City University of New York Facilities Planning, Construction, and Management Request For Expression of Interest (RFEI) For Public/Private Development of 1 Amsterdam Avenue Project No.: CITYW-CUCF-05-19 List of Registered Firms Firm Name Address Address City State Zip First Name Last Name Email Phone Number A&H Acquisitions Corp 1412 Broadway 3rd floor NEW YORK NY 10018 Bobby Adjmi Bobby@achsny.com (212) 398-3970 Acoustic Distinctions 60 East 42nd Street Suite 2036 New York NY 10165 Jessica Ng jng@ad-ny.com (646) 948-2116 AG Consulting Engineering 131 W. 33rd Street Suite 12B New York NY 10001 JEN AALBUE AGCENGPC@AGCENG.COM (212) 268-0950 Alchemy-ABR Investment Partners 800 Third Avenue, 22nd Floor New York NY 10022 Alex Saltzman alex@alchemy-properties.com (347) 231-8078 Allied Partners 770 Lexington Avenue New York NY 10065 Howard Slavin howard@alliedpartners.com (212) 317-7773 ALRALM 530 W 30th Street # 28 B New York NY 10001 Ali Reslan Ali@alralm.com (212) 858-0158 Alvarez & Marsal 655 15th Street, NW Suite 600 Washington DC 20005 Daughan Pitts DPitts@AlvarezandMarsal.com (202) 577-8205 Appraisers and Planners 9 east 40th street NEW YORK NY 10016 Adam Wald awald@appraiser-plan.com (212) 683-1122 Arent Fox LLP 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10019 Rick Krainin richard.krainin@arentfox.com (212) 484-3918 ASA 227 W 29th Street 11th Floor New York NY 10001 Ian Colburn ian@asa-ten.com (212) 620-0479 Balfour Beatty Investments 1 Country View Rd Malvern PA 19355 Josh Smith jsmith@bbcgrp.com (214) 886-8331 BFC Development Partners 150 Myrtle Avenue 2ND Floor NY 11201 Donald Capoccia dac@bfcnyc.com (646) 752-5593 BJH Advisors, LLC 224 Centre Street 6th Fl New York NY 10013 Michael Meola mmeola@bjhadvisors.com (917) 597-9931 Blue Sky Real Estate 130 East 59th Street New York NY 10022 Adam Powell apowell@bskyre.com (212) 561-5511 Bryan Kelly 432 Park Avenue South New York NY 10019 Bryan Kelly bkelly@gothamorg.com (516) 456-8212 Cameron Engineering & Associates, LLP 177 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury NY 11797 Laura Liu marketing@cameronengineering.com (516) 827-4900 capalino+company 233 Broadway New York NY 10279 Valerie Coburn-Lichtenstein BizDev@capalino.com (212) 616-5841 CBRE, Inc 200 Park Avenue NY NY 10166 william shanahan william.shanahan@cbre.com (212) 984-6656 CHA Consulting, Inc. 3 Winners Circle Albany NY 12205 Brooke Wilson bwilson@chacompanies.com (518) 453-4717 Christie Walker 200 Park Avenue 9th Floor New York NY 10166 Christie Walker christie.walker@lendlease.com (347) 889-0417 City Center Real Estate 1010 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10028 Brian Strout bhs@citycenternyc.com (212) 396-9708 City of Jacksonville 214 North Hogan Street, Suite 110 Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville FL 32202 Marilyn Laidler mlaidler@coj.net (904) 255-8804 Clear National Title Agency 135 West 41st Street 5th Floor New York NY 10036 Eric McLendon info@clearnational.com (212) 710-9470 Cogswell Realty 770 Lexington Avenue 17th floor New York NY 10065 Ross Jacobs ross@cogswellrealty.com (917) 656-8870 Colliers International NY LLC 666 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor New York NY 10103 Scott Latham scott.latham@colliers.com (212) 716-3525 D&B Engineers and Architects, P.C. 