// you seek'a delightful' Choose the best lift and I'ciiiiisiila, took nbout you. —Motto of Michigan, habit will make it pleasant. Seventy-fourth year, No. 27 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1933 Twelve Pages Opposition Developing to EI CONVENTION MANAGER Mason to Get New Hospital, Vetoes of Gov* Comstock To Start Construction Soon, THJtEAT OF LEGlSLATURlC TO PASS BILLS OVER VETO UNDER FEDERAL 1 AC! CAUSING GOVERNOR ALARM. .SICl!; UOVK I'OK l{EU)G,VrIoN OF U,S l^'7 AND I'AVItVfi OP i>l-.S(i. Many Menil)cis Of Governor's Own Party At Odds Witli Leader Old Buildings to be Razed Over Veto Ol' Small Loan Bill And Chain Store Tax ,Stlile (i> In: Alloclitiid 18,000,000 in Bill. Loolt Forward To .Inly 17. KcrhTitl Kflirl', Fnml Iff he C M n DC MCCn WilUam Swartout To Build Hospital By V, ,T, Brown Used for Worlt nellef. s LO II U l\L WIW And Medical Building On Ash Street ]t loolts now as if a considerable number of members of botli the senate With the announcement lhat a fed­ or and liouse would be on hand for the linallties when they occur on July 11. New Lvlkul Hospital To Be Erected Where Ancient Frame Build­ eral appi'opriation of ?18,O0O,000 is to s RVISORSAREIOLB Ordliini'ily the dlty of (inal and forlnal adjournment is a perfunctory matter. bo made available for work relief in ings Now Stand, Worlc To Begin At Once. The liculcnant governor and a few faithfuls gatlicr in that chainber to listen Michigan there is again hope lhat US . SICAKL EXPLAINS SCHOOL to tlie scCretai'y drone off a few pages of matter for tho journal, most of 127 may bo relocated through tVIason FINANCING I'KoULE.MS. William SwarLOut, Mnson contractor, completed arrangements Wednesday, to eliminata two dangerous turns and night for the erection of a modern, fire-proof :i5-bed hospital and medical which consisls of messages from tho governor having to do with executive Legislature Flayed F o v Providing tlinL t\l-3G may bo relocated between blinding to bo erected opposite the court house on the site now occupied by action on vlirious bills passed. While this is going on a sim­ Mason nnd Northvillo as an optional Fcmds For Uiii\'crsil;y And ilar scene is presented in tho house —• rouLo between Lansing and Detroit to Sliite Colli.'igc.s. Lhe American Express building and Lynn Wright's shoe shop. The hospital where tlie spouUer calls the assembly relievo tlic Grand River road of traf­ will join the new McArthur law build­ to order following which tlie clerk fic. p. E. Searl, conty school commis­ ing on the west and the Waller Root sioner, went before the board of sup­ CITY TO BE IMPROVED calls tlie roll and pt'oceeds to spin off SUPERVISORS IN SESSION The relocation of US 127 hns long residence on tho oast. ervisors Thursday morning svitli a BY PROPOSED BUILDING a lot of reading matter pertaining to been a part.of the stale liighway pro­ The now building will replace two approvals and vetoes on bills passed summary of rural school problems. Two of tho city's oldest buildings frame stores which for Lhe pasl 50 gram, LasL winter a promise of im­ Tho board wns called in an adjourned will be razed to make way for the during Lho closing days of tho active 10 EQUALIZE VALUAIiS mediate construction was made city C, ROSS HILLIARD years have marked tho eastern boiin- session. Then some member who has session to equalize valuations but a new hospital to bo constructed by officials and the county road commis­ Mr, Hilliard, clerk of Ingham coun- dai'y of tho business section. It will come bade for the obsequites, primed discussion of school problems took up William I-I. Swartout. The two one- tMICICTINo IIICKK TIIUIISOAY IfV sion provided the right of way was ey, is chairman of tho committee on stand beside tho McArthur building for Lhe occasion, arises in his place AoroURNKD SKS,SION. most of the morning session. story frame buildings have housed now under construction, the new secured at a nominal cost. However, arrangements for tho luinual conven­ numerous enterprises. At one timo nnd in it voi-y formal manner moves the right of way was not secured and Mr. Searl declared that local units Couch building and tlie A, A, Howlett that the house adjourn without date. .an.slng Supervisors rnireil olV Wilh tion of the Michigan County Clerks' must co-operate to tho fullest extciiL they were used by Frank P, Mil- the project has been temporarily shel­ association, Tho clerks are to meet block. Occasions have been known when only Hiiriil fMonibers To l!l(|uali7,e during these times when' financial bury as a monument factory ,Old- White Stucco ved. Tlie relocation would be over a in Lnnsing next week. timers give varying estimates of enough were present to preside