ARCIIIV • The U111vcrslty of Alafiamlf Legislators abstain from voting In Huntsville No paychecks for Ente rtainment .Series When n moliun wn8 mud,• wns nlsn n dt•ninl tn nnd phot.o auppli1•• for th,• :.I . A vnico r~•ulutlon lu•••t us 8GA l1•1(iHl11tt>r, untl h.v 1h1•SC.A Le i8l,1lul'f' lnat uppruvt• thl' Hnlflrics of th,• "wnt.ativo" 11180•1!1 SGA up II pollinl( huuth in th,• 6. A un11nin111u• rCH(1 lu w,,tln,•Mdny niifhl to •tud,,nt~ in th,• Ent<•rt.uin• ye11rhook; 'linlrnl S.-i,•n•·o Cont.er lion to 11c1•1•11t Ch1iryl upprov,• 1h,• UAH Enter• 11wnl Sf•rirH. 2. A $!j(l:I olloculiun fur durin11 Htud1•nt ~lc,·tiunM; llobort.Hon' · r1•Hi11n11ti(Jn "" tuinm<'nt St•rie• I 97f~80 While th Winter quurter the UAH E'olltlcul Scioncl' 4. A C'lrnru•r for the UAH SC'lA I••~ ,· ,•nr und hPr Winter quurkrlv budat>t, entertninmont evcnta did l>epnrtment's " I e p South Bl1.1ck Student AHtocintlon; r1•plac1•n , l,v EvPlyn U.N. Model Cunf rmce" in six leiri@lators not re oivo leiti•lativo /j A unnnimuuH rPsolu • Stru,·k. Mobile; n b&tnineci from voiinlf i.nd approval, the prinl( lion t.u remove (;reg 'nnc,•r tht' bud11ot wn& not srhl'dule of events for upprovi'd. prinl(t 8l I 980Wll81)118800 lest Wednesday night. The Ralph Nade r to speak Thr Winter buditet for the bnnde the lt11ti1lature UAII Entertainment ries approved for Sprin1tfest was spent on hom min11 were Zipper, hrietopher at Spragins Hall tomorrow and the new wave "Hunt.a- rou, tillwater, and l{Ospel band ■ (llee related ville'e Burnin11" ooncPrt. Ralph Nader Is probabl.v "public defender." stor.v on pnl{e 8). one of Amarica'a mo•t advocate, when the UAH Fiv l111(i&latore oled to UAH Htudenta will have Tho fnllowinl( items w11re famouuoclal critic. He h.1• Symposium and Lecture approve that bud11et for the opportunity tomorrow also opproved by the SGA b~en c11lled everything Series presents his k>cturn those event.a, ne oppos<'<l. nil(ht to liaten and ask legislature: from " muckraker" to at 8:15 p.m. in Spral(ins and six.abstained. The vote questions t.u the conHumer I. A $1200 eum r r office "consumer crusader" to llall. Nader came into promi­ nence in 1965 with his book "Unsafe At Any Speed," a scathing indictment that lambasted the auto industry for producing unsafe vehicles. He has been responsible for at least six major federal consumer protection laws, for the I' I 11' ,/,11, /•1. /, .«I 1/1,11/. · 11, ,ti ,,11,/ ,1 ill, {11!11/ l. l,1111 recall uf mi llions of defective motor vehiclea, and fo r otlier advnncea in Candidates to speak before Business Club t h e areas of safety , sa n itation, pollution control, advertising credibility and politicio/ Elections April economic power. The New 9 & 10 York Times said of him, By Clifford Col lier In ord~r to provide "What sets Nader apart is E t Staff R te student.a with the chance to that he has moved beyond :11ponen epor r meet the main candidates social criticism to effective UAH student elections in this campaign, the UAH political act, ,n." The c ndidates: are less than one week Business Club is sponsor­ The controversial critic away, and all student.a will inl( an SGA forum Friday, SGA president speaks to colleges and Steve Mikitish have the opportunity to April 4, at 6:00 p.m. in Jameti Steele SGA president universities across the vote for their represent.a- Room 200 of Morton Hall. nation about the need t.u Mike Burton E:11ponent editor lives. SGA presidential candi- reduce regulatory bureau­ Kim Cren ■ haw E:11ponent editor Studenta will vote for dates Steve Mikitish and cracy; the growinl( "im­ vice president Jackie Lutz their SGA president; vice- Jamee Steele and editor perialism" of multinational vice president Laurie Tarbell president; legislative candidates Kim Crenshnw corporations; the conver­ Br Mo■ rrove legislative secretary secretary; finance officer; and Mike Burton will speak gence of giant corporate MiJU Shofner finance officer eight legislators and before the club concerning and government power; the Millie Shofner Student Life Board Exponent editor. They will their respective r ces. power to pollute vs. the Brian Benson legislator alsovoteforstudentaon the Each has agreed to be right to health; the usea of Jeff Boone legislator Student Life Board and questioned regardinit education, and other topics. Tina Bryant legislator the Appeals Board. experience, goals, etc. The