-rest of Cheyenne, Wyo.; sidered as sodium sulphate. A bulletin by and about 225 miles southeast of Pocatello, Schultz (1909) on these and other deposits Idaho. Not all of the area is knorm to be also contains a de~cription of sodium brines underlain by brines or trona deposits, but from wells drilled at the town of Green to the date of this report they had been River. The geology has been further de­ found at the locations shown on figure 2. scribed by Sears and Bradley (1924). The sodium carbonate brines occur at In the past 16 years brine deposits, the town of Green River and near Eden, north in addition to those mentioned in the pre­ of Green River, and sodium carbonate brines ceding paragraph, have been found, and 1 25 N 110W 109 108 105 104W 24 N 22 21 20 17 111 w 110 106 105W 16 N Townships are numbered north and west from the 6th Principal Meridian 5 0 20 Miles Figure 2. --General map showing relationship of prospected or developed sodium carbonate brine and trona areas, . Sweetwater County, Wyo. 2 trona deposits have been discovered, part~ Grams prospected, and partly developed in the area per liter Percent (Romano, 19.52) • Prospecting and developnent have proved the trona deposits to be of such Conventional remarkable quality, thickness, and extent as combinations: to constitute a major commercial mineral Na2co3-------- 31.3.5 .54.9.5 resource. Further prospecting and develop­ NaHC03-------- 6.97 12.20 ment of the brines will be necessary to NaCl---------- 17.4.5 30 • .54 establish their degree of economic impor­ Na2so4-------- .8.5 1.49 tance. MgS04--------- .12 .21 K2S04--------- ~ ____&! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Total--- .57.09 100.00 The writer is indebted to officials of the Union Pacific Railroad Co., Intermoun­ Eden area tain Chemical Corp., and the Wyoming Trona Corp. for making available certain informa­ In 1938 soda brine was found at a depth tion contained in this report. of 4.50 to .500 feet in a well (John Hay, fig. 4) being drilled for 'tvater near Eden. The BRINE brine was cased off and the well was deep­ ened to a fresh-water producing aquifer. As Brine is found at three localities a result of the inform tion thus obtained, (fig. 2) and further prospecting may prove the Wyoming Trona Corp. drilled a well in its presence in adjacent areas. The three 1949 (no. 1, fig. 4) for the purpose of test­ areas known to have potential producing ing the quality and quantity of the brine. characteristics are Green River (figs. 2, 3), At 477 feet the brine had sufficient arte­ Eden (figs. 2, 4), and Westvaco (figs. 2, .5). sian pressure to force it from a 4-inch pipe The Westvaco area also contains beds of the for a distance of approximately" 3 feet. l'l".ineral trona. After about 30 minutes the now diminished to an estimated 40 gallons per minute. The follow :ing analy"ses (in percent) of brine Green River area from this well were made by the U. S. Geological Survey: Before World War I, brine was discov­ ered near the town of Green River (fig. 3). Sample Brine pwnped from 13 wells drilled in the vicinity by the Western Alkali Corporation 1 2 and Associates yielded sodium carbonate which was used in a local plant (Schultz, Na2co3-------------- 3.68 4.20 - 1909). None of these wells was drilled to NaHC03-------------- 1.44 •73 a depth greater than 300 feet. Cl-----------------­ .017 .018 S04----------------­ .003 .002 In December 193.5 a well (MFS 1, £ig. 3) Ca------------------ .ooo .oo8 .001 was drilled to a depth of 439 feet (fig. 6) Mg-----------------­ .OOJ in the Green River area by the Mountain Fuel K20----------------- .023 .o.5o Supply Co. A sample o£ brine {sp gr 1.046) from a depth of 162 feet was analyzed by the Time taken (a.m.) -- 9 .3r;!/ 9 .3.5 U. S. Geological Survey as follows: Date -------- Sept. 1, 1949 Sept. 1, 1949 Depth (feet) ------- 477 477 Color -------------- Brown Amber Gral'l"..s Specific gravity at per liter Percent 2.5° c ------------- 1.0480 Constituents: co3 ----------- 17.76 31.00 HC03----------- .5.09 8.90 Cl------------- 10 • .59 18.50 !/ Taken imrnedia tely after opening valve for testing. s~------------ .78 1.38 Ca------------- 0 ¥~------------- .02 .03 K-------------- .16 .28 Na------------- 22.72 39.91 B-------------- ----- Trace Total----- .57.12 -100.00 3 I I I I -- - 15 - -- -- - ----14---· -- I 1 N I I I I I~ I J¥~ ~ I ~ GREEN RIVER I --23----- 1 I I I MFS 1 I 0 I - ---- - 26- - -- 1 I T. 18 N., R 107 W., 6th P.M. 1000 0 Wells I - 13 drilled by Western Alkali Corporation and Associates Well MFS I drilled by Mountain Fuel Supply Company Figure 3.--Sodium carbonate brine wells, Green River area, Sweetwater County, Wyo. 4 R.107 W. R.I06W. EDEN 24 19 20 • 21 22 N t 24 29 27 N. 25 30 28 1 c. 36 31 32 33 34 ""' 1 0 ~ 1 6 5 John Hoy 3 02 o.3 T. 23 12 N. 7 8 9 ~ o6 05 18. 17 16 15 04 24 19 20 21 22 John Hoy Welt drilled by John Hoy Wells 1-6 drilled by Wyoming Trona Corporation 5000 0 5000 Feet Figure 4. --Sodium carbonate brine wells, Eden area, Sweetwater County, Wyo. 5 Before March 1952 six wells had been As a result of this trona discovery, drilled in the area (fig. 4) by the Wyoming several companies became interested in the Trona Corp. and brine was found in all wells Westvaco area. Before March 1952 these . at deptl:s of 400 to 600 feet (fig. 6). There companies had drilled the following 10 test was an artesian flow of brine from several holes and obtained samples of trona from of the wells, but their productive capacity them: Mountain Fuel Supply Co., John Hay had not then been fullY determined. no. 1; Westvaco Chlorine Product Corp. (now Intermountain Chemical Corp.), Westvaco A dark substance found in some of tls nos. 1, 3, and 4; Union Pacific Railroad, brine from these wells appears to come from nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4; and Potash Comp~ of a zone a few feet above the zone which con­ America, nos. 1 and 2. Two other wells, tains the more abundant amber-colored brine. Union Pacific Railroad no. 5 and Westvaco The exact stratigraphic location of the no. 2, were not drilled deep enough to dark brown- and amber-urine zones has not penetrate the trona deposits. been definitelY established. An analysis of the dark-colored brine ( sp gr 1.055) All of the wells (fig. 5) which were from the no. 1. well (fig. 4) was made by drilled to the necessary depth penetrated the Geological Survey with the following beds of trona as much as 11.6 feet in thick­ results: ness in the Green River fonnation. The Grams thick beds usually u1clude a few minor shale per liter bands. Each well, with the exceptions noted previously, penetrated at least 1 trona bed Solids (total dissolved at 180°)-- 70.01 of minable thickness.
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