Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, February 23, 2017 OUR 127th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 08-2017 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] ONE DOLLAR Westfield Council Hears Views On Safety, Sanctuary Cities By CHRISTINA M. HINKE that will serve to promote economic governing body why Panera Bread Specially Written for The Westfield Leader development and sustainability for has vacated its lease in Westfield on WESTFIELD — The town council many years to come.” East Broad Street. heard from residents Tuesday about DTF Chairman William Heinbokel “Did the town do everything pos- safety issues, their thoughts on said LRK Consultants, the firm hired sible?” he asked. Westfield as a sanctuary city, the to review and analyze zoning ordi- Mayor Skibitsky said, “my under- downtown loss of a restaurant, and nances and to inspect the downtown standing is it doesn’t fit the parking during snow events. Mayor and provide suggestions, has visited model…the franchisee didn’t want to Andy Skibitsky also made a speech the downtown, and the DTF is await- invest with the franchisor.” about the town’s Downtown Task ing their report. “We have tenants looking at some Force (DTF) and the council heard an “The town has begun to explore of our vacant properties,” Mayor Ski- update from the task force chairman. tangible opportunities,” Mr. bitsky said. Mayor Skibitsky said the town Heinbokel said. The DTF is to come The Downtown Westfield Corpo- formed the DTF last July and also up with a one-year plan, a one-to- ration does act as a facilitator be- hired an outside consultant to “iden- three-year plan, and a long-term plan, tween prospects and landowners, tify the factors within our purview he said. Town Administrator Jim Gildea said, and develop a forward-looking plan Resident David Hunter asked the to fill vacancies. Councilman Sam Della Fera sug- gested people reach out to Panera Bread to ask that the company bring back a restaurant to Westfield. “This governing body does not have power …we may want to…we sim- ply can’t create it out of thin air,” Mr. Della Fera said. “We don’t subsidize rents,” Mayor Skibitsky said. “We don’t negotiate with them.” Christina M. Hinke for The Westfield Leader Westfield residents Lydia Kaplan ASKING FOR ASSISTANCE...Bruce Paterson, center, of Garwood, asks the Westfield council to form an alliance with other and Pam Brug, founders of Westfield municipalities in the county to request the county develop a grant to aid in funding the costs for revaluations the state has Solidarity for Safety, which provides imposed. Seated are Westfield Town Administrator Jim Gildea, left, and Attorney Russell Finestein. support and representation for chil- dren and families who are victims of hate speech and/or crimes, as well as Garwood School Board Discusses recommending school programs re- lated to these issues (as described on Ms. Kaplan’s LinkedIn page), asked the mayor and council what it could Testing of Lincoln School Water do to make Westfielders feel safe. Ms. Kaplan and Ms. Brug said people By BETSEY BURGDORF the board that 30 water stations were Clark involving the Plainfield High have come to each of them in confi- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tested at Lincoln School on February School girls’ basketball team. Ms. Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader OUT FOR A RIDE...A family enjoys the warm temperatures by walking their dence telling them that they feel un- GARWOOD — At the Tuesday 17. He said that the lab company took Guerriero said that during a girls’ bas- bikes across the foot bridge at Nomahegan Park in Cranford on Saturday. safe, and that their children have night meeting of the Garwood Board samples and that full results should be ketball game between ALJ and Plain- been called terrorists or been an- of Education (BOE), an update on the available in approximately 10 days. field, the away team was given a class- tagonized for being Jewish. mandatory testing of Lincoln School Mr. Spera said that Lincoln School has room to use as a locker room. In the Mayor Skibitsky said, “Fortunately, water was heard, walkie-talkies for two water sources, one on Walnut Street classroom, puppets that were being Senior Van Received by we haven’t had any dangerous issues. teachers were discussed and students and a newer source on Second Av- created were on display in various We have had swastikas painted in the Honor Society were recognized. enue. states of completion. The girls on the Borough; Pool Fees Told throughout the years…We work with Garwood BOE Supervisor of Build- Mr. Spera noted that some of the Plainfield basketball team felt that a CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 