t ElL-VHEIIISTEII VOLUME 16 1934 'b NUMBER 40 Washington, Wednesday, February 26, 7951 TITLE 3-THE PRESIDENT 1950, all new appointments shall be in- CONTENTS definite appointments except those of EXECUTIVE ORDER 10217 postmasters In all classes of post offices THE PRESIDENT and, in unustial circumstances, appoint- AMENDING PARAGRAPH 1 (c) or ExECUTIVE rage ORDER No. 101571 or AuGUST 28, 1950, ments to positions for which the Com- Executive Order ENABLING CERTAIN ELIPLOYEES OF THE mission determines that probational Amending EO 10157, enabling FEDERAL GOvERN=T To ACQUIRE A appointments are In the Interest of the certain employees of Federal COLIPETITIVE STATUS service: Provided, That agencies may Government to acquire compet- By virtue of the authority vested m me give probational appointments after that Itive status .... 1E43 by section 2 of the Civil Service Act (22 date to eligibles who were regularly se- EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Stat. 404) and by section 1753 of the lected from certificates issued prior to Revised Statutes of the United States, it December 1, 1950, for probational Agnculture Department is ordered that paragraph 1 (c) of Ex- appointment. Such indefinite appoint- See Production and Marketing ecutive Order No. 10157 of August 28, ments shall be made from the Commls- Administration. 1950, entitled "Enabling Certain Em- sion's registers of eligibles unles there ployees of the Federal Government To Alien Property, Office of are insufficient available eligibles. The Notice3: Acquire a Competitive Status," be, and Commission may restrict certification it is hereby, amended to read as follows: Vesting orders, etc.. for indefinite appointment to eligibles Bartholdt, Antonle, "The- acquisition of competitive status that are immediately available because et al__. 1926 by the employee must be recommended Dieter, Philip A-- - 1924 of residence or other conditions. The Meywald, Hermann August--_ 1921 to the Civil Service Commission by the first year of service under an indefinite head of the agency in which he is em- Oberwalder, Rosetta, et, aL__ 1926 appointment shall be a trial period Petersen, Meta...... 1925 ployed within six months of the'date of similar to the probationary period estab- this order: Provided, that in the case of Tokunaga, KakujL_..... 1925 an employee who has left or, before the lished by § 2.113. Van der Stucken, Mary-- 1925 expiration of such six months' period, Persons given such appointments do Washelm, Anna__ - 1926 leaves his civilian position for the pur- not thereby acquire a permanent civil Civil Aeronautics Board pose of entering the armed forces of the selvice status. The appointment of any Notices: United States, such recommendation person serving under a temporary ap- D.Meuations of authority- must be made within six months of the pointment pending establishment of a Letters of raistration-_ 1933 date of honorable termination of the register; a war service appointment, a military service of the employee." Waiver of civil air regulations temporary indefinite appointment as a for opamtions conducted HARRY S. TRurAN substitute In the post office service, or under contract with armed Tm WHITE HousE, an emergency-indafinite appointment on forces c-- 1903 February 26, 1951. December 1, 1950, is hereby converted to an indefinite appointment under this Civil Service Commission IF. R. Doe. 51-2793; Filed, Feb. 27, 1951; section: Rules and re-ulations: 12:06 p. m.] Provided, That the appointment of any person serving under a war serv- Appointment through competi- ice indefinite appointment in the postal tive system; indefinite ap- TITLE 5-ADMIMISTRATIVE field service shall not be so converted. pointmcntn..... 1843 Promotion, demotion, and reas- PERSONNEL Service in the same agency immediately preccding such conversion shall be signment and movement of Chapter I-Civil Service Commission counted toward completion of the re- employees between agencies with reemployment nghts_. 1845 PART 2-APOINTENT THROUGH rH quired 1-year trial period. Cosirlrru Sys= (R. S. 1753, eec. 2. 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. C31. Commerce Department 633. E.O.9830, Feb. 24, 1947,12 P. R. 129; 3 See National Production Author- INDEFINITE APPOINTMNT CFR, 1 47 Supp.) ity. Effective December 1, 1950, paragraph (a) of § 2.115 is amended to read as set Urn STATES CIV Srnv- Economic Stabilization Agency out below. ICE COMUaSSxION, See Price Stabilization, Office of. § 2.115 Indefinite apportment-(a) IsEAL] L,. A. MoERn, Federal Civil Defense Admin- Executive In general. On and after December 1, D.rector. istration IF. Dc. 5I-2=S; Filed, Feb. 27, 1951; Notices: 115 F. R. 5834. 8:52 a. m.i Organizational statemnL 1939 1843 1844 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS-Continued CONTENTS-Continued Federal Power Commission- Page Post Office Department Page FEIIEHA REISTEB Continued Rules and regulations: Notices-Continued Postal service, international: Hearings, etc.