mmm mm *V ^WVOT fflnntn (ftrar rtnkftburg - Blilminnhin CO'"«3Ml 1983 WllMlNGION Hi v. 28TH YFAR. NO 25 WILMINGTON. MASS . JUNF 22 1983 ■ PUB NO 63b 14(1 658 2346 34 CAGES Asbestos found Vining to continue in all schools rubbish collection There uSili IK> nu change in Kather than |usi lei Vining rubbish contractors in negotiate an increase, the Superintendent el Schools l>r and Bnggs conducted a third Wilmington The contract lor selectmen told Town Manager Carol Sager announced Monday test which concurred with the rubbish collection has again Hu// Stapczynski to solicit bids that the results ol a study of the -tales findings ol more than one been awarded lo Michael Vining Vining was again the low level ol asbestos in the percent exposed asbestos in the ol Medtord, .it an increased bidder, will) a tigure ol S876.0O0 Wilmington schools have been schools _ rate. lor three vears, $277,000 lor the completed According lo the Peterson said lhal according Vining has collected Ihe lirsl. S2H2.IHXI lor the second and final report, all the schools, to Joe Dully »l Knvironienlal rubbish lor Ihe past year, under $:i(i7,iKHi lor the third St'A including the closed Boutwell Engineering, a firm thai look a Ihree-year contract In April. services bid $1,075.1X10. S338.000 School, have open areas ol slill another look at the schools' he not il led the town manager lirsl yeai. S3 18 mill second and triable asbestos asbestos situation, it may nol that he wanted to cancel the hird Stanley Roketenetz School committee Chairman cosl as much as $70,000 to do the contract on June 3tl The lown bid Sl.:i»l.tKM): $43(1.000 lirst, Bob Peterson explained that work on lho*\\ ildwoori School as had no recourse, because there S4MUKMI second and $492.DtS) state and Federal regulations expected Jusl painting the \\.is only ,i one year bond with third. consider any level ol exposed ceiling would harden the surface the contract Viningahad been ' The town inanagi r said lhal a asbestos over one percent to be and keep asbestos materials collecting the rubbish lor one year perl urn .nice bond unacceptable from lulling to the floor, ol $207,000 a year, but said lie was would be required \ Ihree-yeai Three different tests were course, he went on. they would losing money One factor was bond would ha\e eliminated done on the schools, he ex- have to keep a close watch on thai the Teuksbury dump had smaller contraclors Irom Ihe Hie ceilings to ensure that the plained. The state conducted the closed Other dumps were both bidding, resulting in much first test which found many panil covering the asbestos farther away .md more ex higher costs to the lown. areas ol piping and insulation doesn'i Hake andtall to the I loor pensive that would have to be rowrappcd Another reason thai the cost ol and covered Town Superin Hie work on Hie Wildwood School tendenl ol Public Buildings and may he reduced i- because when Grounds Hoy McClanahan will the school was lirsl built, the Town Counsel be able to do this work ceiling was installed in two throughout the summer, Dr layei s II the asbestos is on the Sager told the school committee, surface layer i closest to the to initiate action in all the buildings but the classroom), then the work will Wildwood School. This last have lo be done and could be a school poses additional major expense However, il Ihe against contractor problems because, according to asbestos lies on the upper layer Ed Thompson of (he Wilmington Auxiliary Police engraved The I'dt Construction Com losses and there is no water damage, School Business Manager Prank Bike children's phone numbers onlo their bicycles during Bike puny accounts have been turned In other action on June Mi Ihe Antonelh. then' is open asbestos the\ may nol have lo do any Dav Safety !>;»> at the high school. Saturday morning. Mar> Beth over to Alan All man. town water commissioners have on the ceilings as well as the work 'in thai ceiling since Ihe Spencer is watching Kd engrave her bike. counsel, for proper action 1'iit awarded a contract to Kay, pipes in the boiler room To asbestos would be located in an Construction is the company Spolford and Thorndike to eliminate the asbestos on the area lhal would nol be exposed that did the work on contracts replace Ihe two inch water ceiling would require en-1 ,lo Ihe children. It il lies in the three and six lor Ihe Wilmington mains in streets oil Hathaway capsulating. a process that] tipper layer and there is water sewer Acres and oil Uowing Road The would seal oil the entire building damage, work would have to be The motion, turning over the linn was Ihe lowest Ol three with plastic