—-HOW TO GET THE LEADER-^ Just Fill in the Form On Page 10 And Return It to Us! — Sen-inn the Town Sinve 1890 — vsrstmo YEAR Stand ClMt Paauif Paidai Unc/Idd. SJ. Thursday, January 5,199S 232-4407 FORTY CENTS TEMPORARY BUDGET OF $5.365.400 ADOPTED BY COUNCIL Mayor Boothe Begins Second Term; Mrs. Vernick Sworn Into Office As New First Ward Councilwoman Governing Body Unanimously Approves Appointments; Third Ward Vacancy Could Be Filled This Tuesday Hy PAUL J.PEYTON ccssful campaign for State Assem- Bureau of Securities. Tiie council is .fyr. i.jf/v Wttlfrnftir JTir WntfirlitUuA,i blyman in the 22nd L-cgislalive Dis- expected lo fill (he vacancy at its next TheTown Council Chambers were Iricl. Mr. Gruba, in (urn, was ap- meeting this Tuesday. January 10. packed on Tuesday nighl as Ma>or pointed to fill the unexpired term of The Mayor gave out several reso- Garland C. "Bud" Boothe, Jr. took Mayor Boothe for the Second Ward lutions to residents who have chosen the oath of office for his second lerm Mayor Boothe was then elected to his not In be reappointedthis year. Among lioin Township Clerk, Mrs. Joy C. first three-year term in November ol the long list was Hcth Pollack as un Vrecland.Alsosworn into office were 1991. Lilternale member of the Board ol newly elected First Ward Council Councilman Grubu was elected lo Adjustment, Charles Morrison, who woman, Mrs. Gail Vernick, and re- his second term on the council white served on Ihe Local Assistance Board elected incumbents James J. Gruba, Councilman Jenkins is beginning his for over 20 years, and Ralph I lobson, Gary G. Jenkins and Michael H third term. Councilman I'anagos is wlm has retired from the Recreation Classic Sludjo for The WesltteiaLeador I'aniigos of Ihe Second, Third and starling his fourth term on the gov- Commission after Ifi years. 1 A NEW YKAR...Mayor Garland C. "Ituil" Uoutht', Jr., sealed, posts fi»r a piclurc alonn with members of Ihi town Fourth Wards, respectively. erning body. Council terms in West- Also honored was Mrs. Mary l> Council fallowing Tuesday's organizational mei'ting. Pit lurid, lefl ti> right, are: Kront row, Third Ward Councilman Mayor Boothe was appointed field run for two years. Hcrberieh who hns retired from the Ciary (>. Jmkins; Firsl Wurd Councilman Norman N.(>rvio; Second Ward Councilwoman, Mrs. Margaret I'-Sur; new Mayor in 1991 to fill the unexpired Among those personsattending the ISoard of Adjustment alter 24 years, First Ward Council woman, Mrs. (fail Vernick, and Smind Ward Councilman James. J.(;rub«; hack rnw, fourth Wuril teim of Richard H. Hagger who re- Councilmen Michael E. I'anagos and James Htlv. organization meeting were newly the past 2(1 as Chairwoman. Mayor signed as Mayor to launch his sue appointed Chairwoman of the Union Boollic presented Mrs Heruerich County Board of Chosen freehold- with her name plaque, adding that he ers, Mrs. Linda DiGiovanni of Union, presented a formal resolution to Mrs and Ihe new Vice Chairman, Ldwin Herberieh at her last meeting with the Long Range Committee May Consider Class Size, H. Force of Cranford board on December 19. A number of former Mayors also 'Ihe council approved the Mayor's were acknowledged hy Mayor Hoothc appointments of First Wart! Council- for ttieirattendance. Standing as they man Norman N. Circco as Acting Relocating Fifth Grades to Intermediate Schools were mentioned were former Mayors Mayor and Second Ward Council- Allen Chin, Raymond W. Stone, woman, Mrs, Margaret C, Sur, as Town Residents Encouraged to Give Input on Enrollment at Special Meeting This Tuesday Ronald J. iTigcrio. Alexanders. Wil- Alternate Acting Mayor liams and Mr. Bagger. Councilman Panagos was ap- Hv KU.KN KAUIN posals. bad effect on the fourth graders, Su- family to prove that their child does Formereouncilmen introduced by pointed again as the council liaison to Nevertheless, ihe bourd did reveal perintendent of Schools, Dr. Mark C. belong in the district and not on the Mayor .Boolhe were Kenneth L. the Planning Board. Reappointcd lo The Finance Committee of the I lull issues the Long Range Planning Smith, stated it would take at least a district to prove lhat a child does no!. MiicRitchie. James Kel'alonitis. (he board were Gary T. Hull, Town Weslfieki Board of liducalion will Committee: might discuss include year lo develop plans to move the The law also allows a school dis Arthur C. Fried and Charles H. Engineer Kenneth B. Marsh and Mrs. hold an open public meeting tonight, computers and technology, class size, fifth grade, i I indeed it was decided lo irict to seek reimbursement from par- Brandt, who now serves as Town Marilyn Shields. Mr. Hall's term runs January 5, and (he Long Range Plan- relocating the fifth grade to the inter- do so. ent's of children properly attending a Attorney. for three years while Ihe terms of Mr. ning Committee will hold a two-hour mediate schools and enrollment and Mrs.