A search for rare and induced nuclear decays in hafnium B. Broermana,∗, M. Laubensteinb, S. Nagornya, N. Songa,c,d, A.C. Vincenta,c,d aDepartment of Physics, Enigneering Physics and Astronomy, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6, Canada bINFN { Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, I-67100, Italy cArthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute, Kingston ON K7L 3N6, Canada dPerimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo ON N2L 2Y5, Canada Abstract A measurement of hafnium foil using a modified ultra-low-background high purity detector with optimized sample-to-detector geometry was performed at Laboratori Nazionale del Gran Sasso. Radiopurity of the stock Hf foil was studied in detail, in addition to an analysis of data collected over 310 days to search for rare processes that can occur in natural Hf isotopes. Firstly, limits on alpha decays of all natural Hf isotopes to the first excited state of the daughter nuclides were established in the range of 1016{1018a (90% C.L.). Secondly, a search for modes of double electron capture and electron capture with positron emission in 174Hf was performed, yielding half-life limits 1016{ 1018a (90% C.L.). Lastly, novel dark matter-induced nuclear excitations in hafnium isotopes were investigated. For dark matter with 1 TeV/c2 mass, leading limits on the inelastic dark matter{nucleon cross section are set for mass splittings in the range 428 keV < δ < 473 keV. Keywords: rare alpha decay, double beta decay, dark matter, low-background measurements, Hf isotopes, 174Hf isotope arXiv:2012.08339v2 [nucl-ex] 23 Dec 2020 1. Introduction The radioactive decays of many natural isotopes, despite being energet- ically allowed, are not easily observed when the expected half-life is much ∗broerman@owl.phy.queensu.ca Preprint submitted to Elsevier December 24, 2020 greater than the age of the Universe (O(1010) a) [1]. Such decays obey conservation laws and are well-described by conventional nuclear processes without necessarily invoking more exotic physics beyond the Standard Model like neutrinoless double beta decay [2, 3, 4]. Searches for these rare nuclear processes have become more practical in part due to the usage of high-purity materials and enriched isotopes, operation of cryogenic (scintillating-[5]) bolometers [6, 7, 8] and ultra-low- background high purity germanium detectors (ULB HPGe) [9], as well as the requirement that these measurements be performed in underground labora- tories screening against cosmic ray backgrounds. Proper application of these techniques have allowed for sensitivity to half-lives reaching 1016 − 1019 a. In many cases, high decay energy processes allow transitions not only directly to the ground states (g.s.) but also via excited levels of the daughter nuclei. This presents a new signature for rare decay searches by measuring the deexcitation photons. If the decay is undergoing a transition to a low- lying excited state (i.e.< 250 keV), there are however additional challenges to overcome when attempting to detect these photons with a HPGe detector. 14 As event rates from rare decays with T1=2 & 10 a are of order one per day, experimental approaches must maximize the signal to background rate. In- deed, increasing the detection efficiency and minimizing self-absorption of the emitted low-energy photons within the sample and material surrounding the HPGe detector can be more effective than simply reducing backgrounds by −1=2 sample purification as the sensitivity to T1=2 / efficiency · (background) ; an increase in efficiency can lead to a higher T1=2 sensitivity even in the presence of larger background rate. Recently, rare α decays of hafnium isotopes to excited states of ytterbium using a highly-purified Hf sample were investigated with two conventional HPGe detectors in coincidence [10]. This measurement was conducted in the HADES underground laboratory. No evidence of such Hf α decays were observed and limits on the corresponding half-lives were placed in the range of 1015 − 1018 a. This sensitivity was limited by low detection efficiency in the region of interest due to the detector and sample geometry. A modified HPGe detector, as in [11], was used in the experimental search presented here with the copper high voltage contact inside the detector hous- ing replaced by a foil made of the target material. A significant increase in efficiency was achieved by optimizing the thickness of the Hf foil to minimize self-absorption and placing it inside the HPGe detector housing. Hafnium is of interest not only for rare α decays, but also has potential in 2 double beta decay searches. One isotope, 174Hf, can undergo double electron capture (2") and electron capture with positron emission (εβ+) [12]. The only experimental search for such decays [13] was performed by the authors of [10] with the same sample and detector technique. Again, no evidence of such ββ decays were observed and limits on the corresponding half-lives were placed in the range of 1016 − 1018 a. We summarize the energy released in these rare processes in Table 1. Table 1: Decay of the natural isotopes of Hf to the ground state of Yb daughters, natural isotopic abundance δ [14], and Q values [12]. Decay Mode Transition δ Q [keV] (g.s. to g.s.) 174Hf ! 