?PSSK®®fjW #' ■ - ' " P Of tec fe w e a * « m f « * H n . ■ * exemf# ever show “ » millstone ai Jj»k. The mo|oti ‘Sport as a e monopoly will i tealns—so long: traasportation hjbw. |»eage out of the tax __ „ iM e rs should teU just what the tax­ payers may get out of j| ' M ayor G uida leads attack on outsiders dum ping in m eadow s The m ayors in the Hackensack going to be walked over any long­ Mayors Hill and Kaiser of North Meadowlands district reacted er". Arlington are Republicans but w e’ll sharply last night to a report that Hill's skepticism was echoed by support each other mi this issue. the Hackensack Meadowlands De­ Mayor Dominick Presto of And, if a Democratic candidate velopment Commission had agreed, Carlstadt. the chairman of the isn’t right on this issue I ’ll be for without their knowledge, to accept Hackensack Meadowlands Munici­ whoever is running against him. more garbage from five Passaic pal Committee, who said, speaking "W e need leadership and repre­ County towns as a lawyer he would have to admit sentation, not promises.” he said. "It 's a hellava thing when the that on the surface it looks like the "We need action, not speeches. mayor of the town where they prob­ HM DC worked out a good agree­ Next year’s an election year and we ably plan to dump the garbage has ment. but. like M ayor Hill, has seen should start to get ready now so that to hear about it on his car radio these promises made and broken any candidate for public office who while driving home from work.” time and time again I say it's time needs votes in the Meadowlands said Mayor James Guida of Lyn­ for much stronger action, he said area better understand that the is­ dhurst "Not only that, but it was "This is not a partisan political sue here is garbage and we want an three days after they apparently issue," Presto said "We re not Re­ action legislative program to bring made the decision and I ’ve yet to publicans or Democrats on this is­ that about." get even a telephone call.” sue We re m ayors and we re sick Mayor Kaiser said he was dis­ The m ayors were at their regu­ and fed up with the Meadowlands gusted. but agreed that a combined lar monthly meeting. Dominick being the dumping grounds for political effort would be an effective Casamassina. the executive direc­ northern New Jersey's garbage. way of eliminating a problem that tor. reported that a Superior Court The committee, in quick suc­ has "plagued the meadowlands Judge, sitting in Morristown, had “Here We Come A Haunting" Roosevelt School Kindergarten classes, Lyndhurst cession, then unanimously ap­ area for fifty ye ars" "F o r years closed the dump where Morris proved motions to: everyone connected with the County communities and five others •Have its attorney. Alfred E Meadowlands has stated ad nau­ from Northwestern Passaic County Porro of Lyndhurst. determine if seam' how the Meadowlands are dump their garbage. A ppeals court upholds $ 1 . 1 M the H M D C acted within its legal the most valuable piece of real es­ boundaries in entering into the tate in the world, and yet they con­ The Appellate Division of Superi­ He explained that under the in the Shelburne Hotel to Gary and partners including Japanese restau­ agreement with Passaic County tinue to allow garbage to be piled or Court has upheld a $1.1 million terms of a consent order entered Lewis Malamut. Sullivan had ruled. rant operator Rocky Aoki. the without prior approval of the 150 feet in the air, jeapordizing the judgment against attorney Martin into with the H M D C last Friday, the Blatt and Polinksy had a project never cam e to fruition. HM M C: and also explore every le­ fragile environmental balance and Blatt for allegedly secretly profiting Passaic County towns will be per­ brokerage arrangement with the gal means to insure the consent ruining plans for what was to be a from an aborted casino project. According to the ruling upheld by mitted to dump only under the con­ Malamuts, who actually owned the the appeals court, Blatt and agreement is enforced and that the most needed state park. It's a dis­ In- a decision reached Dec, 3, the dition that county authorities order Shelburne. Polinksy talked the Japanese in­ deadlines will be met. grace and I ’m in agreement we appeals court upheld a lower court a countywide re-cycling program to That mling w as in connection vestors into turning over shares in ’Told Cassam assina to schedule should take whatever group action rubn^ that Blatt and his partner hid reduce the total amount of garbage