NAACP Asks Conference With President On F L? II A Newspaper PRICE With A I ~ 5 c Constructive ¡A,. : PER COPY ' Policy . ■ ') VOLUME 18, NUMBER 85 f MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1950 | Wilkins Says Judge Delays Decision In Group Shocked By Postponement j WASHINGTON, D. C -(NNPAJ. Carrollton Contempt Case Shocked'' by the decision of the Democratic Policy Committee to rend the foreign aid bill to tte floor ahead of fair employment practice legislation, the National Emory Student Preaches ' Association for the Advanoenwnt of Colored People last Wednentay asked President Truman for a con- From Stand, Takes Blaine , ference with him. The decbion to shunt wide wo By C. W. GREENI.EA was made after Vice President Al­ CARROLLTON, Ga. — (SNS) — A West Georgia court­ ii en W. Barkley and Senator 8o*ti room, crowded with townfolk of Carrollton, sat amazed as W Lucas, of Illinois, the Majority Leader, had conferred with Mr. a young white religious student, one of five Atlantans cited Truman for an hour and a half on in a contempt of court hearing, used the witness stand to the legislative program. Senator preach for justice for Negro People,. i 1 ucas quoted the Prexident a* lay­ Judge Samuel Boykin, of Car­ Jr., attorneys for Henderson, in an' ing that the Economic Cooperation roll County Superior Court, had appeal for a new trial, the Rev. B Administration bill was “mare im­ ordered the Atlantans to appear be- J. Johnson,- pastor of the Greater portant" than any pending legiiM- | fore him Saturday for allegedly Mt. Calvury Baptist Church; Bar­ < tlon. I having issued hand bills in Atlanta ney Rutletige, ’ recent Morehouse In a telegram sent Mr. Truman, 1 and Carrollton stating that Clar­ College student; and the Rev. Roy Wilkins, acting secretary of ence Henderson had been "framed" George Wannamaker III. Emorv ! the NAACP, said he had found | in his trial that resulted In an University religious"Student. Rut­ : "Increasing resentment" beetuze of electric chair sentence, for the ledge. Johnson and Wannamaker failure of the Democratic leader­ I murder of Carl Buddy Stevens, a are co-chairmen of a newly-formed, ship to carry out the IMS Democra­ Georgia Tech student, las! year. organlzition, the Henderson De­ tic party platform pledges whU* 1 Called on contempt charges were: fense Committee. STAKE IN JOINT ARMY-FORT BRAGG,. N C. paratrooperpof the 82nd Airborne Division pre­ favoring legislation wanted by ] S. S. Robinson and E. E. Moore. I "special interest.” STATE WITNESS BACKFIRES These men hove a stake in the joint Army-Air pare to load up. They are, left to right, Pfc. Judge Boykin announced that he Force Exercise Swarmer, which goes off in late Robert Lewis, Jersey 'City, N. J., Pfc. Manuel would not render a decision until GAS BILL he could “get to the bottom of the April and early May in mid North Carolina, in­ Christina, Brooklyn, N. Y„ CpI. George Rankins, Mr. Wilkins specifically mention­ whole thing." adding that the case volving 43,000 Army and 18,000 Air Force Newark, N. J., General Norstad and Pfc. William ed the Kerr natural gas bin, spon­ UN Mediator would be re-set at a future date troops commanded by Lieutenant General Lauris 'Tucker, Camden, N. J. sored by Senator Robert 8. Karr, and include additional person« Norstad. With General Norstad briefing, four I’ Democrat, ot Oklahoma, and | whom he would summon. 1 Robinson, Moore, Rutledge, and which oould exempt from federal ¡Rev. Johnson all took the stand regulation natural gas transported Essay Winner through interstate pipeline*. It Is to deny any responsibility for the ' charged that enactment of thb composing or distribution of the Editor Sees UNESCO Commission bill, which is now awaiting Mir. liandbills. All declared that they Truman's approval, will result In had no knowledge that their names T I increased costs of natural gu to wire on such a sheet. As Means For Greater Democracy consumers. Event In Sisters But the young Rev Wannamaker dropped a proverbial bomb into the "Supporter* of FEPC are ahoct- courtroom. He had been called ns By C. A. SCOTT ing of the principles stated in the cd and dismayed by decision ot Chapel On Spelman lhe state's star wjtnoss apparently Editor, Atlanta I)ailv Worlu i Universal Declaration of Human Democratic Policy Committee to with an intent to sited light on the For NNPA Rights and to bring about tiielt ap­ . postpone again consideration of thl* a | vital bill. College Campus relations of the other defendants plication on a locai level. On the As a recently Appointed represer. to the Henderson Defense Com­ I question of tensions, the report "Continued delay and evasion an ta(lve of the Negro Newspaper Pub­ mittee and to the Progressive Par­ urges the use of the'resources of the part of the Democratic leader­ ATLANTA. Georgia —(SNS) - lishers Association, I have just al; I educators and social scientists "to ty- - • .’A ship In the Senate not only fore Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, director, tended my first meeting of the U. 8. ' promote discussion and understand­ James E Webb, son of Fulton stalls enactment of this bin but Department of Trusteeship, United National Commission for UNESCO ing of the American and Russian County's solicitor Paul Webb, re­ I imperils the entire Nation*, will be at Atlanta Univer- (United Natiuis Educational, Sci­ ► Fair Deal prp- presenting Wannamaker. had reads , economic, swtal aud political ays- <r | gram and vitiate* th* party'* plat- idty on April 23 to deliver tlZflfth entific and Cultural Oriantzalior? 