182 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER-TWENIETII CENTURY STATE EDITION. California, and after while thus engaged he learned many & inches, sto pound in ten pound caddies; i San Bernardino, practical lessons which have since PILOT BANK TRUST CO. “Sweet Cream” —6 inches, 4 /j to pound spending six months in this position he been x t Company of great service to him. In 1875 lie in 10 pound caddies, and “Dodson’s bought the Snn Bernardino mov- oldest land ed to Pilot Mountain to engage in the Best,” —12 inches, 3 to pound, which Bureau, at that time the business. Without friends is something extra fine. They make company in existence in the United tobacco and A Solid Banking Institution Which is Conclude J successfully Pilot Mountain in the face of great difficulties he liegan large quantities of goods to order and States. He ran, this for his career as a tobacco manufacturer Upon the Most Approved Methods. solicit contracts. about a year, when he accepted n |>osi- which, since the out set, has been Dodson Brothers also operate the Pied- tion with the San Francisco Examiner, mark- Its doing industnial work In Southern ed by wonderful success. No man has Remarkable Growth. mont roller mill, which is located on Creek, two a half miles from Tiring of California ho been more closely identified with the Pilot mountain enjoys many advant- Tom’s and California. growth x>rogress of These gentlemen, are returned to Texas and accepted fiho and his town, and ages as a town not possessed by other Pilot Mountain. no one has contributed more size. widely known for their business energy, business management of the Victoria abundantly towns of equal or even larger Victoria, Texas, he of efforts and means to bring about the public spiritness and general progressive- Times-, at where such Among these should be 'mentioned all that they remained for one year, ,nnd built up and Progres- advancement. In a word, Mr. Marion Pilot Bank and Trust Company which ness. They are leaders in Beautiful, Live - v that in A '¦¦¦•' •'* «• * of paper a u hand- 48} ;* : 4 • : - ' ' good of their town the business is a town builder, and being a man of organized April 1896 with $lO,- believe to*be for the was Ist, consequently deserving of that some manner. He was then offered the most practical, and conservative bus- capital. are: and are 000 The officers always due big a position on the Houston Daily Post, iness ideas lie has won the esteem and <>. credit which is hearted G. Key—President. Houston, Texas, on the reportorial confidence of all who know him. J. C. Dodson—Vice-President, and philanthropic citizens. at staff, which he accepted and for almost sive Little City in Wes- His tobacco factory is a handsome J. A. Stone—Cashier. two years was connected with that pa- four story building, 50x100 feet, equip- men represent the most reliable These MARION. per, which he went with the Gal- ped by all of the latest improved ma- and substantial business men of the town HOTEL after chinery by veston News as Railroad Corresjiondent and run steam. He has enjoy the trust and confidence of eighty and for Houston, which position lie filled about hands constantly in his em- all who have dealings with the bank. C. ploy and manufactures all grades with credit and ability. tern N. of is eminently fitted Mr. Stone, cashier, Mountain Hotel. J. E. Becoming tired of working for other chewing tobacco. His leading office, a man The Original Pilot Mrs. brands to fill his responsible being papers, Mr. Poland started the Sunday are: “Honest Boy,” “Daniel Boone” capacity, polish- bud of great business and a King the Popular Proprietress. at Houston, a paper devoted to “Our Pet,” all plugs, and which gentleman. Times find ed and courteous society, literature, sporting, ete. 'lbis ready sale in local as well as dis- growth of this bank since its or- For twelve years this house has been more The paper he ran for about eighteen months tant markets. The greater part of his ganization and the conducted, as the original has been remarkable known and and finding that it was not a good finan- goods are sold in South Carolina and show, that since that date, 20 is now books Pilot Mountain Hotel. The house cial venture disomtinued the publication Baltimore. cent, has been paid to the stock King, LOCATEO AT THE FOOT OF per being conducted by Airs. J. E. of the same, and refunded, back to his subscription are now MARION’S WAREHOUSE holders. The books daughter of Air. Daniel Marion, owner subscribers a pro rata of the amount open, by the first of January, 1900, hotel