Est. 1961 ANNUAL REPORT MULLALOO SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB | 2019/20 MULLALOO SNAPSHOT STATISTICS FOR 2019/20 244 262 PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS FIRST AID TREATMENTS 17 RESCUES 6,699.4 2,121 PATROL HOURS MEMBERS 4,425.6 WATER SAFETY HOURS 661 331 NIPPERS NEW AWARDS TRAINED IN AND GAINED BY MEMBERS 648 543 AWARDS MADE PATROLLING PROFICIENT MEMBERS 65,687 85,145 UNIQUE VISITS VISITORS ATTENDED OUR BEACH TO OUR WEBSITE DURING PATROL HOURS 2 MULLALOO SLSC 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS DƵůůĂůŽŽ^ŶĂƉƐŚŽƚ^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐ Ϯ Club, SLSWA and SLSA Awards 4 Life Members 6 ůƵďKĸĐĞƌƐ ϴ President’s Report 9 Board Report 11 ^ƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĐWůĂŶϮϬϮϬʹϮϬϮϰ ϭϯ ^ƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĐWůĂŶ^ĐŽƌĞĐĂƌĚ ϭϰ OPERATIONS 15 >ŝĨĞƐĂǀŝŶŐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ϭϳ ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ ϮϬ DEVELOPMENT 27 EŝƉƉĞƌĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ Ϯϵ tŽŽĚƐŝĚĞEŝƉƉĞƌǁĂƌĚƐ ϰϬ Youth 42 Membership 45 SURF SPORTS 47 ^ƵƌĨ^ƉŽƌƚƐǀĞŶƚƐ ϰϴ ŽĂĐŚŝŶŐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ϱϬ ŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶ ϱϮ Youth & Senior Surf Sports Awards 55 MARKETING 60 Sponsorship 63 Mullaloo Surf Shop 66 ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ ϲϴ ^ŽĐŝĂů ϳϬ CLUB SUPPORT SERVICES 74 ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶ ϳϰ &ĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐ ϳϱ &ŝŶĂŶĐĞZĞƉŽƌƚ ϳϳ MULLALOO SLSC 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT 3 CLUB, SLSWA AND SLSA AWARDS For the 2019/20 Season – Additional Surf Sports, Education and Nipper awards in reports Australian Government 2020 SLSWA AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE NATIONAL MEDAL WINNER Young Volunteer of the Year FOR PATROL DUTIES Trainer of the Year Ava Bushby Guy Edwards Bernadette Flint Official of the Year Tony Greenfield Vicki Rasmussen Paul Rustidge FINALISTS Open Athlete of the Year Age Group Manager of the Year Soraya Lee Louis Cheeseman 2019 SLSA AWARDS Surf Sports Team of the Year Assessor of the Year OF EXCELLENCE U23 Female IRB Rescue Tube Jacqui McGregor Megan Bulley, Lillyan Rosich, FINALIST Coach of the Year Sean Coventry Official of the Year Cameron Rapley Sandy Clarke Patrol Club of the Year Lifeguard of the Year Mullaloo SLSC 2020 SLSWA NIPPER Lachlan Halvorson Woodside Nippers Club of & YOUTH AWARDS Lifesaver of the Year the Year Carlo Tenaglia Mullaloo SLSC Youth Official of the Year Trainer of the Year Annika Rasmussen All nominations put forward from Bernadette Flint the Club were named finalists! Nipper Club Achiever Woodside Nippers Program Emerson Cheeseman Volunteer of the Year Youth Club Achiever Penny Fortmann Ava Bushby 2020 MULLALOO SLSC ANNUAL AWARDS Nipper Activities Volunteer Team of the Year ART Aaron Gigney of the Year IRB Racing: Josh Bull (driver) ART Natalie Godwin Louis Cheeseman and Robbie Payne (crew) First Aid Patricia Colbourne Administrator of the Year Young Athlete of the Year Drone Op. Peter Morgan Jen Ducasse Katie Waddell Bronze Jenni Wood Education Trainer of the Year Athlete of the Year Bronze Annika Rasmussen Todd Bartle Soraya Lee Bronze Roger Gregson Young Education Trainer of the Young Lifesaver of the Year Bronze Lee Draycott Year Will Ketteringham SRC Hannah Wallace Robbie Payne Lifesaver of the Year SRC Amy Waddell Education Assessor of the Year Nick Iellamo SRC Jack Barrett Mark Hills Patrol of the Year Young Achiever of the Year IRB Lifesaver of the Year Patrol Captain Paul Copland Ava Bushby Todd Bartle Vice Captain Ava Bushby President’s Award Competition Official of the Year Vice Captain Jess Thorne Julie Rapley Vicki Rasmussen IRB Driver Rochelle Villemin Club Person of the Year Coach of the Year IRB Crew Sarah May Tanya Honor Penny Fortmann IRB Crew Sefton Upton SLSWA – Surf Life Saving Western Australia DƵůůĂůŽŽ^ƵƌĨ>ŝĨĞ^ĂǀŝŶŐůƵďŶŶƵĂůZĞƉŽƌƚϮϬϭϵͬϮϬ͘ SLSA – Surf Life Saving Australia ΞDƵůůĂůŽŽ^ƵƌĨ>ŝĨĞ^ĂǀŝŶŐůƵď͕ϮϬϮϬ͘ 4 MULLALOO SLSC 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT Tanya Honor Club Person of the YearͮϮϬϭϵͬϮϬ The Executive Committee and only competing at the State Masters Championship in Denmark, Managers were ‘Honor’d’ to but also taking part in the Open category at State carnivals. award Club Person of the Year As the leader of the Social Events Team, Tanya coordinated many to Tanya Honor. What can we significant events this year, which enhanced the ‘family ethos’ say about our Social Manager? of the Club. A focus of her approach has been to make events From the moment Tanya joined the Club, her positivity, family friendly, fun and inclusive and I think that we can all agree enthusiasm and energy were infectious. She didn’t hesitate to that she has succeeded in her aim. jump in and volunteer in as many areas of the Club as she could, Most notable, however, was Tanya’s organisation of the bushfire even with three kids to look after. appeal in January, for which she galvanised support from