United Nations S/PV.6411 (Resumption 1) Security Council Provisional Sixty-fifth year 6411th meeting Tuesday, 26 October 2010, 3.25 p.m. New York President: Mr. Rugunda .................................... (Uganda) Members: Austria ........................................ Mr. Lutterotti Bosnia and Herzegovina ........................... Mr. Durmić Brazil ......................................... Mr. Vargas China ......................................... Mr. Pan Jingyu France ......................................... Mr. Bonne Gabon ......................................... Mrs. Onanga Japan .......................................... Mr. Teruuchi Lebanon ....................................... Mr. Ramadan Mexico ........................................ Mr. De Léon Huerta Nigeria ........................................ Mr. Edokpa Russian Federation ............................... Ms. Eloeva Turkey ........................................ Ms. Dinç United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .... Mr. Green United States of America ........................... Mr. Grant Agenda Women and peace and security Report of the Secretary-General on women and peace and security (S/2010/498) This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. The final text will be printed in the Official Records of the Security Council. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-506. 10-60385 (E) *1060385* S/PV.6411 (Resumption 1) The meeting resumed at 3.25 p.m. contributes to UNIFEM in Afghanistan, with some 62 million Swedish kronor — just above €6 million — The President: I wish to remind all speakers to including for support for the Afghan national action limit their statements to no more than five minutes in plan for women. Additional contributions are directed order to enable the Council to carry out its work to the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan and its expeditiously. I shall now invite the State Secretary for programmes for girls. We have also been active in Foreign Affairs of Sweden, His Excellency Mr. Frank strengthening the gender perspective in European Belfrage, to take the floor. Union (EU) crisis management policy and operations, for example by sending gender advisers/focal points to Mr. Belfrage (Sweden): I would like to start by EU missions in Kosovo, the Democratic Republic of thanking the Republic of Uganda for ensuring that the the Congo and Georgia. 10-year anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) has been given a very prominent part of We welcome the Security Council’s request to the this month’s Security Council agenda. And I would Secretary-General to provide a single coherent also like to align Sweden with the statement of the framework based on the set of indicators aimed at European Union to be delivered later today. tracking the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000). It is time, we feel, to make sure that we, the Member During the ministerial meeting on Security States, can be held accountable for our commitments. Council resolution 1325 (2000) — a call to action — a month ago, Governments from all corners of the world Sweden welcomes the United Nations Entity for demonstrated their support and their conviction that Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN women have a central role to play in achieving durable Women), and we congratulate its first Executive peace in conflict regions. So far, some 20 countries Director, Ms. Michelle Bachelet. Sweden will support have adopted national action plans on resolution 1325 her efforts in a substantial manner, both financially and (2000), and we were happy to note the intention of politically. many more countries to adopt and implement such Civil society and the participation of women’s plans. We heard inspiring examples of transnational groups play an important role. Women’s groups help cooperation in sharing experience and knowledge with empower women so that the voices of women in those whose plans are still in progress. Many of us also conflict areas are heard and can influence the work to emphasized the importance of including civil society achieve peace. They conduct research on women’s role and women’s groups in such processes and other work. in conflict, they alert us to tragedies, they report to us Four years ago, Sweden presented its first on progress and they provide expertise. Sweden is national action plan on the implementation of resolution grateful for the valuable work of such groups and 1325 (2000). Today we are in the process of acknowledges the need for wider cooperation with civil implementing our second national action plan, for the society at all levels. We would encourage UN Women period 2009-2012. It permeates our security and to show the leadership necessary to facilitate the wide development policies and makes resolution 1325 (2000) inclusion of women’s organizations in the work of the a special focus in our contribution to crisis United Nations in our collective ambition to achieve management, in our humanitarian assistance and in our durable peace and equitable and sustainable global development cooperation with countries in conflict and development. post-conflict situations. A concrete example is the The Secretary-General’s report (S/2010/498) upcoming appointment of a special ambassador-at- shows once again that enhancing women’s large in Sweden for the work of implementing participation is an efficient method for achieving resolution 1325 (2000). security and development for local communities as a Other concrete examples from the field include whole. And, given the importance of having women in the Sudan, where Sweden is contributing some leading positions, we would strongly encourage the 45 million Swedish kronor — around €4.5 million — appointment of more women Special Representatives via the United Nations Development Fund for Women and deputy heads of mission. We welcome the targeted (UNIFEM) to a variety of organizations promoting efforts to train and deploy more female mediators. We women’s role and participation. Sweden also welcome the efforts of the senior Police Adviser of the 2 10-60385 S/PV.6411 (Resumption 1) Department of Peacekeeping Operations, including her Our action plan has a number of major determination to increase the number of female police components. The first is our commitment to the officers in peace keeping operations, since this also prevention of violence and conflict. Our national responds to operational needs on the ground. Sweden is programme commits us to dissemination of national committed to continuing to sustain at least the same and international laws dealing with women, the proportion of female police officers in peacekeeping revision of all discriminatory laws and the operations as in its National Police Service. identification of all existing discriminatory practices and adoption of strategies to address these challenges. Finally, I would also like to emphasize the work We have also begun the ratification of international being done by Ms. Margot Wallström, Special laws and conventions, and we are in fact in the process Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual of domesticating those laws. Violence in Conflict, and her Office. The Special Representative’s work is of outstanding importance, Also in our action plan we have a specific chapter and the results in the next few years will be an on the protection and rehabilitation of victims. We important indicator of the international community’s have started to establish gender-based violence centres ability to address the structural violence that is directed at the grass-roots level throughout the country, and we towards women. initiated a law on prevention and punishment of gender-based violence, which was passed in 2009. It The President: I now invite Her Excellency includes penalties and substantive mechanisms to Mrs. Aloysia Inyumba, Senator of the Republic of empower the national police, the Ministry of Defence Rwanda, to take the floor. and other security agencies to contribute to Ms. Inyumba (Rwanda): I would like to thank stabilization and to ensuring that women are protected you, Mr. President, for convening this meeting and for in conflict. In Rwanda we also have gender desks in all giving my delegation the opportunity to participate in departments. Specifically, we emphasize training for this debate, as we mark the tenth anniversary of all personnel involved with the issue of gender-based resolution 1325 (2000). I also welcome the report of violence in our country. We have also initiated an the Secretary-General on women and peace and security action plan and an awareness and training programme (S/2010/498) and endorse the recommendations in that especially for our peacekeeping forces that go to report. The Rwandan delegation aligns itself with the Darfur. Other than the general mandate that they have statement delivered by the Minister of International as part of a peacekeeping mission, they also have a Cooperation of Canada on behalf of the Group of special objective of ensuring that women and refugees Friends of Women, Peace and Security. in the Sudan are protected. The Rwandan Government officially launched, on Last week, my country deployed a delegation of May 17th this year, a national action plan on the 90 women police officers
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