September/October/November 1989 ) , The Cadet/Youth Circuit E -,o.ff to a Fighting S United States Fencing Association, 1988-90 President: Samuel D, Cheri, Executive Vic('·Prt'sident: George C. :'1;"in Vict' Prcsident: Gerrie Baumgart Vice President: Paul Sotn Secretary: ,John Iliggs·Coullarcl Treasurer: Elv~ra Orlv Counsel: Frank Nagorl1ev Official Publication of the United States Fencing Association, Inc. ©1978 Amateur Fencers League of America, Inc. Dedicated to the memory of Jose R. DeCapriles, 1912-1969 Miguel A, DeCapriles, 1906-1981 CONTENTS Sept/Oct/Nov 1989 Editor: Albert Axelrod Volume 41, Number 1 Art Director: Irene Connors Business Manager: Susan Shipherd Editorial. , ......... , , , . , . , , , , , , , , , , , ... , , . , .. , , , . , . , ......... 4 Editors Enwritus Ralph M (;uld;;t(,lll M,I1",Y T liuddll':-;()!1 Captain's Report-The 1989 World Fencing Championships by Carl Borack ,.,"", ........... ,", .. , ... ,. , . , . , , , , , . , , , ,5 AMERICAN FENCING magazine IISSN To The Editor ... , .. ,', ... ,",.,""",., .. , ...... ,., . , , , , , , , 12 0002·8436) is published quarterly by tlw United States Fencing Association, Inc., 1750 East Boulder Street, Colorado Officers' Corner ., .. ,., .. ,"",.,"""',.,.,.,""""""" 13 Springs, CO 80909. Subscription for non· 1989 FIE Congress Rules Changes members of the U.S.F.A. is $12,00 in the U.S. and $18.00 elsewhere. Single copies Summary of rules changes affecting competitors, , , , , . , , , . , , . , , , 15 $3.00. Members of the U .S.VA. subscribe Additional explanations of rules changes , , ... , . , , . , , . , , . , , . , , , 16 through their dues. Address all correspon· The new penalty chart .... , .. , ....... , , , .... , ....... , , , , , . , . 17 dence concerning membership to the U.S.VA. office in Colorado Springs, CO. Technical Thlks-Back To Foils And Epees! Second class postage paid at Colorado by Joe Byrnes ,.,""'." .. ,., .. " ....... , .. ,", ... ,',.".' 18 Springs, CO and additional mailing offices. Bulletin Board-An International Fencing Program For Teenagers, .. ,20 Editorial and advertising offices: 701 Ardsley Road, Scarsdale, N.Y. 105g:3. In Memoriam, , , , , . , , . , , , , , . , , , , . , , , .. , , . , ... , , , , . , , . , . , , . , , ,21 Contributors please note: Articles, )'(:sults of competitions, photos and cartoons are Lori Norwood-World Champion of Modern Pentathlon "."".",,22 cordially solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, on one side of Results-Pan-American, Cadet/Youth, and Divisional Catch-up ... , .. 23 the paper only. Photos should preferably be black and white and with a complete caption. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless submitted with a stamped, self addressed envelope. No anonymous articles accepted. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily reflect the view of' Ameri­ can Fencing or the U .S.FA. ON THE COVER Andy Gearhart of the Rochester Fe., DEADLINE FOR ISSUE one of the very determined youngfencers Issue date Closing date Mailing for copy date in the first of the new Cadet/Youth Cir­ cuit e?)ents held in Los Angeles last DEC/JAN/FEB JAN 1 MAR 1 August. These new events promise to be MAR/APR/MAY APR 1 JUN 1 an important stimulus for developing JUN/JUL/AUG JUL 1 SEP 1 the strength of American fencing. POSTMASTER: Send address photo by Cindy Schumacher changes to: American Fencing, U.S.F.A., 1750 East Boulder Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80909. --------------------~~---------------------------------------3 AMERICAN FENCING-An Anniversary presenting the positive face of our growing and exciting sport AMERICAN FENCING is now 40 years old, and this issue to our members and our readers worldwide. marks the beginning of the decade leading to a Golden The editorial term is of four years duration and is linked Anniversary. Fencing has grown considerably from the time of with the Olympic quadrennial. Thus, appointment of the next American Fencing's first issue in 1949. The number of issues editor will be part of the business of the next general printed then was 4000. Today it is 9500. Fencing was available membership meeting this June. It is essential that the appointed almost exclusively in a few large metropolitan cities. Today, not editor be able to carry forward vigorously the editorial dual only has fencing found its way into every state of our nation, responsibility, in the tradition succinctly set forth by Miguel de but we now have more active divisions than states! There have Capriles. been some setbacks in high school and college programs, (the San Francisco high school program, e.g.), however support from the USFA has been effective in containing most of these budget­ (Thejollowing is excerpted/rom a letter by the President dictated trends. oftheAFLA to the editors qfthejirst issue ojAmerican Fencing, AMERICAN FENCING is, by charter, the official forum for Volume 1, #1, dated November, 1949) the general membership of the USFA and it is the editor's duty to preserve that function. This column presents an excerpt