DIRECTORY .J ESSEX. NETTESWELL. 441 The register dates from the year I559· The living is a of 475 acres, over which certain ancient houses in the­ vicarage, net yearly value £201, with 39 acres of glebe parish have rights of pasturage. The soil is chiefly: and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley: held since 1890 by the Rev. Thomas Ward Goddard and roots, and a great quantity is grass land. The area. M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 'fhe vicarage is 3,928 acres of land and 24 of water; rateable value,. house has been improved and enlarged. .Alfred Manser £6,331. .About 450 acres of the extensive commons. esq. of Lampits, Hoddesdon, Herts, who died 2] Oct. and waste grounds of the parish have been inclosed_ 1902, bequeathed /,3oo upon trust for the maintenance The population in 19u was 847. There are hamlets at. of the bells in Nazeing church, and the surplus income, Nazemg Common Lower Gate, Middle Street, Green­ if any, for the ringers. The Congregational chapel and leaves, and near ~azingbury. school room were built in 1876, on the site of an· older Parish Clerk and Sexton, Arthur Reynolds. structure, dating from 1816: the chapel affords about Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Frederick Cook, sub-post­ 200 sittings. There are golf links of 18 holes, extend­ master. Letters through Waltham Cross arrive ati. ing over nearly 3 miles of ground on Nazeing Common; 7·35 & 10.15 a.m.; sundays, 7·35 a.m.; dispatched. there is also a club house. Sir Herewald Wake bart. at IfL45 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. ; sundays at 11 a.m of Courteenhall, Northants. is lord of the manor, in Post Office. Nazeing Upper Town.-Mrs. Matilda Ann. a part of which, called " Upper Town," the custom of Borough English prevails, by which the youngest Starling, sub-postmistress. Letters through Waltham son inherits. Nazeing Park is the property of Ralph Uross arrive at 8.15 & ro 30 a.m.; sunda~·s, 8.15 Charlton Palmer esq.: the mansion, rebuilt c. I8<14, a.m.; dispatched at 10.45 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; sunday;; •. and now occupied by Waiter E. Hargreaves esq. 10-45 a.m. .Nazeing, 1 mile distant, is the nearest stands in a well-wooded park and grounds of 67 acres, money order & teleg-raph office facing Nazeing Common, with a fine kitchen garden Pillar Letter Box, Greenleaves, eleared at 9·30 a.m. &.. containing a number of glass houses and choice fruit 5.50 p.m.; sundays at 10.45 a.m trees; i't is a commodious house, faced with stucco, County Police Station, Middle street. Harry George Til­ and has a balust.raded balcony, carried on five Ionic brook, sergeant columns, and wings with balustraded parapets. St. Leonards House, the residence of Ralph Frederic Public Elementary Schools. Bury esq. D.L., J.P. is pleasantly situated in park-like These schools are under the <'Ontrol of the Essex Edu­ grounds of 43 acres. Harold~s Park, an est~te of ab~ut I cation (Epping District) Sub-Committee; Herbert J. 500 acres, belonged to that kmg, and was given by him Goodwin Hi"'h road Loughton clerk to his monastery at Waltham; it lies chiefly in thiR . ' "' ' . ' . parish, but partly in Waltham Holy Cross and Epping. Pubhc ~lementary School (mixed), built m I878_, . for and is ·now occupied by Mr. William Graham. ThP. 120 chlldr~n; average attendance, 104; Noah W1lham. Nether Hall estate, partly in this parish, is referred to Be~an, master . under Roydon. Sir Herewald Wake bart. Ralph Frederic Pubhc Eleml'ntary School, Upper Town, erected m 1856- Bnry esq. Ralph Charlton Palmar esq. J.P. and the but cl_osed in 1878, & re-opened in 1891; it will hold tmstees of the late E. J. Williams esq. are the chief go children; average attendance, 6o; Alfred Gwynll" landowners. Nazeing or Nazeing Wood Common consists Phillips, master Marked thus *receive letters through *Walker George Perry, Springdale *~Iaynard Yictor, tomato gro"er Broxbourne, Herts. *Whitton '\Ym.Fredericl;:, Marion villa ~Iiddlemiss James W. King Harold's: *Wood Leonard, Tally Ho Head P .li PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ' COl!Ml<~RCIAL. Mugrid!,l"e Edward, Rf:'d Lion P.H Adams Ernest, Sunnyholme .Ashby John, shopkeeper Nicholls John, farmer, Parker's farm • Armes George William, Lulworth B1·idgman Chas. farmer, Curringtons Nicholls Sarah (Mrs. ),frmr.Camps fm BPrg Alfred George, Jacks Hatch *Button Arthur Joseph, carpentPl" Pegrum .Alfd. carpenter, The Poplars- (letters