;~~ NEllR. STATZ HIST·Oll'ICAli sodl:t~ 1500 RSTRtiET ' . LINCOLN, NEBR. 6850B Jt's Thanksgiving again. and Sarah Mrs. Hale had In mind for the. day, 'giving with firearms and Indians with bows and of the New England colonists. George Jcsephe Buell Hale mIght have second thanks. arrows, and Miles Standish' awed the Washington' took to 'it as his troops joIned thoughts about It. But just as turkey is the day's tradl· assembly by par~dlng his zc-man regi. Yankee' celebrators during the Revctu­ ttcne! attraction, Thanksgiving through ment back and forth. non. And as President, he proclaimed It was her Idea in the first place, the years has been stuffed wlth porttrce, They celebrated for three days, begin. that e thanksgiving day should' be ob­ making Thanksgiving an ctftctet. nation­ ccmmercteltsm and Indifference to the nlng each mor:ning with prayers. served, Thursday, November 26. Persistence wide holiday. And It was thanks to her date, Despite all the goings-on, nobody knows His successors, however, scmettmes years of badgering goyernors and finally ~n 1621, the Pilgrims set the style for when. the first Plymouth Thanksgiving chose dates In April,' May 'iindA'i.igusl'as Abraham Lincoln. that It came to be-­ future Thanksgivings wuh their now­ occurred - though many historians say Thanksgiving, or, as with Thomas Jetter­ Paid Off, tootlgh;-today,-pemaps not quite whaJ_s.he famous cetebrattcn at Plymouth in tha­ October. son, ignored it altogether. had In mind. Colony of Massachusetts. Apparently the 'hungry Pilgrims were But not Mrs. Hale, a widowed writer The modern Thank~glvlng seems to be They led· enormously on wild turkeys, too busy eating to note the date. And it and author of "Mary Had . a Uttle Result Is that annual holiday when we pay the geese, ducks, wood pigeons, partridge, was two years before they had another Lamb." She made It her 'personal cause. supreme ett-Amertcen salute to overeat beechnut stuftlng, horne.brewed beer, ThanksgiVing. - , . During Ihe Civil War she wrote Lin­ lng, when qo-qet-tem stores are welt Into wine from wild graRes, lobster. oysters, The Massachusetts party was not the coln, entreating him to set aside such a their Christmas sales, wtien television codfish, eels, venison. pumpkins; corn scene of the ttrst solemn giving of thanks day when "enmity and strife can be laid Thanksgiving football imposes <) "trence on all those bread and succotash. in the New World. Jamestown, ve.. aside, and the nation unite in a common ' already stupefied at the dinner table. They had unexpected guests drop in tor colonists observed the day on Dec. 4, cause." Some Americans even find time to give dinner: 90 Indians 1619, on the banks of the James River. In 1863, Lincoln finally proclaimed the thanks, usually as the -family gathers They carried on with fun and sport, Thanksgiving or harvest home festivi­ fourth Thvr$day In November as the around the...groanlng board, That's what ~uch as target contests between colonists ties became an informal autumn custom nation's annual day of thanks. This Issue ... 24 Pages - Two Sections Plu, Sepplemen" County Votes Cost $2.20 Each Wayne County spent about 0£l75; lWI) new vonnq ooottts. $2.20 for each vote cast in the $160.57; absent and disabled Nov. 2: general etectton. accord: election board, $89.70; cenvess­ ing to figures supplied by county lng board, $82.80; publishing clerk Norris Welble. notice of etectton, $51.84; recap WAYNE. NEBRASKA 68187, THURSOAY. NOVEMBER 25,19" Total cost for tho .electJon..­ bo.Q.k..s. $.?~ 15, and pU'bllshlng Second CI.Sll Postage Paid 'at Wayne. Nebraska ONE·HUNDRED fiRST YEAR NUMBER THIRTY·SEVEN Published Eyery Monday and Thunday at intruding two new voting booths; amendmenf to election notice, 114 Main. Wayne. N~braska 68187 was SS.317.81. .Total number of $5.12. votes cast, Including absentee ballots, was 3,787 for an average cOsf of lust under $2.20 a vote, Weible said the turnout for the election was heavier than in other recent elections, Biggest cost for the election PlonnlnqCornmissioners was $5,084.63 paid to members of the election board. Another major cost was printing of bal- lots ~ $1,742. ' 7,H~aring Other' costs were: materials Schedule Dec. for election boards, $528.37; pub­ ilshing of semete beffcta. The Wayne County joint plan- months ago with all municipal ccnsuttant capacity arid twough­ contains the following elements: $.3"88.:.6~!,_.~~~-',.~~. P.o~! i_n~ _,'p~~ces, ning commission wilt hold a tttes In the county passing crdtn­ out the year planners rrom the -Background studies which public- hear'ing Dec, 7.tc receive- ences authorizing participation state .;igency b.~~e 1:l.~ ... g.aJJ!~.r.­ i.~l:.ILJ.~.E!....;;t, . .J~E!~!_ ..~.I,J.r.v..