BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Meeting Date: September 25, 2020 1 BOARD ROSTER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY County Member Alternate Ventura: Brian Humphrey (Chair) Tony Trembley 1 vote Citizen Representative Mayor VCTC Board City of Camarillo VCTC Board Los Angeles: Ara Najarian (Vice-Chair) Walter Allen, III 4 votes Mayor Council Member City of Glendale City of Covina Metro Board Metro Appointee Kathryn Barger Roxana Martinez Supervisor, 5th District Metro Appointee County of Los Angeles Metro Board Paul Krekorian Pam O’Connor Councilmember, 2nd District Metro Appointee City of Los Angeles Metro Board Hilda Solis Paul Philips Supervisor, 1st District Metro Appointee County of Los Angeles Metro Board San Bernardino: Larry McCallon (2nd Vice-Chair) Javier Dutrey* 2 votes Mayor Mayor City of Highland City of Montclair SBCTA Board SBCTA Board Alan D. Wapner Ray Marquez* Council Member Council Member City of Ontario City of Chino Hills SBCTA Board SBCTA Board SCRRA Board of Directors Roster Page 2 Orange: Andrew Do Mark A. Murphy* 2 votes Supervisor, 1st District Mayor County of Orange City of Orange OCTA Board OCTA Board Doug Chaffee Supervisor, 4th District County of Orange OCTA Board Riverside: Andrew Kotyuk Brian Berkson* 2 votes Mayor Pro Tem Mayor City of San Jacinto City of Jurupa Valley RCTC Board RCTC Board Karen Spiegel Jeff Hewitt* Supervisor, 2nd District Supervisor, 5th District County of Riverside County of Riverside RCTC Board RCTC Board EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS San Diego Association of Governments: [CURRENTLY AWAITING APPOINTMENT] Contact: Linda Culp Principal Planner – Rail Southern California Association of Governments: Art Brown Mayor, City of Buena Park State of California: John Bulinski District Director, Caltrans District 7 Alternate: Paul Marquez Deputy District Director for Planning, Caltrans District 7 *Alternate represents either member Updated: 07.17.20 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 – 10:00 AM RIVERSIDE CONF RM, 12TH FL 900 WILSHIRE BLVD LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 ONLINE ACCESS: HTTPS://METROLINKTRAINS.COM/MEETING IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. NEWSOM'S EXEC ORDER N-29-20 SIGNED 3/17/2020 AGENDA DESCRIPTIONS The agenda descriptions are intended to give notice to members of the public of a brief general description of items of business to be transacted or discussed. The posting of the recommended actions does not indicate what action will be taken. The Authority may take any action that it deems to be appropriate on the agenda item and is not limited in any way by the notice of the recommended action. The Chair reserves the right to discuss the items listed on the agenda in any order. A person with a disability may contact the Board Secretary’s office at (213) 452-0255 or via email [email protected] at least 72-hours before the scheduled meeting to request receipt of an agenda in an alternative format or to request disability-related accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meeting. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION The agenda, staff reports and supporting documentation are available from the Board Secretary, located at 900 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1500, Los Angeles, CA 90017, and on the Metrolink website at www.metrolinktrains.com under About > Agendas & Documents. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS AND ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Members of the public wishing to address the Board of Directors regarding any item appearing on the agenda or any item not on the agenda, but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, may do so by completing a Speaker’s Form and submitting it to the Board Secretary. All speakers will be recognized by the Chairman and will be considered under Item 5 (Public Comment). When addressing the Board, please state your name for the record. Please address the Board as a whole through the Chair. Please note comments to individual Board members or staff are not permitted when addressing the Board. A speaker’s comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Board of Directors Meeting Meeting Date: September 25, 2020 2 1. Call to Order 2. Safety Briefing 3. Special Board Recognition 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Roll Call 6. Public Comment 7. Approval of Consent Calendar Items: 12A - 12Q. All Consent Calendar items are listed at the end of the agenda. 