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury NY 11797 Robert Anderson randerson@db-eng.com (516) 364-9890 David Smotrich & Partners LLP 443 Park Avenue South Suite 704 New York NY 10016 Deborah Homan hshah@dsmotricharch.com (212) 889-4045 Davis Brody Bond One New York Plaza new york NY 10025 Charles Shorter cshorter@davisbrody.com (212) 633-4735 DBI Projects 1261 Broadway Fl 9 New York NY 10001 Emily Puhnaty ep@dbi-projects.com (212) 533-1200 DDG 375 Hudson Street, 12th Floor New York NY 10014 Oliver Lam okl@ddgpartners.com (917) 656-4447 DeSimone Consulting Engineers 140 Broadway 25th Floor New York NY 10014 Giulia Alimonti giulia.alimonti@de-simone.com (212) 652-9185 DLR Group 33 E 33 Ste 401 New york NY 10016 Danile DeBoo ddeboo@dlrgroup.com (646) 357-2493 Educational Housing Services 55 Clark Street 55 Clark St. Brooklyn NY 11201 Abram Bernstein abernstein@studenthousing.org (347) 272-1237 EnTech Engineering 17 State Street, 36th Floor New York NY 10004 Kaveh Samimi ksamimi@entech.nyc (646) 722-0000 Extell Development 805 3rd Ave New York NY 10022 Abba Barnett abarnett@extell.com (212) 712-6000 Ferzan Company LLC 16 Madison Square West, 10th Floor New York NY 10010 DeVon Prioleau dprioleau@ferzanco.com (347) 510-7113 Fisher Brothers 299 Park Avenue New York NY 10171 Alex Adams aadams@fisherbrothers.com (212) 752-5000 Foit-Albert Associates, Architecture, Engineering & Surve215 W 94th St Suite 517 New York NY 10025 Gregory Carballada cstoebe@foit-albert.com (212) 372-4813 forte 926 Lincoln Ave Holbrook NY 11741 john culkin jculkin@fortecorp.biz (631) 589-8600 Francis Cauffman Architects 40 Worth Street Suite 300 New York NY 10013 Peter Verne pverne@fcarchitects.com (646) 484-4019 FXCollaborative 22 W 19th Street 11th Floor New York NY 11215 Toby Snyder tsnyder@fxcollaborative.com (646) 292-8271 Geis Construction 145 Main Street Hackensack NJ 07601 jeffrey martin jm@geisco.net (216) 218-3508 Giants Engineering LLC PO Box 311 Babylon NY 11702 Luciana Gardioli LucianaGardioli@GiantsEngineering.com (631) 983-9011 gilbane 7 jackson walkway providence RI 02901 John Fink jfink@gilbaneco.com (401) 456-5873 Gilbane Development Company 7 Jackson Walkway Providence RI 02903 Niddal Momani nmomani@gilbaneco.com (847) 624-0798 Greenberg Traurig, LLP 200 Park Avenue New York NY 10166 Farley Pierre-Louis pierrelouisf@gtlaw.com (212) 801-6932 Gregg 5 Penn Plaza Floor 14 New York NY 10001 Gregg Adelson gadelson@microdesk.com (267) 519-6029 Hampshire Properties 152 W 57th St 55th Fl New York NY 10018 Shim Hirsh shim@hampshireprop.com (212) 519-2260 Handel Architects 120 Broadway, 6th Fl. New York NY 10271 Grace O'Connor goconnor@handelarchitects.com (212) 595-4112 HDR 500 7th Avenue 15th Floor New York NY 10018-450Connor Whooley connor.whooley@hdrinc.com (212) 542-6000 Helpern Architects 401 Lafayette Street, 4th Floor New York NY 10003 Max Yeston m.yeston@helpern.com (212) 505-2025 Heritage Architecture 243W 30TH ST 9th fl suite New York NY 10001 Aurelija Jara aurelija@heritagearch.com (718) 753-1885 Herrick, Feinstein Two Park Avenue New York NY 10016 Patrick O'Sullivan posullivan@herrick.com (212) 592-1503 HR&A Advisors 99 Hudson Street 3rd Floor New York NY 10013 Bret Collazzi bcollazzi@hraadvisors.com (646) 261-4471 Infrastructure Advisors LLC 335 Madison Avenue New York NY 10017 Suhrita Sen suhrita.sen@infrastructure-advisors.com (917) 238-5468 Jeff Turner 1140 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 400 washington DC 20036 Jeffrey Turner jturner@programmanagers.com (202) 255-5893 Jenny Zhan 545 W25th