and Tux Asse.ssnicnlM. route running southeast from the cor­ problems arc acute, He pointed out White stucco will bo the exterior make Llic motions. that the primary scliool money is to the age of tho buildings although finish used for tho hospital and med­ ner of Cedar and Ash streets to the most old residents agree that the With vetoes having been attached to Members of the Ingham counly corner of Lansing and South streets be reduced one-third, that aid under ical building. The site is a full 66 board of supervisors gathered in Ma­ tho Turner act has boon discontinued two buildings are above tho hnlf- feet in width. The width of Lhe hos- two exceedingly controversial meas- to olimiiiaLo right-angle turns at Ce- contury mark. ui'os, a conccrl'od movement is lacing son Tliui'sday morning to equalize tho diir and Ash streets and Lansing and SIATE'SCOUNiy CLERKS and that consolidated schools are to piLnl is to be 571-.. feet with a depth made to secure Lhe presence of a suffi­ valuations as taken by rurnl supervi­ Ash streets. Many accidents have have transpoi'lalion allowances dras­ of 36 feet for the main building with cient number of members to attempt sors alid city assessors. The statutes happened at both intersections. tically slashed. a 16x26 extension at the rear to house to override the vetoes. provide Lhat assessments shall he M-'Mi on SIsilc Progrliiu BEINGHAiVISIIORS The commissioner also told the sup­ an elevator shaft and a kitchen and .Sinlill hfiiin Veil) equalized at the June meeting of the In 1930 the'State highway depart­ ervisors that the state administrative laundry. Last fitll during the campaign a counLy Ijoai'd, However, when the ment decided to pave M-36 from Ma­ To MEET IN INGHAM COUNTY board has agreed to allow public util­ RECIOfiS The building will be set back 12 great many democratic members took meeting was held June 20 the assess­ son lo Dansville and On south and east THKKE DAYS NKXT WEEK. ities to pay but one-half their levies foot from Llio sidewalk line, Tlie decided stands on the small loan act. ment rolls for tho city of Lansing to Northvillo where the new highway for the primary fund due September spacious lawn Lo the rear and the un­ They prolnised tlie voters of their re­ were not complete and an adjourn­ would connect with a superhighway C. Itoss Hillilircl of Inglnuu, Vice 15 with time extended on t!ie balance RS LSiNDAY used property to tho east and in front spective disLricLs that they would ment was taken until today, into Detroit. This spring the right of Prcslileiil of As.sociitlion, lo be unlil December, Such action will re­ will be landscaped, •rWo DIUECroRS ro HE CHOSEN cither oiiLlitw tho slnall loan and Tho completed Lansing rolls wore way between Mason and Dansville Most; tl) OlorUs. sult in many teachers going without olVicos for Docliirs .'Vr 5IAS0N .MEETING. liousoliold finance available Thui'sdiiy morning. Shortly was widened nnd improved under RFC salary checks earned last yoar, Mr. Upon the first llooi' will bo offices Coiicci'iis or reduce before noon Chairman Claude Edgar work relief. County clerks from most of the S3 Searl said. Ho explained that more for doctors. A.grocmcnts liavc already announced the special committee pair­ Ilt'iivy Voting Exprl'.ted In Diinsvllll!, Lho legal inLerest It is thought that some of the now Michigan counties are to meet in Lan­ than hiilf of the Ingham counLy rural been reached between iVIr. Swartout ings Lo equalize tlie iissessmcnts. In oUorno.s Situation Chluiged rltto to not more fodoritl relief money is to be made sing next Wednesday, Thursday and Leachers have not boon paid in full for and Dr. E. VV. Brubaker, Dr. J. C. Cor­ thiiH most cases Lansing or East Lansing Friday for their 25th annual conven­ the past year's services iind that local From Last Year. ono per cent available for highway building in tlio saut and Dr. D. R, Lethbridge tor of­ niombcfs were paired witli rural silp- per month. At the southern part of the stato. State of­ tion. C. Ross Hilliard, clerk of Ing­ districts intended to use primary fund fice space. An x-ray department is orvisoi's. , It was expecLed that the School districts arc to hold Lhcir an­ conclusion of ono of ticials claim the federal government ham county and first vice president of receipts to pay back wages, Lo bo provided. tho linlLcst rights county solons would complete their the stato association,, is chairman of nual meetings and cloCtions Monday, may insist that the relief money be "More than three-fourths of school Upon tho second Iloor will bo the soon in lt Michigan Uibors Thursday afternoon, tlio'arrangements committee for tlio July 10.
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