f"'n I' I'multl ~I.:r.1o- 1.11"0111,'/1 Patagonina Has the Finest Pata onia Has &lme Ver} All. Year.'Round Climate in Promising Sih'er, v..lld and the United tates; Alt,itude SANTA CRUZ Copper Mines That X~ 405.1 Feet; Good Schools ('apit~1 to O~\ebp Them VOL . XIII 1,2,00 A V~ ,lr In Advance) PATACONIA, ARIZONA, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1925 ISlngle Copy S C.nUI NO. 13 • SCHOOL NOTES BIG JtM MINING PLAN IN ,tJit1;;:O.'\tA ELW!'i XEW . ~OTF."; (Mignon 5t.vena, EdItor) A PERFECT DOLL • ANNOUNCE~ .\1.11(;0T:i \1:t1dleton Ol .\'~a.! a 14"" ,,)', 1.110•• 0, ' .an PECSONAL AND SOCIAL ".Uo.,'d nod ' The following arU('IQ, I\WQ.;lr .. d In Qn Elgin vllhc.lr "'rll'l) IllrwTI",rn I I I X'III(\, O"w:Jon nre the bl'lIt n.'IHlcrlt In I I" Ihe Loti Anl!: el~1 E!l.amlnur :'olal\:11 .1. III' tbr ualoadlns of a clr of ,,'odt 11=:c~===.::==========:::::==:========:====:::!1I lh··.\ e l as~. I .. ta, .. nd 13 of 1,1 {;lit. Tb~ D '" wtlrlht.us:, at l:I~la J. J. P8t.rllOh. HUJ)(!rlllumdent of I Mike LonK ond Horlfillu Bcnder o r ~ Nina Ollwllon and t;rmlniu QUirOr;:l ! l'at.lgonl ... n5. makea It more ('on \'t nlent {,Jr rnnllh· tbe Abe ' ~l a co ID minI). ul HArllha ...... lIarabaw 'o\'ere HundllY \'IMitors In Iilc ' hnve Iile mORt ijlUrs In spelJluc· I 'Iii.' ncen~ act ,"Ily In I~I, Jilll \ r. t.J ~ '( Uff' tllt'lr 8ul>I:I ell o. ull• t .. Itl tiC l;uttonSt·c:oc.I ~Akt', I Ie.. IItor~u tht·rl". • nrrlved trom 1.0, ACleles lallt Satllr· ,COIl11t Y lenl. I Ju!tto AnnUa, JOSll Mendoto. t:lenn I C Diklld d t'u le'n Gut! til<' rfay. 110 18 maklll, prepo,utlonll 10 I -' 1Saldatt!, laldore Corrulell And Ermlnln qulatllon I y I!JIlI lomp.. ;)y ,r. v ry, TIll' n vo 10 IkinC m"c1t1,u~ Tcc"nt y 1)(',10 ope.... Unl the mill" Immedlate'j Ocorcu tWlott, lenee 0 rthe DiI:lo Qulrola lead In number combtnAtlon:!. vrom."ng l!l1dslVt:r lllh,e III tl1I' llar' .utlll.l,-d At tbc Oed"., r.t.nth t .. ,n Iy. He I tated, ho,,·ever. Ibtl! Il will ' mlnf', Wall R Pa rAloola vlsilor MOil I J ' h thaw mlnlnl dill riel (.( Arlzun;l, It 1.·lPCr.. Uvll. \" 1I"r.a tl~ luvlt. It h .. ",,' hi {d I ~upe I.{artuz hUB returned to flC 001 "" al I••• , ,Ix w~' I111 "'" ore I nls IY. lIated. It bas a. lUI t.Jnna,,, or ltll! 10 ",'11 It I", I;.U)U ~ I ' nller :~ mlnth'l a b ~f'Dct'. lead'lllver orc Illrcad)' block ,I Oil, will be 10 lull .wlnl, ". there I" muell - 1 ....u p", .. l" l\) ... L .... II.n,1 p,ft:lbh 1 :'olr. l'trlY, ,\tI raJ m ....l1r or tI,.· ill iall work to xet oul of Ibe W!1)·. ~ Joe CoJilo. who had 1I0llle raocy ; , 'he Jo'Irth grade bu mnde mnpa 01 1 ! caponI for IIlle and couldD'1 realb:o nhe outlylnR IXhl ll:'II!lIOIII or the Unltpod I IU Ilire fcr tbe mine. 