ISSUE34 DGE:a link,atie, a borrd,an afliance, TO{ER BRIDGE,TONDON -* aconneclion.tobandtoqether, to unifq, Nov. 1988 Courtesyo/ MusicalInstrument Division, Yamaha Music Corporation, USA CONTESTS,CONTESTS, CONTESTS CANADIAN BAND BUILDS THEIR Interestin NABBA'sPREMIER NABBA and Vsriotionson Terra Beata by James "owN PlAcE" VIDEO COMPETITION is rising.The Curnow as well as featuringeuphonium deadlinefor entrieshas been moved to soloistJoel Pugh on Gregson'sSymphonic November1, 1988 to enablethose inter- Rhapsody.As part of the weekend'sactiv- estedgroups to producetheir video. Selec- ities,the BBC will hold an open rehearsal ted judgesfor this eventare Paul Droste, Fridayevening with all contestparticipants EarlyJune 1987 saw the sod turned on Presidentof NABBAand Conductorof the invited.I attendedan open rehearsalof land leased to us by the Chester Village Brass Band of Columbus;Mike Swaffar, Black Dyke at the 1985 EuropeanBrass Church commission. During July and NABBA's Treasurer and accomplished Band Championshipsand found that this August the main building was erected by musician;and yourstruly, K.D. Kneeburg, typeof exerciseis valuable for conductors as Roger Aalders (Bb tuba) and Ron Murphy Vice Presidentof NABBA and formercon- wellas bandmembers. (solo horn) and a variety of helpers from the ductorof SunshineBrass. The Technical TESTPIECES CHOSEN band and friends. Work parties were ongo- Advisorwill be ReeseEdwards from North ing and we were able to get permission to CarolinaState University. My videoplayer is TheChampionship Division test piece is move in in January(1988). Finishing touches warmedup and I amready to beentertained Plantagenetsby Edward Gregson.This are still to be done, but we hope to have the so hurry with thoseentries! workwas the 1973 RegionalQualifying Test official opening early this month. The main Piecefor the NationalBrass Band Cham- CHAMPIONSHIPSvII rehearsalhall is upstairsand featuresdouble pionships(Great Britain). It is publishedby doors leadingto a balcony on which we hope The seventhannual NORTH AMERI- R. Smith. to do some outdoor concerts.Half of the cost CAN BRASS BAND CHAMPION. Honors Division barids will be chal- for the deck was donated by the widow and SHIPS will be held in Asheville.North lengedwith GustavHolst's famous A Moor- relatives of the late Carl Hiltz who was a Carolinaon the weekend of April14lIS/16 side Suite.This memorabletest piecewas valued member of the cornet section for at the AshevilleCivic Center. Host hotel. writtenin 1928 for the CrystalPalace Con- many years,and this will be dedicated to his The QualityInn on the Plaza,will accom- test (Great Britain). It is published by memory. Downstairs will have a recreation modateall participatingbands as well as R. Smith. area, a library, kitchen facilities and wash- audiencemembers. Entry packetswere Americancomposer Stephen Bulla has rooms, and storage room. Many businesses mailed out to all brassbands early this written a new work entitled City Scopes and individuals have donated services, month.If youneed further information con- which will be used as the ChallengeDivi- materials,and cash along with some govern- cerning entry, contact J. Perry Watson sion's test piece. Published by Rosehill ment funding, to enable this dream to come (addresson page 4). Deadlinefor entry is Music.one of the movementswill test the true, and so far we have been able to stay out February13, 1989 and mustbe submitted bands'jazzstyle. of debt. Just to have our own facility has to Bert Wiley, Contest Host, (addresson EnglishCountry Scenesby Eric Ball is proved to be a tremendous asset,and well page4). the selectionfor the Youth Division.Pub- worth all the work required to achieve our lishedby PaxtonMusic, this three movement "own place"! In just sevenyears the band has SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL compositionwas commissioned specially for fully equipped itself with top quality instru- The bandchosen to performthe GALA the Youth Sectionof the 1971 National ments, uniforms, extensive library and now CONCERTatChampionships VII isa band Finalsfor the NationalBrass Band Cham- our band hall. pionshipsof GreatBritain. we all know and admire.The BrassBand of - Gordon McGowan, Conductor Columbus,winner of the Championship From the Editorsto all entering bands GOOD LUCK! Divisionof the 1986,1987 and 1988 Qon- tests,has been asked to performthe Satur- day eveningGala Concert.They are plan- ning to play Ruslonand Ludmilo(Glinka) continued on page 6 2 rxa sRAssseND BRTDGE ON THE BANDSTAND c'5 The Brighouse and Rastrick Band Conducted by Adrian Leaper and Derek Broadbent lEws POLYPHONIC) PRL 031D Side One:1. The British Bandsman (Broadbent),2. Romance from The Godt'ly Officialpublication of the North American By Don Kneeburg (Shostakovitch/Broadbent).3. Alpine Samba BrassBand Association. (Broadbent),4. Napoli (Bellstedt/Brand),5. Jubilee Overture (Sparke). For,obout ond by British-typebross bonds throughoutNorth America. JAMES SHEPHERD Side Two: 1. Rhythm and Blues (Sparke), VERSATILE BRASS 2. Carnivalof Venice (Arban/Catherall),3. Editor..... KorenD. Kneeburg (POLYPHONIC)PRL035D March to the Scaffold (Berlioz/Wilkinson), 'Lakme' Assistont 4. Flower Duet from (Delibes/ Side The Editor.....Don W.Kneeburg One: 1. Arrivalof the Queenof Sparke), 5. Overture: Waverley (Berliozl (Handel/Hopkinson), Sheba 2. Moonlight Snell). 