Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 1-16-1984 Columbia Chronicle (01/16/1984) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (01/16/1984)" (January 16, 1984). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/56 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. \, • • ng contest Winners Winter Olympics 'Si liwood~ exe named special produc~r ~,turns to Page3 Page~ 10 and 1 1 Columbta · Page 9 Vol. 13 No.6 Columbia College, Chicago January 16, 1984 Chronicle seized Seven admit to foul play BIA CHRONICLE. The ad, by Robert Bergsvik placed by T.V. instructor Jim and Pame la Dean Passin. advertised a service What began last month as an already offered at Columbia. apparent college prank has Summers, who originally resulted in the admission by denied participating in the theft. COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO 600SouthM.ch•QOnAvenue. Chocago. 11tonoos6060~ . 3 12663·1600 seven Television Department in­ added, " I was curious as to why structors and students that they the CHRONICLE would print" an stole 4,000 copies or the ad in direct competition with Col· Christmas issue or the COLUM­ umbia editing classes. BIA CHRONICLE, Monday. Dec. Following the theft, and an TO: The editors of t he Col ul'lhia Chronic l e and the ColurntJ ia C:o l l egP c ommunity 12, within hours or its delivery anonymous tip to the Journalism from the printer. Department. the CHRONICLE In a signed letter received Dec. discovered a wrapped newspaper 21 by Administrative Dean Bert bundle in a cabinet or the T.V. We, t he unders i gned , he reby apo logize t o the editor and 3ta f f of t he Columb ia College Chron1c le for the I rrespons i ble and Gall. fi ve T.V. engineers and two equipment maintenance room. Arter repeated attempts. inexc usable acti ons that re s ulted i n o ur clrnyi n?, a val id o p[Jor t un l 'Y students admitted they removed of self-expression to the Col umbia College community at large . at least 13 bundles or the CHRONICLE reporter Carolyn On t-1onday , Dec ember 19th, we did , in f ac. l., rP.mo ve f rom t he CHRONICLE from a Harrison St. Hamilton gained entrance to the college premises all availa~e copies of the Christmas i ssue of entrance delivery spot. The Dec. 15th floor equipment room. A the Chronic le bec ause we dis a,-<reed with i ts c ontents. 12 theft occured In late morning. T.V. engineer unlocked a cabinet said sources who declined to be "and then he pulled out a bundle That this action was reprehensible, thoughtless, and unpr i ncipled identified. ot new issue papers and handed it is f ully clear to us now . We both re <:ognizt and value freedom The seven signatures on the let­ to me... saying that an instructor o f speech and understand, in retrospect, that our ac c.ions · ter Include T.V. engineers Jack used it to balance some T.V. we re not only· wrong, but t hat. they a lso depr ived t he Columbia Suske, Rick Summers, Michael equipment on," said Hamilton. community of their legal and proper r 1p;ht. t o rPad and j 11clge Majewski: David W. Mason ·and Under an agreement worked the material for t hemselves . · Patrick J . O'Keefe, Annette out between the CHRONICLE, Valdes Azcuy and Raymond R. Journalism chairman Daryle We are sor rY that our act.ion!'i caus ed p<i l n and emh;;arassmt~n t t o Gonzalez. Feldmeir and Bert Gall. the o ur department and have crentcd an atmosphe re o f sus pic iPn The CHRONICLE has learned seven agreed to reimburse the and distrust withi n the who l e co Jlege. W~ uu..Jerstaud that that another signature, partially college newspaper fund. In lieu of such damage to our credibility will not be easily rectif ied, scratched orr the letter. is that of dismissal from Columbia Col­ but we fully intend t o make rc sti tution f o r our imma t ure James Daniels, Jr. lege, the signees will split the behavior by returni ng the f ul I dollar val ue of the paper t o The reason for the theft, said more than $900 CHRONICLE the Chronicle printing fund . We are on I y sorr y t hat the hard Summers, during the initial in­ loss, according to Gall. \.OOr·k and l ong hours put into t.he c reation o f this paper ranno t vestigation, was the placement ol AI Parker. Broadcast Com­ he r·eplactd