'laIn dl'jlol.ltnt.UI of I..':c PlI'lt"n:r .'(,.1 Senator C.A, "'erct' and lamlly And : tbelr vAluo In the marke t. ,ot 100\1 Stat ~ s. • , Am,')" water III avallJ,bl!, b .·,.te•. II 1111 Seed (:0:np..01. wa. l~f'rt' thl.­ l a.oo·t!Iecltlc po"er 11m,. t· OM~ Ule WHI klO 11'1"'11.11 tho mllklnr m.a.hln' Altl' Sophie 8Joborr attended a diD' ~ turll l from tbem b), boldlnllL II hoot· r Th,' Pltlh gradl' II stud)'lng 1I(,1I.la prcl)Cny wlthln a fe ... hutldred [.. .. d lit tlill Bl'f'bo rauch, ner Tuoada" nl,bt III the Cave. Nf). NilI' mI/It cb SundllY, when 0.11 tbe blrda , I I r ' 11 ,lnIUM,f.!, I ulea. SOoora. which WIUI ,Iven b)' ~, ere dl8po"ed ot to locul markllnlf'o. ~ o( the .bll(t, and It 'I ouly about ll'" (.;band:t'r Ha.n1Rn bA. ,ono to gil' 1ho Camp fi'll'!l Olrl.· luardlaa. 81£· - 1-'run.k LIiOimll Is buck frolll Mexico, ; ITllnutf's' tldo to tho oeBreat r"Uroaci. bt I', tI hI ro It 111 reportfd ba baa II' I)'.flve platea W~ latd. Mauy l.we,.. : Mra. I)an lo'olz 'Of tho SaD RurU l'l ' wlu~n' be apent a mouth vlllllln& reill' Tbe ore II .Imple In Iia ('bar.dcr IWd l'l1.t1l1 1\ po.llIon. v.Une lIllIlI ""fOro l'nJoyPu follo""'I1.1; alle)' uu At,.. O. V. Klnr.ley of 80- tIH!K. Htl I. muklug up lus t thntl l "l. .Ull calO wc,aUur(l:.cal proLIl'1n tt> N' work(!ll out. Cllmjleuth'~ timl'ltt'ra Otto Cral,. "ho h's oo"n an Etrln 111(' replu,t. {Dolla Wflro Patiliouiu vlillnrM Mon· aftor rcgulll.r fI('hool hOUN . I ole clollo al hand. Engln 'n" 1'11.\'8 '\',Illor for Ibe 1&1 tt\lrO W ·Ika. h.al l,day. 'I'h \. "'ourth grll.dc Ilull1&: good ! , ~ ''tAmln, rt Ihe proJ:er.)' ,111.1 \'olc*,u ' n(' to Ililbet', Freilerlck I ~ukd, Iltlphe'K of Mra. F.. I • · wv.l; III lon8 dh·llIlolI. I Ihelr I\pproval ot It. A C. D:.;.lton \IIIU an t:lctn vlslt.or }I!, Bethell. alld MNI, I.ukel arriYeu hi 1 Jamelt M . 1~lul e . 181111'0 of Ihl' DU' I , 1'.ta&Qtaln. 'Monda)' to apent! n month Lqllelne mlnea. wall a Pa tngonln vllltor ,' 1 he Fourth gradc puplill hU\'e rl'au "T he Hg Jim .I, IIn f>~. 1'1<'. Wa) ., .• We-ducada)". II,. I 'vlaUInI their relaU.t'I. ' Monday. ' thluugh 11I~lr hilitory alld lia"l! an· (,pntly Otl.lnlled under ll.c la~·. of .... ' .. 11, hllb"ay III lo'a:rt:ar:k. I _ "Wl.ntl all thO que.tlon, In It. I the atate of Arizona allli hal t ,k .. n Tbl' d8ll(,~ at Ell D Saturday nflh, l OV'I the u.eta J I thf' 0 I JI-n ClJn· Dee t~ewlll, .bo hrul b6fn In Il No-I S upenlaor R. A, Campbell attcndell , 'I'h(' Pcurth an dlo~lflh grad8 room '" II t ", ... , ,,{lend ·.