•r A.. V - Red Cross Drive March 1-31 Red Cross Drive March 1-31 SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, If45 Housing Panel Owr G«fiiMay Mrs. LA. Crone Unloading Waste Paper at Y. M. C. A. : Emergency Coll | Killed in Gertnony More Cooperation At Voters League Chosen President Received For 100 Fortnightly Club Needed to Reach Mrs. Lester A. Crone of Colt I Civilian Nurses Discusses Problem road was elected president of the The England General Hospital War Fund Goal At the March meeting of the , at Atlantic City is in immediate Fortnightly Club lor two years at The halfway mark In she War League of Women Voter*, held ! need of the services of 100 civilian the annual meeting March 7* She ; Fund Campaign of the American Monday, a panel of three speakers i nurses to fare for war wounded | succeeds Mrs. Hallam E. Mehden- R*d Cross lias been passed I his presented aspects of the homing j now pouring into tiie hospital I hall, who has served (or the past ; week by Summit Chapter with tho problem—in general, and in Sum' j from overseas. The '^emergency two years. ins-ipi of.$4fc.0uo. The quota of $75,- mit in particular. Mrs. George | call sent out by the War Man- ' , Mrs. Crone has been program WX) iuu»it be HltahwJ this month Rockwood, Jr.. Economic Welfare j power Commission was received chairman for two years, and was-, and surpasM-d if possible. Con- Chairman of the Summit League, I in a telegram to Miss Eloise John- garden department chairman for i tributions have not been coming ! son of the Summit War Nursing present^ the program. Mrs. Ger- the preceding term of two years. in a.s quickly as (hey should and i Council. trude Gross, director of relief, call* She is also foreign policy chair- i Jiitnrs W Banckrr, chairman, ed her part of the Panel, "the hu- man of the Summit League of Wo- Th? opportunity for .service in : urgf.s inure c-oope'i aUon from the man side of housing." She empha- men Voters and chairman of the this Held, attractive to nur.se.s be- public in general. sised the fact that adequate hous- Victory Garden program. , cause of the personal satisfaction , Although this is income tax week ing, was the fundamental block in The other officers and chairmen of contributing directly to the war i it is hoped' that people will not the building of a post-war Amer- elected were: Mrs. Jacob \V. Gro- effort, is further enhanced by the | turn »w«y solicitors with the re- ica. Juvenile delinquency and endyke, first vice president; Mrs. working conditions offered by the , , qu«'M that they come back later poor health are often directly Walter A. MacNair, second vice hospital, said Miss Johnson. An CAPT. CHARLES C, ETTLESEN i in the month. The campaign was trape&ble to bad housing—over- president; Mrs. Chester A, Burley annual jiilnry of $1,800 is base pay, Mrs. Muriel H. Ettlesen of Sum- announced well in advance and crowded and. unsanitary condi- third vice president; Mrs. Freder- with overtime pay for hours above ; iiiox persons know fairly welt tions. She described some of the mit avenue received word on ick L. Reynolds, recording secre- a 48-hour week. Good living con- j March 5 that her son, Capt. Charles what thty are able to give. This substandard buildings in Summit, tary; Mrs. Samuel L. Love, Ameri- ditions in. Atlantic City are pro- j Summit Physician community luis-never before fallen C. Ettleaen, was missing in action and cited what had already been can home department, chairman; vided for the nurses at a cost of j <l«\vn in its support of Red CroM over Germany. He was squadron done to improve conditions; and Mrs. Allison H. Hearh, garden; only $38 per month. Applicants j and offuiHls of th<> campaign commander in the action. Killed in Action expressed the hope that Summit Mrs. George E. Kanouse, music; accepted for service would be un- j fully expect the same and even would be interested seriously in Previous to receiving this notice Mrs. Robert L. Hanson, drama ser- d«r civil service contract for a , sfrcalf-r rallying id thU work. Federal Housing projects in the from the War Department, Mrs. vice, Mrs. Olaf H. Danielson, pro? period covering six months after j Wife Informed Nrvrr in the hiMOry of this coun- Ettlesen had had a letter from her gram, Mrs. Mendenhall, welfare the end of the war. Nurses will | future. Word lias hern received by bis! try «r of Red CrOs.s has the need son. It will be recalled that Capt. and war service, and Mrs. George retain civilian status, being