June 24, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14265 Act. This bill provides funding for 15 U.S. intel- that he lost 25 pounds during his first Con- young Marine, Wilson participated in the fero- ligence agencies and intelligence-related ac- gressional campaign. cious battle to liberate Guam. His actions dur- tivities of the U.S. government—including the The strength of Jake’s political convictions ing fierce combat on Guam, which was heavily CIA and the National Security Agency, as well can best be seen in his vote in favor of the occupied by the enemy for 32 months, earned as foreign intelligence activities of the Defense Civil Rights Act of 1964—one year after his him the Medal of Honor, the Nation’s highest Department, FBI, State Department, Home- first election. Jake was convinced that this award for heroism and leadership. Wilson was land Security Department, and other agencies. vote would guarantee him a ticket out of promoted to the rank of Captain while serving I will continue working to ensure our Federal Washington in his next election. Regardless of overseas with the 9th Marines in 1943. His intelligence and security agencies receive the this potential outcome, he became one of only tour in the Pacific Theater took him to Guadal- resources and funding needed to protect the seven southern Representatives to vote for canal, Efate, and Bougainville. In December United States from external and internal this important piece of legislation, and the 1944, he was transferred to Washington, D.C., threats. good voters of Texas’ 10th District sent him where he served as Detachment Commander Finally, I would like to express my support back to Congress for the next 31 years. at the Marine Barracks and was presented the for the flag desecration amendment to the As the Chairman of the Ways and Means Medal of Honor by President Truman. United States Constitution. This resolution au- Subcommittee on Social Security, Jake played The Medal of Honor was but the first acco- thorizes Congress to prohibit the physical a major role in writing legislation that saved lade bestowed upon General Wilson during his desecration of the flag of the United States. Social Security in 1983, when, much like service in the Marine Corps. In March 1970, Our Nation’s flag is a symbol of freedom and today, it faced financial challenges. His words Wilson was promoted to Major General. Gen- a source of pride for all of us fortunate enough then calling for bipartisanship ring true today— eral Wilson was also awarded two additional to call ourselves Americans. Our Nation has Jake said, ‘‘We should hold our fire. We can’t Legion of Merit medals and the Korean Order always encouraged free discussion and rea- inflame this subject. If we inflame it too much, of National Security Merit, GUK-SEON Medal, sonable disagreement, but the physical dese- nothing will get done, and if nothing gets 2d Class and the Philippine Legion of Honor cration of an American flag goes beyond the done, the American people will have the right (Degree of Commander) for his service in pale. Such actions are insulting to those who to throw us all out.’’ One year later, Jake was those countries. On July 1, 1975, General Wil- have fought, and died, under the American influential in preserving Social Security bene- son received his final promotion to General flag, and I am proud to support efforts to ban fits for the disabled. when he assumed the office of Commandant flag desecration. Before he entered Congress, Jake served in of the Marine Corps. In 1989, the Supreme Court held that no World War II as a Gunnery Officer on the USS As Commandant, General Wilson advocated laws could prohibit political protesters from St. Louis and the USS Miami. During his three modernization of the post-Vietnam Marine burning the American flag and declared un- year stint, starting in 1942, Jake survived Corps for the protection of his corps. His in- constitutional the flag desecration laws of 48 three torpedo attacks. Clearly he was meant domitable leadership and relentless dedication states and of the United States. In that case, to make it back. When he returned home, he enhances the highest traditions of our country. Texas v. Johnson, Justice Stevens wrote a established Austin, Texas’s third radio station, I join the millions of Marines and their families powerful dissenting opinion that has guided KVET. in mourning the passing of this honorable my reasoning on the Amendment for some When I was first elected to the Ways and man. General Wilson will always have a spe- time. Means Committee, Jake helped me under- cial place in the hearts of the people of Guam. Justice Stevens pointed out the importance stand the great tradition of that Committee. f of distinguishing between disagreeable ideas Once, our Committee held a retreat in Austin, PERSONAL EXPLANATION and disagreeable conduct. In a particularly apt Texas, and Jake entertained us for hours with analogy, Justice Stevens noted that if Johnson Lady Bird Johnson, telling us story after story. had spray painted his message on the Lincoln Jake served his District and Nation well, and HON. CHARLES F. BASS Memorial, the government could prohibit his he will be missed by all of us. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE ‘‘expression.’’ I have always found myself in f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agreement with the idea that there should be Friday, June 24, 2005 a legitimate interest in preserving the quality of IN TRIBUTE TO THE LATE GENERAL LOUIS H. WILSON Mr. BASS. Mr. Speaker, on Thursday, June an important national asset. 23, 2005, owing to an important family matter, I look forward to continuing to work on these I regrettably missed recorded vote numbered and other important issues in the 109th Con- HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO 306. gress. OF GUAM Had I been present, I would have voted f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘no’’ on this measure. HONORING THE LIFE OF THE HON- Thursday, June 23, 2005 f ORABLE JAMES JARRELL PICK- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today HONORING SPECIALIST BRANDON LE to honor the memory of the late General Louis SABETTI H. Wilson, a World War II veteran, a recipient HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN of the Medal of Honor, and 26th Commandant HON. GREG WALDEN of the United States Marine Corps. General OF MARYLAND OF OREGON Wilson was also a recipient of the Defense IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Distinguished Service Medal (First Oak Leaf Thursday, June 23, 2005 Cluster) for ‘‘exceptionally distinguished serv- Friday, June 24, 2005 Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ice’’ during his four-year tenure as Com- Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, I rise pay tribute to the life of a true patriot. Known mandant and his contributions as a member of today to recognize the heroic action of one of simply as ‘‘Jake,’’ James Jarrell Pickle served the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He leaves his wife, our brave soldiers serving in Operation Iraqi in the House of Representatives for 32 years the former Jane Clark of Pearson, Mississippi Freedom. where he became a senior Democrat on the and one daughter, Janet. Our country lost a Specialist Brandon Sabetti of Mosier is a Ways and Means Committee—where I had strong leader, courageous Marine, and dedi- member of the National Guard from my home the pleasure of serving with him. cated patriot upon the passing of General Wil- state of Oregon. He was called to active duty While in Congress, his dedication to the son. with Alpha Company of the Third Battalion of concerns of his constituents as well as putting Born February 11, 1920, in Brandon, Mis- the 116th Cavalry and conducted training ex- their interests first made Jake a well respected sissippi, General Wilson earned his Bachelor ercises at Ft. Polk, Louisiana and Ft. Bliss, figure on Capitol Hill. Publicly listing his home of Arts degree from Millsaps College, Jackson, Texas before transferring to Iraq at the end of phone number and personally taking calls Mississippi. In May 1941, he embarked upon last year. I had the honor of meeting with from his constituents well into the night, Jake his path of commendable service in the Ma- many of the citizen soldiers who comprise embodied accountability in governance. His rine Corps Reserve, as he enlisted and was Alpha Company when I visited both forts dur- political drive was so focused that it is said commissioned a second lieutenant. As a ing their training. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:29 Feb 03, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00165 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK10\NO_SSN\BR24JN05.DAT BR24JN05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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