Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2018 saia 111ft , ... tal iu, Luach : 1_€5 Tipperary Walo County Senior Hurling Championship Flnill 2018 12.57 BURGESS amach ar an bpairc 1.00 Moycarkey-Borris amach ar an bpairc 1.15 Tus an chluiche - Tipperary Water Seamus 6 Riain cup Final: BURGESS V MOYCARKEY-BORRIS 1.47 leath-am 1.57 Tus an dara leath 2.30 Crioch an chluiche 2.40 Presentation of the Seamus 6 Rian cup to the winning captain by Seosamh 6 Cinneide, leas Cathaoirleach an Chontae, followed by the presentation of the 'Man of the Match' award (sponsored by John Quirke Jewellers, Cahir) 2.50 Presentation of the BURGESS County Intermediate Hurling Champions 1993 3.07 Clonoulty-Rossmore amach ar an bpairc 3.10 Nenagh Eire 6g ama ch ar an bpairc 3.25 Pre-Match Parade lead by the Moycarkey-Borris Pipe Band 3.29 Amhran na bhFiann Singer Joe Boyle (Borris-lleigh) 3.30 Tus an chluiche - Tipperary Water Senior Hurling Championship Final: CLONOULTY-ROSSMORE V NENAGH EIRE OG 4.03 leath-am 4.13 Tus an dara leath 4.45 Crioch an chluiche 4.55 Presentation of the Dan Breen Cup to the winning captain by Sean 6 Dubhain, Cathaoirleach an Chontae, followed by the presentation of the 'Man of the Match' award (sponsored by John Quirke Jewellers, Cahir) ' fi We hope you enioy reading l odoy'~ progromme.1I has been compiled with the onislonce of BUloe as Tom Moher (Assistont County Secretory), Tim Floyd (County Secretory). Jemmo Flynn IBurges$)' Michelle McKelvey [Moycorkey-Borris), Kathleen Ryon IClonoulty.Ros~more) ond Anne Kennedy [Nenogh Eire 6g1. Many thonh to 011 tho$e who contributed moteriol- Seamus O'Doherty, Noel Dundon, Christy O'Connor, Jomes Hoyden, Seamus 1. King, liom 6 Donnchu, Seamus 6 Dubhog6in. Donie Neolon, Jo~phine Cohill. A speciol thonb to our photog raphers who capture the moments so we ll - Bridget Deloney, Eomonn McGee, Sportdile ond the Nenogh Guordian fo r th e u~ of their orchive mate riol. GER COR BETT, Programme Edi'ar Programme Cover - MIchael Heffernan, Nenagh EIre 6g's captain moves away from the chaUenge of Clonoulty·Rossmore's MIchael Ryan In the group stages of the champIonshIp. [_,u_ ... Goe[ De5Ign ,In(1 /il)I:lu( Tom Benne ,- . I Final s t .itO pimo/)hleitllllm' 1!(lhis (.'f'JIIII)CtitilJll ot:l'r till' .wars, (;lIllllwirlt'c~dt (Ir (III Goi;Sw So II kccllly}iJUL:/1I ('(II/(('SI i,~ C/t(;IIWC. Jill/ft' //I(1r fI dlUr tWlldp(ltc(1 t::ltll bOlli dubs I mimi, ~(wh dIme ('/rlli:,! tlll.\'il)lI.~ /(J brillt! the /)w. Urecn Stdil/ Semple 11111111 i .L!c6ir (.'rlIo/J1t Gup IWllle. GII/uidle /ollf(illli W':II." CmolJh Ix/til .\lo)'(.·lII'ke.,'-BOITis (11Il1 ellUl/dre COni ,""'WilliS Rinill. 6 Hur~c.~s (Ire most deSC",'II1i,! of If is Illy pri'L'i/C/k (/s GhwrnuHI (,lmlc,~tilZ/l Illl' SeWlIlIS () Wail! (!lTI1IIx:mt:\' (:OUIIIY Boord /0 CUI'/il!o/ (j,~ fm(il lire Ilrc 011/), t.."t!kflllll: ("t:el:'l'fJllI.' (I) ScmI'll­ telmlS co /ra't"C t.."IJII all IIII\.'C of StutlllUII wdaY.fill' Ollr SCII/m' did,. ,1!roup ,4wlles /)(.