Buckinghamshire County Council Visit democracy.buckscc.gov.uk for councillor information and email alerts for local meetings DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Agenda COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday 9 June 2015 Time: 10.00 am Venue: Mezzanine Rooms 1 & 2, County Hall, Aylesbury WEBCASTING NOTICE Please note: this meeting may be filmed for subsequent broadcast via the Council's internet site - at the start of the meeting the Chairman will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed. You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act. Data collected during this webcast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy. Therefore by entering the meeting room, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and/or training purposes. If members of the public do not wish to have their image captured they should sit within the marked area near the door to Mezzanine Room 1. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact Member Services on 01296 382876. Those wishing to speak at Development Control Committee regarding any of the items below, must register by 10.00am on Friday 5th June. Please see details on how to register at the bottom of the Agenda. Agenda Item Page No 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE / CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3 MINUTES To follow. 4 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION PLANT / MATERIALS RECYCLING FACILITY 5 - 52 (MRF), SAMIAN WAY, ASTON CLINTON APPLICATION NO: CM/78/14 Electoral Division: Aston Clinton / Bierton Local Member: Bill Chapple OBE Town/Parish Council: Aston Clinton / Bierton/ Wingrave / Tring Rural / Drayton Beauchamp / Aylesbury Town / Buckland Report of the Planning Manager 5 WOOD RECYCLING FACILITY, THORNEY BUSINESS PARK, THORNEY 53 - 72 LANE NORTH, IVER, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE APPLICATION NO: CM/02/15 Electoral Division: Iver Local Member: Ruth Vigor-Hedderly Town/Parish Council: Iver Parish Council Report of the Planning Manager 6 ST LOUIS CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, HARRIS COURT, 73 - 86 AYLESBURY APPLICATION NO: CC/14/15 Electoral Division: Aylesbury North Local Member: Raj Khan, Phil Gomm Town/Parish Council: Aylesbury Town Council Bierton with Broughton Parish Council Report of the Planning Manager 7 PROPOSED ERECTION OF TWO STOREY BLOCK TO THE EXISTING 87 - 100 SCHOOL BUILDING / PROPOSED ERECTION OF A SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION TO THE EXISTING NURSERY, OAK GREEN SCHOOL, OAK GREEN, AYLESBURY APPLICATION NO: CC/16/15 Electoral Division: Aylesbury South West Local Member: Brian Adams Town/Parish Council: Aylesbury Town Council Report of the Planning Manager 8 ST MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL, DAWS HILL LANE, HIGH 101 - 116 WYCOMBE APPLICATION NO: CC/20/15 Electoral Division: Abbey Local Member: Lesley Clarke OBE Town/Parish Council: n/a Report of the Planning Manager 9 LITTLE MARLOW CHURCH OF ENGLAND SCHOOL, SCHOOL LANE, 117 - 126 LITTLE MARLOW APPLICATION NO: CC/24/15 Electoral Division: Flackwell Heath, Marlow Local Member: David Watson Town/Parish Council: Little Marlow Parish Council Report of the Planning Manager 10 DELEGATED REPORTS UPDATE Decisions made under Delegated Powers. Report of the Head of Planning and Environment. 11 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To resolve to exclude the press and public as the following item is exempt by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 because it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) 12 ENFORCEMENT REPORT 127 - 136 13 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Development Control Committee will be held on Tuesday 28 July 2015 at 10.00am in Mezzanine Rooms 1 and 2. Site visits (if necessary) will take place on Thursday 23 July 2015. If you would like to attend a meeting, but need extra help to do so, for example because of a disability, please contact us as early as possible, so that we can try to put the right support in place. For further information please contact: Reece Bowman on 01296 382548, email: [email protected] Members Mr C Ditta Mr B Roberts (VC) Ms N Glover Mr D Schofield Mr A Huxley Mr D Shakespeare OBE Mr R Reed (C) Mrs J Teesdale Members of the public wishing to speak at Development Control Committee should apply in the following ways: Registering on the website at: http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/moderngov/mgCommitteeDetails.asp?ID=105 Contacting Democratic Services, on 01296 382548/01296 382876 The Committee will not consider anyone wishing to address the meeting, unless your request to speak has been received by 10.00am on the Friday preceding the Committee meeting at which the item will be presented. (This applies when Committee Meetings are held on a Tuesday). Agenda Item 4 