FILE. DESCRIPTION BUREAU F92LE SUBJ ECT mgggogM X ;11[g,,£ FILE NO.- loo-39931! ¢ __%__________ j $¢ih&#39;on. j j ?_ _ - _§.m&#39;.¢L:J5-33_ j .._ _ L _ 7 &#39; _*4I- /51 p<13e?S : a Int -i 84¢. rm mm 05-8999! nu zo, 195a Director, FBI 00-399321! // ,. - runcom Lint: 1 smunn-I run-as- I01 _ I 92-1/ -O 4" . In view at Little&#39;sincreasing activities _ in the -run-Q oi the Iltim at nun, an 1 muesli level, the Bureau duirn that you consider bin tag designation: u a hy tiqlrs. &#39;92 1 1 NOTE ON YELLOW: §§92 Nation ofSubject Islam,Temple Securityin Number 7,Index.NewMinisterYork City, ofan d , . travels throughout the United States handling problems F_ _.-u ,__ 1"for Nation of Islam leadern11_1=n Muhammad. 512 E51-1: $5 " &#39; 1,1.»/&#39;"""|921rq us??? k&#39;:~"&#39;*&#39;1~9292r2;=:;~% *:5 rm! t Uiyg 1l&#39;92d8!""B&#39;-----=3 =.;:=;u.;.~.o&#39; ~&9:6/~e4!H-/i _..0 u D. .< O - A 4*? 3?? 55 &#39; &#39; * 92-W /4-&#39;l-3-Z<-@?@/ +08 .30 _ s rm 21 nssa -=-~- Bdiwcn_- _.__ - 5- is Bulmnnl _l_ Q: _-92_;P A nag-gu Mohr _?____ {;|."!92|5 92-- Nouns _..__._ Parsons _._,__ cm. HOOD-II _._...._.._ Tamra _.....__. _ ITAIQAFrill: nu. I-I I Oi? M62 *"&#39;- UNITED--...! sm-res GOVERNMh- 7° = DIPECTFR,FBI 00-399321! DATE ]hy&#39;2?,1958 notqefy/ rvc,NT. YPRK05-8999! =v=11==&#39;r=ixrzu VALCOIH SW - NUI - &#39;1 {L// -I 1 "- _91 _ am-.__ of - Re New Yorkletter andreport of SA1;/30/58. x &#39; .&#39;- It is requested that the following corrections be the referenced report and letter, as requested in Bureau made in dated 5/16/58. Q-1? form Cover U Page 9, unde chenge no REPORT §§§3p5ifAtline 9 addchange top date AugustJuly to18, October1957. V" _ officesNew YorkCopies of report have been corrected and .r _-&#39;&#39;- recteving copies of the report have been notified. .__ _[&#39;-9292. I- _ __§I. L_ A __ 4 .1-&#39;0 92 §az¢°&#39;I _ &#39; E.Ix f. -0 I "3 W . 2-1-r?§§e§§rx oo- 9 21! 028399!/M "3 7734" / ""&#39;-9&#39; NC/33°_ = N01. II-I--1- RECORDE"&#39;II-II knnA &#39; 8 I9QR &#39; 21 L.;;» -3 I A -MAEB?-AL :+>=ulv- 92,;92,92[Q&#39;3&#39; ~ 9A >5 EC. *9?I r "&#39; ~:~5 W? 92 r=. 49¢: &#39;.a I__|, _ .."$--TC;1 ». 9,;-&#39;I E- "5JUW12[1958&#39;. /;&#39;. I 92 Q!C ~ _ . I 92 n 92 .................. ii L _ Oi? Memorandum- UNITEU ...-.;..-., e.._..&#39;ERNMENT &#39;ro = nmscwos, FBI 00-399321! mm 1/2/58 mom , newYORK 05-8999!M! aids Um wnJ1=m= MALCOLMQITTLE 4tJ - 7 "&#39;5&#39;¢Smn&#39; -92"m...