S4326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 5, 2011 The result was announced—yeas 83, tacked his unit with an improvised ex- Amores was assigned to 3rd Battalion, nays 8, as follows: plosive device. Corporal Simonetta was 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Divi- [Rollcall Vote No. 105 Leg.] assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 502nd In- sion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, YEAS—83 fantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Camp Pendleton, CA. SPC Rudolph R. Hizon, 22, of Los An- Akaka Grassley Nelson (FL) Team, 101st Airborne Division, Air As- Ayotte Hagan Paul sault, Fort Campbell, KY. geles, CA, died February 28 in Logar Baucus Harkin Portman SSgt Justin E. Schmalstieg, 28, of Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suf- Begich Hatch Pryor Pittsburgh, PA, died December 15 while fered when insurgents attacked his Bennet Hoeven Reed conducting combat operations in unit using an improvised explosive de- Bingaman Hutchison Reid Blumenthal Inouye Risch Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Staff vice. Specialist Hizon was assigned to Blunt Isakson Roberts Sergeant Schmalstieg was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regi- Boozman Johanns Rockefeller the 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal ment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Boxer Johnson (SD) Rubio Company, 7th Engineer Support Bat- Mountain Division, Fort Polk, LA. Brown (MA) Johnson (WI) Sanders Brown (OH) Kerry Schumer talion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I SGT Jason M. Weaver, 22, of Ana- Cantwell Kirk Sessions Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp heim, CA, died March 3 in Kandahar Cardin Klobuchar Shaheen Carper Kohl Pendleton, CA. Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suf- Casey Landrieu Shelby LCpl Jose L. Maldonado, 21, of fered when insurgents attacked his Chambliss Lautenberg Snowe Mathis, TX, died December 17 while unit using an improvised explosive de- Stabenow Coats Leahy conducting combat operations in vice. Sergeant Weaver was assigned to Cochran Levin Tester Collins Lugar Thune Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Lance the 504th Military Police Battalion, Conrad Manchin Toomey Corporal Maldonado was assigned to 42nd Military Police Brigade, Joint Coons McCain Udall (CO) 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, Base Lewis-McChord, WA. Corker McCaskill Udall (NM) Cpl Jordan R. Stanton, 20, of Rancho Crapo Menendez Warner 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expedi- Durbin Merkley Webb tionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. Santa Margarita, CA, died March 4 Feinstein Mikulski Whitehouse Cpl Eric M. Torbert Jr., 25, of Lan- while conducting combat operations in Franken Moran Wicker caster, PA, died December 18 while con- Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Cor- Gillibrand Nelson (NE) Wyden ducting combat operations in Helmand poral Stanton was assigned to the 2nd NAYS—8 Province, Afghanistan. Corporal Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Barrasso Enzi McConnell Torbert was assigned to the 1st Combat Division, II Marine Expeditionary Coburn Graham Vitter Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Divi- Force, Camp Lejeune, NC. Cornyn Inhofe sion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, SSG Mark C. Wells, 31, of San Jose, NOT VOTING—9 Camp Pendleton, CA. CA, died March 5 in Helmand Province, Alexander Heller Lieberman PFC Conrado D. Javier Diaz Jr., 19, of Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when Burr Kyl Murkowski Marina, CA, died December 20 in insurgents attacked his unit with an DeMint Lee Murray Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, of improvised explosive device. Staff Ser- The motion was agreed to. wounds suffered when enemy forces at- geant Wells was assigned to the 45th The PRESIDING OFFICER. A tacked his vehicle with an improvised Sustainment Brigade, 8th Theater quorum is present. explosive device. Private First Class Sustainment Command, Schofield Bar- The Senator from Pennsylvania. Javier Diaz was assigned to the 3rd racks, HI. f Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regi- SSG Eric S. Trueblood, 27, of Ala- ment, Vilseck, Germany. meda, CA, died March 10 in Kandahar MORNING BUSINESS LCpl Kenneth A. Corzine, 23, of Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suf- Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I ask Bethalto, IL, died December 24 of fered when enemy forces attacked his unanimous consent that the Senate wounds received December 5 while con- unit with an improvised explosive de- proceed to a period of morning busi- ducting combat operations in Helmand vice. Staff Sergeant Trueblood was as- ness, with Senators permitted to speak Province, Afghanistan. Lance Corporal signed to the 391st Combat for up to 10 minutes each. Corzine was assigned to the 3rd Bat- Sustainment Support Battalion, 16th The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without talion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Ma- Sustainment Brigade, Spinelli Bar- objection, it is so ordered. rine Division, I Marine Expeditionary racks, Mannheim, Germany. f Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. PFC Arturo E. Rodriguez, 19, of Bell- Cpl Tevan L. Nguyen, 21, of Hutto, flower, CA, died March 12 in Paktika HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES TX, died December 28 while conducting Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suf- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise combat operations in Helmand