Tomorrow night the topic Bri-Godsy legi ■ lator S.L.B. Polling booths will be set floor will be · open for is nuclear energy. Cheryl Hart legialator up in Morton Hall, the questions from the audi• Admission is $2 general Kenneth Kirkland legialator Union Building, Research ence. All interested admission; $ I for students Eric M.ilbercer legislator Iruititute, the Humanities studen are invited t.u and no chnrge for UAH AmyMinkinow legislator Building, the Nursing attend. students. Sharon Nathan lecislator Boilding, Madison Hall, MarkRicketu legislator the Science and Engine­ Andrea Schrader legislator ering Building and the Mary Scou legislator Medical Science Center. INSIDE Robert Speer legislator Polling booths will be Liz Williams legislator open April 9 and 10 from Candidates talk p.4-IS Weldon Wilson legislator 9:00 11 .m. to R:00 p.m., with Springf est plans p.8 Richard Wing legislator the exception of the Nursinic Ruildinic. which Model U.N. conterencep.11 Jeff Boone Student Life Board will be open from 9 :(1() a.m. Board Brian Godsy Appeals to f>:00 p.m. tnt,amurals under wayp.14 I Tlw t-:1q>01wnt W,•dn,•Mdny, April :.!, 1111111 ___OUTLOOK __ ____ editorials - Ii t ters Reader a tacks 'reform' article upt\rnh' n,n~ t•tTt't·tl\1t•l_v A pr opn11rd judiri11l Sup1>1 1s,•tlly. nn inn,•11 :<<• pruf"'"''" " ri•fnrm•." It h11 • I fo und tlw fon·h n1 thnn sixt,•l'n ,•l,•t•t1• 1l hront'h wns mt-ntinnLod in in pro,rrnrnmi1111 wnult! nlwuy~ bet'\ n m v und,·1 IS$llt' ,,f ctw 1-:.,,ku1t·u,· to lw :dudf'nts. th,· 11rtif' II' · without nny follow atlnption of thi 11 1ww • t11nding th11t n,•w• nrtid,·s n1t, n n1usu1~ thnn u~uul. H1•1uiin.,: on. th,• :i- t ud1 1nt rn,•utinn ,,f the l{uid,•lin,•11 ,·on•tilution. Considt>rinl( (1•1< p1•c·i11lly thuse uf 11 1 T lw us,• ,,f f1"t1t n1 un tlu• t'nf•u unh•ts nnotht'r u f tht• th 11 nlrendy lfOVNn llw thnt 11f1t•r Rprin11f1•:< ~ 11v1•r~· 1't>ntrov<'rt1inl nutur, ), nn· f"'"' J><•M•' wus m innov11• m my VlllfU•' pll88ftl(t'8 of universit . There i II fund will probnblv ht• tu pn•s1•nt 11n ol,j,•,·tiv,• ti\'I' mJ dnrin.i mun •. How th,· trtirll'. By chon inl{ 1-lt-nrinp Board with 11 11xhuusk>d. it is diflit·ult lo point of vil'w, inveHlil{11ll• m11 n~• of us would h " '" th,• nnme from lel{isluture Citotions subcommitte set> how the proposnl will oppoein1t oprntons. nnd thou.iht ,,f N'po il\lif one to sl'n le, thereie upp(W'(! that handl · romplnints create more progrumrninl{. ehP<·k th,• fnl'l.8. Tlw sidl' ,,f 111 issut'. mnkinl{ to be o 'trrent nlig~,t.er• about traffi<' tickets in If there is not enou11h inaecurncies. omieNions, 1ts,i,•rt1ons without gi\'in11 mi'nl.' itnd they "wuuld addition to the normal money. n different syslt•m vn111irie8, 1md definill• hin H N'I\St>ns fo r them, nnd then itddr.'s issues tht- rurrent cuses. There is an Appe11ls would not creute it (unh•ss in the front pal(e nrtides ,·nlling it "debate" on lt>gislntuN' is not addrt>s• Board as well if the student tht'y re11nrt to counter• have no pine<' in a co ll c11,· ,·onstitut rn nal revisi 11 . sing." The typ<' of issues is nol satisfied. The fact feitinJC). so thnt the only 1wwsp,1per, unles8 th1•y Thi.' r t'form art icle are not s~itied nor is that we have a judicial code increase in progr11mmin11 nppear on the edilorinl mfornwd th<' reader of th<' tht're 1100d r uson to already in effect (and have would r me as a result of pn11e. l t> g i s In t u r e·, ·· broad assume that ch ml{ing the had one for several years). taking money away from I hope that in the future po ers" to make legislative le«ialature lo a senate nd th t it has been the clubs. If it is to be Mit-hael Burton will protet·t a ppointme nts . approve would bri11g any ICT\'Uter recently revised, is not claimed that money con be ExponPnt's integrity as th1• executive appointments. attention to the e "issues." mentioned either. made, this can be done student's source ofinformu· and allocate some of the If there are presaing issues The vagaries appenr in presently. The legielature tion. It is reprehensible studPnt activity i . These that n~ to be discussed, discu ing finances. There has not been the problem; that an editor shoul d duties seem amaz.ingly the interested parties is no re son that aeveral . any losse11 were due to the betray the studen ' trust similar.
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