Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-16-1956 The Ledger & Times, June 16, 1956 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger & Times, June 16, 1956" (1956). The Ledger & Times. 2733. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2733 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • 1956. cacerice surgery serious Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community ; come- Newspaper about m. His 3 flight Largest ---eoae• Largest 'e toni- Circulation In mover*: The Circulation In The sad of City; Largest at that. City; Largest 14r. Ei- Circulation In sociates Circulation In as in The County The County all run e that urgeons United . The Press IN OUR 77th YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, June MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 eacti • 16, 1956 Vol. LXXVII No. 144 ii proo Kentucky 4-H Delegates Enjoy Encampment art is 882 Persons In Calloway Get Bobby Carson Wetherby In Strong Position $36.865 From SS Payments Commended By To Be Demo Senate Nominee Monthly payments to widowed helped under the Federal-State By JAMES R. RENNE1SEN state cc mmittee secretary Emerson mothers and minor Airport Chief children ac- program for aid to dependent United Press Staff Correspondent i Duct Beauchamp. and the state ipunted for 15 per cent of the children. Nation-wide, almost 300,- LOUISVILLE. June 16 ah - Democratic organization. 'Total monthly old-age and Staff Sergeant Bobby J. Carson, sur- 000 mothers of children under Political cohorts or Sen Earle He is relatively young. makes vivors insurance benefits cif son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carson $36,- age 18 were receiving monthly C. Clements D-Kyi who comprise a good platform appearance, and 865.00 in CeNoway County as of Sycamore street, has received of survivors insurance benefits under about 90 per cent of the State he is a vigorous and effective December 1955, according a letter from Col. John R. Murphy. to Char- social security at the end of Democratic Central Committee, to- campaigner. les M. Whitaker, Social Security USAF, commending him on his 19g5 day appeared to be in a position Administration district manager in deportment and efficiency as an Most important of all. Wetherby As a furtner illustration of to make former Ceiv. Lawrence W Paducah, the aide to visiting dignitaries at always has a strong following protection Federal survivors in- Wetheiby the party's nominee for In making th,.. O'Hare International Airport. Park in Jefferson County. where he announcement gurance now provides for the the Senate seat of the late Alben today, Ridge. Illinois. on Armed Forces makes his home. This fact could Whitaker said that many /young Barkley p people of the country. Day. persons think of the old-age be vital since Clements himself is and Whitaker pointed out that the The nomination of Wetherby eervivors insurance program Sgt. Carson is now located at opposed by a man with great as mothers and children in 9 out would give the Democrats another t9oviding protection only for the Chicago International Airport. strength in the metropolitan area older of 10 American families can re- Clements-Wetherby ticket such as men and women. He made The letter from Col. Murphy is as -former Rep. Thurston B Morton. it ceive monthly survivors insurance swept the party to a 100.000 clear that it is also a program follows: Former Gov. Keen Johnson and benefits, if death should take the vote ictory in the state elections benefiting youngsters. At the To: S Sgt Bobby J. Carson - Louisville attorney Wilson Wyatt end family breadwinner. More than in 1947. of 1955 nationwide, about 1275.000 AF 15440723 01 have both been prominently men- half of all young children in the [110M{ Clements issued a statement in children under age 18 were re- 56th Fighter Group (Air Deii tioned as possibilities for the Continental United States whose Washington Thursday that he is ceiving monthly benefit payments O'Hare Intermtionel Airport committee's favor also fathers have died were receiving maintaining a hands-off policy on under the social security law. Of Park Ridge, Illinois TENNESSEE social security benefits at the end the state committee meeting Tues- But Johnson's reluctance to take these, 120.000 were being paid I. I wish to take this opportunity VA LL EY of 1955. day at Louisville that will choose on Chandler In the gubernatorial monthly dependent's benefits be- to express my appreciauOn for the excellent the senatorial candidate. primary lase year has soured many cause of the retirement of an In all. 882 people in Calloway manner in which you performed your assigned duties But Clements' lengthy broadside