with a,suit filed in 1977 by the Am- the project to them . then sold those a meeting with H M D C officials to is necessary to stop it now «$1 million in sales proceeds of a collected in all 16 towns in the coun­ brosios, represented by Newark at­ shares to the M alamuts without tell­ learn the exact nature of the con­ Mayor Stuart Veale of Ridgefield proposed casino facility from a pair ty so that it does not exceed 1.100 torney Miivyn H. Bergstein. ing the Ambrosios. sent agreement: arrange another and Guida also plan to petition the of investors. tons a day-the amount presently Blatt was represented by Clive Sullivan's ruling, upheld by the dumped by the other 11 Passaic meeting with legislators from Governor concerning the location of to hj* 1M3 ruling, former state Cummis. appeals court, w as that this violated County communities. Bergen and Passaic Counties, along a proposed resource recovery plant Justice JJarii Sul­ In issuing his ruling, Sullivan' -the agreement that the partners had with the majority and minority in Ridgefield The town of Ridge­ liva n ,. temporarily assign** to hear called tbe case one of the most to share the available equity and The county also agreed to pick a leaders in both the State Senate and field is vehemently opposed to the ' complex he had ever seen. ordered-the Ambroses' ffee for a resource recovery plant State Assembly location of the plant there and, ac­ “ & In their half tba fl. oviUion secret profit less by February 1 and have a landfill in *Ask Governor Kean for a cording to Guida, most of the resi­ -law Je rry Polineky of argued that they had expenditures, plus intiraatahdtit Operation by December 1, 1987. ac­ meeting with him and Department dents of Lyndhurst want it located P ®^ ** million to there. agreement with BlMt wd.f>otinsky additional 1214,999 plus interest for cording to Casamassina. He also of Environmental Commissioner r in d Gabriel Ambrosio. on the Shelburne casino hotel a buyout agreement lie and pointed out that, as part of the Robbert E Hughey to get an under­ "I can ’t understand how people •The II itiillion was the amount project. Polinsky held with them. agreement, the H M D C got. for the standing once and for all concerning think." Guida said. "Who ever Blatt and Polinksy hid from the first time, an actual date to termi­ heard of a town wanting a resource •Despite a series of investment Although named in the lawsuit, the intolerable garbage dumping Ambroelos when Blatt sold shares nate all dumping of garbage from recovery plant? But. most of the moves, financial transactions and Polinksy filed for bankruptcy and situation in the Meadowlands. was severed from the case. Passaic County towns in the residents of Lyndhurst believe it Meadowlands. •Guida picked up on Presto s will be better than what we have so remarks concerning the unity of we wanted it We fought for it. But "It seems to me I ’ve heard these purpose of the mayors committee D o l l s , e g g they wouldn't let us have it and a t l i b r a r y kinds of deadlines and promises for He also won approval of a motion to instead are forcing it on the town of at least 10 years, " said Mayor Hen­ establish a comprehensive political Ridgefield where nobody wants it. Thlsjnonth the Lyndhurst Public ry Hill of Kearny. I don’t believe Greg Kushla of Lyndhurst. Mr. action committee in which all the It’s all politics and I want to bring Library is featuring the foreign doll Kushla has provided some very they will be met unless we. as a Meadowlands towns would partici­ the matter before the Governor and collection of Lee Kuenzle and the group, do something to show that pate. beautiful exam ples of intricately Commissioner Hughey personally Ukranian egg painting of .Greg the residents and officials in all the designed Ukranian Easter eggs. " I agree this is not a partisan to see if we can't turn that order Kushla. Meadowlands towns just aren’t Each egg is a masterpiece of de­ issue." he said. I'm a Democrat and around The doll collection is displayed tailed patterns and symbology. The downstairs and contains dolls from painstaking process of how these around the world. Each doll is eggs are created is shown: the dif­ 1984 Variety show uniquely dressed In its native cos­ ferent stages of designing, waxing at high school tume: representatives include dolls and dyeing are represented. from the Chinese Refugee Or­ As a recognized master of the art ganization, an apple head Indian of Pysanky.
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