ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY It is obvious that a vast amount of exploration and research has gone into the making of this Guide and the S.M.C. and the author are to be congratulated on the excellent results they have achieved. R. }EFFREY. The Complete Ski Manual. By Eddie Huber and Norman Rogers. Pp. x, 129. 11lustrated, G. Alien & Unwin, London, 1949. 12s. 6d. THIS book by two Canadians is well produced. In its I29 pages to quote the ' blurb ' ' there is a lavish supply of photographs, charts and line drawings,' and there are I I blank pages. It claims to cover everything about ski-ing from its earliest beginnings in Scandinavia to modern slalom racing and first aid on tours. • It may serve to popularise ski-ing amongst Canadians but one· wonders why in these days of shortage of dollars and newsprint it should have been thought worth while to publish it in England. In a glossary of ski terms there is a definition of ' Kandahar,' which does not refer to the Kandahar Ski Club. This seems a little hard on our premier racing club which, incidentally, presented the Quebec­ Kandahar Cup to the Canadian Amateur Ski Association. I. G. AITCHISON. An advance copy of T wo Mountains and a River by H. W. Tilman (Cambridge University Press, 21s.) has been received too late for review here. It will be reviewed in our next number, and in the meantime readers may like to have their attention drawn to another characteristic book by this author. • THE ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY • By T. S. BLAKENEY, Assistant Librarian The following have been added to the Library: Publications of Clubs and Societies . Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Appalachia. Pp. 433-544· Vol. xxvi, No. 4· 9 X 6. Illustrations. (Article on Mt. W addington.) . Dec. 194 7. Vol. xxvii, Nos. r-3, Pp.1-400. (Articles on Cotopaxi; Amnyi Machin; The White Mountains bibliography, 1918-1947.) June 1948 June 1949 Club Andino Bariloche, Argentina. Anuario. 8! X 5!· Pp. 180. Illustrations. 1949 • Sektion Bayerland des Alpenvereins, Munich. Bergsteigen als Lebens­ form ; Herausgegeben zum fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehen, 1895-1945 . Pp. 63. 9t X 6t. Fritz Schmitt, Munich. 1949 Club Alpin Beige, Brussels. R evue d' Alpinisme. Pp. go. 9! X 6!. Illustrations. (Articles : X avier de Gruune; N. face, Drus. ) 1947 --. Pp. 122. Illustrated. (Articles : Mount Kenya.) 1948-1949 Cairngorm Club, Aberdeen. Journal. Vol. xvi, No. 86. Pp. 91-160. • 9 X 6. Illustrations. 1948-1949 Camping Club of Great Britain. Camping and Outdoor Life. Vols. xliii-xliv. J an. 1948-Sept. 1949 Alpine Club of Canada, Banff, Alberta. Canadian Alpine Journal. Vol. xxxii. Pp. 140. 9 X 6. Illustrations. (Articles : Mt. Alberta; Brussels Peak .) 1949 ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY 277 • Canterbury Mountaineering and Camping Club. The Canterbury Mountaineer, I947-48. Vol. 4, No. I7. Pp. I20- 245· 9! X 7!· Illustra­ tions. (Article: Mt. Cook Record of Ascents.) August I948 Climbers' Club, London. Journal. Vol. viii, No. 3 (No. 73). Pp. 224-405. 8! X st. (Jubilee Number.) I948 Colorado Mountain Club, Denver, U.S.A. Trail and Timberline. Nos. 339-368. 9 X 6. Illustrations. 1947-I949 Fell and Rock Clitt~bing Club. Journal. Vol. xv, No. 2 (No. 42). 8! X 5!· Pp. I27-265. Illustrations. 1948 Club Alpin Fran~ais, Paris. La Montagne. Nos. 339-344. 10! X 8. Illustrations. Jan. I948-June I949 --. Section Lyonnaise. Revue Alpine. Nos. 355-360. Io! X 7t· Illustrations. 1948-I949. Group de Haute Montagne, Paris. Alpinisme. Nos. 82-87. Iot X 8. Illustrations. 1948-I949 Hellenic Alpine Club. To Vouno, 1946. Pp. I9I. IO X 7· Illustrations. (ArticJe E. H. Peck on Taurus.) 1947 Club Alpino Italiano, Turin. Rivista Mensile. Vol. lxvii, Nos. 1-I2. 9} X 6f-. Illustrations. 1948 · --. Sezioni Venete. Le Alpi Venete, No. 4· Pp. IIg-163. 9! X 6!. 1948 Ladies' Alpine Club. Yearbook. Pp. 47· 8! X 5!· Illustrations. I948 Mazamas, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Mazama. Vol. xxx, No. I3. 10! X 6!. Illustrations. Dec. 1948 Mountain Club of East Africa, Kenya. Bulletin, No. I I. June 1949 Mountain Club of South Africa, Cape Town. Journal, No. 51. 1948. 9 X 6. Pp. 1I2. Illustrations. Jan. I949 • New Zealand Alpine Club, Dunedin. Journal. Vol. xii., No. 35· Pp. 179-333. Illustrations. June 1948 .