organization Democrats on t he Aged parent; the others were County were getting $36,865 each as dignitaries on political manners could also be former Richmond editor. Tlieeiving survivors' benefits as month in old-age and survivors an Aide to visiting on Armed Forces Day, 19 May 41lèrs interpreted as a flat. declaration children of a deceased parent. insurance benefits at the end of Wyatt is friendly with the Clem- that he does not need to meddle- Whitaker -pointed out that about 1955. This was an increase of 1956. The task you performed ents' faction and would run strong- v.'as extreme that there is actually no contest four times as many orphaned 21 per cent over the number of one that required ly in Louisville. where he once Any hopes that Gov A B children are receiving benefits beneficiaries at the end of 1954. tact, diplomacy, and courtesy and was elected mayor, but he has to 4-1-f members Chandler may have entertained under the old-age and survivors -With the bringing in of many was one that could well lead and Exteneion Kentucky Counties were paid by never made a statewide race and Workers who represent about influencing the decision of insurance program as are being groups of employed and self- a bad impression of the United Kentucky the eight County Soil Improvement would be untested in ,the moun- ' the slate committee were crushed employed persons previously ex- States Air Force, its personnel, at the Resource Development 4-H Cooperatives and Valley Counties North-South tains end in western Kentucky. under Clements' massive 81.820 cluded, the old-age and survivors and its mission if not properly Encompment at Fontana Village, Cooperative. vote victory °Wel' the governor's insurance program achieved almost handled. You were picked to be North Carolina June 5-8 are: MIAS Members of the Kentucky dele- candidate in the primary election City Buys universal coverage at the beginning an Aide because you possessed Carolyn Phillips. Livingston Coun- Teams Clash gation. participated actively in all last month_ of 1955." Whitaker said. He pointed all the desired qualities, and be- ty; -Miss Jane Hargis. Calloriago phases. of the camp program. Each Speculation followed a post-elec- Reports Are out that an estimated 88 Million t-leaf you performed your duty County; Miss Gayle Harper. Mc- of them served on a c(61-imittee t:on 'meeting of Clements and 11. 'persons had taxable earnings under so well, it is my opinion that Cracken County; Miss Patsy Ter- New./ Truck or panel or gave a talk to the Here Tonight Chandler that a deal between the program in calendar year iill visiting dignitaries ofithe City rill. Ballard County: Miss Lucretia entire camp assembly the political enemies might be 1955 Some 70 million workers of Chicago and surrounding areas Clark. Trigg County; Mr. C. 0. Optimistic The Kentucky 4-Hers were com- working The city council of Murray met were insured as the year came left O'Hare Field on Armed Forces Bondurcnt, Area Agent in Farm mended highly on each of their But t h e Clements statement yesterday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock to an end. Of this number. 32 Day with a very favorable im- Management; Mr. Dennis Henson. &chi/lees. They conducted vesper MURRAY June 16 aP - The that in regular session, at the city pression of the United States Air Marshall County; Mr_ David Row. Thursday dwelt at length on million are permanently insured cream of the crop of tile On Ike County; Miss Adri- seevices for the first evening naticn subject. The senator implied he hall. and can qualify for old-age bene- Force lend. Graves high of amp and for their major state school basketball talent last as going to deal only with Ken- This was the first session for fits' at age regardless of future 2. The duties as 4in Aide were enne Owen, Lyon County: and es. act. At, presentation they gave year well be playing here tonight teeka voters *Oda The entire council, following the employment. likewise, in the event probably more difficult to perform Mrs Anna C. Thompson, • Area In a skit entitled "Use of Resources the annual North-South All- "I would like to reiterate state- jieetion and swearing in of the of death, their survivors can quali- because it is not a requirement Agent in Farm and Home De- fly PATIRICIA WIGGING in our Area- Major resources Star Classic at Murray State Col- ment* I made in the past." Clem- "Ix new additional councilmen on fy for monthly benefits. lump-sum in your particular field. However. elopment lege United Press Staff CarreapeniMUS reported upon by individual boys ents said, have not made any June 1, death payments, or both.
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