4844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE April 7 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS The Bimson Report and American Respon­ opportunity to participate at the time policy We can erect national barriers against is being formulated; the States have voiced sibility to the Indians trade and even against people. But the same complaint. there are no effective barriers against Further, the report goes on to urge disease. With the fantastic increase in EXTENSION OF REMARKS that- the speed ol transportation, tubercu­ o:r A continual and closer relationship should losis in Greece and leprosy in the Pacific HON. ED EDMONDSON be developed with a responsible organiza­ can touch us. Hoof-and-mouth disease tion of the Indians and the State govern­ and rinderpest halfway across the world OF OKLAHOMA ments. may mean the same epidemics here. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These are valid and praiseworthy ob­ As an example of what is being done to Wednesday, April 7, 1954 servations in a report filled with many safeguard us, the World Health Organi­ Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker, on worthwhile comments-which unfortu­ zation has established an international what sensible basis can we judge the nately does not follow its own advice or warning system through a worldwide planning of the Interior Department with adhere to its own statement of basic chain of radio transmitters. Plague, regard to its own agencies? principles in some of its conclusions. cholera, smallpox or other dangerous Yesterday we voted for an appropria­ What is the Bimson report, anyway? diseases anywhere in the world are im­ tion bill providing additional millions for Who is responsible for it? mediately reported to WHO. Facts and the operations of this Department, but How much time was spent in its prep­ figures are at once put on the air. Na­ I am sure that many of us voted for this aration, and how well qualified on In­ tional health services of any nation, as bill with grave questions in our minds dian matters were most of its authors? well as ships at sea and aircraft, are about present Department plans for dis­ Who took part from Oklahoma­ warned in time to take effective action. charging some important responsibili­ America's original Indian Territory, and In our global struggle against commu­ ties of our Government. home of more people of Indian blood nism, one of our principal endeavors is A case in point, of vital concern to than any other State? to keep the free world strong. Disease millions of Americans, is departmental How much attention is devoted to breeds poverty and poverty breeds fur­ planning for the Bureau of Indian Af­ Oklahoma and its Indian problems in the ther disease. International communism fairs. 53 pages of this report? thrives on both. Greece, which only a How can we evaluate that planning If you are interested in the American few years ago survived a Red onslaught, today, and what acceptance has it won Indian, I suggest that you read this re­ had 2 million cases of malaria in 1942 among the Indian people, and among port, and study it well. and bought $1.3 million worth of qui­ persons and organizations keenly inter­ I am preparing for the RECORD a de­ nine. Heavy DDT spraying by 1949 had ested in the American Indians? tailed analysis of the Bimson report, cut the sickness figure one-fortieth at a Aside from testimony of Indian Bureau along with a collection of comments on total cost of $300,000-a million-dollar officials before congressional commit­ it from people with a lifelong concern saving. In the former malaria ridden tees-which has been both qualified and for the Indian people. districts, the average gross income of cautious on most controversial issues­ It is my sincere hope that the Depart­ families has doubled and the area culti­ we have only been supplied one yard­ ment of the Interior will think for a long vated increased by 67 percent. stick to measure current planning. time, and reflect carefully upon our We have built this, the greatest Na­ That yardstick is the Bimson report country's traditional responsibility and tion in the world, on the belief that all otherwise known as the Survey Report the special problems of individual States, men are children of one Infinite Father, on the Bureau of Indian Affairs, dated before this report is accepted as con­ made of the very Essence of His Being. January 26, 1954, and printed by the trolling our Indian policy. To us the individual is sacred, wherever Government Printing Office for the use and whatever he may be. Our duty in of the Committee on Interior and Insu­ its largest sense is to Him. lar Affairs. Today let us emphasize the vital im­ In Oklahoma it has come to be known World Health Day portance of the principal aim of the as the notorious Bimson report and the World