Ll'BR,AlrY' ,SEilh\lSi\'(rO:M' 3'(:'(lP+ES u.C. LIGRtixY tHHHR$llY QF'CHfCINM'ATI 45'22t INSIDE TODAY "U'NI"VERSI'T"Y OF CINCINNATI Final examinations begin three weeks from Monday. The autumn exam schedule is on page 2. : Volume 59 Number 13 Friday, November 12, 1971 ~.Bangia Desh Senale Ponders Rules, Group Formed 'Studies Cauc:usNeed . On Campus By Bob Behlen the community." Staff Reporter The Senate Caucus has also become by Deborah Keene a major matter of deliberation. The Staff Reporter Ways to expedite Student Senate Caucus is held onehour prior to the meetings were continued at Senate meeting as a briefing session The Friends of BangIa Desh is a Wednesday night's session: I.- terested Senators. Recently, new campus organization to help, Parliamentary procedure . and the! nre;"t the briefing session has people in East ",Pakistan and India Senate, Caucus were also discussedaj 'd'J\'id~p', [ority of the through donations. length. Senate.' fjJ The organization evolved from ,Se?ate Speaker" Gary S~'ll IXQq;ll,l,was _, Jlo make discussions of students concerned prov.ided ~embers ofthe S~nate ~lth Cauc~s' ilBtt~6!~nce~andatory, with the plight of the 'East a bnef review of the Senate s met1\od en!fqJGlble by .tfie' Senate', rules. In . bu S 11h ~'>1 fI Ii {{f :1/, Pakistani people. It became an for cond uctmg. uSi~ess. ne opeu"'-"sUb~t ~f ?ill, Ma~11Fingerman , official campus organization Nov. 5. that these clarifications would serve (~ §'aid that i , was "meant , "The work is more important than to expedite Senate procee~ings. .. to aid in die _.~dtion of the the organization itself. We are a Student Body Vice President Chip actions of the Senate."J{ non-political organization. who want Zoller expressed his belief that He also indicated that he had to help the people of BangIa Desh recently the "Senate has become learned that smaller groups of (East' Pakistan)," Jaffer Ullah, asst. more concerned with its own Senators were holding separate co-ordinator of the group, stated. procedure than with issues, affecting briefing sessions at the time the "Donattons may be in cash or check its constituency, the University, and Caucus was meeting. "1\s far as I form. How the money will be sent REGISTRATION? NO - Internattonalweek-fhe opportunity to meet those of differ~rit nationalities. As one of the know, a voting block of some SIzable lias not been decided but they are chairmen said: "The purpose of this ... is to expose various cultural backgrounds.to UC students and make life in each amount discuss'es these bills and looking for the quickest way possible country a reality to others." Tomorrow in the Great Hall, a Folk Festival will conclude the week's activities. makes a decision among themselves to get the money tothe people who , News Record by Jim Fearing ,Birdie"Opens as how to vote as a group," said need it.; Fingerrnan, ""One of our most important At Concert Tonight High Student Government officials objectives is to educate the student refuse to publicly acknowledge or cbmmunity, about Bangia Desh and "Bye Bye Birdie," directed and deny the existence of such a group, to give information concerning its choreographed •by Jack' Rouse, They admit having heard rumors of problems," said Ullah. opens tonight at' 8:30p.m. in' other caucuses, but will make no "Stephen Keller, assistant professor Campus Police Used ,Back-up Corbett Auditorium. This is the to further statements. - ' of biology, is the faculty advisor for Campus security police at the Ike standing in aisles and around the concerts continue to be held some music~lthat catapulted.Dick Van Some Senators see the need fora the group. Richard Stegman is and Tina Turner concert were to be bandstand belonged to the ushers. changes, may have to be made to Dyke into a television and movie , counter-caucus to help' tIll:) Senate co-ordinator. used only If 'necessary as "back-ups" Lichter said that the committee ~void ,repetition or:, the Turner, career and was the first of Gower conduct business in a more orderly 'Anyone interested in joining or for ushers according, to Concert' hoped police would be able to, concert problems. Lichter suggests Champion'S' directing successes. fashion. Separate sessions are viewed helping this organization should Committee member Alan Lichter remain on the perimeter rather than several possibilities: 1) Interviewing Well remembered of its. many as are those caucuses in many write to Richard Stegman, 277 songs are "Put on a Happy Face," (A &S Sen i 0 r). Th e rna in on the floor itself, and that only on ushers before concerts for their- legislative bodies divided by intent Southern Ave., or call Jaffor Ullah, responsibility for trying to move one occasion was a