--. Vol. xiii., No. 36. Pp. 1- I67. 8-! X 5!· (Articles: Mr. Cook; Sefton ; La Perouse ; Young Valley.) June I 949 Norsk Tindeklub, Oslo. Norsk Fjellsport. 9t x 6!. Illustrations. I949 Nors~e Turistforenings, Oslo. Arbok.. Pp. 256. 9! x 6!. Illustrations. -I949 Rucksack Club. Journal. Vol. xi., No. 2 (No. 42.) Pp. 8g-184. Illus- trations. 8l X 5! · 1949 Royal Geographical Society, London. The Geographical Journal. 9f X 6. Illustrations, Maps. Vol. cxii, Nos. I-6. July-Dec. I948 --. Vol. cxiii. Jan.- June 1949 Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge. The Polar Record. Vol. 5, Nos. 35-38. Pp. 143-39 ~. 9! X 6-f. Illustrations. 1948-1949 Scottish Mountaineering Club, Edinburgh. Journal. Vol. 24, No. I40. 8! X 5f· Pp. 8I-I68. Illustrations. May I949 Schweizer Alpenklub, Sektion Basel. Jahresbericht. Pp. 85. Illus- trations. 9 X 6. I948 Sierra Club, San Francisco, California. Bulletin. Vol. 34, No. 6. 9t X 6. Pp. I62. Illustrations. (Articles: Exploration and First Ascents, Mt. McKinley.) 1949 Svenska Turistforeningens. Tidning. Nos. I-4· Pp. I27. Illustrations. , Feb.-June I949 Tararua Tramping Club, Wellington, New Zealand. Tararua. No. 2 Pp. 96. 8! X 5!· I948 Books and Articles. Correction: A .f. 57, 121. Books and Articles, fifth item: for ' Chapman, John Henry,' read 'Clapham, John Henry.' de Beer, G. R. Travellers in Switzerland. Pp. xvii, 584. 8-! X 5!· 25s. Oxford University Press. 1949 Bridge, L. D. Mountain Search and Rescue Organisation. Pp. 48. 7 X 4!· Illustrations. Tararua Tramping Club, Wellington, New Zealand. 1948 .t\LPINE CLUB LIBRARY Biihler, Hermann. Alpine Bibliographie. Gesamtregister fur die J ahre 1931-1938. Pp. 292. 6! X 4-!· F. Bruchmann Verlag, Munich. 1949 Egli, Emil. Swiss Life and Landscape. Pp. 161. 8!- X 5!· Illustrations. I2S. 6d. Paul Elek, London. I949 Engel, Claire-Eliane. La Vallee de Saas. Pp. 224. 7 X 4!· Illustra- tions. Victor Attinger, P aris. I948 Frohsein Sonne und die Schone Weite Welt. Pp. I98. 9 x 6. Illustrations. L. W. Seidel & Sohn, Vienna. 1949 Gervasutti, Giusto. Montagnes, Ma Vie. Pp. 294. 8 X 5!· Illustrations. Map. B. Arthaud, Paris. 1949 Huber, E., and Rogers, N. The Complete Ski Manual. Pp. x, 129. 9! X 6. Illustrations. George Alien & Unwin, London. I949 Lunn, Arnold. The Mountains of Youth. Second Edition. Pp. xvi, I92. 8! X 5t· I os. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, London. I949 Melon, Pierre. Montagnards. Pp. 208. 7! X st. Illustrations. A'udin-Editeur. I949 Paschinger, Dr. Viktor. Pasterzenstudien. N aturwissenschaftliche Beit­ rage zur Heimatkunde Karntens. Pp. I I9. 9 X 6. Illustrations. Klagenfurt. I948 Poucher, W. A. The Magic of Skye. Pp. 223. II X 8.- Illustrations. 30s. Chapman & Hall, London. I 949 Roch, Andre. Climbs of iny Youth. Pp. I59· Illustrations. 8! X s!. I2s. 6d. Lindsay Drummond, London. I949 Saint-Loup. La Montagne n'a pas Voulu. 7 X 5!·· Pp. 207. Illustra- tions. B. Arthaud, Paris. I949 Seylaz, Louis. Alpes Vaudoises. Pp. 20 text. 181 Photographs by Emile Gos. I I X Bt. Jean Marguerat, Lausanne. I949 Young, G. Winthrop. Mountain Craft. (7th Edition revised.) Pp. xi, 3I9. 8£- X 5!· 25s. Methuen & Co., London. I949 Ziak, Karl. Erwanderte Heimat. Land und Leute in Osterreich. Pp. I92. Illustrations. 9! X 6!. Volksbuchverlag, Vienna. I949 . Novels. Frison-Roche-, R. First on the Rope. (Translated by J anet Adam Smith.) Pp. vii, 268. 7-! X 5· Ios. 6d. Methuen & Co., London. I949 Wilson, Leigh. Do you go back Dismayed ? Pp. 202. 7t X 5· 9s. 6d. Methuen & Co. Ltd., London. 1949 Guide-Books . Devies, Lucien et Henry, Pierre. Guide Vallot (G.H.M.) La Chaine du Mont Blanc III. Aig. Verte-Dolent-Argentiere-Trient. Pp. 279. Dia­ grams. 6! X 4-! B. Arthaud, Paris. I 949 Murray, W. H. Rock Climbs, Glencoe and Ardgour. (S.M.C. Guide.) Pp. I64. Diagrams. 6! X 4i· 7s. 6d. S.M.C., Edinburgh. I949 Carr, H. R. C., Lister, G. A., and Work, P. 0. A Walker's Guide to Snowdon and the Beddgelert District. Pp. 6o. Sketch Maps. 5 X 4· 3s. 9d. Listers, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Beckey, Fred. Climbers' Guide to the Cascade and Olympic Mountains of \Vashington. Pp. 271. Diagrams and Maps. 6! X 4-!· American Alpine Club, New York. I949 • .
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