PAGE TWENTY-TWO— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., Nov. 14, 1975 Rockville revitalization Fish club honors Dowgiewicz major committee concern Stanley Dowgiewicz of Dowgewicz, 1 lb. 10 oz. Robert Surdell, 5 lb. 15 oz. KATHY say*: "FOR Q/FT QIVINQ, OH YOUR OWN Rockville was named this calico bass; Ed Heck, 3 lb. large mouth bass. USE ■ WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF The Weather Bemie Patchell, 3 lb. 11 man by the Polish 11 oz. small mouth bass; VERMONT MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGARI...” Partly sunny, high in mid 30s, oz. trout; Robert Heck, 2 BARBARA RICHMOND information concerning the properties. American Citizens Fish Robert Surdell, 3 lb. small low 40s. Fair tonight with low in lb. 5 oz. trout; and George ORCHARD FRESH: Macs, Cortlanda, Btidwint, McCowani, Herald Reporter He also suggests that Rockville stores Club at the 48th annual mouth bass; Clarence Ruaaata, Rad A Qoldan Dallclout Applat; plua Boac Paara A Fraah the mid 20s, mid 30s. Partly Grade, 1 lb. 15 oz. trout. Cidar. iKanrlfTatTr SuTtitug B Andrew Tricarico, chairman of the be given new paint jobs, sidewalks be banquet of the club Sunday. Suchecki, a 1 lb. 9 oz. and a cloudy Sunday, high in 40s. Three prizes were NATIVE: Caullflowar, Baata, Swiaa Chard, Spinach, Carrola, Broc­ Rockville Area Chamber of Commerce repaired, parking lots be further He was presented with a 1 lb. 5 oz., bullhead; and coli, Salad Bowl, Rad A Hoi Pappara, Whila Swaat Pappara, Laaka, awarded for each specie of Shalota, Egg Plant, Charry Tomatdaa, Com, Groan A fallow Boana, Manchester—A City of Village Charm TWELVE PAGES PLUS WEEKEND Economic Development Committee is landscaped and such. trophy and his name will be Sam Dowgiewicz, 1 lb. 4 oz. PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS fresh water fish, $5, $3, and CranbarriM. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVfiMBER 15, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No. 40 determined to revitalize the center of Commenting on the traffic flow, inscribed on the permanent bullhead. FRESH: SIrawbarrIaa, Canlaloupaa, Paralmmona, Tangarlnoa, Robert Bailey, 3 lb. 10 oz. LImaa, Orapalnill, Rad, Whita, A Blua Qrapaa, PInaapplaa, Dataa, Rockville. Loranger said Rockville has a problem gold club trophy along with FIga, Nuta, Paara, Pomagranataa. w “We have to make it work,” Tricarico but added that major construction in this previous champions. pickerel; Anthony said as he outlined committee plans. His area cannot be expected in the immediate The championship award Cyrkiewicz, 3 lb. pickerel. THRIFTY WEEKEND SPECIALSI committee is working with members of future due to the high cost. He did, is presented each year to Danny Hayden, two 6 lb. NATIVE CAULIFLOWER ^ fle head the original Committee for the Revitaliza­ however, suggest a review of the parking the club member who 10 oz. large mouth bass; IBOLAND GREEN HT. POTATOES 10 iba $1.10 News tion of Rockville, formed last year. problem which is “ certainly a con­ catches the largest number This printing test pattern isl of prize-winning fish CALIF. LEHUCE headOSC Economic summit He said he has also sought the expertise tributing factor to the over-all traffic flow part of ’The Herald quality con-' OIL CO. INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT 6 lor TOC summary of local business leaders and John problem.” during the season. trpl program in order to give EST. 1935 Loranger, town planner. A survey of the Tricarico said the businessmen have to Dowgiewicz’ catches in­ you’ °one of the finest EMPEROR GRAPES 'h «9C be the catalysts to get the ball rolling. He cluded : a 1 lb. 12 oz. calico newspapers in the nation. ROYAL EATMORE’ ICE CREAM oai TOC Compiled from Rockville retail section he did shows that United Press International of the total 315,478 square feet of retail said the committee will investigate all bass; 3 lb. small mouth FUEL OIL OPEN DAILY 6 A.M. TO 9 P.M. • SUNDAYS 6 A.M. TO 8 P.M. space, 69,144 square feet is vacant space. parking possibilities. bass; 1 lb. 11 oz. calico AUTOMATIC DELIVERY a Wa Sa// Tha Horald, Sunday Papara, p/ua todary T/ckata • 24 HOUR SERVICE begins in Paris Vacant are the former Woolworth and He also suggested a possibility of the bass; and a 2 lb. 12 oz. "THE KING pickerel. State Popular Market areas in the Rockville widening of Union St. from Ward to Elm OF Shopping Plaza and Grant’s in the upper St. which he termed a bottleneck right Other winners in the 646-6320 HARTFORD —The Connec­ kiitrS.’':- ■ PRODUCEI" PARIS (UPI) - President Ford Joining Ford were French Presi- bed and Kissinger had only a chair now. various fresh water fish ticut Lung Association Friday ; shopping area; the former Administration 369 C tn ttr 8t., ManchMt«r PERU and the leaders of France, Britain, dejit Valery Giscard D’Estaing, for the overnight flight. Simon saw The committee also discussed the categories were: Dominic 