@yorknouse • /yorknouse • @yorknouse • www.nouse.co.uk The future of entertainment? Vegan sausage roll Examining Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and its When is a sausage roll not a innovative interactive approach M.14 sausage roll? P.10 The UK’s best designed student newspaper 2018 Est. 1964 Tuesday 22 January 2019 Nouse No. 483 ‘Bustice’ University braces for petition Brexit as it signs new takes fight “Maastricht Treaty” • University creates new £3 million partnership with to buses the University of Maastricht to protect funding • This week YUSU will hold a referendum on Niamh Carroll whether it should support a second Brexit vote NEWS EDITOR Tendler, said of the new partner- ship: “I think it is symbolically A CAMPAIGN TO improve trans- Joseph Silke important that we will be in Maas- port services in York has been EDITOR tricht on Friday formally announc- launched by YUSU’s Wellbeing and ing the partnership,” he said. “We Community Officer, Steph Hayle. are not at all apologetic about it. The campaign is calling for a pub- THE UNIVERSITY IS preparing We are internationalists, we value lic inquiry into York’s transport for a potential no-deal Brexit as international collaboration in high- system. Hayle is penning an open the outcome of government nego- er education, with business and letter to the Executive Member for tiations remain uncertain after the governments, and we are proud of Transport and Planning at the City Prime Minister’s deal was heavily them, and we value very highly our of York Council, Peter Dew, detail- defeated in the House of Commons international staff.” ing the many issues surrounding the last week. The University’s Brexit A University of York spokes- transport system in York. Hayle has preparation group has been work- person also said: “The final out- invited students to sign a petition ing to prepare the University for come on Brexit remains unclear. demanding action and it has so far any potential shortfalls in funding The University remains commit- gathered 1 445 signatures (at time of and other disruptions to University ted to protecting the interests of its writing). activities. staff and students and ensuring the The speed at which the petition In a move to help secure fund- University is as well placed as we has gathered signatures demon- ing and maintain student and staff can be for any disruption. A Brexit strates that the issue has resonated exchange channels with the conti- preparation group led by the Regis- with many. Steph Hayle noted how nent, the University is signing a new trar and Secretary is continuing to important this issue of transport is “Maastricht Treaty”, a £3 million monitor the likely impacts of Brexit for York residents: partnership deal with the Universi- and to plan for a range of scenarios, “I’ve been working on this pro- ty of Maastricht. The deal will help including no-deal.” ject for the last couple of months, the University to keep this funding Union President James Durcan having multiple meetings with and channels, even in the event of a said of YUSU’s role in the prepara- the council, local forums, and key no-deal exit from the European Un- tions: “YUSU asked the University stakeholders in the city. I officially ion. Maastricht is the city where the to establish an EU advice hub for launched the campaign through my treaty which created the European staff and students. This went live in Sabbs in Short, inviting students, Union was signed in 1992. the new year and is being populated staff and residents across York to The University receives around and further developed as the situa- sign the petition. Within 24 hours £10 million in research funding tion continues to become clearer - it over 1 000 people had signed up, from the EU. This is around 15 per can be found at: https://www.york. which clearly shows how passionate cent of the University’s overall £71 ac.uk/eu-advice/. people are about improving trans- million research budget. Students We are in an ongoing dialogue port.” and staff at the University both with the University to try to ensure First Bus have been the only bus come from and go to study in EU that students’ interests are best pro- operator to and from campus since member states. 