REVELS CHING FU SAYS: FRIDAY Necessity is the mother of NIGHT C h e ® ) 9 m e Published by Associated Students Tuesday, January 5, 1937 ARIZONA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA Vol. XK1V—No.13 Playmakers To Hold Revels Friday Movie Profit Assures Shows Egypt Will Hold Artists Series TomorrowShowing a profit for the first time during the series of talk­ ing pictures offered by the col­ lege, “Born for Glory.’’ present­ Be Setting ed in Ashurst auditorium De­ The Lumberjack Collegians cember 16. netted a gain of NotedTroup $2.60. “While the profit made was not large it shows that the For Affair students are beginning to take interest in the series and will mean the continuance of the Last Minute Work Is Being In Russian monthly programs," stated Dr. Rushed On Decorations Hablutzel. who has charge of For Fete the movies. “The talking pic­ tures are not being brought to Novelty Act the students to make a profit, but if the series is to continue, DANCE^TIL ONE “Les Jou Joux” Will Be Given the pictures must bring expen- Costumes To Be Rented By By Ivan Markoff And The title of the film to be Dramatics Group To Company presented on January 13 will not be announced until next Students yveek, stated Dr. Hablutzel but Playmakers and all other volun­ SECONDARIES it has already been selected, tary workers are making a last and -rs-TTn*“of the most famous minute drive to prove Friday pictures ever produced. night’s event the biggest of the Show Is Second Of University season. Twelfth Night Revels, a Womens Series To Be traditional dance entertainment t». Held Here celebrate the return to college or PROGRAM IS to top off all the vivid play of a “Les Jou-Joux," the Russian Art Christmas-New Year vacation, or Theatre novelty, the second of the SWAPPED WITH poeaibly a “letV get together and University Women’s Artist Series, raise the roof” affair, is dated will be presented in Ashurst auri- U GLEE CLUBS Friday, January 8, timed at 8 p. torium tomorrow night at 8 p. m. m., and placed at the Ashurst audi­ Les Jou-Joux, headed by Ivan torium. Markoff and including a group Arizona Group Appears Here Each year a theme is chosen for of talented performers, will pre­ February 1. Choir South the occasion and is carried out as sent a unique program of com- In April closely as possible through decora­ ' edy, songs and dances. This nov­ tions and costumes. This year the elty, an original presentation, is In an exchange of programs with auditorium doors will open on given with unusual settings and the University of Arizona, the A Egypt. Brilliance in color, elab­ wistumes. Pictured above is the Arizona popularity by receiving bids totime the group has already paid Cappella Choir will appear in Tuc­ orate drapery, massive columns Mr. Markoff made his first pub­ State dance band and girls’ trio play from many parts of the the Associated Students $250 of son April 8 under the sponsorship and gay lights will take father lic appearance at the age of five which is working in cooperation country. At the end of this quar- the $400 called for from off-cam of the Tucson Community Concert time back to a B. C. period. Not and has appeared in over 200 plays, with the student councit to pro- ter thehand and trio will make a ptK^bookinRs. All are students Chorus. The concert will probably the Ashurst auditorium at A. S. operettas, and ballets. He has ride music for the college dances. five-diMHfr through southern Ne­ with the exception ^of Eamesl be held in the University auditor- T. C., but King Tut’s palace on toured with Anna Pavlova’s Bal­ This year the group has proved its vada ^ H r l ’tah. At the present i Macey, who resides up town. th£ sandy shores of the Nile, will let Russe and has been with the ium. i / be' the place of the annual Play- state opera, Dresden; Trocadero, The exchange of programs was rftaker “big time” of the year. Paris; Sir Thomas Beecham. Lon­ arranged by Dr. Ardrey and Miss Mystic, mummified, and incensed don; Morrie Cast productions, ASSEMBLY IS Oklahoma Team THOMPSON IS Lynn with Rollin Pease, director Egypt awaits a crowd of costumed New York, and has had his own of the Men’s Glee club at the Uni­ visitors. Music will* be furnished concert groups touring the United WINNER OF versity, and Earnest Shultz, direc­ by “Khufu” Williams and his jazz States, Canada, and South Amer­ GIVEN COLLEGE Takes\ Decision tor of tha Women’s Glee club. The mummies. ica. University ' of Arizona program To facilitate those seeking cos­ Adrienne Lorelle, woman star of BY STUDENTS In Debate Match SCHOLARSHIP will be held in Ashurst auditorium tumes. the Playmakers have ar­ the companyf is a former protege on February 1, as a part of the ranged the reasonable rental of of the late