from To the Editors of AMERICAN FENCING: a letter by Miguel de Cap riles, then President of the Amateur It is my privilege to announce that AMERICAN FENCING Fencers League of America (A.F'.L.A.), to the editors of that first has been designated as the official organ of the Amateur issue, in which clear support for editorial independence of Fencers League of America, and to wish the new publication AMERICAN FENCING is affirmed. all the luck in the world. This independence is now in precarious balance. For the I would like t.o emphasize, however, that official status as first time in the history of the magazine, an Executive Board a news medium does not imply A.F.L.A. control of editorial has voted and passed a motion that the magazine be submitted policy. The administration of the A.F.L.A. respects and to the Board for review prior to printing. This request was encourages the editorial independence of AMEmCAN rejected by t.he Magazine Policy Board which consists of three FENCING. As indicated in my message to the A.F.L.A. members of the Executive Board, the two editors emeritus and membership, I believe that there is a fundamental unity of the non-voting Policy Board Chairperson (the current editor.) interest among all fencing groups, and I realize that the League Only because the secretary abstained from the vote was the 2-2 by reason of its central position has responsibility for the tie broken by the Chairperson's vote. welfare of the sport. But I also believe that AMERICAN AMERICAN FENCING has had many notewort.hy editors in FENCING can best promote this welfare if it is free to appraise, the past 40 years-editors who have been lifelong fencers and commend, or criticize the efforts of the AYL.A. or of any other who have experienced, understood, and participated in the fencing organization in fulfilling its particular function in the changes which have taken place in both the art and sport of common cause. fencing. These editors have done well, by providing the Miguel de Capriles necessary forum for diverse and dissenting positions, and in President, A.F.L.A. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION MEMBERSHIP Year ends July 31 Cia.. of MamlMrlhlp United States Fencing Association 1. LIFE o $300.00 1750 East Boulder Street Colorado Springs. CO 80909-5774 One Year Three Year. 2. SENIOR $25.00 0 565.00 CHECK HERE IF NEW MEMBER ___~ o • (20 yrs and over as of Jan 1 sf) DATE 3. ASSOCIATE PRINT (Non-compel It Ive) NAME MALE 0 FEMALE 0 Regular 0 $10.00 o $25.00 Sponsor 0 $25.00 o $65.00 Patron 0 $100.00 o $250.00 MAILING ADDRESS or more CITY ~ ______.~ ______~~_ STATE __. __ Z I P ________ 4. JUNIOR 0515.00 o 538.00 • {Under 20 yrs as of Jan 1 st) ._~_ , PHONE day ( ) __ .______ eve ( J --- 5. BUSINESS AC AC Regular o $100.00 o $250.00 DIVISION _~ ____~ __.___ COACH ~_,, ____~~ ___ Sponlor o $500.00 o $1250.00 PRIMAR·Y CLUB STUDENT'S SECONDARY Patron o $1000.00 o $2500.00 AFFILIATION . CLUB or more BIRTHDATE ___~_~ ___ .___ U S Citizen __Y __ N~'_ CONTRIBUTION _;::=======::; MONTH DAY YEAR Perm Res _Y ~~ 'EXPLAIN STATUS ON SEPARATE LETTER WITH APPLICATION TOTAL ~-------' CLASSIFICATION Sabre Epee FOil ___~ -In the curr&flt leason. Indicate Home or School Address Not Used As Mailing Address . .Ii 1i 4--------------------------------______________________________________8187 o __o t~ap':a n's ,;epor:-- The 1989 World Fencing Championships by Carl Borack I am pleased to report a happy ending to a nightmare. Richards, provided much needed support, backup, and In March, the USFA learned that problems had occurred for coordination. During the competition, Nancy Anderson worked the Indianapolis organizing committee and that the site of the tirelessly handling matters of protocol. Gerri Baumgart worked 1989 World Championships might have to be moved. This not only as a member of the directoire technique, but also as thought, coupled with the possible financial disaster attendant their liaison to the organizing committee. with such a last minute move, had the USFA administration and By day, Peter Burchard served as my co-captain, by night Executive Committee deeply concerned. he was the play-by-play announcer. During a 36 hours period In 100 miraculous days, the site of the 1989 World Cham­ during which Peter had to return to Oakland, Edgar House pionships was moved to Denver, Colorado, and the entire stepped in to assist in captaining duties and also announced the "production" was not only mounted, but an excellent environ­ Individual Saber final. Everyone pitched in to help, from the ment and show was created for the world to see. brigade of armorers, to the officials, to the U.S. team members Accomplished in 100 days: themselves. Everyone wanted United States fencing to come 1. Funding and support from the City and County of off looking good, and from all accounts, the Denver World Denver. Championships received high marks. 2. Selection of competition sites for the prelims and I know that many other people were involved - I apologize finals.
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