THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE NEGROES IN NEGROLAND; THE NEGROES IN AMERICA; AND NEGROES GENERALLY. ALSO, THE SEVERAL RACES OF WHITE MEN, CONSIDERED A3 THE INVOLUNTARY AND PREDESTINED SUPPLANTERS OF THE BLACK RACES. A COMPILATION, BY HINTON ROWAN HELPER, A RATIONAL REPUBLICAN, Author of "The Impending Crisis of the South," "Nojoque," and other writings in behalf of a Free and White America. "A compassion for that which is not and caunot be useful or lovely, is degrading and futile." HALI-U WALDO EMERSON. " Among the negroes, no science has been developed, and few questions are ever discussed, except those which have au intimate connection with the wants of the stomach." DAVID LIVINGSTONE. *' It has been proved by measurements, by microscopes, by analyses, that the typical negro is some- thing between a child, a dotard, and a beast. I cannot struggle against these sacred facts of science." WitfwooD RKADK. "Our country might well have shrunk from assuming the guardianship of the negro." GEOKOE BANCROFT. " It is the strictly white races that are bearing onward the flambeau of civilization, as displayed in the Germanic families alone." JOSIAU CLARK NOIT. NEW YORK: p. W. CAF^LETON LONDON: S. LOW, SON, & CO. MDCCCLXVIU. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1808, by G. W. CAKLETON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. TO (FORMERLY OF ASHEVILLE, NOW OF RALEIGH,) WHO, AS A GOOD MAN, AS AN ABLE LAWYER, AS AN EMINENT CIVIL PATRIOT, AS A WISE AND NATIONAL STATESMAN, WILL, IT IS HOPED, AT NO DISTANT DAY BE A FITLY REWARDED SERVANT OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, THIS VOLUME IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Cannibalism in Negroland ...15 CHAPTER II. Human Butcheries, and Human Sacrifices in Negroland, ..... 19 CHAPTER III. Human Skulls as Sacred Relics and Ornaments in Negroland, .... 25 CHAPTER IV. Blood-thirstiness and Barbarity of the Negroes in Negroland, . .29 CHAPTER V. Slavery and the Slave-trade in Negroland, ........ 37 CHAPTER VI. Heathenish Superstition and Witchcraft in Negroland, ..... 15 CHAPTER VII. Fetichism, Priestcraft, and Idolatry in Negroland, ...... 57 CHAPTER VIII. Rain Doctors, and Other Doctors in Negroland, ....... 70 CHAPTER IX. Nakedness, Shamelessness, and Prostitution in Negroland, . .75 CHAPTER X. Drunkenness and Debauchery in Negroland, 79 CHAPTER XI. Night Carousals, and Noisy and Nonsensical Actions in Negroland, . 80 CHAPTER XII. Inhospitality to Strangers, Begging, Extortion, and Robbery in Negroland, . 82 CHAPTER XIII. Wrangling, Lawlessness, Penury, and Misery in Negroland, . .89 CHAPTER XIV. Theft, as a Fine Art, among the Africans, ........ 94 CHAPTER XV. Lying, as an Accomplishment, among the Africans, 97 CHAPTER XVI. Duplicity and Venality of the Negroes in Negroland, ...... 98 CHAPTER XVII. Revolting Voracity and Gluttony of the Negroes in Negroland, . .100 VI CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER XVIII. Dislike of their own Color by the Negroes in Negroland 102 CHAPTER XIX. Courtship, Marriage, and Concubinage in Negroland, 105 CHAPTER XX. Mumbo Jumbo in Negroland, 117 CHAPTER XXI. Funeral and Burial Rites in Negroland, ......... 118 CHAPTER XXII. Indolence and Improvidence of the Negroes, ....... 122 CHAPTER XXIII. Timidity and Cowardice of the Negroes, 125 CHAPTER XXIV. African Anecdotes, 130 CHAPTER XXIV. , Utter Failure and Inntility of all Missionary Enterprises in Negroland, 134 CHAPTER XXVI. Miscellaneous Peculiarities, Manners, Habits, and Customs, of the Negroes in Negroland, 138 CHAPTER XXVII. Huts, Hovels, and Holes (but no Houses) in Negroland, 152 CHAPTER XXVIII. Gradual Decrease, and Probable Extinction of the Negro Race, . 158 CHAPTER XXIX. Natural, Repulsive, and Irreconcilable Points of Difference, Physical, Mental, and Moral, between the Whites and the Blacks, 162 CHAPTER XXX. American Writers on the Negro, 173 CHAPTER XXXI. of Mulattoes ; the Offspring Crimes against Nature, 216 CHAPTER XXXII. Albinos, White Negroes, and Other Creatures of Preternatural Whiteness, . 223 CHAPTER XXXIII. Increasing Pre-eminence and Predominance of the White Races, . .227 APPENDIX I., , 237 " II .249 INTRODUCTION. THE compiler of this volume deems it proper to protest here, at the very outset of his undertaking, against the un- just and ill-boding practice of indiscriminately stigmatizing as a traitor almost every man, whether in the North or in the South, in the East or in the West, who, in the exercise of his constitutional rights and honest convictions, raises his voice in opposition to the revolutionary and destructive measures of the party now dominant in our National Legis- lature. With deep solemnity and truth, he declares that he was always earnest and emphatic, and even enthusiastic, and not less so now than heretofore, in deploring and condemning the act of secession, and, at the same time, in justifying and defending the principles upon which the Gov- ernment of the United States, when opposed by force of arms, maintained itself, and re-established its authority from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. Why, then, why