Amusement WeeKly is 1 VOL. XXIV. No. 6 FEBRUARY 10,1912 PRICE, 10 CENTS MORC THAN THIRTY-TV/O THOUSAND COPIES SOLD WEEKLY FEBRUARY 10, 1012. CONTENTS Pa** BlUl* Bark*.ProBt Cover The AaniaraeBt Wi'ek In New York.,.. 4 Tb* AmaoeniMt Week In Chicago. S AmuaeflieBt Week IB America. B-T VanderlllB Events of the Week. 8 Barle«i|Be and Mtslc. 9 Motion PletBro News of the Week ESTABLISHED 1866 Throiicbout America. 10-11 WRITE FOR CATALOa Re. 1 nie Vauilf’TlIie ami Burlesque Week In NEW YORK OITICE; New York City. 12 18 1165 Broadway, The taiKlevIlle ami Barleaque Week In SEATTLE OFFICE: ChIcBtco . 14-1.’i 568-10 18 Flint Avs., Bo Brlltorlal . 16 n« Amaaemeat Week In Paris. 17 BAM FRANCISCO OFFICE i T. M. A. .News. 17 675 MiasinB Btrest. BeTlew sf Aainsemewt Evrats In blf Amer¬ ican ritlea .. .. IR-tn 8<in*a PubllMiers are Boosting . 20 Carnival X- «a . 21 Circus and WIM West . 22 23 Bkatine Rink News . 24 2' The Wisconsin fllB Byaopae* . 20 27 WANTED for MUSICAL COMEDY BOITKB Seatint Company, Performera’ Dates . 28 30 Straight Man, Cliaracter Man, Soubrette and Sister Team; must Ik* Carnival R<>«tea . 40 singens and possess good appearance and wardiolx*. State lowest salary, ■ took and Ueperinire . 4M Dramatic and Maalcal . 4S 4r full particulars, photo, ‘jn first letter. CH.AHLES C.VHLISLE, Plaza lAst of Films and Release Dates .37 .Ik Hotel, Columbus, Ohio. Wlaterquarter List. 41 lietter l.lat. BO-51 D4i<nctor.T . .12 .VI FOR MirrUAL BENOIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITINO ADTERTIBERr IperaCliaiK tor every Pirpose OPERA CHAIRS Made with Long service and absolute reliability are secured from G-E quality apparatus Standard! The keynote in the manufacture of G-E Theatrical Material is quality to gcther with a marked improvement in design. Huy theatre apparatus that will stand the test of time and'service. Constructed of strong, durable metal, supported by substantial framework. Steel is treated to prevent o.xidization. Fitted with sockets for ten incandescent lamps. Wires’run in metal moulding. l..amp strip can lie quickly detached from reflector. ADDRESS DEPT. F, Special composition reflector having no exposed’parts. THE STANDARD .Additional’protection from interference with lamps MFG. CO. by hinged, heavily wire mesh guard. CAMBRIDGE CITY, INoT/i Can Ik* suspended in any position. THE WUHLO'S CREATES! THEATRE CHAIR SaBitBrv. Bp«v*-BBviBg. LtfB- Border Lights and Bmvlag. HooBy-Baviag, Tb Vbc Thia OBbIt to W Maks Yoar Bbsibmb Ovbw. Footlights Wrliv T«4By fur Clwmlar C. HAROF.8TY UFO. CO.. Oanal Davav Ohto, The (jleneral Electric Company has standardized THEATRE SEATING—ljirgtM<A'.liir iu the world Iwrder lights and footlights. Unit strips are used simi¬ Cat. SI (Upli"l"i*‘rfd Q'.alivl; 9-2 (M. P. riiair*). AMERICAN SEATING 00., Chuago. lar to the strip light. These units can be readily con¬ New York. BoatoD, PbiladBlpkia._ nected. These lights can be suspended at any angle. 900 OPERA CHAIRS flood ■« new, only 8.V e«ch. tpot emah. EAST¬ The construction and assembly of our strip, liorder ERN SEATING CO.. Brookview. Beni. Oo.. N. Y. and footlights liear that hall-mark of quality charac¬ ALL KINDS teristic of all G-E apparatus. The Halmit Gum Shop. 8 Opere ri«ee, CINCINNATI. DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE, lit LmniBt Btraal. Owinaboru. Ky_BIKE KNoiruil Featar* Pllma: Six reela. uae week. $d.ii0. Tbto woold hoout your aleiw. Tr.T II FuK SALK—Power'a No. B. complete. tlitO.iM); Luhln'a, $66.0(1; New Peerlei*. $l(ifl.0U; otliere cheap. Model B Oaa Mahlnea. $2.'i; Arnold. $.16.00; 106 reela Film, good aa new, $10.60 each (Hat). Cliemleala for Ga* Machines. Bepalra. I hoy and nell: can fill .vonr wants. _ General Electric Company BE AN ACTOR Principal Oflice: ScheJiectady, .\. Y America’s Leading Amusement \\feekly THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING COMPANY, W. H DONALDSON CULTIVATING THE FIELD OF INDUSTRIAL MOVING PICTURES By WATTERSON R. ROTHACKER, Tb* poulblitt’r* of icoTtnt plctiim In tbe plctnrea In from 100 to B.noo picture houses has Ita doors open every day In the year. Idd of InUumrlal riploliatlim. rumiiK'rrlal f<I- them to tbe largeet public, numerically, but b> the niimtier depending upon the character o The statement Is made that an Imerestlug film aiitioo in<I grutral mlTrrlUliiK an- gn-al. But your idciiires." present them before a claaa of people mogt tbfM povHibllltIra arc itaill; uiI»un<t>-rM:uud. with the advertising carefully veiled would likely to resiMjnd to the ailvertlslng appeal, and Another one said: "We can