V-:J •oNSIDH 'lCJl,"ON l~ OIVd ~L£6V~ 'ousald tueJjOld ~!POlS Dl!lJCltwy ~~d · s·n ~ uo~SJo SJUapms Dl!l&lUUV lY01c:I-UON O~Jd'OS~ alpJO~~N~tU HYE SHARZHOOM Armenian Action - ~us -nur·tTntttr· May 1996 Vo1.17, No.4 (54) Supplement to The Collegian In a moving press conference on there were no survivors. shaped their lives for the past eight April 8, California State Univer- "Growing up as an immi- · decades. Fresno State is fortunate sity, Fresno President, Dr. John grant boy in the Annenian ghetto that the Kazans' horizons reached Welty,formallyannouncedthe gift of Manhattan's east side, Henry 3000 miles west of the Atlantic of$300,000 made by Victoria and Kazan quickly maste'red English, Ocean." Henry Kazan of Juno Beach, American ways, and picked up Mr. Kazan then explained why he and his wife came so far to Floridafortheestablishmentofthe "street smarts". He was an out­ enhanceAnnenian Studies atFrsno HenryS. Khanzadian Kazan Pro- standing student, but had to stop fessorshipinModernArmenianand going to day school in order to State. "The reason I am here is simple," he said, addressing the Immigration History. support the family. He continued Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, his studies at night, finishing high press and television, ''Fresno State of the Armenian Studies Program, school and then enrolling at New has the best and most active Arme­ nian··studies program in the coun­ Introduced the honored guests with York University, completing aBA these words: in History entirely through night try. I was approached by my alma mater New York University, but "Victoria and H~nry schoolcourses. Hedidn'tstopthere, they could not offer me what I Kazan met and married in New earning his law degrees, both lLB York. Both are from Sebastia, the andJD,againatnight,atSt.John's wanted ... For the last several years, modern city ofSivas,in east central University, after which he was ad­ I have been trying to combat the Photo by Moysis Nicolaou Turkish government's saying that Turkey. They were among the rare mitted to the New York Bar. From left to right: Dr. Alex Gonmlez, Dr. John Welty, Mrs. M. there was no genocide. I know Annenians who had left the Otto- "After serving in the US Victoria Kazan, Mr. Henry S. Kazan, Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, and · there was one. I escaped it by 15 man Turkish Empire before 1915 ·Anny during World War ll, he Dr. Peter Klassen. and therebysmvived the Genocide. worked in the coal mining business "Victoria and Henry why the Kazans feel so strongly months." Hemy Kazan was from the village in Pennsylvania and then landed Kazan are "hooked" on higher edu­ about endowing a professorship in A Day witb He~ry Kazan of Zara, about 30 miles east of the final job of his career with the cation. Three of their nieces and Annenian, immigration, and Geno­ By Sean Clark Sebastia. At age eight, he and his NuTone Company, maker of elec­ nephews, who they treat as their cide history. Henry Kazan could mother were sent to America by a tricalhouseholdproductsandlight­ own children, are academics in the think of no better way to invest Our lives are the sum of grandfather who booked passage ing fixtures. Through tenacity and humanities and social sciences. some of his and Victoria Kazan '-s the experiences which we go in steerage. He just missed the · hard work, he eventually became a Henry Kazan would have been a money than in a permanent endow­ through. The hardships,.joys, tri- annihilation of the Armenians. - regional sales director and an im-. history professor .if he had had a ment for teaching and research in Everyone left in Zara was killed; portant NuTone stockholder. choice. Perhaps this helps explain precisely those subjects which have See KAZAN, Page 8 Armenian Professor Wins Award Staff Article and hosted by Der Mugrdechian. His Holiness Karekin I, Catholicos Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the of All Annenians, was a guest in Annenian Studies Program was February. selected to receive the Provost's An Exhibit at the Fresno Art Excellence in Teaching Award for Museum on the Armenian Geno­ Faculty Service. cide which was set up in March and Theformalannouncementofthe April of this year and a Photo­ award was made by Dr. Alexander grapbicExhibitwhich was mounted Gonzalez, Provost and Vice-Presi­ at the Henry Madden Library at dent for Academic Affairs at are­ Fresno Statewere also mentioned. ception honoring the recipient Der Mugrdechian' s frequent The Faculty Service Award was community speaking engagements one of four awards for Excellence and the time and energy devoted to inTeachingann~cedbythePnr the annual Annenian Studies Ban­ vost. quet were also cited by the Provost The Faculty Service Award is in a letter which announced the given annually for outstanding ser­ award. vice to the University community and the community-at-large. Ac­ tivities include participation and contribution to department, school, and