- Christine I-olcy of Dorian particular school district. In Westfield, Mr. MacRitchic resigned from the Marsh and Councilman Panagos ex- public irlput meeting on Tuesday, space issues at the high school. Road was applauded by members of Mr. Rader said the tuition for kinder- council last week in order to accept pire at theend of the year. Mrs. Shields January 10. The Long Range Planning Com- the public for her praise of both Dr. garten pupils is $4,457, for first the state post of Deputy Chief of the Thesemcetings were announced at mittee, which also includes Thomas Smith and Board President, Mrs. through fifth graders it is $7,748 for the bourd's January 3 meeting. The Madaras, Dr. B. Carol Molnar and Susan H. Pepper, for their expertise sixth through eighth graders it is comiTiilteesarc considering ways of John M, Toriello, is scheduled lo and efforts. "The mistrust of the town $ 10,263, and for high school pupils it dealing with the projected increased present its recommendations to the towards die board is really upset- is $9,455. Redeemer Lutheran enrollment without huildinj! addi- lull board at its Tuesday, January 17 ting," Mrs. 1'oley staled. Children may attend Westfield tional classrooms. meeting. At prior meetings of the board, schools, Dr. Rader stated, if: Mrs. Melba S.Nixon, Chairwoman Parents attending the January 3 other me m hers of I he pubic had criti- • They or their custodial parent arc To Undergo Expansion of the Long Range Planning Com- meeting stated they favored small cized Dr. Smith and Mrs. Pepper. domiciled in the district. mittee, stated the purpose ol the Janu- classes and were disappointed the In other business, Assistant Super- • Their guardian signs affidavits Groundbreaking Planned for This Sunday, January 8 ary 10 meeting is to encourage all bond issue did not pass One mothei intendent for Business and Board Sec- saying they are unable to financially members of the public to make sug- slated she would lather have her chil- retary, Dr. Robert C. Rader, reported care for the clii ldren. and the children gestions or comments. Therefore, By KURT C. BAU£K are enrolled in the school |'s nursery dren taught in a trailer or hallway on the district's efforts lo exclude are therefore living with a Westfield SimidUx Wrir»nf<tr The WettftrUI'Ltaiiti Mrs. Nixon said, she did not wish lo to sixth-grade program will be able lo than in classes of 3D or so pupils non-resiilenl pupils improperly at- family. The final phase on a major con- present too specific a list of proposals Parents were also concerned lhat • They are placed in a Westfield expand lo 150 students. The Day tending Westfield schools. Since re- struction and renovation project has School is run by Roger Borchin, ihe being discussed lor fear that some moving ihc fifth graders, which would visions in the law effective as of last home by the Division of Youth and people might consider such a list as begun at the Redeemer Lutheran Director of Christian Education, The render fourth graders the "seniors" in January, Dr. Rader and Dr. Smith said Family Services or other state or court Church anJ Day School with (he excluding other suggestions or pro- the elementary schools, would have a action. school program has been in existence the burden of proof was not on a demolition of a garage and a house, since 1953. commjeo OHPtaen which once served as a parsonage Church members will complete Ihe and, more recently, as an office build- painting, cabinetry and closets, fin- Calendars Available ing. The church, located at Clark and ish the work on four new rooms, Leaf Collection Just One Expense Cowperthwaite Streets, was built in design a first floor kitchen, remove To New Subscribers 1937andexpandedin 1952 and 1962. and salvage furniture and equipment, The Reverend Paul Kritsuh was in- do the wiring for the school's autlio- Which Will Be Looked at This Year Or for Purchase stalled as Pastor of the church in visualand computer requirements and Calendars for next year of many 1989. finish the new ground floor fellow- Westfield historic buildings now The current project, which is being ship hall which has been named Mayor Boothe Sums Up Past and Future Initiatives existing, gone or modified are slill done by Fuscon of Westfield, entails Founder's Hall. Ihc extending of the church building Westfield Mayor Gnrlimd C. "Dud" gaily advertising lor bids lo remove and Ibrm until around 30 years iiyo. started in available free to new subscribers to The first stage of Ihe project, which Bouthc, IT.
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