ahow your nlc be aeen by B.OOn.iiOO "dally." Multiply that to cover this claaa most ettlcletilly. Tb« frnrral and prevailing opinion arema tnrea In all Independent buuaes, which num to that anyone wlib a ni,>vlng picture by 3U5, tbe number of days In tbe year, and Nowadays mcn-hanillslng and advertlaing go camera and a aii|iply of negative and nerve band in hand. The object of advertising la to attract and s<Tl. To make moving pictures do can jump Into llie Beld wTib tbeae aa bo|-> this reiiulres knowledge, ability, experience, •teeta and "make g<N,d." PAUL D. HOWSE, equipment and bouesty. Tlmse wbo have these The ea«7 money aeeWera are enrface acratch- attribiitea and the ginger and pep|wr of ambt art. At a glance the Coniinerclal value of Hon will have continued or Inimeiliale tucceaa moving picinrea ontalde the mere auniarmenl in tbe imliistrlal aial advertisiug moving pic¬ sphere, aitraeta ll■eul. It seems to niasnetlie ture field, (hie lliing Is certain, and lhal la, this them. Tbey Jump Into It uiipr-pared, uu- field la bigger tli.'iii llioae who lielittle It. For juallfied, and because of tbeir misconi-ept'on that let ua he thank fill of «baT tbey axe up agaiO’-t, reap a Lie crop of regretf. N"t ••■ly do they jeopardlie their ■U'cetary Investment hut they smudge the rec¬ ord of mov'ng picture a-lvert|slng a Ulevement by turning out work |lll••l•>gral■lllcall.v deticieot iml totally lacking In adver Glng p« wer. One of the little iM-ciillar|tles of he who Jumps Into this Held with hU eyes shi:< and bit moutb o|iea. '« the pre-v-slerons rialnia ad¬ vanced to the pr<i'|»e<t Wilt, they make the "bleb pitch" street faker saoiiid I'ke a uualest "piker.” \ hyiH-rU'llc ennsass such is this Class It prone to make has done more toward retarding the pogres, of moving plctore ad¬ vertising than wiMild a niul.llude of legltlmalc (all-donna For etample; The flr«l po'nt of Informa¬ tion aonghi by the liiislneas nian who Is con¬ templating an advertl-liig iiae of mnvtrc pi • tnret, la the clrcnlaihm The Brs| )|iies>|on he asks Is; "When my lilci tires are made Imw Will I put them heftier the pnldleT" Now to idv'setlly answer that i|iieain,n retjiilres ENGLISH ACTRESS DIES. tome thought, tome deflnUe knowledge of the Imltithiiis of moting |■lelllrr rlr<-iilal|i>n. gome I»ndon. Jan. 30.—Khirence St. John, Idea of the public the proa|>ectlve adtertlser actress, died today. She had la-en Identl seeks to Interest. with the stage from the age of fourte The man who has ronlhlence In the per¬ She was one of the nnu-t |H>|iular manency of the Industrial and ailverl'slng mov¬ eretta singers In England ten or fiff ing picture hiislness glv,-s a Ci-nservallve and years ago. She was born In 1<i4. and reac rellahle answer He tries to t>e Iriithlul for her first great isipiilarliy wlien slie was be knows that If he i-an't ha k up hla aa- years old. Hpi-esring lo Isiiidiiii fia- the ( sertlons, h|s repniatl-in will snlTei, an,l that time as Germaine In die Chimes of Norman when Ills repiilal'on has suffered hls future and then In Miue. Favart, at the Strand, •Ufcess bat been linnieaauraldy leduced In great success. scope. The fellow who thinks that a cursory 'u- OLYMPIC STOCK CO. TO CONTINUE. vestlgailon of advertising, and a thin veneer •f mechanical evi>erlini'e i|iiallfy him as t The order for dlshsmllng the New OlympU moving picture adverl'sing S|>eclallst. ts him¬ Slo«-k Comiiany. Clnclniia I. after the week self a stumbling Mock In hi- chosen field. He ending Fehniarv 3. hrought socli a storm of Stumbles over (10111—and misses them—hl« mls- protests fnini every dire Ilou thal It caused the teforiiistlon causes the "iipostte t" to stumble managi-ment to reconsider. Hence when Man¬ OB bis wav In a moving picture aointlon of ager Woods announced last week that the order the advertlaing proldem at hand—and there to disband had lieen recalled, and that the you have the ohsiac'es that steeplechase the pres«-nt company would oimllnne fiT the bal¬ oeld and hand'eap nnfalrty. ance of the season, the news was given an en We most not be unmindful of the fa't that thiistastic reception. there are men In llie moving picture adves The Xewr Olympic Stock Company Is the best tlalng business who are a rlvlng along right that has ever pla.\ed In that theatre, and many and legitimate lines to **mske gissl" fi r say It Is "the liesi st<K-k comiiany that ever themselves and their rllents, Tliey are plsv- pla.ved In Cincinnati." Each iiicinher Is highly [Bg the game clean and nard.
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