Is a two story brick and of the property. Heretofore the paid in for subscription, which is by structure, 70x90 bank expects to have its capital feet, which has just been completed. the has been conducted as a one dollar house, way something very rare in the to The bank enlarged, the expects to stock increased $25,000. but the building is now being newspaper business. He then entered Mr. Marion do a much larger is thoroughly equipped with all modern business season, than ever repainted and remodeled, and when these special edition field, and lias gotten Ibis before in improvements which insure the safe the the purchase of leaf improvements have been completed Mr. up editions of representative Old Historic Pilot One of the Health- tobacco. He is -also of It solicits the ac- special Grand keeping deposits. Marion will equip it with handsome new newspapers and publications nil through preparing to increase the output of his merchants, and man- counts of farmers furniture from parlor to dining room. Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky factory. ufacturers, and will extend every ac- This being done, the hotel will Ik* con- and North Carolina. ERA-L ME RCIIANDIS commodation That the account merits. iest Places in America, A Commer- GEN E. verted into a two dollar house and will Air. Poland now Raleigh, For the past twenty-four years Mr. contain twenty-eight handsomely fur- when* lie has I ren sncccs-Milly engaged building Marion has also been in the general J. M. NAPIER, nished rooms. The remodeled the i| e< isil edition field, and has well ill merchandise business. His store is a will be an ornament to the town as also l;eta a.-. : latid with the rrp: r ra- in Notions, most for per- cial Center and Growing com mod ins two story structure, 70x90 Dealer Dry Goods. Etc. as a attractive home either tal ive panels of Cite State. feet, and is well stocked with all kinds The above well known gentleman be- manent or transient hoarders. Pilot Air. i’iland i the manager of the ad- f of goods, suitable for either the town or came identified with the business inter- Mountain has , ru::y attractions as a vertising for liie well known Atlantic country trade. ests of Pilot Mountain about four summer resort and Airs. King will bo Hotel, at Aloii bead City, tmveiing pns- Market. ol Tobacco Mr. Marion is a thoroughly progres- years ago when lie moved here from prepared to netonrmodr.te a number m m.er agent for the Atlantic and North sive and enterprising gentleman. lie has Westfield. Both as a citizen and as a summer boarders. UaiekiiM Railn mb and bis work lor this REV. G. O. KEY. made a nice fortune by hard work and merchant, Air. Napier is wide (awake and Tie hotel has livery sin connection and reason in advertising this resort speaks Among the foot-hills of the great places honest methods and by the same meth- progressive. By keeping in touch with is one of the most Pleasant to for itself, the s -asi n is the largest and Ridge Mounatins of Western North Blue A Substantial and Public-Spirited Citi- ods lie is daily adding to his possessions. the northern cities he is able to advise stop in this entire section. nierg rut<cssful in the history of the ho- Carolina, over shadowed by the wonder- zen. Much more could he said of him as a his patrons as to the latest and most For further particulars, address Air-. tel. The owners are to he congratulated s King, Mountain, C. ful peak of Pilot Mountain, which As a man who has made his influence loyal and patriotic citizen, and as a approved t tyli s. He goes north th fall •T. E. Pilot N. on st curing him in this department. for good widely felt in bis community, successful business man, but our limit- to increase his stock by the purchase of stands as a lone sentinel keeling guard notions, Jiadies’ a Christian gentleman and ns u ed space will not admit. a most complete line of - over a great scope of country, has been Loth as goods. successful business man. Rev. <3. O. wraps and gent’s furnishing JOB HIATT. built the fine and progressive little Key is entitled to prominent mention. WORTH'S MINERAL SPRING, With such an addition to his already of Pilot Mountain, named for the grand Our subject was born and reared on a large stock he will he able to boast of a every old mountain which for years has looked a farm at Oak 11 ill. ten miles west of Worth's Mineral Spring :s near Pilot stock that is complete in dr-tail. Manuf ;clurer of All Kinds of Lumber. Dealer Pilot Mountain. He began his business Miami ain properties.
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