Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: WHORM Alpha File Folder Title: McCarthy, Timothy J. Box: To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ .. March fl, 1983 tlt"n r Mr . Zultlic: Th~n k you for infor~iog the Pres f de~t of thr. tribute for Secr~t ServicQ Ag en t T;~XMcCarthv spons o red b y the Peth~~e club of Lourde ~_ [igh School. tu ely. your request for a Ape­ eeaage froa President Reagan for event did not reach this of fie~ 1n t ~.for him to r~Rpond. The Pre~ident nk9 you for your kind und~rstending end hopee the evening wna enjoyed by all vhn attended. Wi th warm perftonnl rogard~ on behalf nf Preetdent Reagan, Sincerely. DODIE L1Vlf'1GST01' Speci&l AAS16tant to the President .\-' Pfr. Rick Zuklic 3328 Weot 84th ~treet Chicago, Illinois 60652 DL:ck cc : CF , ' August 16, 1982 Dear Mr. Thompson: This is to express my sincere gratitude to you and thexFEIS Committee of the Irish American Club of Washington, o.c., for the~Distinquished Service Award for 1982 which waa presented to Ed Hickey for me. Althou9h, regrettably, I missed the pleasure of being with you and your colleagues at the Seventh Annual Peis event, I want you to know that I deeply appreciate being honored with this year's award. I am proud to follow my fellow Irish-Americans -- Jame'!< Brady, Timothy.,,, HcCarthy~nd Thomas )>elahanty -- in recelvin1thia special rememSrance of yo'1r orqaniza on's friendship. Thank you very, very much. ~ ,.. I / I W~th my /,;,arm best wishes to you and your ~~ship, Sincerely, n,,~,~ ! V' r.: .. ~ .. ~~ ti/ x Mr. Louis J. Thompson Director Irish American Club of Washington, o.c. Post Office Box 5416 Takoma Park, Maryland 20912 ~ 1 CMF/MP/AVH/RCH/pt-­ ~ Ed Hickey, Jr. s2os 11 March 26, 1982 Dear Miss Prescott: This is to thank you for your kindness in sendi~g poems for Tirnothyx.MC.Cartb.Y and Jerry Parr. I've passed t em on to these individuals. Although the mail that ·comes to the ach day makes it difficult to show th sident each piece, he takes great interest in those who corres­ pond with him and reads as many letters as he can. Please know that your contributions are very much appreciated. And, no, I don't think I'm ·related to the singer Bob Eberly. Unless, of course, there is a family connection there that my husband never told me about. With all best wishes, Sincerely, Sheryl Eberly Deputy Director of Correspondence Off ice of the First Lady Miss Sally Prescott 7250 N.W. 5th Court4 Plantation, Florida 33317 cc: Enclosures sent to McCarthy and Parr . I ------------ _.. July 20, 1981 Dear Mr. Moore• It waa c;rood o~ you to teke the tine to write to Preaiclent Reagan. He appreciat.ecl a ..inq the article, which appeared in the Spring, 1981, iaaue of The Ralmaov, on Ac;ent Timothy McCarthy, onfortunataly, due to the heavy wluma of l which arrivea daily at the White Hou.e, yo r lei:ter haa juat been brought to our atte n. Under auah cirowaat.ancea, it was not a1 e for a meaaa9e to be ••nt to tba McI eers rior to their departure for Egypt.. ti _ The Pr.. ident i• grateful for y ur~~htfulneas and eourteay, nonet.halaaa, and nds you his beat v18hea. Sincerely, Anne Hi99ina Director of Corraepondence lllw-1-MY.s JiNI 8/1 'Yuc.:t;;ber x_ West € N ri. du-;cti t1F' tXl,st Mr. Jaaea Y.X.On 39 North Weat Public Square Lawreaceburq, TH 38•8• AVH:da:sev:emb-2lb .JAMESY. MOORE cJ une- ~, /CJ 51! . , .JAM ES Y. MOORE l .r) <t:har1e- or7he rr~7rt:rrn a1·/JJ;ch17;n <!J?r1~ //~n ht::1d t?d Vt 5 e4 /?'Jr. /h!!. 7h !f>er 1 Tht:11 _The:J_ d~e:~/;_ed ~ spe~ch tJJ/) , __ ~ore tJ!F f!NA nl r't ~ l!A. he 7'N>K,,7/, e_,e_rs_7;;v-T {f)r- <Pav /J{i_t/&11~/ An fhp'?! (!JI,:_ ~l/ e_d ~ 'joq S ~ e. 11 a 5 his f1tle, Mr. "f]-es17i;J;-/7k'e otl-r , n1<4.Tua r;-/€ncl; /YJ~ f-a'f t411der JciJ ~ he is a. e- IoJi,, e ri T :5jJ"'""'Ker: . ... ; ;.:. .. '14S tf>11cl, ~S mr. l7J~Tnleera11A his W"f1A~rFu I t_:!!fr--' w1i/ lecrve ~r f'jfjT o I\. Ju he 1.::; 1-.JJ, A / e7Te1- l.A.)o u f d be w ;-'! fh r.A M a.;f'Y e e. i ~Ie J. (p u ,,. f rcnJ. er..5 ? o r Y6 q /~-/ha I)' fJ bf :;; Tci lj 1Yi /tJtJ~ h~~!th t;-n.) ma.1 7/,e (JcJt7c/. )..tJrd 111 h,s 1nr1'l/Te J1115c/~n 1 ~tJn71JJue 7°tJ ::>h/ri ~ on 7011. ~ 11.A hie' s s '10 «, ' 5n Ct!