clari- Mm. \V. W. Pangburn, vice- wife that Captain Orrm F, Ciank- , he en an great for.the boy.i'of aer- Ettlesen was reported missing R. Martin senior counselor to the fied BS government employer*, i <Continued on Page Four) ( shaw of tin* Army Medical Coriw j vice this organization performi over France- on D-Day, but after Junior Fortnightly Club. The nom- Boili general R»d specialised WHS killed in iti-iioii, February L'3, iiJd it c;ttl br done only with the being with the underground in inations were presented by a com- ' musing services under the direc- in Get many: Attjiohed to the Sixth full Mipport of the public, France for several weeks he final- Collect 41 Tons mittee of which Mrs. Reed W. ! tion of physicians are needed. No Armored Division, lie had i Kvfiy hiiine in Hiitnnnt should ly landed back in England; In this Hyde was chairman. age limits from 18 years niiiihnum viously hi-i'ii wounded Mild.«ward- JiHvr the Keel Cro.^s pmblrm in itx action he was injured while land- Of Waste taper i . .. Stuff I'hiiio—DiivliJ t'ronk* '. are set by the commission; the ed the Hrmtze Star for "inei tu>r- , wiiiiimv as H sign of having made ing in a tree after his parachute Soon this paper and cardboard, collected last Sunday from the ;applicant must be a certified reg- iou.i iii jiievenu'iii in entitled ion ; H 'contribution, regardless of tho had failed to open in time for a South Side (and .some of it may be yours) will be converted into j Uterecl nurse, inteligible for the with military operatinn* .against .•mount that family can give. Ser- On South Side good landing. containers that may carry needed supplies, to your son fighting in 1 Buglers, drummers and cymbal- Blue Star Drive Army Nurse Corps, and approved the enemy in Frame during Hie vice nwn's (iiniilie. ' understand bet« Germany, Italy, the Philippines or some; other front of (he global war. * ists from the Junior Fife & Drum by the U. S. Civil Service Com- pnicxl of July 28 to October HI. than almost anyy others jusjtt Corps of the American Legion mission. ' VMi" According^to th«> citsiion, what Red Cross me.ms to the mea heralded the approach of the Allies Expect Fortnightly Speaker Nurses wishing more informa- "On numerous occasions he t»p on the fighting fronts. Moat of their greatest waste paper drive to date Fortnightly Club tion about this opportunity may aie<| personally with Ui<- advance letters home tell of an incident on the South Side of town last I call Miss Johnson at the WarJtuaid, travelling In tin open \<- in which th« Red Cross performed Sunday morning. Forty-one tons The first of the service clubs i Nursing Council, or address in- hide in n column of armor,ii ve- s(>m«» service lor them nnd in were collected. to send in its donation to the Blue Guest Night Topic quiries or applications to J. I'. hicle*. On numerous occasion.* he «ouut.les« letters Xhe men have Heeding the statement in this Star Drive Committee, Miss Hilda Dugan, 15,17 Atlantic avenue. At- braved small arnin' and mortar fire i.asked their families to support Patience Needed lantic City, N. J. The eall Is1 to treat injured men on ihr spot. !'««• paper that 100 lbs' from every home "Many people in this country Osborn, chairman, was the Lions 'Roads North' Film urgent, nnd imra«dlate His pel.-.linnI cnuragp Htid.iti votion ' The Red Cross War fund is b«« would help to save some soldier's are worried about our democracy Club, Many individuals have given life. South Side residents -outdid ' to the fund, and the committee will "Roads North," a color film and is hoped for, us the speedup on ; to duly were undniibtrdJy ing conducted, n.-s IIMIII, without being able, to withstand a 16-year HUV lines of distinction a.s to r«c«, themselves, to meet that quota on be glad to accept and forward any lecture by Kurl Robinson will be the haute fronts speeds \i)> the, *ibk for saving the lives of ninny dynasty, «o why do we expect so < reed <>r faith. Every American had every curb. The only reason the amount donated, large or small. need for adequate care of the buyi ! wounded men." much democracy and unity in tin; program offered by tho Fort- . an equal opportunity with every 100 1b. gonl was not met In full It takes only one dollar to pur- who have done their job and ar« Caplam Cmiik*hnw China after a 1,600-year dynasty?" night ly Club on their guest night, (I ottjer American to do his part in can be attributed to a recent chase a dogwood tree to be.
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