17304 LynnetteDr., Lutz, FL 33549 in Vermont(Blackburn & Suessdorf/Charle- €l3t 949.1022 This album. which is also availableon son),3. LongJohn's Hornpipe (Wiggins), 4. compact disc. was recorded in 1986 and LazybonesBlues (Phillips). 5. ThreeEnglish 1987 aI two different locations. Derek MEMBERSHIPDUES: (Arnold/Walker). Dances Broadbent conducts side one with great lndividual .. .. $ 20.00 successand a great sound from the Band in fusociate 10.00 Side Two. 1. Rhythmand Blues(Sparke), that recordingsite. Side two isconducted by Memberband 50.00 2. The LittleWhite Donkey (lbert/Hopkin- Adrian Leaper in an environment that has Corporate 100.00 son),3. Fantasieand Variations(Arban/ littlereverberation and givesthe band a dull Sustaining 250.00 Hopkinson).4. Three Miniatures(Barry). sound.The new march. The BritishBonds- Patron 500.00 TheJames Shepherd Versatile Brass is a mon,by Derek Broadbentis well craftedbut Leadership 1000.00 twelvemember ensemble with conductor breaksno new ground in form or harmony. Moil to: Garry E. Cutt.The instrumentationincludes The Romonce is a excellent transcription David Pickett,Membership Chairman 4418 BlackstoneCourt four players(doubling on cornet/trumpet/ and should be a part of every band'slibrary. Bloomington.IN 47401 piccolo trumpet/flugelhorn),one tenor Broadbent'sA lpine Sombois also a popular horn,tenor and basstrombone, euphonium, number which U.S. bands could utilizewell tuba, a keyboard player, and two per- in program building.Nopo/i isperformed by The North Americon Brass Bond cussionists.As the nameimplies the group cornetistRoger Webster and is an excellent proudly Associotion recognizesthe performsa widevariety of musicfrom classi- example of polished workmanship. This lollowing for their support: calto blues.The founderof the ensemble. reviewerwould like a littlemore excitement. JamesShepherd, was forten years principal but it is well played. Philip Sparke'sJubilee 'highlight' cornetwith the Black Dyke Mills band and is Ouerture, is another from this a legendin hisown right.The tenor hornist is young composer.and it is the type of com- LEADERSHIPMEMBERS: GordonHigginbottom who will be remem- positionthat could servewell as an opening MusicalInstrument Division beredfor his excellentperformance at the or closing number. YamahaMusic Corporation,USA NABBA Championshipin Indianapolis. Side two of the album. as mentioned GRANDRAPIDS. MICHIGAN Theother members are also fine instrumen- earlier.suffers from a lack of reverberation talists.The two soloistsfeatured are bass and asa resultgives the band a lifelesscolor. CORPORATEMEMBERS: trombonistDavid Dransfield on Lazgbones Rhythm and Blues by Sparke is a difficult Boosey& HawkesBand Festivals B/ues.and cornetistSteven Ridler with the number for ensembleprecision and suffers MIDDLESEX.ENGLAND Arban Fantasie and Variations. Mr. on the recordingfrom a lack of communica- The SelmerCompany Dransfieldis an excellenttrombonist and tion between percussionistsand band. A ELKHART.INDIANA performswell in the bluesstyle but playsa good work but not easyto put together.(A little on the sharp side of the pitch. Mr. better performance can be heard on the AllegroBand Music Ridler,who playsa good dealof flugelon album.) AUCKLAND.NEW ZEALAND James Shepherd Versatile Brass the album,presents a goodperformance of Robert Childs performs the Carniuol of Purdy'sBrass Connection the Arban work but playsa little on the flat Venice with his usual outstanding techni- RALEIGH.NORTH CAROLINA side.The VersatileBrass as a whole per- que. This performance includes cadenzas RayburnTours, Ltd. formsvery well but this reviewerwould like which were a part of the duet version per- DERBY.ENGLAND to hear a better quality of music. The formed at the 1984 Great Britain National transcriptionsare already established Championships.Robert continues to be the StudioMusic Company piecesin the repertoireand they work well LONDON.ENGLAND best example of euphonium performance for thegroup. It isthe newerliterature on the today. The transcription olthe Morch to the 'dead' album that sufferswhen comparedto the Scot'fold does not work well in the old.Not thatthe old is betterthan the new, acoustics
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