sheets while done to repair the water account, said in part: "failurelo bidders lor the job workers wearing oxygen masks damaged area because water complete contract No. <>, by Del Kay, Spollord and Thorndike spray the ceilings with a special passing through the rooi would 30,1981. Unless Pitt starts within were slated to begin surveying kind ol paint that would uei (!i\,., ..u; any asbestos there. seven days and carries forth to tin the water mams Monday. manently enclose the asbestos According lo Peterson, they completion, the lown will June 20 and lo begin the actual An outside firm would have lo be are irymg to determine now exercise its rights and will hold replacement as soon as possible hired to do this work, and M exactly where this asbestos is Pitt Construction Company The contract requires thai a could cost up to $70,000. The located in order to determine the responsible for all damages and "resident engineer" be on the school committee voted to open cosl ol covering il job while the work is being done bids on the project right away Dr Sager is currently winking A second lest conducted by on backup plans to temporarily Bnggs Engineering showed that place Wildwood School students the schools had low levels ol m oilier buildings il the en- NOLAN'S HEARTHSIDE asbestos which would be ac- capsulation work is nol com- Sun - Wed ceptable, Peterson explained pleted bj September as she McClanahan saw the hopes Dinner discrepancy m the two reports. Thurs . Fn & S,it for Two The New Joseph's Twin Boiled Live 95 Lobsters 11 FLAMING HEARTH Choice ot $1195 Baked Slutted or Fried Schrod Boneless Chicken RESTAURANT 16 o: Boneless Rte. 125 North Andover Sirloin Tips Sirloin Steak Steak on a Stick Scott Wht'Hrr was i;iwn a lesson in hand signals l>\ Safety 1250 Osgood St 688-8200 One Bated Slutted Right Officer Bob Shelle\ during Bike Safety Day at the Wilm- Beel or Chicken Pie Complete Restaurant & Lounge ington High School parking lot on Saturday morning. The Lobster turn program included a riding lest in an obstacle course, and a ; .' red I & ■ • ■ ' safely check of bicycle equipment. Prime Rib of Beef Open Hearth Cooking „ _ _ _ i Not only do we have Ihe We also have fine Happy Hour Ticket June 23rd 657-8444 . at Bar Frank Cavanaugh's Birthday BEST Seafood Specialties Starwood Mon Fn 3 6 & Old Branding Iron Night SELECTION including yYsXsMKiata?, Inc. Open your own OF Swordfish, Scrod ^^ OFFERING THE FINES T IN as little as 25' a drink Entertainment by Scott & Gleason NEW AND USED HOMES" Lobster, Shrimp Ralph F Ni'whcxjse. President 37 LOWELL STREET Fried Clams FREE (Nol Too Big) BUFFET includes ■• i:i i '. Beef Maureen Foresteire WILMINGTON MA 0188/ in the Scallops & Sole SALES MANAG6R Happy Hour Merrimack Also Chicken Please give us a call for a free evaluation of your home. 885 Main St., Tewksbury 851 8806 Valley Mon I'i 3 00 6 00 Lamb & Pork dishes ••'••• ^ ........ Hearty Far*' friendly People cards accepted Entertainment • Daily Luncheon Specials & Dancing m the Lounge • Open 7 Days a Week Tours. Fn & Sat evenings • Entertainment Thurs, Fri & Sat evenings Easy to reach from Rtes. 133, 93 & 495 658-7666 WHEN IN BOSTON VISIT OUR OTHER FINE (Easalot 3Real Estate N W ACCe tjn Inc Waterfront Restaurant Joseph's Aquarium 312HI Mainu.in St..Qi Wilmington,ifViltninnfnn Mass. HOME ° P 9 1933co/on/a/ 100 Allanlic Ave 523 4000 Park Mall FREE EVALUATION call f y r appointment Valel PaiKmg Reseivalions accepted 0r 0u LIFE WILMINGTON OF YOUR HOME TODAY' 658-8100 AlltO Insurance Larry & Marion Cushmg T" L.M.C. Industries, Inc. 3. ^Tiffney's Fuel Co., \nc%^o0 Town Crier Dwie'o 50GAI 100 GAL PIUS * CASH CASH FREE & Serving: Billenca. Tewksbury. Wilmington Cft Ads $ c GLASS Really Work w' delivery J00 Gallons Minimum CASH ONLY bO Gallons Delivery Available 65 97 Try One 0i' Delivery 24 Hour Service Burner Service FUEL OIL Call 340 MAIN ST. Prices subiect Nights • Holidays • Weekends 657-7307 24 HOUR DELIVERY to change 658 ■ 2346 WILMINGTON and SERVICE $ 00 pe,10 qa • Propane • Soda Price 1 / Gal. - - PiC* Up '1.30 r„, Licensed supplier ot Specitl Fuel* • Kerosene • Ice 667-6042 667-6042 KEROSENE •1.50 (,.i On •«• delivery to Contraction Co t Trucking Co. K: ? TOWN CRIER, JUNE 22.1983 Boy Scouts held McCoy receives induction ceremonies variance for Troop 56, Boy Scouts of Kurt Rachdorf, Matthew Strow, America, sponsored by the Paul Lawton, and Greg new pizza parlor Congregational Church in Catanzano. Scouts who received Wilmington held a Court of Tenderfoot Badges were Marc Honor and Induction of new Thurlow and John Turner.
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