via Epping) Caryl John, Coach & Horses P.H Pegrum Alfred, shopkpr.Nazeing gate- Bury Ralph Frederic D.L., J.P. St. CattPrmole Wait. frmr. Perryhill frrn Pegrnm .Alfd. Jas. farmer, Stutsbury- Leonards house *Collins John, shopkeeper Pegrum J ames, farmer, Curtis' farm Charge Alexander, Greenleaves Cook Fredk. shoe ma. & sub-postmstr Peg-rum Joseph, farmer, Bury farm .. *Eastwood Frederick, Kingsmead Cro'fl e George, farmer, Maple croft Nazeing- Bury Fowler Edward, Mamelons *Crowley Frank R. Crown P .H. Brox- Pegrum Samup], farmer *Giffen James, Fairlawn bourne Bridge Perry Jas. (Mrs.), frmr. Allmains frrn- Goddard Rev. Thomas 1Vard M.A. Dellar George, farmer Power Richard, farmer, Church farm Vicarage Dellar John. wheelwright 1 *Rich Sidney, nurseryman Green Frederick William, Collyers, Golf Club (Capt. E. J. Christie, l'ec) Ravage James, general dealer, Mill bf)o Nazeing Common Graham Wm. farmer, Harolds park Sehvay James (Mrs.), blacksmith Green George F. Wheelers Hale Isaao, farmer, Shadwalkers fnn Sinclair Geo. frmr.Mansion House fl])o Hargreaves Waiter E. Nazeing park Head .Ann (Mrs.),farmer,Ninnetts fm Smith Arthur, farmer, Outlands *Hughes Herbert, The Bungalow Hollow John, farmer, Brewitts farm Smith Jn. jun. frmr. Nether Kidders- *Jackson Ernest, The Hut Borne Charles, Sun P.H Smith William, farmer, Pavnes fann. • *La Riviere Alfd. Edwin,Meadowbank Judd & Coleman, plumbers Starling M.A.(Mrs.),shpkpr.& post oft Midwood Lieut.-Col. Harrison, Snows Judd George, farmer, Teys farm I Taylor John C. farmer, Langridge Palmer Archdale, Rookwood IJudd Jane (Miss), shopkeeper Weare Hemy, Crook~>d Billet P.H Palmer Ralph Charlton J.P. Hubbards King Langham, builder, North street Webb Ernest, farmer Rufus John Alfred, Old house Lawrence William, farmer, Belchers Wehb Oscar, farmer, Goodalls farm *Steed Thomas Dyer, Leebank Lipson Geo. assist.overseer,Sunnyside Wehb William, farmer, Byners farm NETTESWELL (or NettJeswell) is a parish and vil­ [, 119, with 3~ acres of glebe and residence, in the gift. lage, I mile south from Burnt Mill station on the Cam­ of L. J. W. Arkwright esq. of Little Parndon, and held bridge section of the Great Eastern railway, 2 miles since I9IO -by the• Rev. Frederic Julian Medforth. A south-east from Harlow, 5 north fr()m Epping, 9 north­ Church Mission Hall was erected at Marsh Gate in 18g1, east from Waltham .Abbey and 24! from London by road and in Spring street is a Wesleyan chapel. Loftus­ and 22! by rail, in the Western division of the county, Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq. of Little Parndon, is­ Harlow hundred and petty sessional division, Epping lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The: nnion, Waltham Abbey county court district, and in the soil is various, chiefly heavy ; subsoil, clay and gravel. rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and The chief crops are wheat, ·barley and roots and a great Chelmsford diocesp ; it was one of the parishes given pol'tion is grass land. The area is I,548 acres of land' by King Harold IT. to Waltham .Abbey. Todds brook ~nd 4 of water; rateable value, £5217; the population B.ows through the parish. The church of St. Andrew is in I9II was 633. a emall and plain building of flint and rubble with stone Parish Clerk • .Alfrp,d Hale. dressinl\'s, in the late Perpendicular style, cons1sting of chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden turret with spire Post. M. 0. & T. Office, Netteswell Cross.-Arthur­ at the west end containing 3 bells : one of the walls con­ Riley, sub-postmaster. Letters through Harlow arrive tains some sing-ular ornamental brickwork: there are at 6.30 & 9.40 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at II.I5 hras~es with t-ffigies to Thomas Lawrence, ob. I522, and a.m. & 7-5 p.m. ; delivered on sunday at 6.40 a.m.; Alya, his wife, and to John Bannister, gent. ob. 1697, dispatched~ 1 I a.m and Elizabeth (North), his wife, with three sons and one Pillar Letter Box, Netteswell common, cleared at 7·35' danl!"hter: the east window is stained and there are somt' a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; sunday, 8 a.m remaiAA of ancient stained glass in other windows : the church affords 150 sittings. 'fhe register dates from the Pillar Letter Box, Netteswell Cross, cleared at I I year I558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; sundays, II.Io a.m p• "" N~H..-.'11 REFE EN E L BRAI .
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