YEAR BOOK of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination The Official Directories 1927 (Re- Published by the REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. 1927 YEA": tOOK OF THE EVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums. PREPARED BY H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference. PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. C v. • • • Go Forward C. P. BOLLMAN - • GOD'S word to Israel now, as at the sea, Is " Forward go, not trusting self, but Me." The work is great, but He is greater still, And vic'try comes to him who does God's will. Go forward? There's inspiration in this word That once so deep the heart of Israel stirred. Our Promised Land, too, lies beyond a sea That must be crossed by us before that we, Like Moses, and his host, can sing that song To which our hearts have all aspired so long. Go forward! Doors stand everywhere ajar, As onward swiftly moves God's conquering car; This is no time to falter, nor to yield A single acre of our world-wide field. Go forward then! Truth's victory is sure, The word and oath of God makes it secure; Then let the cost to us be what it may, We'll onward press the upward, forward way, Until at last we hear our Captain say: " The battle is over, the vict'ry's won; Enter My joy, for work faithfully done." VVO . v • PREFACE THE following pages contain a directory of the Conferences and insti- tutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The territory is divided into eight division conferences, each of which has the organizations, churches, and membership indicated below: Confer- Total Mem- Division Unions ences Missions Orgs. Churches bership North America 12 60 5 77 2,248 113,954 European 24 62 51 137 2,428 83,815 Far East 10 2 44 56 287 18,528 South America 4 6 16 26 174 16,479 South Asia 4 .. 15 19 67 2,381 Africa 5 3 29 37 107 7,470 Australasia 1 8 15 24 262 10,100 Inter-America 5 2 22 29 270 10,024 Hawaii 1 1 2 230 Totals 65 143 198 406 5,845 262,981 Other information from latest returns available: Number of advanced educational institutions 145 Number of primary schools 1,413 Total enrollment of all schools 67,461 Number of publishing houses and branches 56 ' Number of sanitariums and treatment rooms 63 Number of food factories, etc. 16 Total institutions ' 280 Number, of languages in which literature is published 128 Number of periodicals issued 186 Number of books, pamphlets, tracts, etc., 4,659 Value of one copy of each $1,417.23 Total languages in which work is conducted orally and by publications 252 Annual sales of denominational literature $4,631,706.47 Number of countries in which work is conducted 124 Number baptized and received as members in 1925 25,047 Ten-year gain in members 126,102 Per cent of gain 93.13 Number of Sabbath schools 8,173 Membership of Sabbath schools 304,546 Number of ordained ministers 1,673 Number of licensed ministers 1,046 'Number of licensed missionaries 2,080 4 PREFACE Number of colporteurs 2,887 Total number of evangelistic laborers 9,230 Total number of institutional laborers 8,239 Number of new evangelistic laborers (recruits) sent into foreign mission service (not including children) dur- ing past three years, 1924, 1925, 1926 533 Appropriations to missions during past three years - $11,699,830.53 Per capita offerings to foreign missions from members in North America: In 1923, $22.91; in 1924, $22.69; in 1925,' $23.43 Denominational investment, at close of 1925, in 4,395 churches and organizations $45,648,299.24 Per capita for the entire membership $181.87 Total funds contributed during 1925 for evangelistic work $11,095,347.31 Per capita for entire membership throughout the world $44.21 Total income for both evangelistic and institutional Work during 1925 $36,865,275.14 Per capita for the entire membership $146.88 CONTENTS North America 22 European Division 97 Far Eastern Division 154 South American Division 182 ' Southern Asia Division 194 African Division 203 Australasian 214 Inter-American Division 223 Schools 234 Publishing Houses 271 Periodicals 283 Sanitariums 299 'Statistics 312 Ministerial Directory 328 That which determined the time of issuing this Year Book is explained on page 203. Directory of the Seventh day Adventist DenominatiO GENERAL CONFERENCE Organized May 21, 1863 Territory: The following-named APPOINTED/SSISTANTS Division Conferences: North American, European, Far East- Office Secretary, T. E. Bowen. ern, South American, Southern Auditor: J. J/Ireland. Asian, African, Australasian, Inter-American, and the Ha- Assistant AUditor: W. E. Aber- waiian Mission field. nathy. Cable Addreis: Adventist, Wash- ington. (A B C Code, fifth SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS edition.) Publishing: N. Z. Town; Associate, Telegraphic Address: General Con- H. H. Hall; Associate for North ference, Washington, D. C America, W. W., Eastman. (NOT Takoma Park.) Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Express and Freight Address: • Plummer; Associates, S. A. Well- General Conference, Takoma man, J. C. Thompson. Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Medical: , Associates, L. A. Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. Hansen, C. E. Rice. Postal Address: Takoma Park Station, Washington, District of Educational: W. E. Howell; Asso- Columbia, U. S. A. ciate, C. W. Irwin. Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern; OFFICERS Associate, H. T. Elliott. President: W. A. Spicer. Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; Vice-Presidents: 0. Montgomery, Associate, H. H. Votaw. J. L. McElhany, L. H. Christian, I. H. Evans, C. B. Haynes, A. W. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; Cormack, W. H. Branson, E. E. Associate, E. F. Hackman. Andross, C. H. Watson. Bureau .of Home Missions: M. N. Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Campbell; Associates :• German, Associate Secretaries: B. E. Bed- J. T. Boettcher; Danish-Nor- doe, E. Kotz. wegian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish, Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. August Anderson; Miscellaneous Language Work, Western Divi- Assistant Treasurers: H. H. Cob- sion, B. P. Hoffman; Eastern ban, Claude Conard. Division, J. F. Huenergardt. General Field Secretaries: L. R. Conradi, W. T. Knox, W. W. Ministerial Association: A. G. Dan- Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. iells; Associates, L. E. Froorn, Schubert, G. W. Wells. Meade MacGuire. Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Negro Department: W. H. Green. a 6 GENERAL CONFERENCE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE Rumanian: P. P. Paulini: GENERAL CONFERENCE Scandinavian: G. E. Nord. COMMITTEE West German: J. Wintzen. North America • East Russian: G. J. Zirat. All Ukranian: J. A. Ljwoff. Vice-President: J. L. McElhany. North Russian: L. L. Wojtkiewicz. Field Secretary: F. C. Gilbert. Siberian: B. C. Schmidt. PRESIDENTS OF UNION CONFER- Southeast Russian: J. J. Wilson. ENCES S. S. S. R. Russia: H. J. Loebsack. Atlantic: E. K. Slade. West African: L. F. Langford. Central: S. E. Wight. Egypto-Syrian: George Keough. Columbia: F. H. Robbins. Far Eastern Eastern Canadian: C. F. McVagh. Vice-President: I. H. Evans. Lake: Win. Guthrie. Secretary: C. C. Crisler. Northern: Chas. Thompson. Treasurer: H. W. Barrows. North Pacific: M. Lukens. Auditor: Eugene Woesner. Pacific: J. E. Fulton. Field Secretaries: H. W. Miller, Southeastern: W. H. Heckman. M. D., F. Griggs. • Southern: J. J. Nethery. Southwestern: M. B. Van Kirk. Department Secretaries: Western Canadian: S. A. Ruskjer. Publishing and Home Missionary: J. J. Stratile. Europe Sabbath School: Mrs. I. H. Evans. Vice-President: L. H. Christian. Educational and Missionary Vol- Secretary: W. K. Ising. unteer: S. L. Frost. Treasurer: Chr. Pedersen. • Medical: H. W. Miller, M. D. Auditors: Jens Olsen, P. Brandt, Union Mission Superintendents: ; Asst., F. Brennwald. Central China: Frederick Lee. Field Secretaries: L. R. Conradi, Chosen: H. A. Oberg. J. C. Raft, H. F. Schuberth. East China: J. G..Gjording. Department Secretaries: Japan: V. T. Armstrong. Publishing: C. E. Weaks; Associ- Malaysian: L. V. Finster. ate, H. Boex. Manchurian: B. Petersen. Medical: W. A. Ruble, M. D. North China: G. J. Appel. Sabbath School: L. L. Caviness.- Philippine: S. E. Jackson. Missionary Volunteer: S. Ras- •South China: C. C. Morris. mussen. West China: M. C. Warren. Educational: W. M. Landeen. South American Home Missionary: P. Drinhaus. Vice-President: C. B. Haynes. Foreign Missions: W. E. Read. Secretary and Treasurer: W. Union Conference Presidents: Williams. Baltic: D. N. Wall. Field Secretary: J. W. Westphal. British: W. H. Meredith. Department Secretaries: Central European: E. Gugel. Publishing: E. H. Meyers.. Czechoslovakian: R. Ruhling. Home Missionary: R. R. Breitigam. East African: W. T. Bartlett. Sabbath School: C. P. Crager. East German: J. H. Schilling. Educational and Missionary Vol- Ethiopian: W. Muller. unteer: C. P. Crager. Hungarian: A. Minck. Union Conference Presidents: Iberian: L. J. Stene. Austral: E. L. Maxwell. Jugoslavian: A. Mocnik. East Brazil: F. W. Spies. Latin: A. V. Olson, Inca: F. L. Perry. Polish: John Isaac. South Brazil: N. P.Neilsen. GENERAL CONFERENCE 7 Southern Asia Educational: C. L. Stone. Vice-President: A. W. Cormack. Union Mission Superintendents: Antillian: J. A. Leland. Secretary and Treasurer: C. L. Central American: W. E. Baxter. Torrey. Colombia-Venezuela: Auditor: W. E. Perrin. East Caribbean: M. A. Hollister. Department Secretaries: Mexican: D. A. Parsons. Publishing and Home Missionary: Elective Members of General Con- L. C. Shepard. ference Committee ' Sabbath School, Missionary Volun- teer, and Educational: E. M. Me- W. C. White, C. H. Jones, E. R. leen. Palmer, F. M. Wilcox, G. B. Medical: H. C. Menkel, M.
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