LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone DATE OF PUBLICATION: Wednesday 13th May 2020 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL: Councillors Cecil (Chair), Hardy (Vice-Chair), Hope, Palmer, Powell, Probert, Tribe, G Watkins and L Watkins. (Five Vacancies) NOTICE OF MEETING You are hereby summoned to attend the remote Parish Council Meeting of the Longtown Group Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 20th May at 8.00pm via Zoom. Please click this link to join or follow the link at the end of the agenda. Paul Russell Clerk to the Council [email protected] AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19th February 2020. Copy attached. 4. OPEN FORUM – For local residents to raise local matters. 5. POLICE – To receive a report from the Police, if available. 6. WARD COUNCILLOR – To receive a report from the Ward Councillor, if available. 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION 200839 White Haywood Farm, Craswall, Replacement of flush fitting timber casement Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 0PH window to utility room. 8. GRANTS, REFUSALS & APPEALS NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION DECISION 200529 Llandraw Farm, Proposed nonmaterial Approved Craswall HR2 0PW amendment to planning permission 192932 (Proposed extension to existing farmhouse). To allow extension to be built 600mm higher. 194134 Land lying south of Proposed non-material Refused High House, amendment to planning Llanveynoe, permission ref 190786; (Erection Longtown of stables - siting of three stables and one field shelter; for horses and one storage container for water) - re-arranged; 1 | P a g e design/position of stables and water storage butts x 2 201005 Land East of Great Prior notification of a polytunnel to Prior approval refused Trewern, Longtown, provide improved growing Hereford, HR2 0LW conditions for horticultural produce. 194398 Tyn Y Berth, Retrospective application for the Approved with conditions Longtown, Hereford, change of use of land for the HR2 0NZ siting of a shepherds hut for holiday let use and associated works. 194236 Forest Lawn, Conversion of domestic Refused Craswall, Hereford, outbuilding to domestic residential HR2 0PL annexe with proposed vehicle store, ancillary to main house. 194071 Maple Farm, Proposed general purpose Approved with conditions Longtown, Hereford, agricultural building. HR2 0LW 9. FINANCES & POLICY (a) Accounts Outstanding and Financial Statement – A list of accounts for approval relating to March, April and May 2020 will be presented at the meeting. (b) End of Year Accounts – To formally approve the end of year accounts for 2019/20. Please see the attached account overview. (c) Defibrillators – A date to hold defibrillator training has had to be deferred until Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. (d) Noticeboards – The replacement of the noticeboard at Alltyrynys requires approval. There is a £250 excess for insurance but a claim has been submitted. Cost will be £398.67 including VAT and delivery. 10. THE FRIENDLY FIELD ASSOCIATION – To note that no further progress on this project has been achieved. 11. CLIMATE CHANGE – To receive an update following the first Steering Group meeting. 12. LENGTHSMAN WORKS – To consider the quotation received from D C Gardening Services to provide Lengthsman services up until 31st March 2021. 13. FLOODING – To identify areas that were adversely affected by the recent flooding and consider developing an application to Herefordshire Council to help fund remedial works. 14. NOTE THE CORRESPONDENCE SHEET The following correspondence has been received: Locality Steward Weekly Briefings – April to May 2020 Herefordshire Council, Road Closures May 2020 – Update to programme Herefordshire Rural Hub – May 2020 newsletter Police Newsletter – May 2020 Herefordshire Council Covid-19 updates 15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To note that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th June 2020 at 8:00pm either remotely or at Longtown Village Hall, subject to Covid-19 restrictions. 2 | P a g e Topic: Longtown Group Parish Council Meeting Time: May 20, 2020 08:00pm London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83632153860?pwd=K2YwWWxjWjRxNm4yajUxL0RKK09lQT09 3 | P a g e LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone Minutes of the Longtown Group Parish Council Meeting held at the Longtown Village Hall, Longtown HR2 0LD on Wednesday 19th February 2020 commencing at 7:30pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors Cecil (Chair), Hardy (Vice-Chair), Palmer, Probert, Tribe and L Watkins. ALSO PRESENT: Ward Cllr Jinman, PC Knight, Paul Russell, Clerk to the Council, and three members of the public. 130/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Hope, Powell and G Watkins. 131/19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION There were no Declarations of Interest made. 132/19 ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Council RESOLVED that the minutes of the Longtown Group Parish Council meeting held on 15th January 2020 be agreed and signed as a correct record. 