in a similar fa·:t1 1on . munications chairman, in charge a T.V. editing ad in the COLUM- Therefore, we apologize to t.he edi tors of t.he C-:>lumbia Chron i c le, to I'arylP feldmeir , Chairperson o f thC' Journal ism Depar trr.e nl. , and to the whole Columbia Collep:e community . Tbe Cbronlcle cboee to print tbe Jetter u we received It, despite coatroversy about tbe phrue "TV Dept. STAFF." To clear matters tbe entire TV Dept. STAFF wu not Involved. Tbe vtolaters were TV eoct-rs and TV atudenta only. or both Television and Radio. said dition, the department has two theft "a despicable mess" and he was "disturbed"that the letter circulating key rings. stressed that "although the entire of admission included the words Daryle Feldmeir, Journalism T.V. starr was not involved in "T.V. staff." Parker added that Department chairman said "I the situation, we felt that It was the letter "should have been am appalled on one hand and ap­ unethical to remove the phrase limited to the names or people preciative on .another. Appalled from the letter ; it would be who actually participated. The that such an event could occur in tampering with an offi cial docu­ letter as prepared by the ad­ a college that emphasizes the im­ ment," she said, adding "So let it ministration. I approved it after portance of free and open com­ be known that the perpetrators it was read to me." munication." were the T.V. engineers and Csome) T.V. students." In place of probation for the "The dispatch with which Dean Summers. O'Keefe and Suske seven. said Parker, "everything Gall and AI Parker. acting are listed as instructors on the is being watched extremely chairperson or the broadcast Spring 1984 class schedule. In ad­ carefully." department. moved to solve the dition. Summers serves as Access to the room in question case." said Feldmeir. Television production manager. is provided to all T.V. starr Jolene A. Jones. CHRONICLE a position he has held since July members. said Summers. In ad- editor-in-chief called the issue's 1981. - - - Page 2 January 16, 1984 Cri,ne does pay at Colurnbia College Yean ap, ~ wwe punilbed; tbe Freoch ~t their criminals to Devlla Ialud, tbe Americ:aDs to Alcatru, and In tbe 1980's, Colum- bia CoUete amc~~ tbelra to UJe student Jounce. Cue in point Ia wbea 1111 lllllawtul and waethlcal matinee played at Columbia the day before Cbrlatmaa break begAn. Five Televlaloo Departmeat eagiMen and two TV studeata caat tbellllelves aa gover­ nors over tbe Cbroalcle'• reader' right to lmow. They .elzed and dstroyed 80me 4,000 UDdlstrlbuted Cbroalcle copies, for re880111 that are ltlll unc:lear. Letters to the Editor Tbe Cenaor Seveo broke both the Flrlt Amendment and State laW11 that day. They atole and dst.royed school property, and tbey exerclled DEAR EDITOR. or that tuition money you'r e so We will be meeting in the base· prior cenaorslllp -.ainst a legitimate presa toll. In response lo the letter in the concerned about to use and get in­ m ent lounge on FRIDAY, Yet the Cenlor Seven's punishment waa to sign a written apolO(IY to Columbia Chronicle (Dec.5 >. I'd volved? Aller all. WCRX is a JANUARY 20. at 3: 15 p.m . to the Chronicle and the college community saying they would reimburse like to ask Ms. Mesnard II she has student-run station ... and you are discuss any thoughts pro or con the school for the lasues. ever tried to involve herself with a student aren't you'? that you may have regarding this Well, wbat about us.. .the Cbronlcle staff? We worked long and hard WCRX? II she is so concerned matter. Your presence and sup­ in trying to put out a good Issue and wbat do we have to show for It? about WCRX's format. then why port is Imperative. Please plan to A written apolO(IY Is just worda on paper. Tbe accused need to be doesn' t she tr y to get on the stall DEAR EDITOH. attend. we need your input. taught a lesion In llUIIIDI!rl and certainly In Intelligence. and submit her ideas. instead or In r ecen{ months. there have A Group of Concerned T V Did they really think that We the Chronicle Staff would not notice the j umpi n g on th e Gen era l been some changes in policy and Students missing papers? Manager.
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