References Wonham Linear Multivariable Control – A Geometric Approach, Summer School 3rd edition, Springer Verlag, 1985. on Time Delay Equations and Control Theory Dobbiaco, June 25–29 2001 Basile and Marro Controlled and Conditioned Invariants in Linear Sys- tem Theory, Prentice Hall, 1992 Trentelman, Stoorvogel and Hautus Control Theory for Linear Systems, Springer Verlag, Linear Control Theory 2001 Giovanni MARRO∗, Domenico PRATTICHIZZO‡ Early References Basile and Marro Controlled and Conditioned Invariant Subspaces in Linear System Theory, Journal of Optimization The- ∗DEIS, University of Bologna, Italy ory and Applications, vol. 3, n. 5, 1969. ‡DII, University of Siena, Italy Wonham and Morse Decoupling and Pole Assignment in Linear Multivari- able Systems: a Geometric Approach, SIAM Journal on Control, vol. 8, n. 1, 1970. d Introduction to Control Problems u Σ y Consider the following figure that includes a controlled system (plant) Σ and a controller Σr, with a feedback part Σ and a feedforward part Σ . c f Σr rp e d1 d2 Fig. 1.2. A reduced block diagram. + rp r e u y1 Σf + Σc + Σ _ y2 In the above figure d := {d1,d2}, y := {y1,y2,d1}. Σr All the symbols in the figure denote signals,repre- sentable by real vectors varying in time. The plant Σ is given and the controller Σr is to be Fig. 1.1. A general block diagram for regulation. designed to (possibly) maintain e(·)=0. Both the plant and the controller are assumed to be linear (zero state and superposition property). • rp previewed reference The blocks represent oriented systems (inputs, out- • r reference puts), that are assumed to be causal. • y controlled output 1 In the classical control theory both continuous-time • y2 informative output systems and discrete-time systems are considered. • e error variable • u manipulated input • d1 non-measurable disturbance • d2 measurable disturbance 0 t 0 k 1 2 cr An example r va ω + e PI M PI controller _ K amplifier motor T + ω cr + 1 + r e T z va _ vc Fig. 1.4. The simplified block diagram. Σ w e tachometer e u Σ y Fig. 1.3. The velocity control of a dc motor. Σr The PI controlled yields steady-state control with no Fig. 1.5. The reduced block diagram. error. This property is robust against parameter variations, In Fig. 1.5 w accounts for both the reference and provided asymptotic stability of the loop is achieved. the disturbance. The control purpose is to achieve a This is due to the presence of an internal model of “minimal” error e intheresponsetow. the exosystem that reproduces a constant input sig- If w is assumed to be generated by an exosystem Σe nal (an integrator). like in the previous example, the internal model en- Thus, a step signal r of any value is reproduced with sures zero stedy-state error. no steady-state error and the disturbance cr is steady- This approach can easily be extended to the multi- state rejected. This is called a type 1 controller. variable case with geometric techniques. Similarly, a double integrator reproduces with no Modern approaches consider, besides the internal steady-state error any linear combination of a step model, the minimization of a norm (H2 or H∞)of and a ramp and rejects disturbances of the same type the transfer function from w to e to guarantee a sat- This is a type 2 controller. isfactory transient. 3 4 A more complex example Mathematical Models reduction controller gear Let us consider the velocity control of a motor shown rp in Fig. 1.3 and its reduced block diagram (Fig. 1.5): + delay r e Σ w e motor e u Σ y v0 gage transducer d Σr Fig. 1.6. Rolling mill control. Mathematical model of Σ: dia This example fits the general control scheme given in va(t)=Ra ia(t)+La (t)+vc(t) (1.1) Fig. 1.1. dt dω The gage control has an inherent transportation de- cm(t)=Bω(t)+J (t)+cr(t) (1.2) dt lay. If the aim of the control is to have given amounts of material (in meters) at a specified thickness, it is In (1.1) va is the applied voltage, Ra and La the arma- necessary to have a preview of these amounts, that is ture resistance and inductance, ia and vc the armature taken into account with the delay. current and counter emf, while in (1.2) cm is the mo- Of course, this preview can be used with negligible tor torque, B, J,andω the viscous friction coefficient, error if the cilinder rotation is feedback controlled by the moment of inertia, and the angular velocity of the measuring the amount of material with a type 2 con- shaft, and cr the externally applied load torque. troller. Mathematical model of Σr: Thus, robustness is achieved with feedback and makes dz 1 feedforward (preview control) possible. (t)= e(t) (1.3) There are cases in which preaction (action in advance) dt T on the controlled system significantly improves track- va(t)=Ke(t)+z(t) (1.4) ing of a reference signal. The block diagram shown where z denotes the output of the integrator in the in Fig. 1.1 also accounts for these cases. PI controller. 