does a man who never, by word nor by deed, gave the least aid or comfort to the rebellion, but, on the contrary, did all he could to weaken and suppress it, why does a man of these antecedents, a plain, unpretentious citizen, who, until he became a Republican, was always a Whig of the school of first to endorsed Clay and Webster ; who, from last, heartily and supported the administration of Abraham Lincoln, and who has no ambition beyond the exact knowledge and per- formance of his does a man of this sort find it duty ; why impossible to yield his suffrage or commendation to the party now in power, a party which, with Pharisaical boast- 7 VIJI INTRODUCTION. ing, lays claim to the distinctive and exclusive patriotism of having saved the country from disruption ? The reason is broad, plain, and even more than sufficient. The party has, since the termination of the war, viciously and unpar- donably abandoned the old landmarks of just and sacred to race it is what means the fealty ; and now advocating prostitution in bulk of a great and good white integer to a small and bad black fraction. The policy of the Radical (not the Republican) party, if carried out to its logical ends, will inevitably result in the forced political, religious, civil, and social of the white and black races and the equality ; direful sequence of that result, so flagrantly unnatural and wrong in itself, can only be reasonably looked for in the ulti- ' mate degradation, division, and destruction of the Republic. It is in the sincere hope of lessening at least some of the dangers of the shocking and wide-spread calamities thus al- luded to, that this compilation is offered to an intelligent and discriminating public. There are now in the United States of America thirty millions of white people, who are (or ought to be) bound together by the ties of a kindred origin, by the affinities of a sameness of noble purpose, by the links of a common na- tionality, and by the cords of an inseparable destiny. We have here also, unfortunatelj' for us all, four millions of black people, whose ancestors, like themselves, were never known (except in very rare instances, which form the ex- ceptions to a general rule) to aspire to any other condition than that of base and beastlike slavery. These black people are, by nature, of an exceedingly low and grovelling disposition. They have no trait of character that is lovely or admirable. They are not high-minded, enterprising, nor prudent. In no age, in no part of the world, have they, of themselves, ever projected or advanced any public or private interest, nor given expression to any thought or sentiment that could worthily elicit the praise, or even the favorable INTRODUCTION. /T mention, of the bet'er portion of mankind. Seeing, then, that the negro does, indeed, belong to a lower and inferior order of beings, why, in the name of Heaven, why should we forever degrade and disgrace both ourselves and our pos- terity by entering, of our own volition, into more intimate relations with him ? May God, in his restraining mercy, for- bid that we should ever do this most foul and wicked thing ! Acting under the influence of that vile spirit of deception and chicanery which is always familiar with every false pre- tence, the members of a Radical Congress, the editors of a venal press, and other peddlers of perverted knowledge, are now loudly proclaiming that nowhere in our country, hence- forth, must there be any distinction, any discrimination, on account of color the ; thereby covertly inculcating gross error of inferring or supposing that color is the only differ- ence and that a very trivial difference between the whites and the blacks ! Now, once for all, in conscientious deference to truth, let it be distinctly made known and ac- knowledged, that, in addition to the black and baneful color of the negro, there are numerous other defects, physical, mental, and moral, which clearly mark him, when compared with the white man, as a very different and inferior creature. While, therefore, with an involuntary repugnance which we cannot control, and with a wholesome antipathy which it would be both unnatural and unavailing in us to attempt to destroy, we behold the crime-stained blackness of the negro, let us, also, at the same time, take cognizance of His low and compressed Forehead ; His hard, thick Skull ; His small, backward-thrown Brain ; His short, crisp Hair ; His flat Nose ; His thick Lips ; His snout-like projecting, Mouth ; X INTRODUCTION. Voice His strange, Eunuch-toned ; The scantiness of Beard on his Face ; of his The Toughness and Unsensitiveness Skin ; his The Thinness and Shrunkenness of Thighs ; His curved Knees ; His calfless Legs ; His low, short Ankles ; flat His long, Heels ; His glut-shaped Feet ; of his Frame The general Angularity and Oddity ; The Malodorous Exhalations from his Person ; His Puerility of Mind ; His Inertia and Sleepy-headedness ; His proverbial Dishonesty ; to fabricate Falsehoods and His predisposition ; His Apathetic Indifference to all Propositions and Enter- prises of Solid Merit.
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