Prov- fered when insurgents attacked his today to pay tribute to 39 service mem- ince, Afghanistan. Corporal Nguyen unit using small arms fire. Private bers from California or based in Cali- was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 5th First Class Rodriguez was assigned to fornia who have died while serving our Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, the 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regi- country in Operation Enduring Free- I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp ment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st dom since December 7, 2010. This brings Pendleton, CA. Airborne Division, Air Assault, Fort to 276 the number of service members MAJ Evan J. Mooldyk, 47, of Ranch Campbell, KY. either from California or based in Cali- Murieto, CA, died January 12 in SPC Rudy A. Acosta, 19, of Canyon fornia who have been killed while serv- Khowst Province, Afghanistan, in a Country, CA, died March 19 in ing our country in Afghanistan. This noncombat-related incident. Major Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, of represents 17 percent of all U.S. deaths Mooldyk was assigned to the 19th wounds suffered when he was allegedly in Afghanistan. Sustainment Command, 377th Theater shot with small arms fire by an indi- CPL Kenneth E. Necochea Jr., 21, of Sustainment Command, Belle Chasse, vidual from a military security group. San Diego, CA, died December 12 in LA. Specialist Acosta was assigned to the Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, of PO2 Class Dominique Cruz, 26, of 4th Squadron, 2nd Stryker Calvary wounds suffered when insurgents at- Panama City, FL, was found during Regiment, Vilseck, Germany. tacked his unit with an improvised ex- search and rescue operations January SPC Jameson L. Lindskog, 23, of plosive device. Corporal Necochea was 19 in the Gulf of Oman after being re- Pleasanton, CA, died March 29 of assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 502nd In- ported missing January 18. Petty Offi- wounds suffered when enemy forces at- fantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat cer 2nd Class Cruz was assigned as an tacked his unit with small arms fire in Team, 101st Airborne Division, Air As- operations specialist to the USS Halsey Konar Province, Afghanistan. Spe- sault, Fort Campbell, KY. homeported in San Diego, CA. cialist Lindskog was assigned to the CPL Derek T. Simonetta, 21, of Red- Sgt Jason G. Amores, 29, of Lehigh 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regi- wood City, CA, died December 12 in Acres, FL, died January 20 while con- ment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, of ducting combat operations in Helmand Airborne Division, Air Assault, Fort wounds suffered when insurgents at- Province, Afghanistan. Sergeant Campbell, KY. VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:31 Jul 05, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05JY6.004 S05JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with SENATE July 5, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4327 LCpl Harry Lew, 21, of Santa Clara, Cpl Paul W. Zanowick II, 23, of sion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, CA, died April 3 while supporting com- Miamisburg, OH, died June 3 while con- Camp Pendleton, CA. bat operations in Helmand Province, ducting combat operations in Helmand Sgt Chad D. Frokjer, 27, of Maple- Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Lew was Province, Afghanistan. Corporal wood, MN, died June 30 while con- assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Ma- Zanowick was assigned to 3rd Bat- ducting combat operations in Helmand rine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III talion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Ma- Province, Afghanistan. Sergeant Marine Expeditionary Force, based out rine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Frokjer was assigned to 1st Battalion, of Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay, HI. Force, Twentynine Palms, CA. 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Divi- HN Benjamin D. Rast, 23, of Niles, LCpl Nicholas S. O’Brien, 21, of Stan- sion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, MI, died April 6 while conducting a dis- ley, NC, died June 9 while conducting Camp Pendleton, CA. mounted patrol northeast of Patrol combat operations in Helmand Prov- I would also like to pay tribute to Base Alcatraz, Helmand Province, Af- ince, Afghanistan. Lance Corporal the six service members from Cali- ghanistan. Hospitalman Rast was as- O’Brien was assigned to the 1st Bat- fornia or based in California who have signed to the 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine talion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Ma- died while serving our country in Iraq Regiment, 2nd Marine Division sta- rine Division, I Marine Expeditionary since December 7, 2010. This brings to tioned at Naval Medical Center, Expe- Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. 891 the number of service members ei- ditionary Medical Force Detachment, LCpl Jason D. Hill, 20, of Poway, CA, ther from California or based in Cali- San Diego, CA. died June 11 while conducting combat fornia who have been killed while serv- LCpl Joe M. Jackson, 22, of White operations in Helmand Province, Af- ing our country in Iraq. This represents Swan, WA, died April 24 while con- ghanistan. Lance Corporal Hill was as- 20 percent of all U.S. deaths in Iraq. ducting combat operations in Helmand signed to 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine SPC Jose A.
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