~-Y. __QC..tne ~ssary, comments about the county in the commission, and appoint. ing Information for history of the planning area and 4-H Leaders comprehensive plan. ing local representatives formulation of 'tlie plan. SOPP identification of places of btstor­ The plan. which does not The City of Wayne already representative meet with the, tee! significance for preserva­ Banquet Set Include zoning or subdivision had a comprehensive plan, zon­ Wayne County planning commts. tion, an inventory and analysis regulations, Is for Wayne ing ordinance, subdivision requ ston monthly to review the work. of natural resources and tee­ County, Carroll. Hoskins, WIn. lations, and building codes In A comprehensive development teres. development goals, eco­ __._ For. Tuesday ---------.S.lde---dOd.....Sbotes.---bv-t--------G---Aet--- effect for the city 'and the plan is a document prepared for nomic and population studies, local governments setting forth and an existing land use survey Nebraska state 4·H director include the City of Wayne or two-rnlle extraterritorial plan­ general policies regarding long: and analysis, Or. Bill Caldwell will be the property within Its zoning juris- ning jurisdiction area around term, usually about 20 year ­ -A land use plan to provide guest speaker Tuesday, Nov. 30 diction - the city for almost a decade. physical development. It usually See PLANNING, page'9 at the annual Wayne County 4·H The hearing will begin at 8 The Wayne joint county plan. leaders banquet. p.m. in the district courtroom of ning commission member, Mern Area youth specialist Roy the county courthouse. Mordhorst, basically serves in Stohler 0* Concord will be Copies of the comprehensive an advisory and coordinating master of ceremonies for the ptan are available for inspection cececttv between t-he city and dinner, scheduled to begin at at the county clerk's office, the county planning commissions. Income Picture Good 7:30 p.m . at the Wayne State Farmers State Bank in Carroll, Other members of the joint College student union • Voss Implement [n Hoskins, enc " planning commission are Art To what extent have Wayne County families moved Sponsoring the dinner are the the Winside State Bank. Behmer, Stanley Hansen, Ted ahead on the Income ladder in recent years by virtue of following Wayne County banks: .,.,' Jne [crnt planning ccmrnts. Hoeman, Fredrick Mann, Neal their increased ear~i.ng capacity? Where,do they stand, as a result, in relation to families in First National and Slale Nehon­ ~l I 'ston was formed' about 18 ~ec,~~~~t~:~i ~~~br~. ~i~;son, at Bank, the WI,nslde State other areas?, Bank, the Commercial State The county planning commts­ According to a nationwide survey of Income distribu­ Bank In Hoskins, and the Farm Ak-Sor-Ben sian entered into a contract with tion, a greater proportion of them .ere now to be found in ers State Bank In Carroll the State Office of Planning and the middle and upper brackets and a smaller proportion in All 4·H leaders and their Looking for Programming (SOPP) more the low brackets than ever before. T1;Ien; has been a spouses are.invited to attend the than a'year ago for Jhe purpose progressive shift upward. from group to group. dinner. Service pins for 2, 5. 10, of preparing a comprehensive L!~e 15, 20 and 25 years will be Good Neighbor developmeR-t plan and land The changes are deta'i'red'--ina report covertnq th.El entire awarded regulations. SOPP s-erves In a -- country, issued by the Standard Rate and Data se-vtce.Tt For the tbirtY-,1hird year, Ak , Iis-ts the-r-cercenteces of households In each income Theme lor this year's dinner Sar Ben ln vltes. nominations will be "Today's a.H'er-s are category. from (:itizens-':'-':rhroughout Ne The survey was designed to give a better under Tomorrow's Leaders." braskll and Western Iowa for its WSC Has 24 The Combin03tlon' Kids 4·H standing of each community's purchasing power than could annuttf Good Neighbor Awards. be determined from its average income alone Dub wlli.pro-vlde music. lor th~ The program honors individuals Slots Open­ It shows whether that average represents earnings that dlnner. leaders .are Me ant;i and groups cited by neighbors M.:rs. Lester Hansen are well distributed or whether It is unbalanced by a few tor pertcrmrnq unsetftsh. neigh For Model UN tamllles wlfh large Incomes compensatir'lg for many mere body deeds during 1976 wttnout with small incomes . W9-yne State College this year compensation or personal gain. In Wayne County, it appears, the average is high and will send 24 students to New Wayne Stores Nominations will be ecceptec the distribution relatively good. York City as. representatives to h' from newspapers, radio and Locally, during the past veer. some 69.0 per cent of all the Model Uetted Nations.
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