5 6 Their state space representation is The overall system (controlled system and controller) can be represented with a unique mathematical model ofthesametype: x˙(t)=Ax(t)+B1 u(t)+B2 d(t) (1.5) y(t)=Cx(t)+D1 u(t)+D2 d(t) xˆ˙(t)=Aˆxˆ(t)+Bˆ1 u(t)+Bˆ2 d(t) (1.7) T yˆ(t)=Cˆ xˆ(t)+Dˆ u(t)+Dˆ d(t) where for Σ, x := [ia ω] , u := va, d := cr, y := ω and 1 2 −R /L −k /L T A = a a 1 a where for x := [ia ωz] , u := r, d := cr y := ω and k2/J −B/J − − 1/La 0 Ra/La (k1 + K)/La 1/La B1 = B2 = 0 −1/J Aˆ = k2/J −B/J 0 0 −1/T 0 C = 01 D =0 D =0 1 2 K/La 0 while for Σr, xr := z, ur := e, yr := va and Bˆ1 = 0 Bˆ2 = −1/J 1 0 Ar =0 Br =1/T Cr =1 Dr = K Cˆ = 010 Dˆ1 =0 Dˆ2 =0 Mathematical model of Σe: The regulator design problem is: determine T and K dr dc such that the system (1.7) is internally stable,i.e.the =0 r =0 (1.6) dt dt eigenvalues of Aˆ have stricly negative real parts and this property is maintained in presence of admissible This corresponds to an autonomous system (without parameter variations. T input) having xe = y := [rcr] and 00 10 A = C = e 00 e 01 7 8 If only its behavior with respect to step inputs must State Space Models be considered, the overall system in Fig. 1.3 can be represented as the autonomous system Continuous-time systems: x˙(t)=Ax(t)+Bu(t) (1.9) xˆ˙(t)=Aˆxˆ(t) y(t)=Cx(t)+Du(t) (1.8) yˆ(t)=Cˆ xˆ(t) with the state x ∈X = Rn,theinput u ∈U= Rp,the output y ∈Y= Rq and A, BC, D real matrices of suit- T able dimensions. The system will be referred to as the where for x := [ia ωzrcr] , y := ω and quadruple (A, B, C, D)orthetriple (A, B, C)ifD =0. Most of the theory will be derived referring to triples since extension to quadruples is straightforward. −Ra/La −(k1 + K)/La 1/La K/La 0 − − k2/J B/J 001/J Discrete-time systems: ˆ = 0 −1 01 0 A /T 00000 x(k+1) = A x(k)+B u(k) 00000 d d (1.10) y(k)=Cd x(k)+Dd u(k) ˆ C = 01000 Recall that a continuous-time system is internally asymptotically stable iff all the eigenvalues of A be- The regulator design problem is: determine T and K long to C− (the open left half plane of the complex such that the autonomous system (A,ˆ Cˆ)isexternally plane) and a discrete-time system is internally asymp- stable, i.e., limt→∞ y(t) = 0 for any initial state and totically stable iff all the eigenvalues of Ad belong to this property is maintained in presence of admissible C (the open unit disk of the complex plane). parameter variations. In the discrete-time case a significant linear model is also the FIR (Finite Impulse Response) system, defined by the finite convolution sum N − y(k)= l=0 W (l) u(k l) (1.11) where W (k)(k =0,...,N)isaq × p real matrix, re- ferred to as the gain of the FIR system, while N is called the window of the FIR system. 9 10 Transfer Matrix Models Geometric Approach (GA) By taking the Laplace transform of (1.9) or the Z transform of (1.10) we obtain the transfer matrix rep- resentations Geometric Approach: is a control theory for multivari- able linear systems based on: Y (s)=G(s) U(s)with (1.12) G(s)=C (sI − A)−1 B + D • linear transformations and • subspaces ( )= ( ) ( )with Y z Gd z U z (The alternative approach is the transfer function ap- −1 (1.13) Gd(z)=Cd (zI − Ad) Bd + Dd proach) respectively. The geometric approach consists of The H2 norm in the continuous-time case is • an algebraic part (theoretical) ∞ 1/2 1 ∗ • G2 = tr G(jω) G (jω) dω (1.14) an algorithmic part (computational) 2π −∞ ∞ 1/2 Most of the mathematical support is developed in = tr g(t) gT(t) dt (1.15) coordinate-free form, to take advantage of simpler 0 and more elegant results, which facilitate insight into where g(t) denotes the impulse response of the system the actual meaning of statements and procedures; the (the inverse Laplace transform of G(s)), and in the computational aspects are considered independently discrete-time case it is of the theory and handled by means of the standard π 1/2 methods of matrix algebra, once a suitable coordinate 1 jω ∗ jω Gd2 = tr Gd(e ) G (e ) dω (1.16) system is defined.
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