-e re IL/ ijtPu.rs . JArne5 f (J-hi}IJJ~dr-= . "' . ' . DRAFT/Date 6/ll/Bl SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Enclosures: RR/ --- - ---:c I /~~~--:-- (Type LABEL) (Drafter) (Rev. I) (Rev. II) Other: A VH / DA-=-----­ I p/ ( Drafter) (Rev. I) Mr • .r.bore: De a r ___ _ ______~---------- It was good of you to take the time to write to . ~ ,,/~~""" President Reagan. He appreciated seeing the article on /U.i~ II ye~~ fr•t~r~ity Qrotp 2 r, Agent)~L:i:fft.-~cCarthy. Unfortunately, due to the heavy volume of mail which \ arrives daily at the White House, your letter has just ~ ~Sv<:...t... been brought to~t~e P~e~idenL 1 s attention. zxzHaszim~0ssi~~e¥ G1r"~~~y-.-~ zH0HExtkexeiE~~msxaH~HS¥ZX0 't was not possible for a message to be sent to the Mcinteers prior to their departure for Egypt. The President is grateful for your thoughtfulness and fJ ,)~ 9-1rtesY,, and sends you his best wishes. Sincerely, AVH ~7 1 ~tr1~~ ~~ The O, The RAINBO\N of Delta Tau Delta SPRING, 1981 • Volume 105 • No.3 • (454-480) Contents At Press Time he spring Rainbow might seem .to have an 3 Reputation on the Line T overbalance toward the University of Minneso­ 4 Impact on Decisions ta's Beta Eta Chapter. An article about one chap­ 10 Dogged Search for Truth ter member, Scot Doebler, has been in the editori­ 13 Tim McCarthy Commended al mill since his unusual opportunity to appear in 15 The 100,000th Delt 4 the Academy-Award-Winning film, "Ordinary Peo­ 17 Memories of Pledgeship ple." Then, as press time approached, the long­ anticipated initiation of Delta Tau Delta's 100,000th 18 Best Currency Forecaster member took place - at the University of Min­ ~.... : .. 20 Eye & Ear for Beauty nesota. As my old Hicksville coach used to say, 22 Starting with a Winner timing is everything. Incidentally, Scot Doebler's :!'.'."'.'~~ :-r ~ ";;-. r;.>" ·:-::....,.. role in the film is somewhat unusual in that he 24 History of Hanover ~1 ~'lt':i:';c\S~~ 27 Speaking of Nothing ,.~ ·~ ~ .~-~~. -:-::: portrays a person who did not even appear in the book. 31 Standing on the Corner 33 Alumni 10 37 Books by Brothers n the spring of 1978, the Rainbow carried a 38 Delt Sportlight I feature about John Beaumont, Missouri '10, 42 The Chapter Eternal who was returning to college so he could learn to 44 The Directory speak German and converse with a friend living in West Germany. 46 The Honor Roll Exactly three years later, Mr. Beaumont, now 92 years old, still is a student at Missouri Western State College. This semester he's taking speech and history of the English tanguage. It's his sev­ Cover enth consecutive semester of carrying from six to As reports from winter initiations came into the 10 hours of work. By now he is well known, and Central Office, the countdown toward the Fraterni­ well Jiked by fellow students, and even takes part ty's 100,000th Deft zeroed in on Minnesota's Beta in extra-curricular activities. Eta Chapter, then to a single member. His name Riding a bus from his home in Saint Joseph is Robert Folstad. You can meet him by turning to three days a week, he insists the schedule does page 15. not tire him. "f like being out here with all these young folks," he says. 'The teachers are excellent and I'm A quarterly magazine devoted toed ucational materials learning a lot." concerning college and fraternity interests. The official educative journal of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. Sub­ scription rate, $3.00 per year. All chapter reports, alumni notes, alumni chapter reports, news stories, round has been broken for The Dean William photographs, manuscripts, subscriptions and death GTate Student Center at the University of notices, for publication, should be sent to: Georgia. The tribute to Dean Tate, who died Sep­ tember 21, 1980, honors one of the University's Delta Tau Delta Fraternity most revered figures for many years, and one of 4740 Kingsway Drive, Suite 110 Delta Tau Delta's outstanding members since his Indianapolis, Ind. 46205 initiation at Georgia in 1920. In addition to naming the forthcoming student center in his honor, the David N. Keller, Editor University has established a Dean Tate Fund, with Second-class postage paid at Athens, Ohio.
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