THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1934 TOKHANCJC. HBRALD, Torrance, California PACE 3-B 'Wake Up and Dream GEORGE GOES INTO ACTION From Atlantic City Starts Sunday At Fox Redondo Gavnor Washes Coming. "One Night of Love" to Hollywood Scenes Plenty Dishes A constantly changing seen forma tho hackground for "Wnk< In Mew Picture tip and Dreanl,". the! Universe comedy with 'mimic which come has no avci Hrtwthornc Jnnet Otiynop to the Plnza Theatre, In doing a bit of housework Friday anil Saturday, thin week caKionnlly but don't m c n t with RUBS Coiumlio, RoRcr .Pryor wanlilng tllahes to hop! June hjnlght, Cntharlen T)oucc anil Henry Armenia In feature Kor a long1 sequence In her roles. rent Kox Film vehicle, w story opens In a theatre li cornea to the Plaza Theatre. I. The thornc, on Sunday and Monday Atlantic City, switches to nnothc Entrance," th'e tiny sta theatre where a musical coined: "Servants' after .stood at a biff sink and launilnrei IH in rehearsal, and soon piles of dirty platen ward is transferred to New York Invpoalnf? Jun< cutlery and glassware while whither Coiumlio, 1'^yor and Lew Ay res, sat at KnlKht. members of n small-time co-star. "act," flee when one iiitjolnlnK table and passed vaudeville ( untie commentn. really the police. That the dishes were with dirty, Miss Gaynor can testify, iJIa Lee and Dickie Moore, to. the property men had spent a busy "In Love > With Life." aFec half hour beforehand In properly appearing Friday and Saturday at smearing them with various sticky 'the Plaza. .substances that would look renlli tic before the cameras. Torrance Night At Ned Sparks, Walter Connolly Anti-Id Allwyn, Louise Dresser George O'Brien is seen here as he dashes into one of Balboa Play Room ! >. Huntley^ Jr., and Siegfried the thrilling situations with which "The Dude Ranger" Rumann head the supporting --- abounds. Zarie Grey wrote this 'newest O'Brien screen Tuesday, November 6. will of "Servants' Entrance," which Torrance night at the Balboa Play brings the Gay nor-Ay res team vehicle and he provides plenty of excitement and suspense Room, North Mfiln and Ante Kothor for the first, time t. will be seen at the Torrancc "State Fair." for George. The picture Jx>s AngelcH, where free beer Patch" Theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, October 28, 29, 30 free dancing will be offered.' to A Scene From "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage The other half of the doubl patrons. Admission tickets mdV Ue feature bill at the Plaza Sunday ThlH time Grey tells the story of> la "There's Alway __ obtained from any of the loca and Monday Krnest Sclby, sophisticated to Arizona to claim a ranch In Tomorrow." utiirrlns Frank Mor sturdy young easterner, who come stores where Balbou beer Is sold hcrltcd from tils' uncle. Before hi The affair Is . sponsored by" th( Ban and Blnnle Btirncs. has an opportunity to make hi Balboa Brewing Company. A fan Identify known to the ranch man dancer w<ll be one of the features ayer, his suspicions i used by of entertainment. The supply th« disappearance o al liun- tickets available to Torrance At Lomita! di-ed.head of cattle. tronsrMs limltedj so those who plan THEATRE Mistaken foj[ a cowboy In searcl to go should make their arrange­ 24333 Narbonne Ave, of a job, he decides to masquerade ments early. Local dispensers o Phone 243 . iu thls.rola until he has cleared Balboa beer arc 'the Tamous Chll up the mishandling'of the ranch Shop.' Carson" Street Liquor House In the meanwhile, he has .dis­ Chichorcna's, and others. Coming Next Week . covered another reason to exten Thursday, Friday and Saturday his -stay, In the person of" th Nov. 1-2-3 ranch manager's daughter. At Fox Redondo This outstanding picture 4-Star Picture! This Imperious charmer is played the Torrance-Li by Irene Hervey, fascinating young 3, according, to Manager Louis I. Levin "We'especially -invite our newcomer to' films. - Before; tti Fri. and Sat. Torrance friends to s«e this great pictu Mr. Levinson states. picture ha* reached its whirlwind conclusion, these twor have found romr.nce together and I through several breath-taking ad­ A Toast to Love and Romance ventures. sters Meet After. 31 Years KENTON, O. (U.P.) Mrs. Allci Desin for the first time in 3] yea. Visited her sister, Mrs. Juli: Muflxel, whom she believed dead. -mrrt treen -hwtr-unGF- Mrs. 