~"...ad an eajoy",LI, I 801ldated OD n IhaT('.!or·aharr b:u,ll . ,aiel hOlplt.al for .everal weeki, WII the re,ulllr mooting of the board f'. Colillcllng plantB for ttle wlnduw • \'In,n& ""Ill Ipiont b)' au. broulht to Pataloala Wed:nuday ond Monday In the county teat, \\'hen reg- box which J l" U$ Men.!ota III uu:aklllg, ! .lk nl::w company ,II 't:aphaUud r;)r Tb Mllle& P'lor~1lee and Oor"u.., I. at the Commertlal botel In a very ullir routine btillul. wu tranllllc.ted. I 1390.000 aDd l~ divided I.o.to a 0::'0.000 _ In Ole Third Irade spelJiol contest ahl\Tes of tilt! par "alue of 10 Cttlta Wood and Shlrlf'Y Dalton ot 1 \Ie..,,, HI. 'amll, I, weakeDH eaotlltlon. " • 'I A I K'I I " Ihe loliowlne pupiltl have two Itars: I ('Deh. The preliminary tiDant' nf If U"nd, d tbt, dance at Ell It $Olturd3/ aL the hoate lry w Itim I hI . .. r, an .. f1I • .~. nil e )' 0 tnc ul,;bt. San JWo.c l Valle, were NOlalea bU ill. Margaret Pearaoll. Manuel Drlle,n o' r FlOUNCE M .'CnI!TIl o.r.nOUl'lcf;'d b), a ,),ndlcate.1u tbo n(l1I\' • I It M d I EI ~ la Altnmat'lno and Emellnl K,n. Mr. 11 . U. RI'II and .In. 0 , L. nel. v. Orl on ay. I' h03e earnll1K' one atar ure . Kathe- Revivinr "The Tales o! HotTlDOln:' The Cbicqo Civic. Opera Company compflD)' SHa und :' bca.lwa)' wl(th lo'(,n'lt 1'.. o,l'r Robert ThOl.ll.PIOII of RtaVtD" "'alted the Mhbum ranc h unexpectedl,. d.iacDvtTed. perfect .. Doll" in the per«I!l aI Fklftnee Macbeth, I, ,UN!" (.n b3J,d Azul with n I n' Canll.f' r"..:f'ntl)' hlrot..>G aliI'''' d put, TUf'.day. Mr. and i\ln. W, C. Hooks aod cbll· ' rlne Carler. Clalt!. Gatlin, Roul Amudo. notttl coIantura ¥opn.no'wh(lle ideal rtPitldlUtioa of lb. mechlOical Ga;ure debtedne..... I ranCl'r lO ....111 him ID h14 wore In n.da, vl.'lO" at lh. S" Mackrlo SloI ldate a mi Hernando Valen· 1 proved tbe wnatioQ. ~ th - opera. lh. H • • • n ',en we,e '. I I Th e oom~, v"e Dba('~,-100', mUlt have rOi~ tei that the extotptj,gp:a.lJ)' u (' UC& aD '.Ilom"' «'s'r'" • Mia. Ora~ Van OIHlA~ of the 8M Rafae l Vaney" ranch of MillS Crll(,c ZIlC a. difficult musie bad"to he lUng by the character UI a pMttftof perfect riaidiff 160,000 MILES IN ~ 8ECOND-HAND Idry wlatber conUAIlCl, tben' w.U bu Van O!ldo.le. Bernando Valenzuela mnde t ..... o an ..l moat hwnanb> impoaaibJe talk. The opera ulddom oroducccl 00 th'; FLIVVER dllDrr of rl'lrtat tim thht IPUJII RAfl\el Valier, 1"h() bIlLS been .e.rlously I :lccount. Prior to thiB revival the Qieago Company fwt conducted .. Itl k for -ame time.
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