300 York students tected and if any student has any the end of 2016. As Nouse reported per year study in continental Eu- particular concerns, they can raise in June, there was backlash after rope as part of their course. There these through the EU online advice First changed the routes of the 66 are fears a no-deal Brexit risks a hub, with their department or with and 66A. There were also changes budgetary black hole developing, YUSU.” to prices at the beginning of this Community and Wellbeing Officer, Steph Hayle, launched the and deals like this one are designed Last term, the YUSU Policy campaign calling for a public inquiry into York’s public transport. to mitigate such an outcome. Continued on P. 6 Acting Vice-Chancellor, Saul Continued on P. 4 CONTENTS NEWS CCTV cameras P.3 Over a fifth of CCTV cam- eras on campus don’t work Est. 1964 IMAGE: ANDY Shrooms in rooms P.5 A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR... Fungus found in accom- FEATURES modation Yoga & mental health M.4 ach Editor makes this space their own. and Republic of Ireland to York for three Some talk about the content of the pa- days of talks, workshops, networking, and Discussing the positive Eper or choose to discuss a hot politi- socialising. It will be an opportunity to show- cal issue. Some ramble about mayonnaise. I case the very best ofNouse and York student impacts of practicing yoga have given some thought to what I believe media in general, and hopefully win some FASHION this space should be. What I realised is that awards too. Failing to win any awards on on mental wellbeing this newspaper can tell you a lot about what home turf wouldn’t be a good look, would it. the team thinks about the world, but there’s I should take this opportunity to thank New year wardrobe M.9 nothing to tell you about the actual opera- YuFund too. It is due to the generosity of A guide to revamping tions of the paper itself. donors and the sound judgement of the Yu- There’s a lot that goes on behind the Fund allocation panel that we will have the your style on a budget COMMENT scenes in Nouse. Now that I’ve been Editor resources to print our London Fashion Week for a term, there is a sense of juxtaposition. and Roses supplements, totalling four sup- I have settled into the role, and a lot of that plements this year. I will arrange a proper is due to the wonderful team I have around thank you later on. In fact, I’m mandated to YorCup Fu-cup P.11 me, but there is also a slight feeling of frenzy. do so to get the grant, so there’s really no es- That’s because there are incredibly exciting cape. Reusable cup scheme things happening at the moment. Recently we’ve been sending some of our For one, we have just launched our editors onto BBC Radio York, and I am con- taken to task brand-new website. Our Technical Director, scious of trying to get as many opportunities James Bithell, has been working tirelessly for exposure as possible for the team. Natu- and it looks fantastic. I’d like to thank him rally I was quite excited when the Education Unpaid internships for all the long hours he’s put in to make it a Editor for The Times recently got in touch via P.10 reality. Our former website was old, and edi- Twitter to talk about a scoop. What did she tors will know that it was prone to crashing want to talk about? Aggressive geese forcing IMAGE: NBC An argument against on occasion. I hope readers and editors alike freshers off of campus early for their Christ- will enjoy the new one for years to come. mas break; of course that’s what it was about. unpaid experience We will also be hosting the Student Pub- For now: the feeling of pride and excite- lication Association National Conference ment is definitely overcoming the weariness POLITICS 2019 on campus this coming April. After a of long hours in the office and endless spam successful bid, Nouse will welcome student emails. Long may it continue. MUSIC journalists from across the United Kingdom Brazil’s new president Joseph Silke P.16 Indie venue week M.12 Bolsonaro takes office in This edition is dedicated to the loving memory of Ian Hall, grandfather of our Deputy A tour of York’s best Science Editor Izzy Hall, who passed away last week. The whole team sends our South America live music spots condolences to Izzy and the rest of the Hall family at this time. US shutdown P.17 The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, writers, publishers, or advertisers. Contact [email protected] with letters and complaints. Trump and Pelosi con- EDITOR Maddie Thornham FINANCE EDITOR SHOOT EDITORS Joseph Silke SUB-EDITORS Cassian Frost Kat Oliver tinue to butt heads DEPUTY EDITOR Annie Wood DEPUTY BUSINESS Sofia Bielli Chay Quinn Charlotte Rogers & FINANCE MUSIC EDITOR MUSE EDITOR Bex Hume Charlotte Mapleoft Beth Colquhoun Andrew Young Chloe Lam Aasha Kimpton DEPUTY MUSIC DEPUTY MUSE DESIGN SCIENCE EDITOR Helena Senior EDITOR DIRECTOR Jay Dyer Alex Thompson Saskia Starritt Emily Taylor DEPUTY SCIENCE FILM & TV GAMING MANAGING PHOTO EDITOR Izzy Hall EDITOR DIRECTOR Jay Dyer Evelyn Greeves Malu Rocha Amelie Rothwell DEPUTY PHOTO SPORT EDITORS DEPUTY FILM The end of EA? M.17 IMAGE: GAGE SKIDMORE DEPUTY Luke Snell Patrick Hook-Willers & TV MANAGING NEWS EDITORS George Cook Lydia Hallsworth Examining the future of DIRECTOR Niamh Carroll DEPUTY SPORT Eddie Kaziro
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