plainclothes reliability and probable effectiveness and '~A'LOt of. Livin' to Do." It and political differences. ' 2:41-9127. Information about the will be repeated tomorrow at the those who had taken someone else's policeman asked to go with an usher ,2) Eliminating reserved-seat concerts Larry Bonhaus (DAA pre-senior) organization may .be obtained by same time. reserved seat or those who were to help in trying to move people. in' favor' of "pay one price" concerts asked the Seriate to rescind calling 621-8249. The story deals, with the on a {iist come-first served basis 3) legislation 'passed hlstyear which shrieking adoration by teenagers "By request of the committee, Having "reserved sections" rather eliminated the singing of, the, Alma a popular .singer named policemen were asked not to go out than ,reserved seats and assigning toward Mater at the close," of Senate Conrad .Birdie, who very much on the' floor unles~ specifically Yaridu'siJrices to the sections. meetings. Hesaidthat the singing of' r e se m b l.e s Elvis Presley. ,reque,st~d .to do s9 by, t~e ,';1;' er"also said ,that the ~he ,Alma Mater would reaffirm the , ,<;omrtl.lttee?;; >confirm:ed;:J,j~I!'(lmanL,~""i"" ""',hl:",j\ii':;";"',""'r1,'i;), '" t;', "",';, s(j:ofn,cid~l1tally;"" "JJirdiel;~()pens ' :foya:lile~"fQt~i.Ylliclii '.,th,;i:'Senate,:jsJ; d';'YftdWi~ttrm~ffi~r',o~"sb?Uiity·p6fi~:He:=·';'~~~~nsione~i'{~e";~~i<:l!t~l~:~{~~~i~" ··'the"mgiIr~~fter~Pl~esteY'i',sl}ld.out; ".coihmitied~~Hls,:m6ti()n,was'defeate(h added that t~e seating was handled .which would -,provide, quality' performancea.t ,r€inci~n:l)tir Student Body Presideilt'!lrbhn, by the committee and therefore any /entertainment to UC students at Gardens.v'I'ickets. are$la:t TUe , Schnure.iwho had introduced the Ticket Desk.A1lseats'· are 'acti?n on it was also up to then:'/' cheaper prices and would leave big legislation last year, said th'!t the' reserved. F,Ol;more'information, Lichter stressed the fact that m the ,' name concerts to the larger booking Senate wasnotthe t~meor pHice to past ushers were generally able to a encies see Page 8. , ,', sing the Alma Math. handle these situations but that there g . had been a "great change in the C .-r c ,u'Iat .-'0 n U 'p a t ti t u d e 0 f c 0 ncert-goers" characterized by a .Iack of ' :~t~~;~~y~:::'toO~I::';::i:':..cooperation with ushers and campus N"ews 'R' ecor d .p.'·ays.'Off .. U-nlversly.e.rsil D b:'I" in aisles, move people from the bandstand and correct reserved seat Wilkes was appointed business.' by Michael Wm. Dann off the remaining $4,000 debt of the arrangements at the concert proved manager in the fall Of 1969 to fill a Contributor paper ,during the first part of this futile. Although the committee was vacancy left when the manager that quarter by cutting circulation slightly prepared for some problems of this year resigned. In his new position, The News Record is out of debt for and by running a. tight rein on TO HELP THE PEOPLE in East Pakistan and India is the goal of the newly, kind, the extent of the problem, Wilkes found that the paper was the first time in 3 years, allowing expenditures. formed Bangia Desh organization. according to Lichter, was approximately $20,000thousand in circulation to increase to 10,000 "This entire operation would not News Record by Jim Fearirlg unpredictable. debt.-$17,200 to the publisher and from the 8,000 at the beginning of have been possible without the great The future of large coricertsat DC $2,800 to other creditors. It became this year. cooperation of my staff," said is now under consideration by the his goal to erase that debt quickly 'Michael Wilkes, (A&S senior), NR Wilkes. "Dave Boggs as the Concert Committee,' but if such without harming the quality of the Business Manager" was able to pay advertising manager, Ed Hussey as paper. Doctor States the sales manager, and Kathy Laker The problem facing Wilkes began as my secretary have provided the during the preceding year,. when it great work needed to pull the paper's was apparent that the paper would financial position up to the, present not be able to· cover operating operation in the black." expenses for that year. The business Body Irradiation Treats Cancer Wilkes also stated that While the staff at that time estimated that confidence of advertising subscribers $10,000 would be needed by the end by June Davidson and publishers in financial irradiation considered. He said that this treatment certain research and to soldiers on the battlefield," of that spring to cover debts owed to Staff Reporter considerations has been slowly is used only for forms of cancer in! which those in the event of a nuclear war.
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