Buckinghamshire County Council Visit www.buckscc.gov.uk/democracy for councillor information and email alerts for local meetings Development Control Committee Date: 9 June 2015 Title: PROPOSED ANAEROBIC DIGESTION PLANT AND MATERIALS RECYCLING FACILITY AT SAMIAN WAY, ASTON CLINTON, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HP22 5WJ PLANNING APPLICATION NO: CM/78/14 APPLICANT: OLLECO AND ARLA FOODS LTD BUCKS STREET ATLAS PAGE 117 D8 Author: Head of Planning and Environment Contact Officer: Anna Herriman (01296) 382819 Electoral divisions affected: Aston Clinton/Bierton Local Members: Bill Chapple OBE Recommendation: A The Development Management Committee is invited to APPROVE application number CM/78/14 for the proposed anaerobic digestion plant and materials recycling facility at Samian Way, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire subject to conditions to be determined by the Director of Environment including: i. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, details of the external cladding material to be used in the construction of the MRF buildings(containing the offices, de-pack area, MRF and bale storage building), and the digesters and silos hereby permitted including the colour finish, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details. ii. The combined maximum total number of heavy goods vehicle movements from this planning permission shall not exceed 126 associate (63 in, 63 out) per day. 5 iii. A record of the number of daily vehicle movements and the tonnage of waste being imported to the site shall be maintained for the duration of the development hereby permitted and shall be made available to the County Planning Authority no later than one week after any request to view them has been made. iv. No wastes other than food waste and general waste from single source quick service restaurant chain shall be imported to and processed at the site. v. The combined maximum annual waste throughput from this planning permission shall not exceed 130,000 tonnes per annum. vi. No burning of waste materials shall take place at any time. vii. The developer must ensure that the noise mitigation measures discussed in the report ref.8356/0933/10 are carried out to ensure that noise from sources like buildings, plant and equipment are effectively controlled to minimise noise breakout. The operational noise attributed to fixed plant and industrial noise associated with the Anaerobic Digestion and Materials Recycling Facility shall not generate noise levels of more than 5dB below background noise levels, or 25dB in instances where the background noise level is 30dB or less expressed as a LAeq in accordance with the British Standard 4142 that is current at the time of the planning application. viii. The overall site noise including on site transportation noise sources must not exceed 53 dBLAeq 16 hrs during the day and 43 dBLAeq 8 hrs during the night. ix. Prior to the occupation of the buildings a noise monitoring scheme including a plan which specifies the location of the main receptors and the monitoring points, which shall be principally located at or near the boundary of the site shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and carried out in accordance with the approved details. The measurements and assessment shall be made in accordance with the latest British Standard 4142. x. Given the scale of the building project the hours 6 of construction on the site must be restricted as follows. Monday to Friday 07.30 – 18.00, Saturday 08.00 – 13.00 with no work on Sundays and Bank Holidays. xi. No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, have secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the Local Planning Authority. xii. Following checks for nests by a qualified ecologist, all vegetation clearance shall be undertaken outside of the bird nesting season (1 March to 30 August inclusive). xiii. The detailed methods & mitigation measures for the avoidance of harm to European Protected Species, as specified in the Ecological Method Statement, submitted in support of this application shall be implemented fully during the construction of the development and the precautionary mitigation provisions indicated in the Ecological Method Statement shall thereafter be maintained for the duration of the operation of the site as a waste transfer station. xiv. The hard surfacing shown on the approved plans shall be carried out prior to the occupation of the building unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. xv. No part of the building shall be occupied until details of cycle storage have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be in accordance with the approved details. xvi. No fixed plant or machinery shall be erected on the site without the prior approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
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