PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Conference venue Stockholm City Conference Centre has conference roooms and lecture halls located in two neighbouring buildings: Folkets Hus, Barnhusgatan 12-14 and Norra Latin, Drottninggatan 71 B. Congress sessions divided into slots as indicated in the table below will take place in these two buildings which are conveniently situated 100 meters from each other in the heart of Stockholm city. Registration and Opening Ceremony on Monday 26 July and Closing Ceremony on Saturday 31 July will take place at Folkets Hus. All other sessions take place at Norra Latin. Mayor’s Reception on Wednesday 28 July will take place at Stockholm City Hall within walking distance from the Conference Venue (further directions will be available). Monday, July 26 Tuesday, Wednesday, July 28 Thursday, Friday, July 30 Saturday, July 27 July 29 July 31 08.30‐ Panels Slot Panels Slot V Panels Slot Panels Slot XIII Panels Slot 10.00 I IX XVII 10.00‐ Coffee Coffee Break Coffee Coffee Break Coffee Break 10.30 Break Break 10.30‐ Panels Slot Panels Slot VI Panels Slot X Panels Slot XIV Panels Slot 12.00 II XVIII 12.00‐ Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 13.30 13.30‐ 13.00‐17.00 Panels Slot Panels Slot VII Panels Slot Panels Slot XV Closing 15.00 Registration III XI Ceremony 15.00‐ 15.00‐18.00 Coffee Coffee Break Coffee Coffee Break 15.30 Opening Ceremony and Break Break 15.30‐ Keynote Lecture, Mikhail Panels Slot Panels Slot VIII Panels Slot Panels Slot XVI 17.00 Gorbachev IV XII 18.00‐ 18.00 Plenary Mayor’s Reception at the Plenary Plenary Session, Reception Session Stockholm City Hall Session Farewell Get‐ Together PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME The provisional programme includes proposals for panels, roundtable discussions and individual papers submitted to the ICCEES 2010 OrganiZing Committee in the spring of 2009. They were reviewed and accepted by the ICCEES International Academic Committee at a meeting in May 2009.Some proposals were submitted later and were retroactively reviewed and approved by members of the IAC. In this provisional version, the programme includes only those papers for which abstracts have been submitted by 3 March 2010. Those panel contributers who have not as yet submitted their abstracts are kindly asked to do so as soon as possible. This preliminary program is published with reserverations for possible changes. Final times and locations can only be given in the final programme, which will be published at www.iccees2010.se by April 2010. Monday, July 26, 2010 13:00‐17:00 Registration (Stockholm City Conference Center) 15:00 Opening Ceremony and Keynote Lecture by Mikhail Gorbachev (Stockholm City Conference Center) 18:00 Reception (Stockholm City Conference Center) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Tuesday, July 27 08:30‐10:00 Panel: I.01 Contemporary Dynamics of Identities in Central and Eastern Europe (Sociological, Linguistic and Historical Aspects) A 1: Interplay of European, National and Regional Identities, session 1 Chair: Heinrich, Hans‐Georg (University of Vienna ICEUR), Austria) Discussant: Molden, Bertold (LBI European History, Austria) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Chvorostov, Alexander (Institute f.Advanced Studies (IHS‐Vienna), Austria) European, National and Regional Identities: Nations between States along the new Eastern Borders of the European Union Panel: I.02 Memory Politics and the Use of History I Chair: TBA INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Burkhart, Dagmar (University of Mannheim, Germany) Asian and European infernos in literature: Concepts of the skin in Varlam Shalamov’s “Kolyma Tales” and Imre Kertész’ novel “Fateless” Yurchuk, Yuliya (Baltic and East European Graduate School, Sweden) Representing the past: constructing 'new' memories in Ukraine after 1991. Sinani, Gjergj (University of Tirana, Albania) Perceptions of the past and mythological production Panel: I.04 Advising Agency: Gender, Power and Subjectivity in PostSocialist Society Chair: Kay, Rebecca (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Discussant: Rivkin‐Fish, Michele (University of Pennsylvania at Chapel Hill, United States) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Turbine, Vikki (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Women, welfare and legal claims: exploring forms of agency in provincial Russia 2 Salmenniemi, Suvi (University of Helsinki, Finland) Anatomy of the Russian soul: self, class and gender in self‐help technologies Kirkham, Jackie (University of Glasogw, United Kingdom) Young people, sexual health and agency: experiences of peer education in the Republic of Moldova Panel: I.05 Consequences of International Migration in Central Asia and the Balkans Chair: Henoch, Bengt (Jönköping University, Sweden) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Havolli, Sokol (Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo; Republic Of Kosovo) The Determinants of Remittances to Kosovo: Recent Evidence Memaj, Fatmir (Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Albania) Esmeralda, Shehaj (Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Albania) The impact of international migration and remittances on poverty reduction in Albania Sejdini, Abdulmenaf (South East European UNiversity, Makedonia) Mughal, Abdul Ghaffar (United States) Migration, Remittances and Poverty in the Balkans Panel: I.06 Economic Development and Inequality in Russia Chair: Chang, Duck Joon (Kookmin University, Korea) Discussant: Kumo, KaZuhiro (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Takeda, Yuka (Waseda University, Japan) Russian Economic Growth and its Effect on Poverty Reduction Kim, Seongjin (Duksung Women's University, Republic Of Korea) Spatial Patterns of Economic Development and Inequalities in Russia Lee, Sang Joon (Kookmin University, Republic Of Korea) Entrepreneurship and Regional Development in Russia Panel: I.07 Foreign Direct Investment into and out of Russia in International Perspective Chair: Cooper, Julian (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Discussant: Nuti, Mario (University of Rome La SapienZa, Italy) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Hanson, Philip (Chatham House, United Kingdom) FDI AND RUSSIAN ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS Liuhto, Kari (University of Turku, Finland) Political risks for foreign firms in Russia 3 Panel: I.08 Lives without Lenin? The Transformation of Identities in the Later Soviet Union Chair: Lyandres, Semion (University of Notre Dame, United States) Discussant: Wulff, Dietmar (Bielefeld University, Germany) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Westrate, Michael (University of Notre Dame, United States) A Flea on the Bear: Valery Abramkin and Dissent under the Late Soviet Regime Rogacheva, Maria (University of Notre Dame, United States) Assault from Within: Aleksander Yakovlev and the End of the Communist Utopia Fuerst, Juliane (University of Bristol, United Kingdom) Hooligan, Writer, Hijacker: The Many Lives of Eduard Kuznetsov Panel: I.09 Media and Conflict in PostCommunist Countries Chair: Spörer‐Wagner, Doreen (University of Zurich, SwitZerland) Chair: Hribal, Lucie (University of Zurich, SwitZerland) Discussant: Hribal, Lucie (University of Zurich, SwitZerland) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Spörer‐wagner, Doreen (NCCR Democracy, University of Zurich, SwitZerland) Hribal, Lucie (SwitZerland) Media as Push or Pull Factor in Post‐Conflict Democratization? Iskandaryan, Nina (Caucasus Institute, Armenia) Gulkhandanyan, Evelina (CI, Armenia) Supply vs Demand in Armenian Media Development DZihana, Amer (Faculty of Political Sciences Sarajevo, Bosnia And HerZegovina) Power Sharing Arrangements and Public Service Broadcasting: Failure of PSB System in Bosnia and Herzegovina Panel: I.10 Patriotism, Superstition, and Remembrance: Aspects of the Cultural History of Russia during World War I Chair and discussant: Frame, Murray (University of Dundee, United Kingdom) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: MannherZ, Julia (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) "Conspiracies, the Antichrist and Immortality: The Occult and World War I" Petrone, Karen (University of Kentucky, United States) The Contours of Soviet World War I Remembrance Stockdale, Melissa K. (University of Oklahoma, United States) "For Faith, Tsar, and Fatherland: The Russian Orthodox Church in World War I." Panel: I.11 Problems of Legal Culture in Ukraine and the Russian Federation Chair: Baller, Oesten (FHVR, Germany) Discussant: TBA PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dubenko, Svitlana (National Academy of Public Administratio, Ukraine) Problems of Legal Regulation of Principle of Political Neutrality of Public servants in Ukraine 4 Plakhotniuk, Nataliia (National Academy of Public Administratio, Ukraine) Arguments as to Legal Relationship Connected with Voting Process as a Subject for Consideration by Administrative Courts Gritsenko, Elena (State University St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) The Constitution of the Russian Federation: Problems of direct applicability Panel: I.12 The Chill Peace: Western Engagement with Russia after the ‘Global War on Terror’ Chair: Petersson, Bo (Lund University/Malmö University, Sweden) Discussant: Markedonov, Sergei (Institute for Political and Military Analysis, Russian Federation) Discussant: Stepanova, Ekaterina (SIPRI, Sweden) PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dunlop, John (Stanford University, United States) Three Russian Liberal Commentators seek to determine which side‐‐Russia or Georgia‐‐initiated the August 2008 war Sakwa, Richard (University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom) ‘”The Cold Peace”: Making Sense of Russia’s Relationship with the West’. Russell, John (University of Bradford, UK, United Kingdom) Whose “Near Abroad”? Dilemmas in Russia’s declared sphere of privileged interests. Panel: I.13 After Gorbachev: Democracy and Democratization in Central Asia Chair: Ersanli,
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