David Belasco. Modern Version Of “Scrooge” Vistors Take Affirmative Kappa Delta Pi Gives $100 artist series sponsored by the costumes. Types of costumes are The college students and the In Play Form Is Given By To Win Set From Local For Outstanding Work American Association of Univer­ left to individual judgement. Any­ people of Flagstaff should wel- Committee Done At College sity Women. Admission will be thing from New Year’s 1937 rib­ ccome the opportunity theU n iv e r­ Aggregation 50 cents for students. bon U> Cleupalia’s ill is ttllU Ihul sity Women are providing in this Program at the college assembly The Kappa Delta Pi scholarship Dr. Ardrey will begin working will be accepted as admission. Fri­ ' excellent and world-known enter­ cceding the Christmas vacation Southwestarp'-"T«achers College at the college was awarded recent­ upon several groups of numbers in day night will he a one o’clock tainment. debaters from Weatherford. Okla, ly to Amy Thompson o£ Holbrook the very near future in prepara­ night. Masks will be worn un­ climaxed all previous assembly en­ defeated the Flagstaff debating tion for the spring trip to be made til midnight, at which time prizes tertainments. Sam Ilitzky. Grace duo in contending the subject, "Re­ This scholarship is for $100 and by at least -40 members of rtie College Debaters Thomas, Agnes McCann and Neal is granted by the local chapter of will be awarded for the best cos­ Rabogliatti were the committee in solved: That Congress should be Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary choir- ^ o tumes—then a grand unmasking, Will Battle Drake charge and to them is accorded empowered to fix minimum wages society in education, and ia award­ fun until one, and goodnight to credit for the selection of the pro­and maximum hours in industry," ed under the following conditions: Egypt. Men are asked to bring a Teams In Februarygram and their arrangement in a recently. 1. The scholarship will be Teachers Take To date and not a harem. skit called “A Modem Scrooge’s Mable McKnight and Marion Mc­ nwarded to a junior whose grades Playmakers extend thanks to In the first intercollegiate debate Christmas." Characters were: Guire were ably opposed by a team have been maintained continuously Highways To Spend members of the faculty, the or­ of the year, which will be held Scrooge, Neal Rabogliatti, and Mr. that has recently toured the South­ at a level of at least “2." chestra, and students for coopera­ here February 24, two teams from Santa Claus, Bruce Gourley. Con­ west, holding debates at the Uni­ 2. The student must be able to Christmas Vacationtion in making this affair passible. Drake University, one men’s and tributing numbers were given by versity of Arizona, University ofattack a problem and carry through Dick Anderson is chairman of one women’s, will meet a men’s the carolers and madrigal group, Southern California and the Uni­ the work on it. to synthesize know­ Most of the teachers at Arizona the dance. and women’s team from Flagstaff composed of Pat Coleman, Paul versity of New Mexico. Their ledge, to make social use of en­ State Teachers college at Flagstaff to debate the question, “Resolved, Giroux, Elizabeth Phelps, Emma tour has included sight-seeing trips deavor. ‘chose to remain at their homes that Congress should be empower­ Jo Pew and James Williams; Miss to Carlsbad Caverns and the Grand 3. The student must be of good here for the Christmas .holidays. D ebate C lass To ed to fix maximum hours nnd min­ Canyon. Mary Boyer who gave a reading, The affirmative extended that, moral character and must have A few, however, journeyed to plac­ Hold First Clash imum wages in industry.” “A Christmas on Oak Creek"; the in view of the existent conditions attended the Flagstaff scho6l for es of. interest. strong quartet with Dr. Eldon A. throughout the United States due all three years. * Dean Tom O. Bellwood, Dr. El­ Next Thurs. Night Given Award Ardrey, Pat Coleman, Lavinia to unregulated wage conditions, * Miss Thompson is a senior but don Ardrey, Professor Francis Os­ Rigby and Maria Smith; a violin the House and Senate together the grant was made as of last born, Dr. Hablutzel and Miss Mary Starting a series of debates to solo, Pat Coleman; and master of should be given oower to set mini­year. She has been active on the Boyer stayed in Flagstaff. Dr. be held weekly by the students of ceremonies, Sam Ilitzky. mum and maximum hours and campus during her three years Hablutzel accupied himself in mov­ the winter auarter debating class, wages of industry in any way ithere, having been a member of ing part of his science equipment a debate will be held next Thurs­ should see fit.
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