^--^,7 1 ;, Tie svs --------- -,-'73jiiiS^.iii/IH1l1IW1llii.................... I.......... .. — Goo<3>d m o r n i n i [fflton defe letehloices Today’s forecast:foi ®ds ccabin --------------VarinblccloiclondJTWith-rrchancirDfTinD'rrow -------- Thc'Associnted-PrBPress-----------------------------------— ~ H i r c h o i c c~fb r ~cn e:rByTC«f<‘nrry n wus werere Ii g n o rin g his noniiniitiuh o 'onhC"Natlonal Org.nni7aiion-for showers. Iliglifghs 25 to 35. Lows 5 lo 15.5. Hazel O'Leary, who heiield energy posts in headld thet Environmental Prolecl:clion Agency Women. Page A2 U1TLE ROCK.'K. Ark. — Prcsideni-elcctl the Ford und Carter adisdmlnistrutions and apd1 hishi: C ouncil o f Econom ic A(Advisers. ClintonI plunspla to nam e a female aitoniey Clinlon added uu longtimeU school reform1 who has served the pas> asi 2Vi ycurs us an "ThiThey would have been eoujunting those general, uccoiccording tu advisers, and hc s;iid _______ _ ilily »nd a secondnd woman to his Cabinett cxccutive vicc presidenent of Minnesota’s poslticiltlons ngainst our administntmtion. tho.sc at his newsvs conferencec that he miglit have M o n d a y , llien angrilyan{ criticized “beani Nonticm Stales I'ower CO.C S he IS the Uurd bean'cin'countcrs wno arc doing ttthat. It 1 liaU more tnanI Ihrecihi w onre iy m the n i tiliret-T to- S counters” in wome men's groups questioning’ black person named lo CCl lin to n ’s Cabinet. appoirlotnied while men to those;e p o sitions.*' al.so suid thereihei was a “'distinct possibility" Changingg ithe guard his com m itm ent tolo cdiversity. As he fielded questioiio n s afler his latest Clinloinion .said w ith an angry glare,re. he would namenan a second Hispanic. In tapping formemer South Carolina Gov. appointments, Clintonn lurned Indignuni lisHis counicrpunch came as u d ele g a tio n But Cllntoiintoii a rg u ed th at m ore imponanl T w in F a llslls. businesswoman Susasan Richard Riley us educaiion secretary.. when asked ub^ui -c<•complainis from of women’swi group leadere rs m e t in iliun numbersbers was the InHuence women and Kelley has becomebee the new directorr o f C linlon turned to0 onec of his most trustedI women's groups thatt heh is not numing Washishington with transitionm chairman minoritieses would\ have in his admin- the troiible'cl2d Uniled Way of Mugigic friends and advisersers. who shares hisbclief enough females to his Cal'abliiel. Vcmoimon Jordan lo voicc their.coro m p lain ts___ istration_____ Valley. that education impimprovcmenis ure the best "They're playing quotiiO ta .games and math “W Wo om en arc looking for a prcirom ise m ad e “ I think: whenwh this is all said and done, 1 P a g o B I1 seed for long~tcnnn ceconomic dcvdopmcnt. • gamc.v." CJinton .said, lit ' ■ H e «l.so .sjiid criftcs und,aI.n promi.vc, k ep t." .said Patri<•ricia Ireland. Please see CABINET/A2 Acted too3 ssoon A stiiic parkarks mnnuger who cleurc<red brush from thelhe banks of Crystal LakiIk e ^ ^ vy wants found out Monlonduy he may have lo ppu u t J T 4 some o f it buck.ick. a m i n e e B e l t’ n e x t t a r g e P a g e B I1 _ The Washingtonm IPost IB ff f B U ‘souuvenirs’ I MOGADISIILIIU, Somulia — A fter 12 slow daysda; o f gathering jet back forces und supplitplies, the U.S.-led 1 B || State sayss nno military misstciston to rcscue By Brad Bowlkjw lin onicitils fronrom Ihc cily of Rupert ancmd Somalia is noww jpoised to seize Tlinus-Ncwsws wv riter ___ ..lhe South .CcCentral. District Ucalll;lth — _ control, of tiiis..nation’s na "famine... -------------- ---- Depunment saysay Ihey found no evidencejce bell" from the1C warlords and .'; .0 •ALLS - Souvenir hunters may of surfacc sewcwage on a property aftciter freelance looteatcrs who have ^ •ly be hampering the Navy’s neiglibors conromplained about such1 :ia starved . 300.0(1 ,0 0 0 o f ih e ir ' u n w ittin g ly — ------- —problem lo th eicGily-Gouncil;^ C ---------- ----------—;--------------count rymcn-lodc^idwuh.