1 terns to serve as a basis for sound ■ | a lengthy statement attributed to ' lorm adopted In Philadelphia to John Hope Lecture. Dr. Bunche will and I believe this group is destineu actions maintalnirg peace." the religious student.- 1948. apeak at 3:00 p. m. In Bisters Chap­ to become effective in bringing At the Friday flight session a pan­ el on the campus of Spelmac Col­ »bout a greiter degree of freedom el discussion was held oil "’Critical “My recent countrywide tour dll- lege. Alumni, faculty, student and and justice for all Americans. Ann Threats to International Coopera­ closed everywhere an lncraaatod friends of the Atlanta University I also believe the objectives ana tion." Former Governor Ellis Ar- resentment against the failure of System are cordially invited to at­ CIO Urges purposes of this group will the Democratic leadership to enatt tend. wholesome affect on peoples of speakers. He warned the program on which it wu abat­ A man distinguished by many other countries through our repre­ hysteria growing out of the cold ed while giving precedence to spe­ MEZZO • SOPRANO ARTIST TO .during a special assembly. "firsts," Dr. Bunche was the first sentatives In tie United Nation1. war. "Peace mrtt be based on pub­ cial Interests '«glilatton such u the SPRING FESTIVAL THURSDAY— Ehe starred on Broadway in the Negro to-receive a Ph. D. in poli- Fight On The three-day meeting which was lic opinion and public opinion must Mltft HATTIE MARTIN Kerr natural gat bill. Etta Moten, star of stage, radio and stage play "Porgy and Bess." and .ical science, the first to be select­ held in the State Department lely on the proper, evaluation of For writing the winning essay "The National Association for screen has been invited to Memphis achieved film recognition in the pic­ ed for a "desk job" In the State De­ II Building, ,April 13-15, at the na­ facts." he said. The speaker who is on the subject "How We Can Best the Advancement of Colored Peo­ as guest of the LeMoyne College ture "Flying Down to Rio." In pri- parment. the first to achieve an tion's capital, «as oartlcltjaied in (Continued On Page Five) Preserve Our American Medical ple together with other Spring Festival which get* under vate life Miss Moten is the wife of', international reputation as a diplo­ "Coalition I by nation’s experts in education, Standards,’’ Miss Hattie Martin, 18- tlons supporting FEPC way today, April I8th. She will ap- Claude Barnett, founder-director of mat, resulting from his success as science, the professions and ya- .vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. an opportunity to oonfer Rln concert at Metropolitan the Associated Negro Press. Her a United Nations mediator for ¡rious representatives of the de­ Editor Scott Visits Ogve Mait in, Lucy, Tenn., won the on 8. 1728, the FEPC bill in it Church. McDowell and Unholy Alliance daughter and son-in-law. Dr. and Palestine. ,When offered an appoint partments of givernment, especial­ President Truman first prize of $100.00’ in the recent dance with overwhelming Walker Thursday night, April 20th, Mrs. Stanley Ish, Jr., are residents ment as issistant secretary of state, ly that of the State Deoartment. essay contest sponsored by the expressed by 4,000 delegate* C.~Aj Scott, editor and general Friday, April 21st., MIm Moten will of Marion. Ark the highest governmental post ever On the opening day Senator Wil­ Memphis and Shelby County Medi­ tlonal Emergency Civil Righto Blamed For Slowing manager of the Atlanta Dally give a lecture to the student body tendered to an American Negro. Dr. liam Beptor. addressed the groun cal' Society and its Woman's Auxi­ bilizatlon last January.” v . ’ 1 - I ’* World and Scott Newspaper Syn­ Bunche refused choosing to remain and distributed copies of his pro­ liary of which Mrs. Ernest Kelly is dicate. visited and shook hands with with the United Nations where he Of Fair Deal Program posed law for a' "Mirshall nlan In President.. Republican leaders Thursday had President Truman along with mem­ Is a top-ranking director of the De­ the field of ideas” to win the minds A member of the 12th Grade and demanded lmmtdhte Senate ac­ Will Continue Plans To bers of'the nation 1 commission partment of Trusteeships.
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