170Yb α 0.0016(12) 2494.5(23) 174Hf ! 172Yb 2β 0.0016(12) 1100.0(2.3) 176Hf ! 172Yb α 0.0526(70) 2254.2(15) 177Hf ! 173Yb α 0.1860(16) 2245.7(14) 178Hf ! 174Yb α 0.2728(28) 2084.4(14) 179Hf ! 175Yb α 0.1362(11) 1807.7(14) 180Hf ! 176Yb α 0.3508(33) 1287.1(14) Recently, long-lived isomeric states (180mTa, 178m2Hf, etc.) have been pro- posed as detectors for strongly interacting dark matter (DM) and inelastic dark matter (IDM) particles [15] which, after scattering, initiate the isomeric state decay. Although such a state exists in Hf (178m2Hf), its lifetime is not long enough to perform such an analysis. However, we raise the important point that Hf is heavy enough that collisions with DM can excite certain transitions, which may be recorded via their gamma ray deexictation. Thus, we are able to probe parts of the DM parameter space that remain inacces- sible to conventional direct detection experiments. To our knowledge, this is the first search for dark matter scattering on hafnium. Results presented here are from a novel search for Hf decays (α, ββ) to excited states of Yb by measuring with high efficiency the deexcitation gammas and X-rays of Hf isotopes or the daughter nuclei, in addition to a search for DM-induced deexcitations. We begin in Sec. 2 with an overview of our experimental setup. Alpha and beta decay searches, are respectively described in Secs. 3 and 4, and our DM search is detailed in Sec. 5. We end with a brief discussion in Sec. 6 and conclude in Sec. 7. 3 2. Experimental Setup An annealed hafnium foil from Alfa Aesar (stock number 10793, lot H30M31) was used for the measurement with a purity of 99.5% for metals excluding Zr, which is present at the 1.85% level. The elemental abundances in parts-per-million (ppm), as provided in the supplier's certificate of anal- ysis [16], are shown in Table 2. The Hf foil was ultrasonically-cleaned with a neutral soap solution and rinsed with ultra-pure water and alcohol before being mounted in the detector. Table 2: Elemental abundance of the Hf sample [16]. Abundances are given in ppm unless noted. Element Abundance Element Abundance H < 3 Ni < 25 B < 0:5 Cu < 25 C 55 Zr 1.85% N 20 Nb < 50 O < 230 Mo < 10 Al 28 Cd < 2 Si < 25 Sn < 10 P < 3 Gd < 1 Ti < 25 Ta < 100 V < 10 W < 10 Cr < 20 Pb < 5 Mn < 20 Th < 1 Fe 155 U < 1 Co < 5 The data were collected with a HPGe semi-coaxial p-type detector (GS- 1) located underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory [11]. A schematic of the detector and sample is shown in Figure 1. The Ge crys- tal (4) has a diameter of 70 mm and a height of 70 mm and was surrounded by the hafnium foil (1) with a thickness of 0:25 ± 0:01 mm serving as the high voltage contact and sample. A second disk of Hf foil of the same di- ameter was placed on top of the crystal to increase coverage and sample mass. The total mass of Hf was 55:379 ± 0:001 g. The foil thickness was selected to minimize self-absorption of low-energy γ and X-rays within the 4 sample, optimizing the overall detection efficiency. The crystal and Hf foil were surrounded by an approximately 1-mm-thick sheet of polyethylene for electrical insulation, placed inside the crystal holder (3) made of oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) copper, and firmly fixed with screws to guaran- tee a high quality, stable contact. The end cap (2), made of OFHC copper was then closed and the detector placed in a multi-layer passive shield with overall dimensions 60 × 60 × 80 cm divided into a fixed outer shell and a movable insert. The outer shell is made from low-activity lead with a 210Pb activity < 30 Bq/kg while the movable insert is made of 5 cm OFHC cop- per, 7 cm ULB lead (provided by PLOMBUM FL with a 210Pb activity < 6 Bq/kg), and low-activity lead. The movable insert (inner-most shielding lay- ers and detector) was housed in an acrylic box and continuously flushed with high-purity boil-off nitrogen. Figure 1: Section view of the detector and sample (not to scale) with 1) hafnium foils on the top and wrapping the Ge crystal acting as the target and high-voltage contact, 2) copper end cap of 1 mm thickness, 3) copper HPGe crystal holder, and 4) HPGe semi-coaxial p-type crystal.
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