};)I'(.' fille lIurlilll! (lwl SClWIliN 6 KitHlI CliP 't'le/ories lI'tie/'.I1{ UrcwkcIIs wul fiIlHI.... 71'I11/i/c(/crl':\' J\clI,mns ill lite st.',"i­ fi,!(rI,~, /lolh {I/'(.' 1I0W pmmolt,cl COI/Ilty St.'11/or lIurlill!]. f/llfll to /lOi1ll1 I (jllli direct (K'(.'C,~S //) (/(lYS day jl> IItII: of tile .L!/W/f IlIt tire t/u: /)(m Breen Cup n('.\'1 )'('{j/', TiPlX'I"(U)' C.lI t'tl/cm/w: MallY l'iL'tof)' t(KIeIY u'iII ('rou'/t tlleir .!11wa .41011(:" hove 1)('1.:11 p/uyC{/ S!('C:c.~.Vw ,\"Cur, (lml IIIallY !!rc{d p!oycrs 11U~:c Ilrflt'f.·(/ (11('fil/fll -- Wit/ m(IIIY (I ,\luy , ('(JI!,am/llfclh' bmlr pn'1..'iotls/y III/item/tied player p(.. 'isl/('.~ 011 SIl('(.'(.'S.-:e,~ Illst u'('ekclU/. MO.''(.,(l rkey,fJ(Jrns /1/lI.wd lite ~(mlC I!" 11is life to u'irlllill/l IIIl' COll ll f." .\lillor hrill!! A/Or)' /0 Iti ... duh. flurlillt!.\/ilUlllIlltl Bllr,tic,~s­ Tcx/a)' t.."'C Jill'!.'''' ft..··O cluh.. , /)u//(//'m U'i1l1Iim,! (( rcmllrka/)/e C/m/fJlllty-Ro.'is/IIore mui ,\buIAtl ,~l't.'c/tlll ill-lI-rlJU) COI/Ilty Se1lior Eire ();.1. t<:/w (111.' l/Opill4 Iv 1/I'icl,4c GWIUJt.!ie litk .4(1".~ I!f f){;Cr lto.'t'llfy YC(Jr."! sill('(' TIKllIY is (jl.~f) II .~I'I_'('i(l/ ell/,\' their /lIst ."!IH.X-.... SK Hml. (111lI1!nnl .t'Jr tllc fJ!lr./!(:,~.~ Inu',.,llcdililC le(11II of from file ."'mIC .l!mup, J\'CIW!!'I 199.1 'I.dw {"!III lile Cow/f." HW'nfW 't'ictlJl"~ ill (/'l' /)tcerill.!! ClwlI!)JiulI."!lril'. Hue /0 (j h"cllk befU'Cl'1I III(' dubs. Clml(JIllty­ ill lite SC(ll/eIK1' liS TIJ(ml('t:w'cl UosMIUJrcfolloU'cd "I' {.dt/r .1 in-(I-I'QU" 1('(lm u-crt' IU!IIoun:ri illlprcssi't·c 't'icfm',es IX..'er /lI,~t yt.'lIr, lite (Jr,tiWlisill.a Kilwlilll.L!ml Will TtHmJ(>t;{lrtl, ('OIIH1lillt,:e 11II'I.'e dcc:ideel If! {l.'lIik l\'cl!(~I, f.;irl' (}.L! t'-'o.'rC II00wur (hc Intermcdiatc tCl/III lit' ('cIlI!dly impres."!i'!..... III ch:fe(IfHl~ /99.1. \\e w"(' ~raIfJu/ {(J t/lis Lmu!ll"wre-l.ll~t/dll(':" ((m/ ('(JIlllllilfc(' U'lw ('{mli'lIIc to ('/lwupion."! T/lllrk~ S(m:{rd(/s. !rO ,!(l/1r ci'(lmpiml W(. m,~ jilJIU tllc Cll)lIolllty.UtJ.~."!lIIm·c nre ("so IX-1st lmel our 11U/1Ik.~ (1/sl) (fl lI e.~t O''IJisi()md cllI"'IPi/)It.~ {... /rl/e sponsors Till' TlPP<'rllf)' SUlr. r/ldr (J1''''(J1I(.'fII.~ t.."'('rc dcjl-wed (j( sCIII/:(rIl(11 Sf(It!C ill the Sortl, J01!) had I1Iml." ups wul dll'f.;;I1,~ /)itJi,~ion lifter ( I re/l/(I.", IXll/r illl'OC 1m filc i1lIcr-cO/HltY/fYJltI. /Jilt I/O /)Cell /'('~ulars (d tllc latter stflties cfoulJf Ille Ili~lIIi.altt 'U"1I.~ (Ire I '21 G Tipperary Water County Senior Hurling Chilmpionship Finill 2()18 .~IK"Ce.~s. Fmm Ihe lm~ of tile Munster final ill thallfor marc c1l1hs 10 wlw part II! thi.~ .4reat CorlllO Ihc wlul;:;in,4 scencs in Umerich 0/1 the cllll1lml s/rowpicce, Tippeno}' Iw.