^TURALIZATIONs Nichols, John, native of Switzerland Intent Sept. 29, 1877 Frederick Circuit Court, Minute Book Liber T.G. No» 4, 1B76-1877» fol* 170 HATURALIZATlOflS s Nichols, John Switzerland Int. Sept. 29, 1877 Nat. October 2, 1879 Frederick County C. C. Minutes Liber T.G. No. 6 1878-1879, folio 165 NATURALIZATIONS Nichols, Sanu England November 6, I864 Minor Act Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 123 NATURALIZATIONS Nicholson, Daniel, native of Ireland Intent April 4, 1842 Carroll Circuit Court, Proceedings of Court Liber No. 1, fol. 1 NATURALIZATIONS Nicholson, John March 27, 1788 ' W. S. Gen. Court Judgments Liber J. G. No. 2, folio 609 NATURALIZATIONS Nicholson, John March 27, 1788 V. S. Gen. Court, Judgments Liber JG#1, fol. 510 NATURALIZATIONS Nicholson, Michael Ireland Ar. 1867, age 30 Int. September 20, 1870 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 148 NATURALIZATIONS Nicholson, Michael Ireland Int. Sept. 20, 1870, age 30 Adm. October 23, 1872 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 157 NATURALIZATIONS Nicht, Joseph, 35, native of Austria, declared intent Oct. 31» 1892 Oct. 28, 1899 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 353 haturalizations Nickel, Bernard, 23, native of Bavaria, arrived 1884 May 18, 1898 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 348 naturalizations Nickel, Conrad F., 32, native of Germany, arrived 1866 Intent Nov. 12, 1879 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852—1904, fol. 246 naturalizations Nickel, Conrad F., 35, native of Germany, declar- ed intent Nov. 12, 1879 July 28, 1882 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 268 -NATURALIZATIONS Nickel, John, 41, native of Germany, arrived 186.6 Intent Jan, 18, 1881 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 258 NATURALIZATIONS Nickel, John, 44, native of Germany, declared in- tent Jan. 18, 1881 June 16, 1884 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 282 NATURALIZATIONS Nickell, George Ireland Ar. 1855, age 38 Int. October 23, 1857 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 90 naturalizations Nicken, Patrick, native of Ireland, declared intent July 24, 1837 Oct. 18, 1839 Allegany Circuit Court, Minutes of Court C.H. Liber Oct. 1839, fol. 33 HATURALlZATlONf Nicklee, Adam, of Hershback, Bavaria, registered intent Nov. 14, 1822 March 3, 1828 Frederick Circuit Court, Minute Book Liber 1828, fol. 20 NATURALIZATIONS Nicks, Henry, native of Case Basse Intent Oct. ZL, 1839 Allegany Circuit Court, Minutes of Court CJI. Liber Oct. 1839, fol. 49 NATURALIZATIONS Nicodemus, Henry L. Nassau Int. May 19, 1854 • Adm. October 15, 1859 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 106 NATURALIZATIONS Nicol, Andrew, 41, native of Scotland, arrived 1879 Intent Sept. 29, 1883 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 273 naturalizations Nicol, Andrew, 43, native of Scotland, declared intent Oct* 29, 18^ Oct. 3, 1885 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1853-1904, fol. 284 naturalizations Nicol, Benjamin, 48, native of Scotland, declared intent Dec. 17, 1869 Oct. 6, 1875 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 219 HATUBALIZATICW8 Hicol, James, 22, native of Great Britain, arriv- ed 1873 Intent July 9, 1874 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 203 NATURALIZATIONS Niebargall, Ludwig, native of Saxe-Weimer Intent Sept. 6, 1848 Carroll Circuit Court, Proceedings of Court Liber No. 1, fol. 69 naturalizations Niebergall, Ludwig, native of Saxe Weimer, registered intent Sept. 6, 1848 Sept. 9» 1850 Carroll Circuit Court, Proceedings of Court Liber No. 1, fol. 91 naturalizations Nielson, James Grawfurd, of Ireland May 28, 1798 W. S. Gen. Court Judgments Liber J. G. No. 39* folio 20 a resident since Jan. 29, 1795 naturalizations Niemeyer, Charles Germany Int. June 3, 1854 Frederick County C. C. Minutes Liber Feb. Term 1854* folio 45 HATUBALIZATIONS Nieranburg, N. B. b. Russia 1878 Emg. Hamburg, ar Phila 1891 (prior to age 21) Int. & Adm. February 14, 1900 Washington County C. C. Minutes C.H. Liber Feb. Term 1900, folio 8 naturalizations Nightingale, Daniel, 42, native of England, de- clared intent Nov. 5, 1873 Sept. 30, 1876 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 229 HATORALT ZATIONS Nightingale, George Germany Int. October 16, 1888 Carroll Co. C. C. Proceedings Liber 3, folio 233 naturalizations Nightingale, George Germany August 31, 1891 Carroll Co. C. C. Proceedings Liber 3, folio 320 NATURALIZATIONS Nightingale, Samuel, 40, native of England, de- clared intent Nov. 5, 1873 Sept. 30, 1876 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 228 naturalizations Nightingale, William, 44, native of England, de- clared intent Nov. 5, 1873 Sept. 30, 1876 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 229 NATURALIZATIONS Nile, Jacob from Germany, farmer near South Mountain Dec. 3, 1796 Frederick Circuit Court, Court Minutes Liber 1798, fol. 68 NATURALIZATIONS NAME: Nile, Jacob NATIVE OF: Germany NATURALIZED: December 3, 1798 FREDERICK COUNTY NATURALIZATION RECORD LIBER: 1785-1799 FOLIO: 93 HATURALIZATIONS Nineman, Adam * Germany Int. December 3, 1859, age 31 Adm. October 20, 1863 * name changed to Lineman per order Ct. April Term n 1885 Allegany County C. G. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 121 naturalizations Niphart, John October 9, 1788 W. S. General Court Dockets & Minutes 1788, folio 466 naturalizations Niphart, John October 9> 1788 W.S. Gen. Court, Judgments Liber JC#L, fol. 7 NATURALIZATIONS Nippert, George October 9, 1788 W. S. General Court Dockets & Minutes 1788, folio466 NATURALIZATIONS Nipport, George October 9» 1788 W.S. Gen. Court, Judgments Liber JG#L, fol. 7 NATURALIZATIONS Nisbett, John, 35, native of Scotland, arrived 1872 Intent Nov. 18, 1881 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 260 HATURALIZATIONS Nisbit, John, 24, native of Scotland, arrived March 22, 1903 Intent Oct. 26, 1904 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 371 NATURALIZATIONS Nixon, Daniel Act.of Assembly 1779 W. S. Gen. Court Judgments Liber J. G. No. 18, folio 579 NATURALIZATIONS Nixon, John November 25, 1786 W. S. General Court Dockets & Minutes 1788, folio 500 naturalizations Nixon, John November 25, 1786 W. S. Gen. Court Judgments Liber J. G. No. 2, folio 60S NATURALIZATIONS Nixon, John Nov. 25, 1786 ¥. S. Gen. Court, Judgments Liber JQ#1, fol. 509 NATURALIZATIONS Nixon, Thomas England Ar. 1854, age 34 Int. July 27, 1855 Allegany County C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 45 HATURALIZATIONS Nixon, Thomas England Int. February 2?, 1855 Adm. October 15, 1859 Allegany County c. C, Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 10? naturalizations Noble, James November 25, 1786 W. S. General Court Dockets & Minutes Oct. 1788, folio 501 naturalizations Noble, James November 25, 1786 W. S. Gen. Court Judgments Liber J. G. No. 2, folio 609 NATURALIZATIONS Noble, James Nov. 25, 1786 W. S. Gen. Court, Judgnents Liber JG#1, fol. 310 BATURALIZATIONS Noca, Antona, 26, native of Italy, arrived 1900 Intent Jan. 21, 1903 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 370 NATURALIZATIONS Nocar, John Austria Int. Baltimore City October 7, 1895 Adm. October 4, 1898 A. A. County Circuit Court Proceedings Liber Oct. 1894-Oct. 1898, folio 369 naturalizations Nocar, John Austria October 6, 1903 A. A. County Circuit Court LiberNov. 1898-Nov. 1903, folio 378 NATURALIZATIONS Noel, Digory England Ar. 1866, age 44 Int. March 26, 1870 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 148 NATURALIZATIONS Noel, Digory England Int. March 26, 1870, age 44 Adm. April 19, 1872 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 158 HATUKALIZATIuno Nogel, Henry, 27, native of Germany, arrived Oct. 1891 Oct. 8, 1901 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 376 NATURALIZATIONS Nohr, Conrad Germany Ar. 1855, age 24 Int. February 16, 1861 Allegany County C. C. AlieniJockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 124 NATURALIZATIONS Nohr, Conrad Hesse Cassel, age 24 September 28, 1868 Allegany County C. c. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 134 NATURALIZATIONS Nolan, Henry, now 21, native of Ireland Oct. 6, 1874 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 2 1852-1904, fol. 205 naturalizations Nolan, James, 27, native of Ireland, arrived 1848 Intent Sept. 29» 1851 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber Ho. 1 1845-1852, fol. 517 HATURALIZATIONS Nolan, James Ireland Int. September 29, 1851 Adm. October 22 , 1853 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2, folio 23, 24 naturalizations Nolan, John, 23, b. Co. Limerick Ireland 1848, emigrated from Queenstown arrived Castle Garden, N.Y., 1865, now 21 Aug. 5, 1871 Washington Circuit Court, Minutes of Court C.H. Liber July 1871, fol. 25 1 HATUEALIZATIOJfg Nolan, Martin, 34, native of Ireland, arrived 1837 Intent Oct. 25, 1850 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 1 1845-1852, fol. 442 NATURALIZATIONS Nolan, Martin Ireland Int. October 26, 1&50 Adm. October 20, 1852 Allegany County C. C. Alien Sockets Liber MR No. 2, folio 17 NATURALIZATIONS Nolan, Martin England, age 32 October 12, 1866 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 132 NATURALIZATIONS Nolan, Michael, native of Ireland, declared in- tent Dec. 5, 1845 in Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 2, 1850 Allegany Circuit Court, Naturalizations Liber No. 1 1845-1852, fol. 498 NATURALIZATIONS Nolan, Michael Ireland Ar. 1856, age 33 Int. November 15, 1870 Allegany County C. C. Alien Dockets Liber NR No. 2 1852-1904, folio 145 NATURALIZATIONS Nolan, Michael, 33, native of Ireland, declar- ed intent Nov.
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