-------------------- _ inve.sligationion Inlo Thursday's jel fighler P a g e B 3I ’ U nlil now . thelhe operation has cnisli llianiillcliillea a Navy pilot' ~ • brought little imnmmcdiaic changc • 'i r f r ' vllkc Whltty from San Diego's H to starving Somumiilis. One large » ' p..Miramar Nuvii^uval Air Station said hc and the H - food convoy to Baidoa and a ^ 'vJ other crashih llInvestigators found several h a n d fu l o f rrmodest ones T’-- p ie c e s mi.ss:li.sslng from the crash site elsewhere havee deliveredd grain /f i i southwest oof f BergerE Monday moming. .....HawaiianI hhavoc...... and oil safclyov•over dangerous - |jg t—j ; asking.that anyone with pieces Brigham Youioung Universily pulled ofTjfT roads, but priv/itcItc relief agencies o f the wreck::ckage return the items to the a big upset best>esting No. 9 Oklahoma .in-in were truyelinglg , those roads Twin Falls CountyCoi Sherifi's Office. • . college basketbutbull Monday. already — albeitcit'w iih frequ,ent deputies were able to recover a P a g e B S1 loss o f life and car;cargo. few m issingng pieces—frtHii| a pair of icen- The multinalioilional task force ;V ngcrs who saidsai there were up 10 a do/en Sierra signsns landed Dec. 9 wiwith only 1,050 souvenir-seekieekers rummaging tlirough lhe U.S. Marines,s. It has b een wreckage Sunc>unday evening. The whercuboiibouts of Ruben Sierra were preoccupicd wilhlh bringingI in the n | | H a Forcc has posted amied guards dcdilcd Mondayday. The free agent signed tens of thousandsids o f troops and at the site overnightovei lo prevent any further with (he Oaklaniand A's. It was the team he - Ihou.sands o f tons o( f food, walcr. pillaging. WhitVhllty said. was traded lo las last season. .............—equipment, and futfucl.tiiey need to ._ ^ ^ ^ H _______ A tiy OJI e _\y\yho h I took .something frorn Ui_e_ P a g e B S ______ :____end_LWD_yca rs-Qfn f iin.'ircliy nnti jH Ew S site can returnum it to the. Twin Fnlls County bloodshed in onene o> f the poorest )ffice with no questions asked, countries in the wo Dcpuiy in Barsnesfi.sald, With ncariyf 1 0 .0 0 0 a llie d '"Thcy'rc'noi'not In trouble." liarsness said, ■-----------------lrnop!> now on.the.; "W e \yould ju j just smile at them and thank i T Crapo’sopppportunity - ■ officers said M o n d ay in | H ^ them lor bring!inging the stun'back." interviews thutt thetl next week Even smallall pieces| af twisted mclal lhal ■* I If C ongrcssmiman-clect t Mike Crapo is will sec nearlyy simultaneouss ' a p p e a r unimimportant ( could be vital to sinccrc about w)wanting to protect Idaho thru.sts inlo four' majormi centers of f . W ^ figuring outt whatwl caused Lt. Cmdr, James from tlic federacral Energy Department, desperation: IBcledweync. E. Boole's; jet to go down shortly nfler now is a good)d time lo stan. today’s* Oddur. Baarheere:re and Gialassi. taking ofT fmmrom the Twin Falls-Sun Valley editorial suys. Anolhcr, four haveive'already been ^ Regional AirportAir Thursday morning. P a g e A 1 2 _ seized: Mogadishushu. Bela Doglc. Whltty said. ______ till W m .n n tL i^ sDiGi ______________ , ' ^ W j B B ^ B _______ Boyle arrivet■ived In Twin Falls Wcdne.sday — 7 7 | 2 H g | Those ejghl citielUcs urc the hubs oil il rouiimnnelriiining'mission, and was on in this operationIon’s hub-and- J f i H his wny buckk to Minimar Tluirsd.iy. spoke strategy of huinanilarian ji-vC All Ihe picce;icces thal can be recovered will ; reHcrEach will bcibccom c the base be rciurneded to San Diego, where . ; Surviving fofor a year • for a large militalilary forcc thal a JMS b Invesligaiorss willwi reconstruct the alrcraR us ‘ The lone survi'rvlvor of a shooting spree will .seek to impoipose order and ' best they can.n. VW hitly .sjild. ■ on an lowa cumpitnpus has survived the first expand outward. wiwith aggressive . AP phsto* H | ad d itioilio n lo h a m p e r in g thfc year aficr lhe inignigic incident. patrols and foodd deliveriesd inlo • . -- P lea^ see CRASH/A2.. P a g e A 3 lhe countryside. A S o mnail s man ai^ues - - -!‘We’re- kindid of in - an- ‘wlth.lVliiAarlne.Lt: Andy-.— 1 Default totaltal climbs exploitation phasese nowr 10 get the M ilb urn, rr above, after HB . _ . ilussia’s-dcfaulauits.on grain ioans fromJJ utmost out there.'re." said Army his assis_au|t.rifle,wa9........... - - r • - ‘(hc*Uiiiled StiilJtatcs now exceed 55S_ — 1------ ^Brlg^-^enr-feu’wtion-„„-W VMagru<jori-cortlsc?catod‘(n^ogadl=— Ipc igarettes ^ • 111 in an interview ; •niiUion. ionday. MUbum's |j^ __________ P a g e A 4 military lem fora i -------------against-a-fouted -antagonist—“.Byan ___p a t r o lI c o lle c te d fiv e H | m W W II the end oflhe montlonlh, w c'll have r if le s . A n o th e r M arin e, j ^ H B- New director;or choscn allied forces intl cevery one of on sentn try d u ty a t th e Jerry Harris is thei new director ofthee Ihose hubs." P a r lia m ent Building, - V serm t b ^ c k Depunment o f Heallhl ie and Welfare.
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