~ (w/lkved lnst Swulny ill Al l .IJU.~t. U(lm Cahill (l1ll1 ili8 "wel! .~ucccss ill tlri.~ otler III(1)' ye(I I".~ IlItt team showed w/iOl sheer .4rit alld mo.~tly It:~ dO'i.~n to ll./<'''W clubs (HId n.f<''"'{~ detenllination, (lllie(/ 10 exc.'Cptiollnl shill, call dediemed pcople. .\Iaybe 2019 wi /l.~ ee a (/ehic."Uc. lI'e .~il1c.'Cre/y th(mh ail i)lvo/ved}i'" r/.."\;iwti. reslOrill.;! tile Tipperary namc 10 Ail-Ire/ami I wisil botil rc.fcrecl; nmltheir (I(iicinl.~ bcst (If It ()) 10II rs. 11IelI ill to(/(IY';-; gnmc.~. 11 specialtlwllks 10 tilc Our minor hllr/e l '.~ cmllc titrrl1lA/1 a cuu,gh Coullly (HId Divisionul CCCs.fvr their worh ill mum/-robi" c.'(/Ill/wi,gn to w in the MUIl.wcr J)ro~n:ssi1t,g 0111" e/WlllpiOllsitlps to tllis .~ta.4c. crotc",. TIlt: mmUl~emclll deserve huge credit It is 110 cas.\' tllillg ~eJitlz the 'Cllrious dcmal1d.~ Jill' tile worll pill ill t~itll thc.~e )"tJUII,g pl(lycrs .Ii'om mallY dWcrclll SOllllXS. mul WI doubt mallY will be M:'CII at hi~ller / e.\·prc.~s m)' thmlh.~ mul npprcciatioll (() le1,)c/.~ in tltcfulHre, our compctition sp(msor.~, Tipperal), Ill(llel; A( 8cllior level, the inClu/JlIml rowld-mbill for tlwi,. COlllil!lICd .~lIpport WId also {() 0111' .flJl·mat wa.~ Iwcnly c(JIllC8ted bill lUl/ill'WHately otlel"{tl/ .'ipOllS0rs, EI'Ccrys. who nre loyal (//1 su(."Ce.~s e/uded liS and ~~e could only louk 011 (IS lIIu/c,'s{(mdillg . A/so 0111' opprceimiol! /0 JOil l1 nei,ghbours, l .. illlerit..'h,.tiJllo'\~ed lip vicw,)' over Qllirhc wlw Iws sponsored tile 'Mml (/t"the US with AII-lrc11l11(1 slIccess ill :llIgllstlllrcr a MHlch' (tWOI'd .fvr II1Wl)' yHlrs. gap (/f.J5 YC(II"><. Wi:: tlwllh Mie/tael /{y(m ami Finn/l)~ 1 wish to (Iwllh y(l1I. ollr loyal hi.~ sdecton;for their c.tf'or(s horh t"i.~ yeor supporters, who IUttie been C0l11il1.4 ill ,4rc(a (md las{ Illl1lrbcr as "<:el/ - all dedicated I!JIIIlbers 10 ollr games tilis ycar. lI'e arc TippcmlT m CI!. c.wrcllldy .4,.mc./itl,ltn' YOllr s!Jpport (md 'wc IFe wish lAC/ill SIICedy wulhis Icmll evc/)' Ilope you enjoy t/ic !!ames. sw:.'(.'css in hi.~ ncw m/c as Senior 1I!1r/ill ~ Tti s11il ogwll ~o mbeidlt /(1 dell .~cot" ag Mwta.4cr. A m(1Il tl!ith Il1lbdievablc pride (1111/ gaell eilllIC a.l!lIs go mbeidh ml bun a!! 1/(1 p(tssi()I! ill Ili.~ native COWH)~ 'leC /UI'CC no .lvintc (t will c. dOl/bthc will strivc /0 brlll.4 All-Irekmd ,glor.:.,. bach to Tippeml)'. S /~A N 6 DUIJI/AN 2019 sees tlleJ!/iietll (Hlni'VCrMilT QlScvr (/)I(I Cw/l(w;r/crle/I w lwl beller W(I)' to cdebrme tilis m i lc.~tol!c Coi.~tc Ch6'lwe Tlliobrad Arwl1! Burgess 1993 Intermediate County Championship winning team are the jubilee Team that are being honoured at today's game, sponsored by Tipperary StarlReidys of Newtown in conjunction with the County Board.
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