8. REGULAR CALENDAR 8.A Adoption of the Authority's Proposed FY2020-21 Operating and Capital Program Budgets The Authority is required, under the Joint Powers Authority (JPA), to provide to its Member Agencies, on or before May 1 of each year, a Proposed Budget for the coming fiscal year (effective July 1, the start of the fiscal year) for individual agency consideration and approval. The impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) disrupted the ability of the Authority to transmit a proposed budget by the annual deadline. On July 24, 2020, the Board approved the transmission of a budget incorporating the fiscal realities from COVID-19 to the Member Agencies. AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE conducted a public hearing on the Authority’s Proposed FY21 Budget; and AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDED the Board: 1. Adopt the Proposed FY21 Budget including: 2. Approve a mid-year budget review with potential adjustments to the FY21 Budget; 3. Approve a cash threshold increase from $25,000,000 to $50,000,000 to provide a level of liquidity sufficient to sustain operations for six (6) months in the wake of a catastrophic event; and 4. Adopt the FY21 Salary Resolution. Approval of this item will result in the adoption of this budget and provide the fiscal authority for the FY2020-21 Operating and Capital Program Budgets. Board of Directors Meeting Meeting Date: September 25, 2020 3 8.B Recovery Plan Framework Last month, counties across Southern California made progress in terms of reducing the spread of COVID-19. As a result, some of the counties we serve are beginning to allow businesses and some schools to re-open in a more measured way, and as established by State guidelines. Four of the six counties we serve are listed as Tier 4 Widespread on the state tracking list. Two counties – Orange and San Diego – are listed as Tier 3, Substantial spread. It appears that the other four counties in which we operate are trending towards Tier 3 and may be out of Tier 4 shortly. This progress is very important to our recovery. Over the last few months, staff has presented updates on the development of the Recovery Plan Framework. Today, staff is presenting the Recovery Plan Framework for formal approval. It is recommended that the Board: 1. Approve the Final Draft Recovery Plan Framework; and 2. Receive and File the update on our recovery efforts. 8.C Coronavirus Health and Safety Measures Prioritization Resolution The Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) system is critical to thousands of essential employees who are keeping Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties operating during the public health crisis. All essential workers in five counties, including Metrolink employees and contractors, are the unsung heroes of this public health crisis; and SCRRA recognizes its responsibility to each passenger and employee to help them travel safely to their destination and back home to their families in good health. The Board may adopt the resolution. There is no budget impact as a result of adopting this resolution. 9. Chief Executive Officer's Report Authority Update 10. Board Members' Comments 11. Chair's Comments 12. CONSENT CALENDAR 12.A Approval of Meeting Minutes - August 21, 2020 Special Board Meeting It is recommended that the Board approve the Minutes of the August 21, 2020 Special Board Meeting. Board of Directors Meeting Meeting Date: September 25, 2020 4 12.B July Legislative Update Staff provided an update on current legislative affairs. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE received and filed this report. 12.C Contract No. L175-20 - Federal Legislative Representation Services - Recommendation to Award - Chambers, Conlon & Hartwell, LLC, Kadesh & Associates, Potomac Partners DC (PPDC) The Authority requires federal legislative advocacy services to maintain strategic relations and achieve policy priorities with the Administration, Congress, federal transportation agencies and regulatory bodies. These services are necessary to meet long-term service and funding goals of the Authority. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) that the Board authorize the Chief Executive Officer to: 1. Award Contract No. L175-20, Federal Legislative Representation Services, subject to resolution of any protest timely filed, to a bench of qualified firms as listed below: L175A-20 – Chambers, Conlon & Hartwell, LLC L175B-20 – Kadesh & Associates L175C-20 – Potomac Partners DC (PPDC) 2. Approve a not-to-exceed contract funding authorization amount of $720,000 for the base term for the Bench advocacy services. The term of each contract shall be for one two-year base, with two two-year options that may be exercised at the sole discretion of the Authority. The amounts for which contract authority is requested, are included in, and are contingent upon the adoption of the Proposed FY2020-21 Operating Budget ($360,000). Funding for subsequent years will be requested through the annual budget or an equivalent process. There is no financial commitment with respect to subsequent years and work will be authorized only if funding is approved. 12.D Contract No. L176-20 - State Legislative Representation Services - Recommendation to Award - Shaw Yoder Antwih Schmelzer & Lange The Authority requires an advocacy team to provide State Legislative Board of Directors Meeting Meeting Date: September 25, 2020 5 Representation Services. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED (5-0) that the Board authorize the Chief Executive Officer to award Contract No. L176-20 for State Legislative Representation Services to Shaw Yoder Antwih Schmelzer & Lange in an amount not-to-exceed $240,000 over the two year base period of Contract with two two-year options that may be exercised at the sole discretion of the Authority.
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