-Continued Canada ................... 1901 Texas Gas Transmission Corp. Israel --------------------- 1901 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, et al 1911 Netherlands New Guinea.... 1900 and days following official Federal holidays, Netherlands West Indies.... 1900 by the Division of the Federal Register, Federal Reserve System Turkey ------------------- 1001 National Archives and Records Service, Gen- Rules and regulations: eral Services Administration, pursuant to the Reserves.of member banks; clas- Price'Stabilization, Office of authority contained in the Federal Register sification of reserve cities.-- 1871 Rules and regulations: Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Retail ceiling prices for certain amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula- Federal Security Agency consumer goods (CPR 7)-. 1872 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- See Public Health Service. mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Alternative methods for pre- the President. Distribution is made only by Housing and Home Finance paring list date pricing the Superintendent of Documents, Govern- Agency chart and pricing (CPR 7, ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. See Public Housing Admnistra- SR 2) ------------------- 1897 The regulatory material appearing herein tion. Special pricing methods for is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, certain chain stores and which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Immigration and Naturaliza- mail order establishments to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as tion Service (CPR 7, SR 1) 1895 amended June 19, 1937. Rules and regulations: The FEEOnAL Rnmssva will be furnished by Production and Marketing Ad- mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Students; endorsement of pass- ports 1900 ministration per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Rules and regulations: advance. The charge for individual copies Indian Affairs Bureau (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Milk handling in New Orleans, size of the issue. Remit check or money Proposed rule making: La., area .................. 1899 order, made payable to the Superintendent Crow Indian Irrigation Project, Public Health Service of Documents, directly to the Government Mont., operation and mamte- Notices: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. nance charges 1903 Organization and function... 1D11 There are no restrictions on the republica- Flathead Indian Irrigation tion of material appearing in the FzEDEAL Project, Mont., operation and Public Housing Administration REGISTEL. maintenance; delivery point- 1903 Notices: Description of agency and pro- Interior Department grams and final delegations Delegation of authority to Secre- of authority ---------------- 1922 CODE OF FEDERAL tary with respect to certain in- dustrial chemicals used princi- Reclamation Bureau REGULATIONS pally in petroleum industry Notices: Columbia Basin Project, Wash- 1949 Edition (Del. 9) (see National Produc- tion Authority) ington; public announcement See Indian Affairs Bureau; Land of sale of full-time farm The following book is now available: Management, Bureau of; Pe- units ---------- - ---------- 1904 Klamath Irrigation Project, Title 3, 1950 Supp. ($2.00) troleum Administration for De- fense; Reclamation Bureau. Oregon-California; public no- tice of annual water charges. 1904 Interstate Commerce Commis- Yakina Project; amendment of Order from Superintendent of Documents, sion Government Printing Office, Washington announcement that water is 25, D. C. Notices: ready for delivery to part of Livestock from the West to the lands --------------------- 1904 South; application for relief- 1923 Securities and Exchange Com- Rules and regulations: mission CONTENTS-Continued Freight Forwarder Annual Re- Notices: port Form F-a ............ 1902 Hearings, Com- Page dtc.. Federal Communications Justice Department New England Power Co .... 1924 mission See Alien Property, Office of; Iin- West Penn Electric Co .... 1923 Notices: migration and Naturalization Wage and Hour Division Hearings, etc.. Service. Hirsch Communication Engi- Proposed rule making: neering Corp. and Haw- Labor Department Retail or service establish- thorne Broadcasting Co__- 1910 See Wage and Hour Division. ments ....... - -..........1902 Unity Corp., Inc. (WTOD) Land Management, Bureau of et al ----------------- 1910 Rules and regulations: CODIFICATION GUIDE Rules and regulations: Louisiana, transferring juris- A numerical list of the parts of the Code Frequency allocations and radio diction over oil and gas de- of Federal Regulations affected by documents treaty matters; recapitulation posits in certain lands owned published in this issue, Proposed
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