Street Floor 8 New York NY 10001 Jenny Zhan jzhan@iyoungwoo.com (917) 261-6003 Jessica Moreno 475 Fifth Ave 12th Floor New York NY 10017 Jessica Moreno jessica.moreno@stantec.com (917) 930-2438 JLL 330 Madison Avenue NEW YORK NY 10017 Ellen Herman ellen.herman@am.jll.com (212) 418-2652 Kasirer 321 Broadway New York NY 10007 Melissa Rosenberg melissa@kasirer.nyc (212) 285-1800 KieranTimberlake 841 North American Street Philadelphia PA 19123 Sarah Wright swright@kierantimberlake.com (215) 922-6600 Kliment Halsband Architects 322 Eighth Avenue New York NY 10001 Shannon Nehiley nehiley@kliment-halsband.com (212) 243-7400 KPFF Consulting Engineers 299 Broadway Suite 900 New York NY 10007 Michael Bowden michael.bowden@kpff.com (212) 973-3748 Kyle Gregory 45 Main St, #1022 Brooklyn NY 11201 Kyle Gregory Kyle@brennanre.com (718) 858-8238 L&L MAG 594 Dean Street Brooklyn NY 11238 Ashley Cotton acotton@llmag.com (212) 339-3911 L+M Development Partners 2 Park Avenue, Floor 23 New York NY 10016 Josue Sanchez jsanchez@lmdevpartners.com (646) 527-7205 Langan 360 West 31st St 8th floor New York NY 10001 Duke Claghorn dclaghorn@langan.com (212) 479-5000 LERA Consulting Structural Engineers 40 Wall Street, 23rd Fl New York NY 10005 Carrie Villani carrie.villani@lera.com (212) 750-9000 Lightstone 460 Park Avenue New York NY 10022 Julia Sher Jsher@lightstonegroup.com (212) 616-9969 LTL Architects 227 W. 29th St Floor 7 New York City NY 10001 Gabrielle Peterson gabrielle@ltlarchitects.com (212) 505-5955 MCA 1133 Broadway, suite 1607 New York NY 10010 Martine Kushner newyork@mcarchitects.it (212) 431-9191 MCCGUSA LTD 14 Wall Street, 20th Floor New York NY 10005 Shaun Emdin semdin@mccgusa.com (212) 269-6126 MCCGUSA Ltd 14 Wall Street 20th Fl New York NY 10004 sean moss smoss@mccgusa.com (212) 269-6126 MDG Consulting Services, LLC 1202 LEXINGTON AVENUE SUITE 115 NEW YORK NY 10028 Marlon Gil marlon.gil@mdgcsllc.com (347) 310-0732 MDG Consulting Services, LLC 1202 LEXINGTON AVENUE SUITE 115 NEW YORK NY 10028 Marlon Gil mdg5122@gmail.com (347) 310-0732 Mecanoo International 20 Broadway, 20th Floor New York NY 10271 Eric van den Berg eric.vandenberg@mecanoo.nl (917) 563-4667 Mitchell Giurgola 630 Ninth Avenue Suite 711 New York NY 10036 Danielle Stecher stecher@mitchellgiurgola.com (212) 663-4000 Moinian Group 3 Columbus Circle, 26th Fl New York NY 10019 Michael Zarifpoor Michaelz@moiniangroup.com (646) 467-8721 Nelligan White Architects 20 West 20th St Suite 1100 New York NY 10011 Morgan Castelein morgan@nelliganwhite.com (212) 675-0500 new york university 11 west 42nd street new york NY 06824 james sellinger jrs344@nyu.edu (201) 218-0886 Newmark Knight Frank 125 Park Avenue New York NY 10017 Howard Kesseler hkesseler@ngkf.com (212) 372-2110 Nixon Peabody LLP 55 West 46th Street New York NY 10036 David Bidleman dbidleman@nixonpeabody.com (585) 263-1469 NYC HPD 100 Gold Street Room 5P2 New York NY 10038 Leila Bozorg bozorgl@hpd.nyc.gov (202) 863-6321 ODA-Architecture PC 250 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor New York NY 10003 Heidi Theunissen heidi@oda-architecture.com (646) 478-7455 Pei Cobb Freed & Partners 88 Pine Street New York NY 10005 Marc Diamond communications@pcf-p.com (212) 872-4000 Pennrose, LLC 1301 Avenue of the Americas 7th Floor New York NY 10019 Dylan Salmons dsalmons@pennrose.com (267) 386-8643 Plaza Construction LLC 1065 Ave.
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