3 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Natlonal Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminietration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE ,I315 East-West Highway Silver Spring; Maryland 20910 I THE OlRECTOR Ms. Debbie Edwards Director, Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency One Potomac Yard 2777 S. Crystal Drive Arlington, Virginia 22202 Dear Ms. Edwards: Enclosed is the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service's (NMFS) final biological opinion (Opinion), issued under the authority of section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), on the effects of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed registration of pesticide products containing the active ingredients carbaryl, carbofuran, and methomyl on endangered species, threatened species, and critical habitat that has been designated for those species. This Opinion assesses the effects of all pesticides containing carbaryl, carbohran, or inethomyl on 28 listed Pacific salmonids. After considering the status of the listed resources, the enviro~~me~ltalbaseline, and the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of EPA's proposed action on listed species, NMFS concludes that pesticide products containing carbaryl and carbofuran are likely to jeopardize the continuing existence of 22 listed Pacific salmonids as described in the attached Opinion. NMFS also concluded that the effects of carbaryl and carbofuran are likely to destroy or adversely modify designated habitat for 20 of 26 listed salmonids. NMFS has not designated critical habitat for two listed salmonids. NMFS determinations for no jeopardy and no adverse modification of critical habitat apply to Ozette Lake sockeye salmon, Snake River sockeye salmon, Northern California steelhead, Colulnbia River clium salmon, Hood Canal summer-run chum salmon. and Oregon Coast coho salmon. We further conclude that pesticide prod~~ctscontaining methonlyl are likely to jeopardize 18 listed Pacific salmonids and likely to destroy or adversely modify critical habitat for 16 of 26 salmonids with designated critical habitat. NMFS determinations for no jeopardy and no adverse modification of designated critical habitat apply to California Coastal Chinook salmon, Snake River fall-run Chinook salmon, Snake River springlsummer-run Chinook salmon, Ozette Lake sockeye salmon, Snake River sockeye salmon, Northern California steelhead, Columbia River chum salmon, Hood Canal summer-run chum salmon, Oregon Coast coho salmon, and Snake River steelhead. As NMFS has not designated critical habitat for the Lower Columbia River coho salmon or Puget Sound steelhead, the action area contains no designated critich habitat for these species. .Thus, the Opinion presents no fii!-thes critical habitat analysis for the Lower Columbia River coho salmon and Puget Sound steelhead. \ THE ASSISTANT AOMINISTRATOR @ Printed on Recycled Paper FOR FISHERIES As required by section 7 of tlie ESA, NMFS provides an incidental take statement with the Opinion. The incidental take statement describes reasonable and prudent measures NMFS considers necessary 01- appropriate to ininiinize incidental take associated with this action. The incidental take stateinent also sets forth nondiscretionary terms and conditions, including reporting requirements that EPA and any person who performs the action must comply with to carry out the reasonable and prudent measures. Incidental take from actions by EPA and the applicants that meets these terms and conditions will be exempt from the ESA section 9 prohibitions for take. This Opinion assesses effects to listed Pacific salmonids pursuant to the ESA. It does not address EPA7sobligation under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to consult on effects to essential fish habitat (EFH) for salinoilids and other federally-managed species. Please contact Mr. Tom Bigford or Ms. Susan-Marie Stedman in NMFS' Office of Habitat Conservation at 301 -7 13-4300 regarding the EFH consultation process. If you have questions regarding this Opinion please contact me or Ms. Angela Somma, Chief of our Endangered Species Division at (30 1) 7 13- 140 1. : . .'. Sincerely, t. James H. Lecky . ,. ,. Director Office of Protected Resources Enclosure National Marine Fisheries Service Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion Environmental Protection Agency Registration of Pesticides Containing Carbaryl, Carbofuran, and Methomyl Photo Credit: Desmond Maynard NMFS Photo Credit: Tom Maurer USFWS April 20, 2009 Table of Contents Background ........................................................................................................................ 3 Consultation History.......................................................................................................... 6 Description of the Proposed Action................................................................................. 16 The Federal Action ................................................................................................... 16 Carbaryl..................................................................................................................... 22 Carbofuran ................................................................................................................ 27 Methomyl.................................................................................................................. 32 Species Addressed in the BEs................................................................................... 36 Approach to this Assessment ........................................................................................... 38 Overview of NMFS’ Assessment Framework ............................................................... 38 Evidence Available for the Consultation .................................................................. 41 Application of Approach in this Consultation .......................................................... 41 General conceptual framework for assessing risk of EPA’s pesticide actions to listed resources. .................................................................................................................. 43 Problem Formulation ................................................................................................ 43 Risk Characterization................................................................................................ 53 Other Considerations ................................................................................................ 54 Action Area....................................................................................................................... 55 Status of Listed Resources ............................................................................................... 58 Chinook Salmon............................................................................................................ 59 Description of the Species ........................................................................................ 59 Status and Trends...................................................................................................... 60 California Coastal Chinook Salmon ......................................................................... 62 Central Valley Spring-Run Chinook Salmon ........................................................... 66 Lower Columbia River Chinook Salmon ................................................................. 71 Upper Columbia River Spring-run Chinook Salmon................................................ 76 Puget Sound Chinook Salmon .................................................................................. 80 Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon...................................................... 85 Snake River Fall-Run Chinook Salmon.................................................................... 88 ii Snake River Spring/Summer-Run Chinook Salmon................................................. 93 Upper Willamette River Chinook Salmon................................................................ 99 Chum Salmon.............................................................................................................. 102 Description of the Species ...................................................................................... 102 Status and Trends.................................................................................................... 104 Columbia River Chum Salmon............................................................................... 105 Hood Canal Summer-Run Chum Salmon............................................................... 109 Coho Salmon............................................................................................................... 115 Description of the Species ...................................................................................... 115 Central California Coast Coho Salmon................................................................... 116 Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon..................................................................... 120 SONCC Coho Salmon ............................................................................................ 124 Oregon Coast Coho Salmon.................................................................................... 128 Sockeye Salmon........................................................................................................... 131 Description of the Species .....................................................................................
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