276 OAKLAND ST., MANCHESTER • 643-6384 said a proposal to increase the Building (soon to be occupied by the Court West Germany, Japan and Italy British Prime Minister Harold Ford off and then rode a second plane possibility of setting up a “farmer’s sulfur content for fuel burned of Common Pleas); some office space in gathered Saturday for a weekend at a Wilson, West German Chancellor in order to get a bed across the Atlan­ market’ ’ in the shopping plaza parking lot, at selected electric generating : the new professional building; offices in Napoleonic castle to see if they can Helmut Schmidt, Japanese Prime tic. and also some sort of small spot where stations was a potential health the First Federal building and some of­ cooperate in saving their peoples Minister Takeo Miki and Italian “While our national economy is one could purchase coffee and a bun in the hazard. Two major utilities are fices on Park Place. from recession, inflation and other Premier Aldo Moro. reviving, I want to bolster our efforts early morning hours. seeking Department of En­ In his report Loranger noted it was economic ills. through cooperation with other in­ A. Bernard Growl, executive director of vironmental Protection ap­ Napoleon Bonaparte and his expected that the Grant’s store would Ford’s press secretary, Ron dustrialized democracies. And I want the chamber, said the committee is proval to burn oil with a higher ; Josephine romanced in the castle 30 close but added that even a more stable Nessen, told reporters aboard Air to join with these nations in working laboring under a terrible burden as it has sulfur content that could save • miles southwest of Paris two cen­ chain would have trouble maintaining the Force One en route from Washington toward sustained international use in downtown Rockville today. to be careful it doesn’t endanger any of the consumers $21 million annual­ turies ago. prosperity,” Ford said at Atlanta existing businesses or industries. to expect no “ momentous an­ He cited as two basic reasons, ly- ; nouncement” from the summit. But The six leaders of the industrial speech Friday night. With all of the problems, the original accessibility and age. “The construction he indicated “practical” headway democracies made the meeting a William Seidman, chief White revitalization committee did not ignore STORRS —Trustees at the ; of 1-86 in the 1950’s and its provision of University of Connecticut have could be made against money stag affair, allowing in only their House economic adviser, said the big easily developed, accessible land, par­ the fact that Rockville has many assets; foreign and financial ministers. six will try to find ways to turn the Significant pre-20th century architecture; imposed new fees ranging up to : problems. ticularly at its interchanges, spelled the “The idea is for the six leaders of “I think President Ford is going Western roller coaster cycle of boom natural beauty of terrain and river; vital $600 a year despite a campus ! ultimate end of Rockville as the retail the great industrial democracies to into it in terms of how it will affect and recession toward perpetual local residental area and pride of vested potest by an estimated 500 ■: center it once was,” he said. get together to share views on what the American economy—the con­ prosperity. But the summit, he said, home ownership; the availability of state students. The fee hikes affect ;! Loranger said that no amount of im­ dormitory and dining hall rates ,■ the world economy looks like,” sumer, the businessman. What this is only a skull session. and federal funds to improve some of the proved access to Rockville will make it Nessen said. “The process that they will mean in practical term s,” “We do not expect there will be more serious pxoblems; and the and law school tuition. more desirable than the easily accessible are participating in could have prac­ Nessen said. momentous decisions reached at the land near 1-86. He said the second factor of availability of local investment to back meeting,” he said. WATERBURY —A Superior ■ tical effects in energy, trade, infla­ age creates a problem because the possible citizen involvement. Ford slept on the flight here. He Kissinger, speaking Tuesday at Court Judge has rejected a mo- : tion and other matters.” American public has been led to believe One of the suggestions that the com­ had boarded Air Force One in Pittsburgh, put it this way: “We in­ tion to move to Stamford the Ford, accompanied by Secretary of that “good” equals “new.” He said this mittee made was construction of a multi­ k. m Washington a few minutes after step­ tend, at the economic summit, to tnH State Henry A. Kissinger and trial of New York City ; makes it difficult to sell products from an level parking garage to the rear of the ping off another jet that had carried consolidate the cooperation of the in­ stockbroker Murray R.
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