University committees, and documented contributions to the community-at-large· which are re­ lated to one's discipline or posi­ tion. Der Mugrdechian was honored for his activities and interactions ,~~~j~~i i':l with the greater Fresno commu- Inside••• {~ nity. The Hye Talk TV show in par­ April24, ticular has achieved great success Commemoration within the community. Hye Talk is CD Review a half an hour TV show sponsored Khatcb Vartan by the Armenian Studies Program 2-0p/Ed Rye S_harzhoom May1996 Letters to the·Editor Dear Editor, some documents pertaining to Calcutta, I went to the Alplenian tombstone nor inscription. Appar­ library, and two book reviews on South Indian Armenian tomb in­ School on Free School Stteet entlytheArmeniancemetry bad been the text Hpossible make copies of Thank you for Hye Sbarzboom. I scriptiooswbichlfound w~rum­ where there are about fifty or so destroyed. the book reviews and make avail­ read it thoroughly and WaS maging tluougb the archives of the students most of whom from Iran Although here at able to your students. One review pleased with your coverage of the French churches here in who escaped military conscrip­ Pondicbeny an Armenian Stteet did was written last year and the more· Catbolicos visit Pondicberry. I have marked on the tion dming the war between Iran exist (today called Rue de I 'Eveche) recent one January 4, 1996. ~nts those inscriptions that andlraq. AttheAnnenianCburch there is very little information about Ibave~e~oyingyour Leona Dooian may interest you and have penned of Nazareth they informed me Armenians. Neverthless, on page HyeSharzhoom forovertwoyears Antioch out others, now and therl followed thai" there are about 150 Arme­ 175 of the tombstone inscription now and apJX'eCiate the fact that by my ~on. I thought that nians in Calcutta including sev­ documents, number 833, you will you send me copies. Keep up the Dear Editor, families in your cooununity may eral from Armenian herself, find tbe sole reference to any Arme­ good work. be familiar with someofthenames. among whom the piest of the nian of Pondicberry. H anyone is interested in Thank you very much f<r Enclosed, too, is a document on church. At the historical grave­ In any case, I am sure that purchasing Armenian Info Text, publishing my short cooununica­ Armenians of India whose refer­ yard of CaJcutta, besides those youbaveMesrobJacobSedl 'snewly they can obtain copies directly from tion in the October 1995 edition of ence unfortunately I have either memorials which I am sure you edited book Armenians in India, by me ($15.00 + $2.50 for shipping Hye Sharzhoom. I truly appreciate misplaced or lost I leave these at are familiar with, I found one py­ Asian Educational Services, 1992 at . and handling), or if you wish, you iL Pennit me to point out a missed your full disposition. ramidal gravestone of a certain Madras or New Delhi. can pmcbase a large quantity for line in the third column of page Besides this, the meagre Andrew Anderson Esquire, aged $10.00perbookplusshipping. Hye two: " ... best in looting, (Kayseri)" exploration that I have done on 26, who died in 1818 and whose Sincerely, Sharzhoom can make a few dollars should~" ..•best in looting bmn­ Armenian communities of In dia memorial bad been .restored by Paul Mirabile if you take the second opti~n. Ei­ ing, and terrorizing Armenian vil­ today bas tmned up the following the Armenian Ouuch ofNazareth. ther way is acceptable to me. lages (Sassoun), monasteries facts: three Armenians living in At the Agra historical Dear Editor, \ (Varag), and town districts Madras, two of which (husband cemetary. in spite of the huge Sincerely, (Kayseri)... ' and wife) work at Saint Mary's Armenian population that once For your wonderful newspaper, a .Qeorge Mouradian Enclosed you will find Chmch on Armenian Street In resided there, I came across no C<?J>Y of Armenian info text for your ' Additional Armenian Marian Bagdasarian Zabelle Me1konian Alice K.Barter Charles & Mary Merzian Kenneth & Lilyan Chooljian Vabe K.Messerlian O.H.Bezirjian Linda B. Michalowski Studies Annual Fund Richard & Armon Darmanian BobMiroyan MatkBobigian Elizabeth Nahabedian Donations George Divanian Darrel R. Rustigian Paul p. & Mary A. Cazian · Glady K. Peters (March 1-Apri11S, 1996) Anahid Eleazarian Leo & Anninee Sbishmanian Glen E. & Ellen Chesnut · Leo & Marlene Pilibosian Patron Gloria Enochian K. Yervant Terzian Marlene A. Conklin . Susan Shamsboian Vahan & Anoush Cbamlian Dr. Martha Googooian Ensher Anna Tookoian Gloria Erganian Gene E. & Rose K. Smithson Peter Giragosian Yergat Packing Co. Sam & Betty Farsakian Esther Tootelian Friend Harold Hagopian Douglas A. Gilio, DD.S. Martin M. Tourigian · Norman & Rose Maile Avedian Paul & Martha Jamushian Donor Carol S. Harootian John David Tufenkjian ·~hlgie K'an~ · Sarlds & Sylvia Karayan Armenian Relief Society, Hennine Kesbishyan Ramon Zorabedian Michael S.
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