ings and Grounds Thomas Spera told newer water pipes at the school are puppet of Lebron James that had a By MICHAEL BONACCORSO address to destination. No call back copper and areas that have been re- string tied around its neck to keep it Specially Written for The Westfield Leader will be provided. The van has a win- paired are galvanized and “some of it from falling off the rack was being MOUNTAINSIDE – Mayor Paul dow of 20 minutes to arrive; 10 min- Board OK’s Summit Ave. is a best guess.” Lead in the water is a used to intimidate them. The incident N. Mirabelli announced Tuesday utes before the time requested or 10 concern, and some of the older pipes is under investigation by the Union night that the borough’s new van to minutes after the time requested. Any could “spawn some problems,” he said. County Prosecutor’s Office. transport seniors is officially in op- transportation questions must be di- Addition, Pool on Kimball Any water station that comes back BOE member Tracey Roland an- eration. rected to Kim Moriak, Mountainside with issues will be taken out of service. nounced that the Education Fund of Mayor Mirabelli described the van senior citizen coordinator, at (908) By MICHAEL BONACCORSO voted in upholding the Westfield zon- “Hopefully, I can come back next Garwood (EFG) will hold a fundraiser unveiling Tuesday morning as “ter- 232-4406. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ing official’s report suggesting Mr. month and say we are all good,” Mr. on Wednesday, March 15, at Rosie’s rific” and he looks forward to all the The council approved an ordinance WESTFIELD – The board of ad- Wong must seek a variance. Mr. Spera said. “If not, then at least we Wine Bar from 7 to 9 p.m. The event assistance it will bring to residents. for increased fees at the Mountain- justment last Wednesday heard the Masciale stated the wording is up to have a plan.” will feature wine tasting and appetiz- The van’s seating capacity is 12 pas- side Community Pool for specific cases of four homeowners seeking interpretation and a bit unclear when The results of the testing will be ers. Tickets are $30, of which half will sengers. Mayor Mirabelli stated he membership categories for the spring relief on variances. addressing aggregate sums of en- posted within 24 hours of receipt and go directly to the EFG. Tickets to the was excited the van was mainly pur- and summer. The new fees range from Two of the four parties were seek- croachment. Board member Andrew a letter will be sent to all parents with event are available at the main office, chased with a Union County Seniors $118 for au pair/nanny memberships ing d-variances. Board Chairman Wasserman said he agreed with Mr. the results. as well as at the door the night of the in Motion grant. to $334 for family memberships. William Heinbokel said all d-vari- Wong as the code addresses each BOE President Christine Guerriero event. Operating hours and daily destina- There are also daily guest fees rang- ance approvals must have five out of structure’s encroachment, not an ag- reported on an incident that happened Board member Susan Groning re- tions are available through Borough ing from $7 to $10 and weekly and seven votes to be approved. Mr. gregate sum. at Arthur L. Johnson High School in CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Hall and will be posted on the house guest fees of $25 and $30 de- Heinbokel acknowledged only five Mr. Heinbokel said Mr. Wong’s borough’s website. Preliminary days pending on category. board members were in attendance. request was reasonable and not an and times are Monday, 9 a.m. until 2 The governing body approved Other variance approvals just need a abusive interpretation of the code. p.m.; Tuesday, 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., March as Youth Art Month. The reso- majority, which is attainable with Mr. Heinbokel suggested future de- and Thursday, 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. lution deemed art to be a powerful five board members present. Mr. velopments and encroachments in Pick-up with starting times are 9:15 resource with many benefits for el- Heinbokel stated before the parties separate scenarios could become abu- a.m. All messages must be left the ementary, middle and high school presented their case, the board would sive to neighbors if a variance was not night before at (908) 232-2400, ex- students. allow the parties to return to the ruled as needed. The board unani- tension no. 238. Residents should Also, Mountainside will provide March meeting where all seven board mously voted that Mr. Wong must leave their name, telephone number, $300 to the fund-raising committee members will be present.
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