Health Organization: To work for infamous Bimson report. the attainment by all peoples of the Recently this report's major Okla­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS highest possible level of health. We homa provision, calling for reorganiza­ o:r join with the rest of tLe world in rejoic­ tion of area omces in Oklahoma, was ing that we have come so far, certain submitted to the vote of more than 500 HON.FRANCESP.BOLTON that together we can make man's life Indians gathered in one town in our OF OHIO on earth an ever more beautiful expe­ State. Only 11 votes were cast in favor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rience. of the survey report's recommendation. Civic clubs, chambers of commerce, Wednesday, April 7, 1954 the governor of our State, practically Mrs. FRANCES P. BOLTON. Mr. W"uetapping every tribal organization and thousands Speaker, today is World Health Day, ob­ of our citizens have joined in denouncing served by the United States and 83 other this report's provisions. member nations in the World Health EXTENSION OF REMARKS The State director of public health in Organization. o:r Oklahoma has stated in writing his ob­ Its theme for 1954 is "The Nurse: jection to the report's proposal on Indian Pioneer of Health," for it was 100 years HON. SAMUEL N. FRIEDEL health. ago that Florence Nightingale began her OJ' li!ABYLAND I do not know of a single responsible historic work in the field hospitals of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Indian leader in Oklahoma who ap­ the Crimean War. Her pioneering care proves of these health recommendations. of the wounded along the shores of the Wednesday, April 7, 1954 In the face of these unfavorable reac­ Black Sea dramatized new patterns of Mr. FRIEDEL. Mr. Speaker, I am op­ tions from an area most vitally affected, preventative and curative methods posed to wiretapping. I believe that it one would expect that this report's Okla­ which are now standard over almost all is a dirty business in any circumstance homa provisions would long ago have the world. and constitutes an unwarranted inva­ been consigned to the nearest waste But how times have changed in that basket. sion of the individual's right of privacy. 100 years. Remarkable scientific ad­ Mr. Justice Holmes labeled it a dirty . This .would appear reasonable, espe­ vances have both helped civilization and business and stated: c1ally smce the report itself points out greatly compounded its problems. For that- We have to choose, and !or my part I today sickness and death at the other think it a less evil that some criminals Complaint is frequently heard that the end of the earth are not months but only should escape than that the Government India~ themselves do not have su11lcient a few hours away from all of us. should play an i~oble part. 1954 ._ (:ON~RESSIONA~ ~CORD- HOUSE 4845 Subsequently the Congress enacted By this statement the proponents of views and activities may be obnoxious to the legislation prohibiting the admission of wiretapping admit the seriousness of the present incumbents of law-enforcement of­ wiretap evidence. problem created by the present existence fices, are being investigated and cataloged. If information gathered from such investiga­ Is there any real and urgent need for of the practice and that the problem is tions · is being· obtained by wiretapping, t~:e Government of the United States to self -evident. · They then go on to advo­ dictographing, or other reprehensible meth­ play an ignoble part? Are we in such cate more of the same on the ground ods, and if it is some day offered as evidence dire danger that resort must be had to that society must be protected against in a Federal criminal trial, the courts may any means, no matter how reprehensible, criminals. have an opportunity to apply the principles to preserve our very existence? Are we If more wiretapping is the solution to of the Boyd case and of the Nardone case. in extremis so that the civil liberties of protect society from criminals, how ef­ But on the other hand, the information may our people must be sacrificed to keep fective is it as a weapon? perhaps never'be offered in such a case, be­ cause the victims of wiretapping and similar this great Republic from coming apart Enforcement officers seem to differ in methods may perhaps never be charged with at the seams? The head of the present their estimates of the value of wiretap­ a · crime. In this event, the information administration of the Government ping. District Attorney Thomas E. may be used in extralegal controversies thinks otherwise. Let me quote from the Dewey called it "one of the best methods where the courts may have no opportunity text of President Eisenhower's address available for uprooting certain types of to adjudicate the matter.
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