'Degln to her sJste'r recently reiiched its' destination, re-estab­ lishing contact: Then tliey met. The loading roles of "The Rich est Girl In the World" are in th capable hand* of Miriam Hopkin and Joel 1 MeCrea, who will be seen in this ami/sing romantic, fil coming Sunday and Monday, to FRIDAY and SATURDAY the Lomita Theatre. Fay Wray i In her third Paramount starring picture, "Belle'of the also featured. Nineties," coming tonight, Friday and Saturday, October 25, 26 and 27, to the Torrance Theatre, Mae West plays a AH New Fangled t. Louis burlesque queen who becomes the darling of the jay New Orleans of the Nineties. Roger Pryor, John Mack Cooking Gadgets Brown and John Miljan are featured. to Be Exhibited ClaTrk Gable and Joan Crawford are starred in M.-G.- On the same bill Warner Oland in "Qharlie Chan In M.'s new romance, "Chained," which will be shown at the London." - . _,}\'lth such novelties aa prctze knotting demonstrations, pancake Torrance Theatre, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, October machines In operation, and dl 28, 29 and 30. The story is of a girl who, in love~ with_orie Great Bill Coming plays of avocado .cosmetics pro- man, feels that she owes allegiance to another.- Her FREE THEATRE TICKETS! srammed, festive preparations ar __ to Torrance Theatre being rushed to celebrate a decad "chains" are finally broken and she finds happiness. ng Dog" of prosre.ss at the Southwesteri Knur niKhts. next week. sturtlnR Food Products Exposition am Home Equipment Display, ached \VLflncHdiiy, October 31, Will uled for November 4 to 10, In Sun. and Mon. At Plaza, Hawthorne RoKcr.n in "JudBc l'rlont" will lie Shrine Auditorium, Ixw Angolc WARREN WIUIAM Since the exposition la the tcntl hTM tho iitlracllon ut tho Torrnnce Theiitn''. Thi« IH wiiil to hn Will's annual event o£ the Southern Call THE CASE OF THE IwKt plctitro.. In fact every plc- rornla Retail Grocers' Association tun> IH Will's bOHt. only .somo arc President Campbell Stewart IKWIINGDOG il IH an Ma nag Ing-Director Stanley M ASTOR mor«> so. At nny rnto «H<MARY vvenlnK ot .satiafylnRv i-ntertntn- White have arranged the r nient. fi«('i elaborate exhibition of the kind PHONE TORRANCE 132 ;r stot-ed In the West to educat On tho ,sami> diitcs. Jonn Hlon- tlie public to' the lutest Heientifl dell In "KaiiKii.s Cily 1'rlnccHs" ami : in. processing pa Walt Disney's Silly Symphony in ds. "Klyinjr Mouse," will color, the Every duy of th Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct. 25-26-27 comiili-li! a fjreiit hill. xperts mstmte newest wrinkles STARTS SUNDAY ury arts anil cluhorati; enl Mae West in talnmcnt programs feuturlnu si Mershon's if stage, screen and radio will Song Hits from itaged. Muny manufacturers "Belle of the Nineties" ood products plan continuous Cabrillo Avenue atiu In their boothu, "Belle of the Nineties" 1627 of them calling for Insti ilia. orranoe Phone 794 many and Warner Oland 'in tUms of heavy machinery. Shown Exclusively in Torrance "Charlie Chan In London" Lomita Area at tho Lomita Theatre nd L,e picture for Fox, "Servants' Entrance," coming to the Plaza Theatre, Thurs.. Fri., Sat., Oct. i.1-2 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Oct. 28-29-30 rlavttthorne, Sunday and Monday, October 28 and 29. Ruby Keeler, Dick Powcll and Joan BlondeH in Clark Gable, Joan Crawford in HAWTHORNE Be Gay On Hallowe'en!!!! Telephone 299 "Tho Friendly Family Theatre" Let's "CHAINED" General Adult Admiision 20c Logos 25c Children 10c Plan NOW- to Attend the and George O'Brien in Also Ann Sothe FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 26-27 Paul Kelly in Season's Smartest Musical Comedy-Drarna Hallowe'en "BLIND DATE" "THE DUDE RANGER" The Cartoon and Comedy "WAKE UP AND DREAM" Masquerade Ball Sunday, Monday. Oct. -'»- AND Wednesday, Oct. 31 Shirley Temple in T LILA LEE ' Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday IN LOVE WITH LIFE" DICKIE MOORE at the Oct. 31. jNov. 1-2-3 SUNDAY AND MONDAY, Oct. 28-29 Also Miriam Hopkinl, Josl MoCrea and Fay Wray in THE RICHEST GIRL IN Will Rogers in "SERVANTS' ENTRANCE" BAL TABARIN THE WORLD" AND 15513 S. Western -in Moneta Cartoon and News FRANK MORGAN "THERE'S ALWAYS TOMORROW" BINNIE BARNES :',,,.H,luy. WV.IiH'H.lay. O.-l. "JUDGE PRIEST" BIG FLOOR SHOW! and Joan BlondeH in TUESDAY AND'WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30-31 10 fqj tho Belt Costume l:dna May Oliver, Billie Burke, $5 for tho Next Best Marion Nixon, Reginald Denny Botto Davit and Geo. Brent in & Jack . Holt in CASH PRIZES I52.50 lor Third Best "KANSAS CITY PRINCESS" "HOUSEWIFE" 5 "The Defense Rests" ALSO OTHER PRIZES AND SOUVENIRS! Also Walt Disney's "Flying Mouse" Added Special JIM LONDOS v>. MAN MOUNTAIN DEAN ALL TABLES WILL BE RESERVED Also Buck Jono« in Silly Symphony In Color CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING MATCH! Admission, 50c No Cover Charge "MAN TRAILER" Ruservc Your Table NOW, Phone, Gardena 5161 Cartoon, Cotnody and News Starti November 1, "ROTHSCHILD" and "DUDE RANGER" «4 j.
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