After staying dry at the Club for a number of years, Tanya worked throughout the Club, creating a memorable community event in hard at her swimming to first obtain her NRC and then enrolled under two weeks, which raised a fantastic $14,000. More recently herself into a Bronze course this past season to immerse herself her idea of a Mullaloo COVID-19 group to offer assistance for further in the Club. Not wanting to do this alone, she also roped members has been inspirational in keeping everyone positive in several other unsuspecting members and eventually had through these challenging times and is an example of how she a large group whom she pulled through the course with her seeks to serve others. enthusiasm and gutsy attitude. Tanya is a wonderful asset to our Club, ensuring it is as fun filled Now with her Bronze in hand, Tanya turned to the group of as possible, whilst including everyone and she most certainly Master’s competitors and quickly became one of the team, not lives (and breathes) each one of our values, in every way. Julie Rapley President’s AwardͮϮϬϭϵͬϮϬ Julie Rapley has been involved but a great social event, with attendance of nearly 100 members with Surf Lifesaving for many each year. This has proven to be a popular weekend away with years and joined our Club members, with good reason. with Cameron and their boys, This year proved challenging for Julie in her role as a General transferring from Sorrento in Manager, having to start the season without a Manager of 2013. For a while Julie’s involvement was in the background, Nippers, but as always, she took on the challenge and rallied supporting and organising, until a few years ago, when she the AGM’s and other volunteers to adopt the new Woodside put her hand up to take on the key Development portfolio, Nippers program with enthusiasm. Organising the Nipper pack overseeing Nippers, Youth and Membership as a member of the distribution to each of the age groups required huge attention Club’s Executive. to detail and is just the kind of organisation at which Julie During the past few winter seasons, Julie has done a fantastic job excels. Attending the AGM briefings each week she ensured supporting the IRB racing team, helping at every carnival during that everyone was aware of what was happening on the beach, the season with a brilliant soup roster, being a real “mother including use of the new Nipper trailer. hen” to the entire team. For the annual IRB Aussies campaign For all of this commitment to the Club and more, Julie was she has spent countless hours ensuring that flights, transfers and nominated by many members this year for no less than three accommodation are all arranged and coordinated seamlessly Club awards. The countless hours and her ‘can do’ attitude put for the touring team. Then at the comp, Julie led the team of our 661 Woodside Nippers in the best place to make the most supporters who coordinated all the snacks, water and meals to of their time at the Club. All of these examples reveal someone enable the athletes to concentrate on competition. who selflessly devotes time for the good of the Club and are the reason why Julie is most deserving of this award. For the last few years Julie has reinvigorated the Club requal camp in Lancelin into not only a crucial pre season skills refresher, MULLALOO SLSC 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT 5 WELCOME NEW LIFE MEMBERS KIM ALLEN NEW LIFE MEMBER Kim joined the Club in 1989 detection system, working with Curtin University to and commenced as an active form ‘BeachLab’ at Mullaloo. This involved over four patrolling member a few years and a half years of research and development, setting after, obtaining his bronze up buoys and radio communications to allow Mullaloo medallion in 1992. Over the to be the first beach in the world to have a square years Kim has obtained many kilometre of shark tag detection with an instantaneous other patrol awards and recently achieved his 25 year alert via the shark alarm. national patrol service award. Kim played a pivotal role in the development of the Kim was awarded a Certificate of Merit from SLSWA new Club governance structure and Constitution. in 2012 for his involvement in the rescue of a fellow More recently, Kim joined the Board of Directors, Club member following an encounter with a shark at serving for a year during a challenging time for the Mullaloo beach which enhanced his desire to improve Club. As Chair of the Technology Committee, Kim water safety. In 2013 Kim was awarded the Club continues his contribution, such as developing the President’s Award for his role in setting up a shark Club’s security system. KAY SMITH NEW LIFE MEMBER Kay originally heralds from the nippers swim and beach coach, Manager for Masters East Coast, where she was a competition, Masters gym group coordinator and also member of North Narrabeen as a State and Aussies Masters competitor. In addition, Surf Life Saving Club before Kay is a member of the social committee and helps rally moving to WA where she the troops in creating our amazing social events.
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