__ 09 SM-NOI ReBulet 5/2Q/58, which states that in view of LITTLE&#39;s increasing activities in the affairs of the NOI on a national level, the Bureau desires that the N10 consider him Tor designation as a key figure. The NYO after due consideration believes that LITTLE should be designated a key figure in view of his extensive L activity as the Minister of Temple #7, 102 West ll6th Street, 1 NY. Y! It is noted that Temple #7 has approximately three to four hundred members and that in his capacity as Minister, LITTLE is the leader of Temple #7. .4 In addition, LITTLE travels to vaious Temples throughout the United States and at meetings of these Temples has made numerous speeches which are violent in nature wherein he attacks the United States and the white race. placing UACB,thiscase the NYOina pending is designatinginactive LITTLE status.a key figure and is _»LJ& we! and willsubmitThe NYO a reporigwill continue gisth n sixto follow months LITTLE&#39;s fromthe activities date of re t -4% /¬°*&#39;:¬..=;D4 .. I ,1 ,, &#39; -Q 1&#39;! _ an._- Q70 REG-3/{.2---&#39;?;-: 23 .11.". ~ / 92-i -$"&#39;/ 92 0!;£ :hn J ,_--I . --d- _ ,- . Q! Burea! $00-399321! am! .-.p~1- 1-1: Ne Eigiiiit*Q£rk 105-41¢. 99 .1 g .._ R: Ii Q1: 846&#39;, YorkNew 05-8999! July 15, 1958 _ I. Director, FBI 00-399321! &#39; ..I_ -_|uY lLC&#39;0IJlLll&#39;1LI&#39;Ixzmmz secwsrrr-ml H/H 5?...-»-e°" I _3eI_.1rlet 2-e-ea. 91 &#39;§ fhe Bureau agrees with your designation i of Little ae a hey figure. You will be furnished up-to-date Security Index carde on his eeparately. ,4 Inasmuch ae liittle has been designated a key figure, you should obtain and fornnrd to the :,: .1 Bureau a current photograph of hi: as well as suitable handwriting epeciaene. You shouldcarefullghzeuiew part that of Section 87D of the lbnual of truetione relating , -._..&#39; to key figuree. 1:? -r. -- ~ NOTE ON YELLOW: &#39; r .1! 5.. subject in Security I. ... lvew York Gffice has designated him a key figure. Little is minister of L-&#39; Temple Nwnber 7, Nation of Islam, New York City, which has from 300 to 400 members. In addition, Little travels to various Nation of Islam temples in the United States 9....and at meetings of these temples, he has made speeches, ;gm<.;;":r92:»:~1mr"*&#39;which are violent in iinature, wherein he attache the Uhited States and the white race. &#39; " F. ? - yl to. 5 *3-&#39; 1 [email protected]<»-"?§&#39;1:;&#39; 2»~s;<a~;J~.~.:vE../we/»»<_- 2 i e _/,1;-Z eon udmunpom mun! i_ . J - L &#39;.7 I e " W512-;§&#39;%;&#39;,F3/ i /est /.1;-:.;;Zz.s=_»-i_/._"&#39;¢>*p ;*/" P. E 9/18/56 - mum. - AIR run. 5-T.:&#39;¥i I 9 , rm nmscroa, nx as-330911! - - mom sac, mnru zoo-4593! If Q 7&#39; sun-me-1-1 an-rzou or isun , zs - no: F *.&#39;.&#39; Q 0 was th Iain up-ulcer at I .=i- harms Illu Ill! that 15! IIAMOII in Atlanta,I it in *=..