133/19 OPEN FORUM – There were three members of the public in attendance. The following matters were raised: (a) Recent Flooding – Concern was expressed regarding the number of blocked drains and ditches in the parish. Following discussion, it was agreed to liaise with Balfour Beatty, Herefordshire Council and the relevant land owners to try to develop a co-ordinated plan to clear ditches regularly and to undertake maintenance of pipework. It was noted that many vehicles using the road were too large and were having a detrimental effect on drainage and the issue was exacerbated by debris from hedge cutting. It was further agreed to contact the MP to request assistance from central government to address the issues. The matter would be placed on the next agenda of the Council for full discussion. The Ward Councillor strongly recommended that no one should undertake works on the highways unless they were covered by their own insurance and had the relevant certification. It was also noted that red diesel could not be used in vehicles undertaking highway maintenance. 134/19 FRIENDLY FIELDS ASSOCIATION – Council noted that the Association had formally adopted a Constitution and had made a full representation to the Village Hall Management Committee where it had received the Committee’s full support. The Association was now seeking grant funding to carry out the work and would work with the Village Hall in a joint funding application. 135/19 CLIMATE CHANGE – Council noted that an initial meeting to commence the development of an action plan to address climate change locally, regionally and nationally had been held prior to the Full Council meeting. 50 people had been in attendance and a large number of ideas had been put forward for consideration. A Steering Group had been set up and would hold its inaugural meeting on Tuesday 25th January 2020 in the Village Hall. It was agreed that the Parish Council would meet all the hire costs of the Village Hall. Cllr Hardy would be the Parish Council’s representative. 136/19 POLICE – The following report was received from PC Knight: A number of incidents of sheep theft had occurred over the past month in the area including one locally where ten sheep had been stolen. Residents were requested to be vigilant; Incidents of crime remained low due in part to the support of the local community; 4 | P a g e The Police offered a service to mark tools and equipment to help prevent theft and locate stolen property. 137/19 WARD COUNCILLOR – The following Ward Councillor report presented by Cllr Jinman was received: The issue of flooding throughout the County was of major concern. The Parish Council was encouraged to contact the MP to request financial support to meet the cost of repairs especially with regard to the highway; It had been confirmed that the Herefordshire Council annual budget for resurfacing the highway network covered around 2-3% of the network, so on-going maintenance was in decline; Council was encouraged to work with the farming community to try to alleviate some of the issues highlighted; The Herefordshire Council Cabinet was meeting in Ewas Harold on 27th February 2020 from 2pm to 6pm. Questions needed to be submitted by Monday 24th February. 138/19 PLANNING APPLICATIONS – Following consideration, it was RESOLVED to make the following comments: NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION COMMENT 194043 Porth, Craswall, Repairs to barn and construction of No objection subject to the Herefordshire, a two-bedroom extension. inclusion of renewable HR2 0PN (Retrospective) energy schemes for all new builds.. 194398 Tyn Y Berth, Retrospective application for the No objection Longtown, change of use of land for the siting Hereford, HR2 of a shepherds hut for holiday let 0NZ use and associated works. 139/19 GRANTS, REFUSALS & APPEALS – Council noted the following decisions: NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION DECISION 193698 Barn at Greenacres Proposed conversion of barn to a Approved with conditions Walterstone HR2 0PF dwelling. 192057 Hatterall Herbs Old Proposed work space and office Approved with conditions Ebenezer Chapel building and new vehicular Longtown HR2 0LT access 200084 Llandraw Farm Proposed non-material Approved with conditions Craswall Hereford amendment to planning Herefordshire HR2 permission 192725 (Proposed 0PW repair, alteration and re-use of existing piggery to form ancillary farm storage) to make alterations to piggery roof. 140/19 FINANCES & POLICY (a) Accounts Outstanding and Financial Statement – The list of accounts relating to February 2020 were approved: Cheque Payee Item Total DD 1&1 Internet Ltd Domain Name £1.20 100794 Mrs R Russell Clerk Salary Feb 20 £412.88 100794 Mrs R Russell Expenses Feb 20 £47.19 100795 Mrs J Cecil Stationary £49.26 100796 K Pritchard Defibrillator install £409.00 100797 HALC Subscription £668.20 £1,587.73 5 | P a g e (b) Defibrillators – Council noted that the defibrillator had now been installed at Llanveynoe.
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