Y 12, 1956 %ILL APPROVED The will of Jane M. Treanor of Chestnut st. was approved in the probate court at Salem recently by Judge John V. Phelan. lie appoin- ted Vincent Treanor of Osgood st. ed as executor. Estimated value of ii, the estate is $24,000. TRY A TOWNSMAN Andover's Own Newspaper Since 1887 rs WANT AD — CALL 1943 an, VOLUME 69 NUMBER 41 ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS, JULY 19, 1956 PRICE 10 CENTS A. am- 127 MAIN ST. ol- PAUL'S TEL. 2125 J. 25 Years' Experience 2711 Youngsters Already on, Dressmaking Remodeling ide Alterations ide Lathes. Suits, Coats and Dresses. ^er. Moat to Order Enrolled For Fall; May of on Have Many More Then . arm wl- SANDRAN At least 2711 students will be Ian Five August Dates enrolled in public schools here in )re September. Are Scheduled For But Supt. Edward I. Erickson has predicted the actual attend- Voter Registrations ance will be above the announced figure. Dates for registration of new School enrollment has more than voters in the six precincts have doubled since• 1945, according to been. established by Town Clerk Erickson's records. In 1950, there George Winslow. were 1739 youngsters enrolled Registration will be held in and in 1945 — 10 short years ago— Sacred Heart school Aug. 3 from. there were only 1276. The 1955 7-9 for residents of precinct enrollment' was 2562 — 149 less three; than the prediction for September. Grange hall, Aug. 7 from 7-9, The anticipated enrollment fig- for precinct four; ures show 1721 in kindergarten Ballardvale fire station, Aug. 9 through sixth grade; 610 in the from 7-9, for precinct five; three junior high school grades (Continued on Page 16) ( Continued on Page Eight ) Announces Plans This is one of seven bus loads of playground youngsters who enjoyed their annual outing Tuesday at Canobie Lake. The buses left Central school at 10:30 and returned late in the after- For Addition To noon after a day of fun at the popular Lake. (Leone) Parochial School An expansion program for St. Failing Sirens, Whistles For C.D. Test Augustine's school is being planned. The Town Manager bill may The Rev. Henry B. Smith, reach Governor Herter's desk Today; fVennik Asks Conelrad Aid U.S.A., pastor of the church, an- this week — possibly today. nounced the plans Sunday morn- The wail of air raid sirens anti over residents are urged to tune 'Ihe bill was ordered to a third minutes. The "yellow" warning ing. soarse blasts of plant whistles their radios to 640 or 1240 — for reading Tuesday in the Senate is a steady, sustained sound on He said the school will be ex- will reach into every section of sirens and whistles. The "red an official Conelrad test. All and was listed next-to-last on panded to meet present and future town this afternoon. alert" is intermittent blasts on the calendar for action Wednes- stations will be off the air from needs. It is the same problem But no public participation in whistles and a warbling siren. 4:10 to 4:25 while the two official day. The Senate Clerk's office • that is facing the rest of the town, the Civil Defense test is neces- Wennik said wardens, under the C.D. stations take over as they said favorable action on the bill sary. he pointed out, that of expansion. direction of Gordon Cannon, will would in an emergency. Andover Wednesday afternoon — formally More detailed plans for the C. D. Director Harold Wennik be spotted in all sections of town residents are asked by Director called passing to be engrossed — said sirens and whistles will to check the sound coverage in Wennik to report difficulty in re- project will be announced after probably would clear the bill for give a "yellow" warning at 1:30 even the remotest spot in town. ceiving the broadcasts, as the property negotiations have been the governor's action this week. Treat yourself to the p.m. followed by a "red alert" at concluded, Fr. Smith explained. Under formal state house pro- Conelrad Friday government is attempting to test deluxe floor covering .. • 2:15. Each signal will last three the reception in all areas. cedure, once the bill i s passed On Friday, as part of the na- L. L. All-Stars to be engrossed by the Senate, it tional Civil Defense test, all And- (Continued on Page 13) goes to the Secretary of State's SANDRAN!! office, thence to the House and To Play July 31 the Senate to be "passed to be Bloodmobile At South Church. Andover's Little League All- enacted". That procedure usually $139 Stars will play their first game takes only seconds in each yd. Cit4LY • Tomorrow; Need Donors Badly July 31 at the Playstead against branch of the Legislature, state a Lawrence Central team. house sources said. The visit this week of the lied 9'x 12' $1A95 The 14 All-Stars — named from Despite the formalities, the POWER Cross Bloodmobile to Andover Ea. all four teams — drew a "by" in Senate Clerk said the bill might RUG finds all types of blood in short the first round, thus entering di-. be on the governor's desk today MOWERS supply, according to area head- Foley — Lawn Boy — Homko rectly into the quarter finals on for final action., Sandran . the brand new quarters in Boston. the 31st. and beautiful floor covering COLE PAINT At the same time, Miss Barbara Under all-star competition, a with fresh, clean, clear Loonier, executive secretary of team must win all its games, one loveliness locked-for-life in the Andover chapter, noted that loss eliminating the team from durable vinyl plastic. Ifs demands for blood in the town further play. smartly gleaming plastic. demands for blood in the town ex- Named to coach the All-Stars TREE surface simply sheds dirt PRECISION . When Buying ceeded donations. At the close of were A.L. Carpentier of the Yan- • . cleans without scrub. the fiscal year, June 30, 1955, the kees, J. Prochazka, Red Sox and bing. Sandran is warm to or Red Cross had provided 205 pints Lafayette Stickney, Cardinals. SERVICE ubbery the touch, rich and r of blood to Andover residents. At , Pruning proficiently .. in texture! It's flexible That safeguards Selling A Home (Continued on Page 16) Feeding fruitfully ... easy to handle, lies flat INI Spraying scientifically without fastening. Come your health CONTACT THE • • • with a sensible early. Full assortment of attitude toward gorgeous colors. JOHN HEWITT irV' cost. Expert Installation Service REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES! BUDGET TERMS REAL ESTATE JIM MULLIGAN'S AGENCY RADIO & TV. LAB 15 POST OFFICE AVE. 30 So. Broadway, Lawrence PERSONAL TELS. 973 - 1834 CALL MU 3-0396 BUSINESS "Famous For Floor Fashions QUICK COURTEOUS CALL 1943 TREE SURGEONS, INC. 236 Essex St. MU 9-9172 CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE GUARANTEED WORK THE TOWNSMAN 6 Haverhill St., Shawsheen 18 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 19, 1956 Blue ribbon awards went to J u- Ambulance Rules Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN dith Madden as Tinker Bell; Susan Madden in a cat costume; Linda Under Consideration f t L BALLARDVALE Greenwood as an oriental, Lois IPAXKING ANDOVER vv Fire Chief Henry Hilton has Mrs. Ruth Green, Correspondent, Telephone 267M Grant in a pilgrim costume. The made recommendations to the se- PLAYHOUSE most unique costume was worn lectmen on the use of the ambu- NOW THRU SATURDAY Golden Age Circle present were Mrs. Millie Ham- by Christine Vialent, dressed in a lance. SERENADE Mrs. Emma Moss of Andover st. mond, Mrs. Edo Humphrey, Mrs. teen-age outfit. The board has taken the list of In Technicolor was hostess to the Golden Age Myra Ward, Mrs. Anna Hess, Mrs. rules under advisement, accord- Mario Lanza — Joan Fontaine Circle at her home July 9. Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Minnie Waites, ing to Secretary Stafford Lindsay. 1:45 5:30 8:55 Anna Hess presided in the ab- Mrs. Ella Hanson, Mrs. Ernest There was considerable discus- Hollins and Mrs. Moss. OUR MISS BROOKS sence of the president, Mrs. Har- sion at town meeting last March Eve Arden — `:ale cordon ry Nason, and also had charge of (' 11 tact' Service about adopting more strict rules 3:45 7:30 the devotional service. The host- Mendell A. Mattheson will for use of the town-owned ve- Sunday, Monday & Tuesday ess served refreshments. The preach the sermon at the 10 hicle, particularly from members July 22nd - 23rd - 24th next meeting will be held at the o'clock service in the United of the Taxpayers association. home of Mrs. Ella Hanson on Os- church on Tewksbury st. Sunday, The selectmen did not reveal the HILDA CRANE good st. Monday, July 23. Those July 22. His topic will be "The chief's recommendations. Cinemaecope & Technicolor Irue and the False". Mr. and church, has been attending the Jean Simmons — Guy Madison Mrs. Willard Myers will be the World Missions Conference of the 2:10 5:40 9:05 Greeters. COCKLESHELL HEROES National Council of Churches at Paper Drive Silver Bay, New York. In Technicolor Boy Scout Troop 76 will con- Personals Jose Ferrer — Dora Bryan duct a paper drive on Saturday, Donald Dekker of Hampton, N.H. 3:35 7:05 $50 to $2,000 July 21, starting at 1 o'clock. is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday thru Saturday Ilome on Leave MISS MA July 25th thru 28th ANDOVER FINANCE Frank Orlando, 28 Dale st., this Mr. and M Private Margaret Buckley of week. MIRACLE IN THE RAIN the WAC's is spending a 15-day- of Lewiston COMPANY Mr.
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