= .j3.f§ up Atlantathe Atlanta until approximately hqll. It lndlutod 9/1&#39;!/58.that he I111 be in Abovn tor tntormtton. ~75 , . am York nu be mmwm: »?:¢=* - . pertaining to Minister HMO! 0 no vitioa 110 in ?- G.-"8130 I - Bureau in York % l5- -=-.- X 2 - Atlanta £1 jb |-_&#39; *-Piw- " -.r-1 I ; . " &#39; i 1.. @- +11-t t no;-3 4- ~ -t¢n9292~9292%s ;_-Lqg 19: =-§;92+~§:Z?.é_#./-sap iJ°f&#39;§?8 . &#39;$6 31;- " "" ?> ¢ 1 1"* *1» L i._.i_ I I 1 ,!lI &#39;___|____I___:____________;|_____92_::__m_|:__9292___L____iP llssnsm1 roan I-Ie.ls &#39; &#39; . i f Oj? M671»;92 Jill??? - UNITEDsm11=.s GOVERNMENT 1° = nrnzzcmon, FBI 00-399321! mm 1°/2;-/53 Attn: FBI LABORATORY F "° sac, mw YORK 05-6999! svnjBCr- Q CCNFE¥|TIAL:-4 .; §:L;.LE0%I &#39;!IIK.LITTLE //053$ was My .1. 6.. &#39;1 T /YaQ K - / name: 7/2/56. _ » 3 vi - -. - 1- Subject has been designateds xi; gure or -_ , New York. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau is one eopy of s photographof sub_1e.cttaken from the 3/88 issue 01the - New York Edition of "The Pittsburg Courier which is e national weekly newspaper published in Pittsburg Pennsylvania, -&#39;-A copy of this photograph is maintained in HY 105-B999-1&9, n. r --,&#39;._.-,1. _.-__&#39;.-13.._ _92= &#39;.,92. 1 . -, Ef..~;.i&#39;.-&#39;,.&#39;._ ,-E. .*~._ I . Cg 1».-J-t-&#39;-j-*".=_ - -=1 &#39; 0 .r., . W _ ._ ,,-§»~9 1. L--Q - 1.a,_, 5%-f-r &#39;~ .e..4 " ___:_f_,___I&#39; 1 -.-2»-.upt7 r from C S, Calegm-if S/L- L. gw H _ H &#39; &#39; -Z 9 &#39;lJL-cias&#39;Li::n|ndcIinitc ii :&#39; .&#39;-- "21- w reguor1£.l.?0-399gg1!g%nc1.F§! 100-9 00 Key gure st RY 0 76!- RH!m&#39;Q! _92 ,- w York 05-B9 99! ,92pyR5?RIATE .. Qrxnr. 1-:9 3B:_1ns ICES .. 0:17;. k! 1:91:22OUTING -~. 9 us ._ _ $L1Pl5. &#39;m D1. :1-_ ; :_ ~..,. -. r92D¢o:;:v-I15 | as I Q Q/a-9 - 3 7&#39;75_~¢&#39;/ J O?I! /fl £9 -~ -1-ii . --&#39;-.-_ .__ -_",__ J 1-*" _ 92. .. ..tr flu ._, ,1 fJ_. C.-_.,.. .i . qn ._ t &#39; I &#39; » ..15u::;92/ ., , 25. oer 2s~19sa &#39; ."&#39;"92 _. .*.;_ 4491&#39;s Q v ///2 s/ir £4 I - . 5 Im Q. 51& -92 .1 - ~ ; - -. r __ 2 * _ U am "&#39; | _ &#39;_. &#39; &#39;V 7 ,.-. ;.7 Fr ;,-- "$ .&#39;g.."-&#39;3 * &#39; 92*-or i . _ " -- . 5_-,._a;2--.-___.z V _ .- ,_ R. _~§_ _ .__; ,_;_p-- _ . - -"2 _-__ Q 4| ,~I - _ . _ _- . ,. _ -1&#39;f&#39;_"""_._f_ _f"""f"&#39;-_ &#39; 5"" * L._¢q_;.&#39;5>. - _ i "" " *.*""&#39;*, _&#39; -1*: . f; -=s_.-_;.~,.-*1-;__,;, H,-.I_. M; . __ 1 - ,1r~-~§;-+~1..-*=;i~-_-é-Q-7.;:@§=;::-:;_~;-. Conn TW-&#39; &#39; &#39; F -,2: - - I if-I *.&#39;-&#39;.- &#39;5 "ff"; 1&#39; 4 -" " - I " I ;3.7 __ &#39;-~ , -.
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